The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 460

Chapter 448 Soaring (2 in 1)

Netflix refused to continue to add to the “Master of Secrets”, this is a normal thing, no content platform is a philanthropist.

Everyone comes out to make money. If a drama is on fire, it goes without saying that all resources will be smashed. As long as it is profitable, it will do whatever it takes; if the performance of a drama is not as good as expected, no matter how optimistic it is beforehand, it will be very It is difficult to ask others to continue to invest more resources.

Of course Li Zhen understands this truth, but when things happen to him, it always makes people feel very embarrassed.

A little unwilling to give up, he asked: “Is there no turning point?”

Brand, who was standing opposite him, also shook his head and said, “Boss, I’m afraid there is no turning point… I contacted their people this afternoon, and their attitude was very clear. They said something in between… ”

“What are you talking about?”

“They said, ‘Fortunately, you did not accept a buyout of the screening rights at the time’…”

“…” Although what people say is true, and may not even contain any maliciousness, it makes me feel uncomfortable when I hear it.

Brand observed his boss’s face, and then asked another thing: “How is the performance of this “Lord of Mysteries” in China?”

“Not bad.” What Li Zhen said was true.

He has received news about this work from China. Although it is not particularly detailed, it can be seen that the results are indeed good.

At this point, he can also give some analysis from his heart.

The quality of the work can be ruled out first. The quality of “Lord of Mysteries” must be very good, and it’s the same in North America and China.

The key lies in the difference in market conditions between the two places.

The V-shaped signboard has a strong appeal in China. When Dimension Entertainment releases new works, sometimes it does not even need to invest too much resources to promote it. A large number of viewers and fans will act as tap water and help promote it in various places.

In terms of themes, traditional Chinese themes, in North America and Europe, are very prone to unaccustomed to the water and soil, and it is very serious, and it will even directly cause the work to die.

But on the contrary, due to the weakness of the domestic cultural market in the past many years, it has led to the influx of Western themes. Chinese audiences may have a certain cultural gap with Western stories, but compared to the extremely harsh living environment of Eastern culture in the West, it is much more comfortable.

In other words, the steampunk described in “Lord of Mysteries” and the Victorian British style embodied by domestic audiences are much better than expected.

The combination of the two has allowed “Lord of the Secrets” to perform well in the two or three days when it was launched in China, even better than expected.

Judging from reports given in China, the operating department of Dimension Platform even believes that the drama “Master of Mysteries” may even be able to recover all the costs and even generate a lot of money by relying on the mainland market alone. profit.

Looking at these things, Li Zhen felt even more depressed. If the results of “Lord of the Secrets” were not very good in China, then he still has a lot to say, such as “Lord of the Secrets” is not suitable for the audience, the work itself There is a problem or something.

But now, the show clearly should achieve better results in North America, but the county does not seem to be satisfactory, instead it has become popular in the country.

Doesn’t this seem to be incompetent on the North American side of the dimension you control?

Of course, the headquarters did not question himself, but it would also not give any comfort.

Although he was not scolded, Li Zhen was quite self-aware. He feels that the attitude of the headquarters is looking at it. You’d better continue to cheer and make achievements, otherwise…

I didn’t say it clearly, but he thought it was about that.

If he does not do a good job this time, some problems may arise in his career prospects. No matter which line, I don’t like the loser too much.

Slightly cheered up, he said: “Mr. Brand, although Netflix has rejected our request, we still have to continue to arrange related promotion work on our own. Specific implementation documents, I hope. You can take it out as soon as possible, and we will discuss it together at that time.”

“Okay,” Brand said, “but I have some ideas in general.”

He paused, and continued to introduce: “In addition to the targeted publicity we talked about this morning, I also noticed one point. The reputation of our drama should not be bad. Now the contents of the ten episodes are only released. In the first episode, common comments said that the pace was a little slow, and the world setting at the beginning was too many and not exciting enough. There were many comments of this kind. But despite this, there are many viewers who have watched it and gave us good reviews. .”

“I also watched the last few episodes of this drama. After the first episode was padded with a little plain content, the following stories are still very exciting. There are suspenseful reasoning parts, and the story is also very advanced. It’s interesting to reveal the plot slowly, and the combat-related design is also very good. I think the potential of this drama is definitely more than that.”

Li Zhen put his hands on his chin, obviously thinking about these words Brand said.

Brand said: “My suggestion is to wait until next week, or even next week, for the serialization of “Lord of Mysteries” to be supported by three episodes. The whole world is also more complete, and the story is advanced. When it is attractive, we should increase our publicity investment, and it is best to use word-of-mouth marketing…”

These things in his mouth seemed a little messy, but Li Zhen understood the general meaning.

After thinking about it for a while, he also thought it was feasible, so he said, “Well, give me a report as soon as possible. Let’s take a look at this train of thought.”

He was not sure that he could do it, but at least, Brand gave him a more feasible plan.

By the second week or so of “Lord of the Secrets”, as Brand said, the word-of-mouth and achievements of this work have risen to a relatively large extent.

The improvement in performance is mainly due to two reasons.

First, the money was thrown in, and the targeted publicity budget thrown by Dimension North America produced a certain effect; second, after the work entered the content of the second episode, the whole story began to show its appealing place slowly, so that the audience You can begin to appreciate the charm of this work.

At the same time, because of this, the reputation of the “Lord of Mysteries” series has risen.

Comparing the two, the improvement of word-of-mouth is more obvious. Although the results have also increased, and the percentage of increase is not small, the absolute value does not seem so obvious because the base is not large.

