The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 479

Postscript World 2

Li Chaoan returned home.

He looked around grotesquely and found that there was no one at home.

This discovery made him ecstatic.

Yesterday, Dimension Entertainment released a new game, which is a multiplayer online game. In the promotion of Dimension Entertainment, this game called “Mythical Era” was promoted as the “Second World”.

Over the years, with the improvement of VR technology and somatosensory technology, many related games have also been made. When these games are launched, they will probably be under the banner of the relevant ones.

Li Chaoan still believed in the beginning.

Born in the third decade of the 21st century, he is now about to graduate from high school. When he was young, he also played PC games and grew up watching. He certainly has a strong interest in fantasy games that seem to be able to enter the second world.

Unfortunately, most games are selling dog meat. Most companies, from a technical level, can’t make the feeling of complete immersion.

Not to mention that after the player enters the game, it feels like they have passed through, but don’t have some obvious bugs, such as model tearing, material inconsistency, etc., right?

Just a student, Li Chaoan didn’t understand and couldn’t achieve what he expected. Is it because the technology of making games is not good enough, or is it because the current hardware development foundation does not support it?

But he doesn’t care about those. Now Dimension Entertainment has made a publicity, saying that it is a ‘real second world’, Thaksin believes it.

This comprehensive entertainment company, before he was born, had already achieved remarkable results in the entire world.

After more than 20 years of development, they have gone from a new and promising cultural and entertainment company to a real giant in this industry.

In the cultural creation industry, they even stand at the top of the world. Movies, animations, film and television dramas, games…The success of these popular entertainment products one after another has allowed them to make countless money, but they have also become the common memory of a generation of people across the country and even the world.

Li Chaoan grew up watching their works and playing their games.

Three years ago, he heard that Dimension Group entered the hardware industry. They claimed to make things like “brainwave helmet” and “sleeping game warehouse”. This incident caused a lot of waves at the time. People are looking forward to it.

However, except for a news at the beginning of this matter, there was no more follow-up.

In this era, people’s forgetfulness is great. There will always be new information exploding every day. It is difficult for people to pay attention to one thing for a long time.

But there will always be someone who will remember it.

Li Chaoan is.

At that time, he was very excited after hearing that Dimension Entertainment began to engage in this aspect. This is a company that has made miracles commonplace. If they are determined to do it, Li Chaoan thinks they will succeed.

Anyway, they have succeeded and don’t know how many times.

Three years later, Dimension Entertainment took out their finished products.

The ‘Second World’ brainwave helmet and game compartment are officially on sale!

For these two devices, the helmet is relatively cheap, divided into several grades and configurations. The cheapest one is four thousand yuan, and the most expensive one is less than ten thousand. It is a civilian product; the game warehouse is much more expensive, and the one with the lowest configuration The model is also 39,000 yuan, and the top version is 98,000 yuan. It is said that there are better and more expensive versions that are specially customized according to the needs of players.

There is no doubt that that is the patent of local tyrants.

In fact, there are also some VR game helmets on the market, but according to the announcement of Dimension Entertainment, the helmets on the market cannot support their “Mythical Era”.

It means that if you want to play, you must buy their helmets.

Even Dimension Entertainment has also optimized some of their past works, including works such as movies and animations. It is said that they can only achieve good results with their technical products.

Because of this, the Internet has been noisy for a while, saying that Dimension Entertainment has also begun to engage in this kind of thing. To play their games, it is necessary to sell products.

Dimension Entertainment also has an explanation for this. It probably means that the helmets on the market are not technical enough to show the effects of the “Mythical Era”.

But there are still people who do not buy it.

Fans of dimensional entertainment, such as Li Chaoan, who are considered ironclad, will feel a little uncomfortable about this.

Even the cheapest brainwave helmet is four thousand yuan in real money. Although it is not much more expensive than other common VR helmets on the market, what’s more, this is the so-called ‘brainwave helmet’. Although Li Chaoan doesn’t know what brainwave technology is, it’s pretty impressive.

However, this is an additional expense after all. For a student party like Li Chaoan, the pressure is still considerable.

