The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 414

Chapter 402 Derivative copyright

Even though it’s just a name for the exercise, sometimes it’s used as soon as it is used. What’s the big deal?

Some are entertaining works, let alone borrowing a martial art name, borrowing characters and plots are not uncommon.

However, for Dimension Entertainment, this kind of thing is still avoided as much as possible. It is still necessary to give some respect to the elders who have passed away.

What’s more, this kind of thing can generally be solved with money-the cost will not be too great. After all, it’s not buying someone’s copyright, just borrowing the name of the exercise.

Anything that can be solved with money is a small hassle.

Fan Zhe didn’t have any comments on Miller’s selection of the work “The First World” from the company’s copyright library for animation.

However, seeing that it was a 2D animation, he approached Miller and had a chat.

According to his idea, he still wants to do CG, and the cost is modeled after “The Demon Hunter”. In addition, the second season of “The Demon Hunter” will be done.

“If you don’t lose money, just do it, let alone make a profit. The company is not bad for this money, it is more important to make good things.”

These are his original words.

But Ye Jiayi blocked it back.

“I don’t know that Chai Mi is expensive if you are not in charge. An investment of hundreds of millions of dollars. If you say it is not bad, this money is not bad?”

“We can try to make CG animation movies in the future, and we can try to invest more in production, make more sophisticated, and better recover costs. A business model like “The Demon Hunter” has too many restrictions. ”

Fan Zhe chose to compromise.

However, for one place, he still insisted: “Well, “The First World” should follow the idea of ​​their animation department to do 2D animation. However, since “The Demon Hunter” has started to do It’s been a season, and it seems to be able to make money. I will definitely do it later.”

“Hey…” Ye Jiayi sighed and said, “Okay, let’s listen to you.”

In fact, from the perspective of Ye Jiayi, it is more cost-effective to cut off a project with a low rate of return and a large investment risk that is not low.

However, since Fan Zhe thinks so, let’s do it. Anyway, after all, Fan Zhe is the company’s biggest boss.

And for the project “The Demon Hunter”, there is no way to make more income.

According to the company’s market research, the audience of “The Demon Hunter” is indeed not as large as the previous works made by Dimension Entertainment, but those who like it will like it very much.

This survey indicates that the user viscosity of “The Demon Hunter” is still very high, and the fans’ loyalty to the work is very high.

In this case, the value of surrounding copyright development will become very large. In this survey, many respondents expressed their willingness to pay for the peripheral products of “The Demon Hunter”.

Besides, the style of this work is still very high now.

Sometimes, people often overlook the profits that can be created by the peripheral products of a movie or animation.

As powerful as Disney, their foundation is, of course, built on one after another high-selling film and television works, but what really creates huge profits for them is the development of derivative copyrights of the works.

Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Winnie the Pooh, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White… These classic characters, coupled with Marvel’s superheroes, have built up the huge fantasy kingdom of Disney. The blooming of Disneyland on a global scale has given their IP value a terrifying commercial realization ability directly.

It is said that the commercial development of these peripheral derivative copyrights accounts for 50% of Disney’s revenue.

In contrast, what is the revenue from the box office of the movie and the full episode of the animation?

Dimension Entertainment is currently unable to do anything about it. In this respect, it is compared with Disney, which has a history of almost a hundred years. But this does not hinder Ye Jiayi’s heavy development of derivative IP on the work “The Demon Hunter”.

External authorization of hand-made, various printed products, and character images…

These things can all be done.

Of course, “The Demon Hunter’s Handbook” is inherently impossible to make low-age stuffed toys and other things, and it is not easy to link with some children’s food, otherwise, the market in this area will be very huge.

But in any case, this is a way out for the work “The Demon Hunter”.

Ye Jiayi had a lot of ideas in her heart, and she quickly established a related team to advance this matter.

If it is done well, then the income of “The Demon Hunter” may not just be the recovery of costs and only a fraction of the profit. Maybe it can really make some noise.

Back to Miller’s animation department, after the two projects have been approved, production will begin.

At present, the animated version of “Hell’s Apartment” of the animation department is still in production. This animation will be serialized on the Dimension platform for almost a year, with a total of more than one hundred episodes. Although the production speed is relatively fast and the difficulty is not high, since most of the manpower in the animation department before was concentrated on the project of “The Demon Hunter”, the production speed of “Hell Apartment” was not fast Miller did not intend to accelerate either.

Just keep the production speed and keep the online works updated, that’s fine.

Next, the animated version of “Hell Apartment” is still in a relatively marginal position in the work arrangement of the animation department. The key thing to do will be the fourth season of the next “Amber Sword”.

The development pressure of this work is still quite large.

If it comes as planned, it will be on next summer.

It takes about half a year to complete the entire season of animation production, and time is tight.

What’s more, after waiting for the copyright and legal affairs side to solve the little tail of “The First World”, the preparation of this animation work is also on the agenda.

For this reason, during this period of time, Milo went to the personnel side to ask for more new recruits, and hoped to mobilize artists from other departments of the company.

The response given by the personnel department is also very simple.

Recruitment is no problem, and the budget is sufficient. Don’t even think about adjusting people. The company has certain development pressure in three aspects of film and television dramas, movies, and games, and no one can manage it.

Miller is also a little helpless, and she can only continue to urge now, hoping to supplement her animation department with enough manpower as soon as possible.

In the animation department, it is still not enough to cope with the current development pressure.

In recent years, Dimension Entertainment has been maintaining rapid expansion. Their staff has grown from a scale of several hundred to the current headquarters of Guangdi Entertainment, and there are already 2,000 people. Globally, there are more than 4,000 full-time employees serving Dimension Group.

But as the company’s business continues to expand step by step, the thirst for talent has not diminished at all.


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