The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 16: Loose Ends

Chapter 16
The Fastest Man Alive
Loose Ends.

Benjamin Blake / Super Fast Semi-Functional Moron / Genius / Hero’ish

It had been a month since the smashing of Stryker and his bases, and there was still nothing on the news about it. The only thing that came out of the whole situation was Michelle asking me pointed questions, which I in turn ignored, but I was pretty sure Gwen knew. Gwen didn’t ask me what Michelle was talking about, but that was fine. The last thing I needed at the moment was more drama in my love life while I was trying to run a thriving multi-billion dollar company. There was no sign that the world was hungering for nano-technology or hologram technology at all. Once I placed the computer, table, and holophone on the open market, it was a smashing success, running faster than a runaway train.

NASA placed a contract that had far too many Zeros for my cryogenics research and projects to turn down. Although every invention Star Industries placed on the open market was a money maker. Gwen even made her mark in the medical field with a regenerative balm made from the Oz serum and a combination of the web formula. This was a good thing since Gwen wasn’t too happy finding out there was no fix for the Oz serum formula because it was fundamentally flawed to begin with. Granted it was a combination of the super soldier formula and whatever Norman cooked up in the lab. 

The two were not playing nice, which was causing the mind to deteriorate and causing the patient to go psychotic. I already had thoughts on how to get her some powers, but Gwen wasn't pleased she couldn't succeed with the first try. I counted it as a success because we were able to get a full mapping of half of the super soldier formula. And that was a secret between Gwen, Jean and myself since there was no way I was going to share that and get the military up my ass to reproduce the bloody thing. Peter had his fateful interview at Oscorp today, and I was in a park right around the corner watching from my tablet while completing the final draft of my suit and a few other things.

The current draft of the suit was my 2.0 version, I required a fully functioning computer within its systems, so I had to build a harness from scratch housed in Adamantium to make sure internals were protected. Hard hits like missiles and every other crazy thing have come my way since I doned the name Light Speed.  The gangs of New York weren't getting scared, they were getting more and more guns. They were also getting smarter; like pulling multiple heists around the city all at the same time. Whoever was behind them came to the realization I couldn't use comm’s and go super speeds at the same time.

So my current worry was figuring out the true crime when they all get reported all at once, but other than that, I was still taking down the carjacker or the alley mugger. Though they weren’t my concern today: today all of my attention was on one Peter Parker and how to get three layers of carbon composite nano fiber, and my unique crystal composite to all compress into one solid fabric.  The atomic nature of what I was working with wasn't bonding properly, and Hank Pym was ignoring all of my calls. Something about working with upstart punks and he was retired, to bad for him I had some of my nanobots infiltrate his home with directives to ignore the ants and to not get caught by them. 

Currently, I only had half of the Pym formula, and it was turning into a pain in the ass because the half I had wasn’t following any known laws of physics. I didn't have enough time to sit down and rewrite the whole thing though. I would have to give it my undivided attention next because it can solve a lot of problems I was having. Being able to shrink down to the atomic level to fix and create any structures I want with complete stability was fast becoming a wish of mine. The Pym particles would also take my nanotech to the next level, and I wasn’t going to let Hank Pym stand in my way. Maybe it was also time to infiltrate Pym industries and see what Darren Cross has and then compare it.

While I was watching Peter wait in the lobby of Oscorp towers I was going over how to create a reflective, augmented reality smart lens for public consumption while also doubling as the lens to my helmet so I don’t have to keep looking at my wrist mounted hologram.  She walked by, and I do mean walked by because I knew that ass. Anyone who’s anyone knows that ass, but what made matters worse was that she sat next to me sending me a flirtatious smile. 

All I could feel was a chill run down my spine. When Fury had shown up at my house, I decided to find where she was; so I hunted down every information within SHIELD’s servers to find her. All I found was that she was not even an agent, to begin with, even to this day they still hold a kill on sight order.  With that knowledge, I had Alfred track her down no matter how long it took because if SHIELD didn't have her; I wanted her as my right hand. I spent over fifteen million to get the contacts to find her, and still, she evaded me. 