Fortunately, he kept the New Year’s Eve money in his hand, plus he knew the news early, and slowly saved up his pocket money, which was probably enough.

Coming back today, my parents are not here, it is a great time to enjoy the game!

He took off the package and bought the brainwave helmet earlier, and he put it on.

The game was actually launched a few hours ago, but unfortunately, he was in class at that time. The course of the third year of high school, even in this era, still cannot be easy.

It stands to reason that Li Chaoan should study harder for the college entrance examination in the near future. He himself understands this truth, but he really can’t hold back his mind.

The pre-loaded game does not require too much startup time, and he quickly started his gaming career.

Entering the game, the first thing is to create a character interface.

“It doesn’t seem to be special?” He had such an impression.

Gein is now from a third-person perspective, approximately face-to-face with his pre-created characters, and next to him is a series of data used to adjust the appearance of the characters.

Except that the character model is really delicate, and all the hair, skin texture, and even pores are very real, Li Chaoan didn’t feel particularly exaggerated.

With the current technology, it is not impossible to achieve such a fine model of work. Dimension Entertainment has achieved this level, which is not a surprise at all. For them, it is a surprise that they can’t do this.

But then, he immediately felt the difference.

Generally, the current VR games on the market have done very well in terms of visual effects, but there are still many problems that cannot be overcome.

One is operational. Up to now, almost all the operation methods of VR games need to use peripherals.

For example, a small number of works now wear a helmet and play VR games, but they are still using the keyboard, mouse or handle to operate the game. The more mainstream uses somatosensory technology. Now somatosensory technology is becoming more and more mature, which can support some relatively good sense of operation.

However, the work of Dimension Entertainment… seems to be nothing.

But it didn’t make him wonder for too long, and soon the relevant tutorial came out——

“Ask the player to focus on the option and slide.”

Li Chaoan did so, and then he saw that those options had changed.

This makes him feel a little bit magical.

He doesn’t know what the principle is, the movement of the focus of his eyes? Or is it the brain wave in the propaganda of Dimension Entertainment?

The excitement in his heart became heavier. After squeezing a character image casually, he couldn’t wait to enter the game and experience it.

After entering the game, he seemed to be bathed in a grand ray of light. When he opened his eyes again, he couldn’t help being shocked by the picture in front of him and all his perceptions:

He seemed to be in a grand square, with golden light, thousands of auras, and faint purple mist. Not far away, there was a gate made of red pillars, with three words written on it in simple fonts—— Nantianmen.

On the edge of the Nantian Gate, the guards of the heavenly palace with golden armor hold the halberd and the whip, and the sword and sword. Looking back through the Nantian Gate, layer upon layer of clouds, there are many fairy palaces connected by long bridges on which are hovering cranes with colorful feathers in the sky.

Li Chaoan could smell a faint scent—a bit like the freshness of morning dew after rain, with a hint of floral fragrance. The floral scent is not very strong, but it has a fairy air.

On the face, a faint mist came with the breeze, and it felt a little moist.

Coupled with the curling sound… Li Chaoan’s five senses were all mobilized.

After he put on the helmet and entered the game, he felt as if he had really crossed into another world!

There has never been any vr game in the past, which can fully mobilize the player’s five senses and participate in the game together!

Touch, smell…

“Is this the brain wave signal simulation? It has already reached such a point…”

Li Chaoan felt that Dimension Entertainment’s technology was really terrifying, but then what followed was absolute excitement!

With more than 90% realism, he is very looking forward to the next game career!

He tried to move his body without any problems. He wanted to raise his hands and legs, just like in the real world.

After getting used to it a little bit, he ran at the gate of the heavenly palace and started his gaming career in “Mythical Age”!

At this time, he still didn’t realize that “Mythical Era” was really opening a new era for human society.

This is the first technology that can truly realize brainwave intervention in a virtual world. Although it is released as a game, there is no doubt that people of insight must be able to see how much this will bring to the world. Variety.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation… even as Dimension Entertainment promotes, this will be a ‘Second World’, and people can live their second life in the game! 8)

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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