The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 79

Chapter 78 Curve road

Song Wenjie asked Kappa out again, and the two of them ate out.

The two were at the dinner table, chatting and chatting around, but they didn’t say anything about business.

Kappa knew what Song Wenjie asked him to do this time: it was for the animation of the third season of “Special Event Task Force”.

But the other party didn’t say, he didn’t click on it.

In the second season of the animation, Song Wenjie, representing Penguin Video, teamed up with Station B to buy it from Dimension Entertainment for a price of 12 million.

In the introduction and purchase of content, this is also a big investment.

If it hadn’t been for the first one to make money and it had a certain degree of popularity, how could the second one not sell for this price.

Looking at what it looks like now, although the second season has not finished, it is estimated that it will not be a loss.

The members paid on-demand for the first broadcast. Although they have not paid back their costs, the income has reached the investment expectations. And, as the entire film is completely broadcast, it is finally resold for a second time and sold to other websites, which can also recover a large amount of money.

When the first season of “Project Team” was resold, the license fee for broadcasting was about 400,000; and in the second season, the price they bought the animation copyright from Dimension Entertainment increased by nearly three times. If they want to sell the broadcasting rights, , The price will definitely rise.

But to be honest, the secondary resale of broadcasting rights is only one aspect. Even now, Song Zhiwen doesn’t want to sell the broadcasting rights to others.

Although this will lose a considerable amount of resale income, however, holding the entire animation completely in your hand, Penguin Video and Station B are equivalent to getting a joint solo broadcast.

If you want to watch this animation, you must go to my website to watch it. In this way, how many new users will it bring to them?

Compared with the exclusive broadcasting rights, this is a higher value.

Although the style of “Project Team” is niche, but the niche naturally has the benefits of the niche.

Although there are not many people who like    niche works, people who like it will especially like it. Moreover, this thing will generate a natural chain of contempt, like niche, maverick, and despise popular popular.

In other words, niche people tend to push the grid high.

Of course, nothing is absolute, this is just an experience summary of common phenomena.

However, on the “Special Case Team”, this statement should be valid.

The work style of “Project Team” is very similar to “Rick and Morty”, with rich connotation and large scale. This is also destined to its audience, which will focus on many people who have special hobbies.

loyal fans, it is always easier to pay for the work, they may be easier to be converted into paying users of the site.

Of course, for holding the copyright of the animation in your hand to play exclusive broadcasting, or selling the second round of broadcasting rights, and recovering the cost to make a profit, this is not what the Penguin Video family can say, they have to discuss with station B.

But in any case, although the cost of the second part of “The Task Force” is not low, it is unlikely to make a lot of money like the first season, but it is certainly not a loss.

Under such circumstances, it is logical to purchase the third season.

Song Wenjie wanted to buy the third season animation, but there were some problems.

Before that, he and the people at station B once again jointly made a purchase proposal to Dimension Entertainment. The price remained at the level of 800,000 episodes in the second season, but Fan Zhe rejected it.

Dimension Entertainment asked for an episode of 1.1 million, and the total price of the third season reached 16.5 million.

He felt that the price was too high, and at station B, he simply flinched.

They bought the second season of “Project Team” and made a small profit while preserving their capital. It seems that this series of animations, due to the subject matter, has almost touched the ceiling.

Raise the price again…the profit margin is too small, and maybe there is a risk of losing money.

This matter is quite distressing.

Then, he thought about calling the kappa out.

At the dinner table, the two men talked about each other. Seeing the Kappa pretending to be stupid, Song Wenjie was helpless.

“Eh, it’s business. On the Dimension Entertainment side, can you help us, and build a bridge to help us talk about it? The price they gave is too high.”

“…This is a matter of Renjia Dimension Entertainment. Although the copyright of the work was issued by us, it has been completely sold to others. We have no right to speak.”

“Don’t be like this, you are the most familiar with their cooperation…”

“Oh…” Kappa sighed and said, “Familiar, but this one involves tens of millions of business, no matter how close we are, we are also outsiders, can we still affect the decision-making of other people’s dimensional entertainment? ”

“Just… just pull a thread.” Song Wenjie also understood what Kappa said, he was also a bit sick and went to the doctor.

Kappa said: “If you want me to say, you have 1.1 million for 1.1 million, don’t you get it? The first season and the second season add up, how much money did you make? Especially for the first season. One season, now think about it, three million is really a profit. You just make money, don’t let people make money from Dimension Entertainment?”

“They still don’t make money!” Song Wenjie said with a stubborn neck. “I have asked the insiders. Their style of animation will cost more than a dozen episodes if they are made. They didn’t lose money at all in the first season. , And also made a lot of money, sold 800,000 episodes in the second season, and a film made a net profit of 89 million yuan, which is more than the money we made as a channel! The price of this third season really depends on us Eat meat on his body!”

“Then I can’t help if you think so.” Kappa spread his hands, showing a helpless look.

Seeing Song Wenjie’s distressed look, Kappa was refreshed in his heart.

He hasn’t forgotten What kind of face this guy was like when the sales of the animation copyright for the first season of “Project Team” were cold.

At that time, due to the promise between Fan Zhe, he begged this guy in a low voice, so that he reluctantly bought the copyright.

Unexpectedly, nowadays Feng Shui takes turns, and today I changed to Song Wenjie to worry about how to buy the third season of “Project Team”.

The world is unpredictable.

However, his attitude today is more biased towards good shows.

On the one hand, he also hopes that the price of the animation in the third season of “Special Event Task Force” will be further increased.

Why is this? That naturally has its practical significance.

Unlike others, the cartoon style of the work “Project Team” is destined to be imitable.

The technical threshold of this work is not high.

Then you can imagine, what happens when there is such a work that has achieved good results and has a certain response in the market?

Follow the trend, imitate, and even plagiarize.

This kind of problem is not only domestic, but also where there is capital.

But Lewen Group is not worried about this.

The IP of the “Project Team” was published by them. Under the huge content library of Kaidian, works of similar styles, after all, there are still some works.

The content of this type of style has caused a lot of imitating, which is of great benefit for Lewen Group to sell the similar IP in their hands.

Kappa hopes that the third season of “Project Team” will sell more expensively. The more expensive the capital market will be after the smell of blood, the more crazy they will be. The copyright they hold in their hands will be sold at higher prices in the future. .


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