Though her last job gave her away and Alfred has had a track on her ever since: but I wasn't happy with that last job at all. Yes, I was delighted she turned down a school bombing to take out a principal, but the assassination she performed left an awful taste in my mouth. I knew she was here for my head, Norman had put out a ten million dollar contract out on me, and she was in America from her last job. Case me for a few weeks, and most people would take me for some nerdy rich kid that swoons at anything. Maybe that's why she was in her blonde get up and look so delicious in those yoga pants. Sitting across from me was a twenty-two-year-old Natalia Alianovna "Natasha" Romanova, I can't lie she looked good for someone only five years out of the red room. 

I couldn't fall for it though, and I had to remember how she performed that last assassination on her target.  The autopsy report had that his urethra still had seminal fluid and was coated with a female vaginal fluid of the O+ blood type. She had killed that man mid sploosh, and I wasn't going to become the next. “Good Morning, Natasha, it nice to finally meet you. Although I thought you were ignoring my request for a meeting.” She tried to play it off, but I was far too focused on her, and there was no way I was going to allow her to slice my throat today. 

I had chosen this secluded spot in the park because of its lack of cameras, but it looks like she also had the same plans on eliminating me. Her breathing didn't change, nor did her eye twitch; what gave her away was my sight. I noticed that different types of people had different kinds of bioelectricity running through them.  I could tell if a person was healthy or sick just from their internal flow and a few other things I was slowly experimenting with and figuring out.  What gave her away was the slight flare in her right hand along her hips, which am guessing has a hidden knife even though her arm didn’t move in that direction. She mentally wanted to, and that was the tell.

“Sorry I don't know any Natasha’s, but you can know my name, it’s Megan.” She smiled as she held out her hand for me to shake it. With a sigh, I shook her hand, no reason to be rude. Since she is here, I might as well make my pitch. With a press of a few buttons on my tablet, a dead zone was activated around the whole park. Some of the joggers yelped in pain as there headset, and other devices all blasted out white noise and shut down. Humming to myself, I watched and waited while most of the parts occupants left after all their devices all messed up.

That got a twitch out of her, though, and it made me smile. “Calm down Natasha I am just clearing out some people so we can chat.” Showing her the tablet and how it was showing the park current covered in red, “I am creating a blackout zone just for us.”  With that, she cocked an eyebrow at me. With the park cleared out; it was time to make my offer and hoped to all hell it was Black Widow that wanted redemption. It would be a waste to kill her and lose all that knowledge in her head. “So Miss Romanova, we are now in the clear to speak.” And with that, I smiled at her since I was slowly revealing that I knew far more than I should. I was still working out the design for my helmet, but I noticed from the side of my peripheral vision her getting stiff from that admittance.

“No need to freak out, I am the contact Fast Feet; we have a meeting five months from now but, thanks to Norman, you're here.” With that, I placed the tablet and my work to the side. “Let's be honest and up front. I require your services, and I don't mean a single contract here and there. I want you on retainer and working for me, in return, I can solve that Graduation Gift of the Red Room.” That got me her full undivided attention, and if I weren't already juiced up on the speed force, I would never have been able to track when she moved for the knife. 

I watched as she moved in slow motion while she pulled it out from the back of her yoga pants then came after me in one fluid motion of movement. It was one thing to hear about it and another to watch the Black Widow in action. This was a dance, and I was supposed to be a very unwilling participant, and at the end of this dance of death was to be my preordained death. Unfortunately for her, I was not an average human anymore. And I have been far removed from average for some time. 

When her leg kicked out for my chest, I moved up with it pushing her leg up onto my shoulder, placing us in a very compromising position. “You know just killing me when I am trying to help isn’t very nice,” Natasha didn’t even reply she just pulled another knife out of I don't know where and went for the family jewels. 

My survival was due to my reaction time; otherwise, I would have become a dead man.
 I went for both her knives, and I found thirty-six more on her in some very, very nice places. I even had to disarm a small pistol strapped to her ankle. The only knife I left was the one connected to the inner wire of her bra. Placing all her tools on the bench, I carried her over my shoulder and threw her at the nearest tree still in sight of the park bench. 

Bless her heart, Natasha took the throw, grabbed onto a tree branch, and swung right back at me. Though I was at my limits, with a sidestep to avoid her, I gave her a boot right to the back pushing her away and pulling out my insurance to make her listen to reason. Other than wanting to kill me to erase all traces of knowledge about the red room.

