The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 470

Chapter 558 Take it!

“I object, this price is too exaggerated. If we accept it, once a loss occurs, it will cause a very serious blow to us!”

Sure enough, as soon as the words were spoken, there was a very fierce response.

Arnold had no way to make a decision after Shenghai learned about the psychological price of Dimension Entertainment for “Steam Daming”.

After he returned to the North American headquarters, he immediately held a high-level meeting to discuss matters related to “Steam Daming”.

After he said the conditions given by Ye Jiayi, as expected, other high-level Activisions reacted very strongly.

This price is too high.

You must know that once this condition is agreed, it is equivalent to Activision spending at least 200 million U.S. dollars in costs for this work. And this amount of money is redundant to make a 3A-level work by yourself, but from Dimension Entertainment, you can only get the agency right?

60 million yuan in agency fees, plus 160 million yuan in publicity and distribution, based on the 60 US dollars selling price of the top masterpieces currently on the market, then “Steam Da Ming” will sell at least 11 million dollars. Only when Activision can recoup the cost.

It just recovers the cost.

Moreover, this 10 million sets refers to sales in other parts of the world except for mainland China.

If you can’t sell it, you lose money.

Ten million sets, what concept?

Many 3A-level games that can be regarded as very successful can not reach this total sales result.

But just to recover the cost, that definitely won’t work. Who would be happy to do such a big investment for nothing?

Not to mention making a fortune like “Taiwu 2”, taking such a big risk, at least a rate of return of tens of percent, is it always necessary?

If you want a better profit situation, at least 14 million sets of “Steam Daming” should be sold in the global market except China.

This is too difficult.

If the investment is too large, the risk is high, and even if the target is met, the profit rate will be greatly affected because of the high cost… In this case, it is normal that Activision’s senior management cannot agree to this condition.

But there are also other worries.

“It is said that EA is also closely connected with Dimension Entertainment. Once they make up their minds and are willing to spend so much money, there is no doubt that our old opponent will have another trump card in his hands.”

“So what? We can’t afford this price, and EA can’t afford it. It’s a huge risk for us, so why not for them? We can’t take over at this price. If they want to take it, let them take it. Well, a fiasco is enough to hurt their vitality.”

There was a lot of noise in the conference room.

Arnold didn’t speak much. He was obviously one of the highest-identified people in this conference room, but he was sitting on the edge with his hands crossed on his chin.

He is listening carefully to everyone’s words, summing up these opinions, and thinking about them in his own mind.

However, there are too many opinions, and the conflicts between them are so great that it is difficult for him to think of a reliable plan for a while.

In other words, the most important thing is that he can’t make up his mind.

This is true until the end of the meeting.

Two days later, at a reception, he met an old acquaintance.

That’s a management from Blizzard Entertainment responsible for business development.

Speaking of the two, it is also through a group of companies, whose names are combined together called Activision Blizzard.

After talking in private for a while, the topic naturally turned to Dimension Entertainment.

The words of the other party made Arnold finally made up his mind.

“Dimensional Entertainment is a company that is very good at creating miracles, and we are considered to have taken it. For the film and television copyrights of the “Warcraft” series, if we had chosen to reduce the copyright transfer fee, it would be better to replace it with a higher share ratio and investment ratio. Now I can only watch this series make a lot of money.”

He didn’t say anything constructive, just a sentence of emotion, but it inspired Arnold.

It was a bit like the feeling of pushing away the fog, and he made the final decision.

So far, Dimension Entertainment has not failed in the production of works, which is very trustworthy.

This time, I went to Shenghai, China to visit the headquarters of Dimension Entertainment. Although he did not see the main body of the game, he also saw more game information provided by Dimension Entertainment that has not yet been disclosed. From these data, as a practitioner in the game industry, he can probably judge the quality of this work-this is a game work.

Why are you still hesitating?

Even if the situation is the worst, the investment of 200 million yuan is all in vain and no one can be returned. Is it possible to lose all the money earned on “Taiwu 2”?


This is certainly a gamble, but after careful thinking and analysis, the situation is not so exaggerated.

All considerations are based on the very good quality of the work “Steam Daming”. Even if the entire overseas market does not sell so much, at least a few million copies will be sold, and the problem should not be too big. In this regard, Arnold is very confident, because since they want to fight for the agency of this work, of course they have conducted a detailed investigation of the market.

In this case, there will be losses, but in fact it is not as big as imagined.

And the good thing is that they will undoubtedly have another masterpiece in their hands, which is also a great addition to Activision’s own game camp.

This is still a worse and worse situation Once “Steam Daming” once again completes the miracle like “Taiwu 2”, Activision will undoubtedly make a fortune.

Going home and thinking about it all night, Arnold finally made his own decision-even if the price is high, it can be won!

After making up his mind, he announced his ideas at the company the next day, then sought out a group of people to lobby, and communicated with the board of directors.

In addition, he also formed a corresponding negotiation team and flew to Shenghai to conduct related business negotiations with Dimension Entertainment.

Although Arnold has decided to accept the terms of Dimension Entertainment, the price is still too expensive. If possible, he still hopes to negotiate, as far as possible, to negotiate the announcement budget and the agency fee.

However, judging from the news from the negotiating team, Dimension Entertainment is very tight in this regard.

In the end, the initial agreement between the two parties only changed the announcement budget from 160 million to 150 million.

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