The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 82

Chapter 81 Return home

Dragging the small suitcase, Ye Jiayi took off his sunglasses and returned home.

On this vacation, she spent almost a month outside and had a lot of fun before she came back.

Of course, she is now alone to repay the mortgage for the house, but this in itself is not particularly stressful for her. When she worked for “Rainbow Investment”, her annual income was about 500,000 yuan. She helped Fan Zhe advance the negotiation of the second part of “The Task Force” before, and Fan Zhe also transferred her 800,000 yuan.

At that time, she just said casually, but Fan Zhe didn’t expect Fan Zhe to give it.

She accepted the money, but she only listed an account to store the money, but she didn’t intend to use it.

Is it really fun to play outside?

is happy.

For several years, she has devoted herself to her career. She has basically never traveled. Occasionally, most of her vacations are devoted to overtime. After marriage, there are not too many opportunities to watch a movie with Fan Zhe for dinner. Especially when some investment cases were busy, when she went home, the two of them were almost going to bed.

I don’t have much sex.

After resigning this time, it was also the first time that she didn’t care about work at all and took a rest wholeheartedly.

When she first went out, she was quite uncomfortable with this kind of life without a job. She always felt that her heart was empty and she had a lot of time. After she didn’t need to work, she didn’t know what to do.

After getting to the back, she slowly adapted to it, so she could really relax and enjoy the holiday.

But, I still have to come back after all.

It stands to reason that most people come back after going out for so long, so they should gather with their good friends and sisters to share the joy of traveling, pretend to be forced by the way, and receive a wave of admiration or admiration.

But she has no such fun.

On weekdays, she is a bit withdrawn. Except for work, there are no big hobbies, and there are not many friends who can make friends, so that when I want to have a meal, I don’t know who to look for for a while.

Open the personal mailbox at will, there are already many headhunters and many company invitation emails in it.

took a deep breath, and she immediately entered the working state.

In the process of traveling, she didn’t think about her career. It was fun to play. This was the goal she set for herself before setting off.

But no matter how you say it, this is a very important thing.

Scrolling through the invitations of all parties, weed out some obviously worthless temptations, and there are not many really sincere invitations left.

Helping other companies to conduct commercial activities is a taint, which has affected many companies’ invitations.

Without this taint, I am afraid her mailbox will be filled with various invitation emails.

But Ye Jiayi will not be defeated by difficulties.

She listed all the companies that seemed to be sincere and made a list.

Platform, promised salary, position, company’s corporate culture, business situation of the corresponding company…

Many items are listed one by one, and they are integrated and viewed at a glance.

She will not blindly find a company with the highest salary. She also cares about the future development of the company and the role she can play in it.

Ye Jiayi is not a newcomer to the workplace for a long time. She does not need any company to bring her any resume. On the contrary, her joining is more valuable to the companies that need her.

But that taint obviously affected the judgment of many companies.

Those companies that really sincerely invited her to join, did not provide enough salary and job benefits.

The salary is good, and the salary of the position is something that Ye Jiayi cares more about.

After joining a company, she just doesn’t want to be a low-level leader such as an ordinary employee or team leader.

That doesn’t match her ability and her expectations.

But in any case, there are still many companies willing to give her this kind of opportunity, and some of them are better companies.

After scanning the list of companies, she remembered what Fan Zhe said before leaving for a vacation in South America.

“If you don’t want me to come here, the salary is easy to say, no matter who pays you how much money, I will give you a 20% premium, or directly double your salary in “Rainbow”, except for projects and development. It’s up to you to decide everything else.”

There was a smile unconsciously at the corner of her mouth. She was so ghostly, and at the bottom of the table, Dimension Entertainment was listed.

“Company: Dimension Entertainment.”

“Promise salary: one million annual salary.”

“Position: Chief Executive Officer or Chief Operating Officer.”

“Main business: cultural entertainment and creative industries represented by animation.”

“Company background: omitted.”

“Company size: the number of employees is about 50, the capital strength is slightly.”


A series of contents are listed, and when taken together, they have their own advantages compared with the above companies.

In terms of company size and overall strength, Dimension Entertainment is in the downstream among these companies, and there are few companies worse than him.

But the salary is the highest-Fan Zhe himself promised, ‘no matter who drives how much, he will give him a 20% premium. ’

The position is also the highest.

Except for ‘project production’, everything is in her charge, so this position is a bit like a CEO or an operating officer.

Well, the former is referred to as CEO and the latter is referred to as COO. Even if it is not these two, it is possible that it is the position of president.

The worst, according to this description should be a general manager.

There is a certain difference between these positions. In general companies, the CEO is usually held concurrently by the boss himself. From this position alone, it is the highest leader of the company except for the chairman or executive director.

In some companies, the CEO (CEO) will also serve as the president, and some will set up the position of president, which is a subordinate or deputy of the CEO.

The COO may usually be the managing president or senior vice president, responsible for the daily operations of the company, and is also one of the senior leaders of the company.

Although ordinary small companies, such as Dimension Entertainment, do not make this kind of job division in actual work, and it is not very useful, but similar rights and responsibilities must be borne by someone.

“Dimension Entertainment” is a wholly-owned company of Fan Zhe, and this company is entirely his own. At the same time, he is also the legal representative of Dimension Entertainment, whose role is equivalent to that of chairman, although Dimension Entertainment does not have this position and does not have a board of directors.

And the overall operation of ‘Dimensional Entertainment’ is also handled by Fan Zhe himself.

Ye Jiayi has the ability, performance, and a certain reputation in the industry, but it is still impossible to expect a company to serve as the CEO or a lower level.

Calm analysis, excluding the emotional color, Dimension Entertainment really needs a CEO.

Based on her understanding of the company “Dimension Entertainment”, the company’s development strength and technical level are very strong, but other things, it can’t be too demanding.

For a company, the establishment of many systems such as finance and personnel is of great significance.

Besides, she also knows that Fan Zhe is not a very good manager. His greatest talent is still in creation.

Regardless of emotional factors, going to dimension entertainment should be a good choice.

High position, strong complementarity. She believes that she will be able to quickly bring this nascent enterprise to maturity; at the same time, the strong technical strength of Dimension Entertainment can ensure the core competitiveness of the outside world and will not let her efforts in vain.

From the perspective of salary, position and company’s development prospects, she is quite inclined to Dimension Entertainment.

but emotion…

I imagined that I actually want to be in a company with my ex-husband? And the ex-husband is the boss…

was a little tangled in his heart.

What’s more, she hesitated, was Fan Zhe’s invitation to her sincerely? It would be too uncomfortable if he just said casually, or out of guilt or comfort, rather than really value his own strength, but he took it seriously.


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