The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 463

Chapter 451 Frostmourne (2 in 1)

On the outskirts of Stratholme, Alsace found desperately that the plague-infected food had been transported to the city and was eaten by most of the people.

According to Alsace and Jaina’s research, as long as these foods are eaten, it is hopeless. After a short incubation period, the plague virus will strike, and the infected person will irreversibly become a walking dead, controlled by the undead magic, and become another cannon fodder for the Scourge.

This also means that, soon, Stratholme, which seems to be rich and peaceful, will become a real ghost town. Almost all residents will become undead monsters who lose their self-awareness and hate the living.

In the theater where this movie is shown in the whole world at this moment, all the audiences are in a deep mood.

For viewers who do not know the “Warcraft” series, they also know that this is where the key decision is reached: the entire city has been irreversibly infected, what should be done?

And the old players of Warcraft knew better that the next step was for Arthas to break with his teacher and lover, and with the troops directly under him, enter Stratholme to slaughter and destroy the entire city.

This was the beginning of Alsace’s path of no return.

The plot begins to move forward, no matter how people don’t want to see this scene, they still see this quarrel between Uther and Arthas. Arthas was determined to purify the city and ordered Uther to lead the Knights of the Silver Hand to perform this task.

But Slaughter City was also one of the important towns in the Kingdom of Lordaeron. This kind of thing was too horrible, and Uther flatly refused Arthas’s order.

“There must be a better way.”

“There is no other way. The vast majority of civilians have eaten the contaminated food. They will soon become undead monsters and become our enemies. We must eliminate them all before this happens. .”

Later, when Uther refused his order, Arthas, as the crown prince, announced that Uther was relieved of his leadership of the Knights of the Silver Hand and asked the troops to stay and slaughter the city with him.

Uther left angrily, and most of the Paladins of the Silver Hand followed him.

During this period, Arthas remained cold and firm, until Jaina was about to leave when he stopped her.


“Sorry, Arthas, I can’t just watch you do this…”

Even the lover left, but it still seemed unable to bring down the young prince.

He led his direct army into Stratholme.

The arrival of the prince led the army aroused the welcome of the people.

The Menethil royal family still has a very high reputation throughout the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

However, Arthas went on a killing spree.

To be honest, Dimension Entertainment is very cautious about this content.

Tucheng… this kind of thing is too appalling. Even if Dimension Entertainment now has the title of ‘China’s Strongest Cultural Industry Company’ on its head, it still receives the attention of the upper-level leaders, which is quite tough.

But if they dare to do this kind of slaughter scene directly in the movie in a large-scale and realistic way…

That is death.

In China, there are big scissors forcing them to either delete or not want to release it; even in foreign countries, commercial movies with a wide audience, such things are easily criticized and become attacked. handle.

Moreover, like North America, there is no film censorship system. Their film grading system is still relatively developed. Dimension North America has worked very hard to get the PG13 rating through public relations, but this kind of thing is still difficult to change-“The Rise of the Lich King”, It is still classified as R-level.

In North America, R level is the so-called restricted level, and it is recommended to watch over 17 years old.

There are mainly two points, one is the image and picture style of the undead monster. This point may not be too big a relative problem. After all, it can be dealt with. For example, the image of the undead monster is not so hideous and terrible; the **** level of the picture is reduced or something.

But the second point is really deadly, it is this massacre.

With such a plot, it is more difficult to get PG13.

In fact, Dimension Entertainment has been very downplayed in this aspect when making movies. However, to film the story of Alsace, the Stratholme Massacre incident is a plot that cannot be avoided.

They can only say that in the plot of the entire massacre, the scenes of the massacre of civilians are reduced as much as possible, without any rendering, and instead focus on the main picture energy on the confrontation with the undead.

This can of course be done.

Living people are not easy to kill, but when a living person becomes a dead spirit, it is much easier to deal with.

Next, the story of the movie focused on the ‘slaughter’ contest between Alsace and the dreadlord Malganis.

Mal’Ganis, who was active in Stratholm, led his evil subordinates to continuously transform civilians into undead monsters and included them in his own subordinates.

On the other side, Arthas led his army, fighting from the gate all the way, facing civilians who were constantly turning into monsters.

The movie basically didn’t show Alsace and his army killing civilians. They were fighting monsters after they became undead.

This is more or less a means of circumvention.

If you don’t handle it this way, it will be difficult to release it.

In the process of ‘purifying’ Stratholme, the battle fought fiercely.

The human army led by Arthas is constantly being attacked by Malganis’ undead troops. These undead troops are taking in civilians who have turned into zombie monsters, and at the same time, they are engulfing these mutated walking corpses and constantly launching against the human army. Assault.

After hard battles, killing many people and many undead monsters, Arthas gradually approached the core of the city.

He was here, leading the troops, and in a very difficult situation, defeated the undead troops led by Mal’Ganis in one fell swoop.

But in the end, this cunning Dreadlord escaped.

He only left a sentence for Alsace: “Come to the north, come to Northrend to find me.”

Arthas swears to the sky that even if he exhausts the ends of the world, he will personally kill this demon who has committed many evil deeds.

He ordered the army to set off to the port, form a fleet, and cross the ocean north to form an expeditionary force to go to the snow-covered continent of Northrend to hunt down the demon.

In a heavier picture, Uther and Jaina return to Stratholme.