But the rise in word-of-mouth is more obvious.

And this is very helpful for the word-of-mouth marketing strategy that Dimension North America will adopt next.

Under Brand’s auspices, the company’s resources began to be smashed in batches. In ins and must-have places, they began to invest money to build momentum; put a certain amount of advertising on some media; and uploaded on the tubing. Some short film excerpts, and super hot…

The direct impact of various methods is that the performance of “Lord of Mysteries” has begun to rise significantly.

After the third episode was broadcast in the third week of the launch, Brand immediately decided to smash most of the resources on hand, seeing the word-of-mouth continue to rise.

The results are impressive.

Seeing the soaring grades, Netflix started to move.

They restarted the promotion of “Lord of Mysteries” and gave them various treatments.

Seeing the upswing of the data curve, Li Zhen’s heart was set-he was brought back to life. This is!

Fan Zhe was also very happy to receive the good news from North America.

“Lord of the Mysteries” can make money, but this thing hasn’t gone away.

This work has achieved good results in China. Although due to the subject matter, it is unlikely that it will reach the level of a national drama like “Budo Master”, but with the super-high production level, it is not a big problem to crush the same works in the domestic market.

On the ‘Dimensional Platform’, the pricing of “Lord of Mysteries” also adopted a boutique strategy, and the unit price was relatively high. An episode of six yuan is not cheap.

At the beginning, there were many people inside the company who still had certain objections to this pricing strategy. They believed that the price of 60 yuan for the complete works would prevent many viewers from watching.

But the final market shows that the problem is not big, and high-quality content with high pricing can still attract a large number of viewers.

In fact, the largest user group of “Lord of the Secrets” has relatively good income, relatively good education, and people who can accept the story and the selling points of this work. And this group of people is precisely the group that is not sensitive to prices.

After crossing the threshold of payment, the gap between a series of episodes selling for a few dollars is of little significance to this part of the group. What they value more is the quality of the works/services, as long as the quality is up to the standard, they will be willing to pay a higher price.

In the past, this part of the user group was relatively small. After all, China is still a developing country. In addition to the north, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, there are also vast areas that are not very developed, and there are even hundreds of millions of people who are poorer than urban residents.

However, with the continuous development of the national economy during these years, the national economic living standards are also rising. In addition, the copyright protection system has gradually become sound, and ordinary people have become more and more accepting of paying for content…

This series of factors all represent the spring breeze of cultural creators, which seems to have blown.

Reflected in the work “Lord of the Mysteries”, the show has sold more than five million copies in the three weeks of its launch.

In the whole, within three weeks, the revenue created by “Lord of Mysteries” reached almost 300 million yuan.

Based on this trend, it is estimated that when all the content of “Lord of Mysteries” has been updated, the investment cost of the work can be almost recovered only from the domestic mainland market and the content distribution on the “dimensional platform”. .

On the North American side, after the results of “Lord of Mysteries” skyrocketed, the converted benefits were also considerable.

Counting the markets in other parts of the world…Dimension Entertainment has fought another successful battle.

The key point is that the full copyright of this work, except for the novel, is in the hands of Dimension Entertainment itself.

This means that they can play with the copyright of this work.

At present, Dimension Entertainment’s development capabilities in the surrounding markets are also very strong. They have very good cooperation with various businesses and can launch many high-quality peripheral products.

Even the arrangement of some stage plays…

When these things are also effective, the value of the entire work IP has been developed to a deeper level, and the sources of profit have become more diversified.

And the evaluation of the work is quite high.

At present, the reputation of “Lord of Mysteries” is quite excellent in major domestic evaluation media. For example, Douban, with a score of 9.4, can be called a divine drama.

“It’s hard to imagine that there is also a company in China that can make such a complete story of this theme.”

“I am a fan of the novel “Lord of the Secrets”. I have been looking forward to it from a long time ago whether this novel will be put on the screen. But looking forward to it, I also know that this is unlikely. “Lord of the Secrets” It’s destined that no domestic film and television companies will look at it; it is even more impossible to expect foreign film and television companies to buy a Chinese-produced story about foreign backgrounds. Originally, my biggest hope was to be able to Seeing the animation works, I’m already satisfied. But Dimension Entertainment has given me a huge surprise! The quality is super high, even if I’ve watched American TV series, I’ve never felt that way before, I’m kneeling for Dad Dimension!”

The serialization time of “Lord of Mysteries” is ten weeks, and the frequency of one episode is updated every week.

By the time all the works have been updated, the time has come from mid-April to almost July. UU reading

Entering the summer vacation, it is time for major cultural industry companies to start to show their talents.

In this summer, Dimension Entertainment released a new work of “The Demon Hunter”, maintaining the quality of the previous one, and it can be regarded as a successor to “The Lord of Mysteries”; at the same time, they also have a movie released during this period. .

“Rune Wars”, this LOL series film with Lux as the protagonist.

This film, among the three films in the LOL series so far, has the lowest investment cost and the bottom of the box office.

But this does not mean it failed.

The so-called ‘bottom place’ is still a matter of comparison.

In the same LOL series, other films are indeed made with higher specifications, which is normal. But in fact, this “Rune War” still has a box office record of 2.6 billion in mainland China, and a box office of over 100 million U.S. dollars in North America. The global box office performance has exceeded 500 million U.S. dollars, compared with about 70 million U.S. dollars. In terms of investment costs, it must be a lucrative business.

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