I held up the vial of golden liquid that I was never going to release on the market. This golden liquid was a concentrated dose of my healing factor from my blood. “This isn’t and will never be on the open market, but I know you did your research on my company and me. You’re aware we have a healing solution on the market, right?” She was now still like she was a statue, and it was slightly creepy. I could tell she was trying to figure out how I was able to out-maneuver her while going over all the information she had on me. 

The one thing I didn't do in public was use my powers, and so I am sure she just deduced I was a Metahuman and was considering ways to escape.  Her eyes snapped to the vial in my hands, and I could see the gears working in her head, though she was still standing like a statue. “I have also checked about your little healing solution; there is nothing in its medical disclosure that says it can.” “Very true Nat, can I call you Nat? Anyway, we had to reduce the concentrated effects so that the other big pharmaceuticals dont kill it on arrival that's why it works on wounds and doesn’t heal everything. This golden liquid was derived from my blood and powers; it packs far more of a kick.”

When they make the expression, you can see the hope in someone; I always wondered how that would look on a person's face. Natasha had such a focused intensity on the vial in my hands it was beyond scary. Like if I hadn't removed the knives from her, I would lose my hand at any moment for what I was carrying. She was silent eerily silent, and I refused to break this silence. Then she finally spoke after eye killing me in many different ways. “Name your price.” “I need you in my employ, to be honest, I need a right hand that can help me with a lot that I can’t do because of my status.” At that statement, she raised an eyebrow at me.

“You want me to work for you? You do understand I am a wanted assassin right. And what about the contract on your head.” “Don’t worry about it; Norman has outlived his uses to me. When he gift wrapped you to me, I realized it was time to end Norman’s interference he can cause before it happens.” I was positive that my I refusal to sell Osborn a part of my company caused him to be more than a little incensed. And, I am sure it didn't help that we released Gwen’s little creation on the open market and it had some of the markers from his Oz formula.

“Can you even pay my price?” “I am a young billionaire Nat, I can not only pay your price, but I will raise it with things you can never imagine. I know your Ledger is dripping RED and I can help cleanse that.” I tossed over the vial filled with the golden liquid to her. “I can also give you back what you have desperately wanted for years. Home and family.” “This sounds like am making a deal with the devil,” She stated which caused me to smile. “Don’t be like that, Nat; we are both devils. We do what we must to succeed, although I will never ask you to do something like what you did in your last mission. I will never rent out your services or ever want you to complete a mission in that manner.”

“So you waste millions just to give me a job offer and to heal me: why?”

“Everyone deserves a second chance, and child soldiers deserve one even more.” That statement caused her to stiffen up. Yeah, I finally got her because no one should know that critical tidbit of information about her. “And my contract with Norman?” “He will be dead before the days out, so I will double it. This allows you to put out that his death defaulted the contract, so the Widow never broke a contract.” “You have a lot of answers for a kid that's supposed to be new to all this.” “Honestly I don’t, I am just trying to give a helping hand and avoid something worse in the future.” At that admittance, she raised an eyebrow at me, so I had to elaborate more for her. 

“My family isn’t currently like I am. So if someone hires people to get rid of them, they’re finished. I have some contingency plans for those events, but I want and need the best in the business to make sure everyone's safe, and cover hole’s that I will miss.”

“You’re going to trust me around your family?” “I am going to take a leap of faith in your humanity. You did turn down that school job. This is your second chance; are you're going to take it or let it pass you by?” And with that, my tablet went off, which meant something was happening. 

I was next to the tablet within moments, “Your him, aren't you? That guy calling himself LightSpeed.” she spoke up walking next to me. I smiled at her as I watched Peter go down during one of Norman’s little show and tells, trying to impress him. I knew why he went down because he just got bitten by the spider and I needed that spider. Hell, I was going to take all those spider’s, and there was nothing Norman can do about it.

“Hold this please,” Giving the tablet to Natasha. I went towards the Oscorp tower for another speed heist. I already knew Peter was going to be okay. He has always survived getting his powers. So I was going to use this opportunity to get his spider and the rest.
I was in through the doors and up the steps before a fly could flutter its wings. They were on the thirty-second floor when I was watching the video. While I was in motion, I double checked my bag to be sure I had everything that was needed. 