Soldiers and civilians are dealing with the battlefield. The corpses were raised up high, one by one; the entire city, which originally seemed to be very rich, has now become a ruin.

Seeing such a tragic scene, no one said anything in the cinema.

This scene is too heavy.

Uther’s dialogue with Jaina also showed his attitude.

He regretted that he had left before, and he felt that he should stop Arthas.

But it was not too late, Uther decided to return to Lordaeron immediately, report the matter to King Terenas, and recall Arthas.

So far, the content of the movie has gone by about two-thirds.

In the next scene, you can see that Arthas has arrived in Northrend.

In this ice-covered continent, he led the troops, defeated the undead army blocking in front of him, established an outpost, and rescued an old friend.


The dwarf Muradin was once the martial arts teacher of Alsace, and his brother, Magni. Bronzebeard was a dwarf king, the king of Ironforge. Muradin was once a diplomatic ambassador under the order of his brother, and was stationed in Lordaeron for a long time. And during this time, he incidentally became the martial arts teacher of the young Prince Arthas and Prince Varian of Stormwind.

And the reason why he appeared here is because in the legend, there is an ancient divine sword named “Frostmourne”, which is said to be buried on this ice and snowy continent.

The dwarves are natural explorers. Among the three Bronzebeard brothers, except for the boss who became the king, he could only be caught by the responsibility of the throne and could not run around. The other two of the Bronzebeard family, the second child, Muradin Brian, the youngest, are all serious explorers, who like to take a team to wander around all corners of the world.

In the conversation between Muradin and Alsace’s old friends, the two were in the ice and snow, surrounded by a bonfire, and they talked very happily.

Heard of the crimes committed by the undead against the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and at the same time thanked Arthas for saving him when he was the most difficult, he decided to follow Arthas to fight these undead monsters.

However, at this moment, the messenger from the Kingdom of Lordaeron arrived.

They read the order from King Terenas and asked the expeditionary army to return home.

Alsace’s control over the army mainly came from his status as the crown prince. The power of the crown prince, of course, comes from the king. Now that the king ordered it himself, the army would naturally obey the king’s order and start returning.

But the prince, who only thought about revenge, didn’t want to just leave.

He hired the natives of Northrend and became a mercenary. He destroyed the expeditionary army’s fleet and prevented the expeditionary army from going home. Turning around, he betrayed these natives and told his soldiers that these natives destroyed them. Ship and kill them all.

If this happens, the soldiers can only continue to fight with him.

But Muradin knew the truth, and he had a big fight with Arthas and accused him of treachery.

However, Alsace had already made a desperate move.

Suddenly, a large number of undead appeared outside the human camp! Mal’Ganis led a huge army of undead and attacked them!

At this point, Muradin had nothing to do.

In order to defeat the endless undead monsters, he can only pin his hopes on the legendary ancient sword “Frostmourne”.

Handing the troops to the command of the adjutant, Arthas and Muradin left the camp to find Frostmourne.

Later, they found Frostmourne and wiped out the guardians outside the magic sword. Muradin read the inscription, told him it was a cursed sword, and was about to leave. But Arthas didn’t care, he walked to the base and took out the sword.

The sword burst out of its ice prison, and the flying fragments pierced Muradin like a spear.

This is a magic sword, and when Arthas picked up the inscribed Frostmourne, he forever abandoned the good part of his soul.

Ignoring Muradin who fell on the ground, Arthas left here and returned to his camp.

At this time, the army of the undead has been pressed up like a mountain like a sea, and the front composed of human soldiers seems to collapse at any time.

But when Alsace was holding Frostmourne and returned to the camp to join the battle week, the situation turned around instantly!

Under the magic sword in his hand, there was no monster, his enemy of one.

Whether it is the most fragile skeleton soldier or the hideous ghoul, even the huge stitching monster hates it, under the power of the magic sword, it will be wiped out easily.

The application performance of His Royal Highness greatly boosted the morale of the human soldiers.

They cheered and roared, following the prince’s footsteps, they launched the final attack together.

Mal’Ganis was among the undead army, watching Arthas getting closer and furious. He continued to use dark magic power to control the undead to fight, but he couldn’t stop the avenger in front of him.

In the end, Arthas came to Malganis.

“Malganis!” Arthas roared and called out the enemy’s name.

Mal’Ganis’s typical demon face was also a hideous roar.

“Sad human prince, you are here to die!”

Although his heart is a little weak, he still refuses to show weakness in words and appearances.

Facing the charge of Arthas, this powerful dreadlord greeted him.

Between the two, there was the most exciting confrontation in the entire movie so far.

The figure of the Dreadlord was much larger than that of Prince Arthas. He looks is about three meters tall, and Arthas can only reach the position of the opponent’s chest.

But the situation between the two confrontations is exactly the opposite.

The attack of the Dreadlord would always be blocked by the Holy Light; on the contrary, every slash of “Frostmourne”, it was very jealous and did not dare to insist.

But it is always impossible to escape every sword cut.

In the middle time, he tried to use his sharp claws to parry “Frostmourne”, but under heavy slashing, his claws were cut off directly!

Between the pain marks, the devil opened his big mouth insidiously, and sprayed a dark green evil power.

However, none of this can even pass through Frostmourne. The magic sword released power and blocked the evil energy.

Mal’Ganis seemed to have felt something shocking him. It yelled, “Damn! Ner’zhul! You traitor…”

Before he finished speaking, Arthas smashed Frostmourne into its chest!

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