I had ten jars total to make sure that no two spiders were in the same containment. It wouldn't do to have them kill or eat each other when I had waited so long for this day. 
That situation would fucking suck after all the planning and waiting I had to go through.
When I entered through the fire escape stairwell, Peter was still down on the ground, and Norman had that displeased look on his face. 

While I went past him, I created a kinetic force egg and pushed it into his chest cavity.  It wasn't going to explode now, but I was going to keep an active connection to it. This way, I can remote detonate him from a distance. Preferably when I am somewhere, cameras can see me, to help keep suspicions about my involvement down. Ignoring them now that I had Norman taken care of I found the spider that had bitten Peter making its way towards a duct vent. Capturing it first, I placed it with the label of love potion sixty-nine.  This was the same spider that bit Cindy Moon and made them irresistible to each other.

With that taken care of, I went into the holy grail of genetic miracles that no one is even aware of Oz serum genetic spiders with sprinkles of super soldier mix into their DNA sequences.  I grabbed the number forty-two spider first, and then the thirty-six next. I have read so many Spiderman comics; that I was aware of all the spiders that came with powers across the comic's multiverse. Even the spiders that showed up in the Marvel central canon six-one-six universe giving powers. With my bag filled with my gloriously liberated loot, it was time to go. I gave Peter one last look hoping that my being here didn't change anything regarding his fate.

After some contemplation it was time to leave, I had done enough already today. I was back in the park with Natasha before she was even able to get a full grasp on the tablet I gave her. “So, you are LightSpeed,” She spoke to me while making her way to the bench with all her weapons.  "So are you going to take the deal?" I couldn't help but ask. Alfred can only cover so much as tech was involved, and I was trying not to tag my family and friends with nano-trackers whenever they needed to leave the house or company grounds since that was a significant invasion of privacy. It was bad enough I had all their phones tracked.

"How do you know so much about me. I’m certain what you know isn't in any file online, and all who know are dead. I made sure of that fact." "We both know I can't tell you that unless you're going to be a part of my team." She snorted at that statement and started to pick up her mini arsenal of knives and hidden ankle pistol. She even bent over to place a few knives away, giving me a perfect view of that nice ass of hers. Though I was enjoying the view, I knew what this was. It was a test to see how easily Natasha could play me. To bad for her, I already had my fair share of that bullshit. Fool me once, shame on you, because once I got fooled, you can't-fool me again.

As she did her saucy little stretch and up yoga move, she smirked at me and raised an eyebrow at me. “You see anything you like?” Yeah far too dangerous, alright, “Yes, I do actually, but this between you and me is not going to happen.” Then she gave me that smile only the black widow could perform and, combined with that face and body, it was devastating. “What makes you say that?” “You have been through enough, and I have far to much respect for you to just accept such bait.”  That brought her up short, and she got deadly serious with me again, “You're serious about this job offer then; and this isn't some game for you.”

“Nat I am deadly serious with you. I have people to kill and people to protect; I have billions and tech that’s going to rival Stark’s soon, but what I don't have is a right hand I can confide all my plans to. I need someone to have my blindside, cover for all the things I can't see coming. I need you as much as you need me.” Then I sat back down and went over the designs for the suit I was hoping she was going to wear. It was another nanocarbon fiber weave with an under-layer and over-layer of composites with a shock absorbent variant of the web formula as a coating.  This was modeled after her Infinity war variant with the combat vest built in. I was also designing a pair of web shooters and a utility belt that went with it, can't have my people go around without nice toys.

“That's some fancy toys your making, what is that? A grappling hook?” Of course, the shiny toys attracted her attention. “They are called web shooters extremely versatile. Capable of disabling anyone at the baseline human level and those above, if used properly. This is just one of the things I have created that can’t be found anywhere on the open market.” With that, I gave her the tablet to browse through the rest of the goodies.

I had everything in there from the specialized rail-gun pistol just for her called the SunShot, It fired semi-auto at about 150 RPM. The SunShot wasn't firing any standard rounds. It was supercharged with my infinite lightning and firing some very nasty concentrated bolts. It only came with full devastation and there was no stun setting on this gun. Then the tamer stuff like a staff that can be pulled apart for the tonfa variant. I even included a list of powers she might like.

“You know you're far too trusting.” She said warningly. “I am placing faith in you. So what will it be Miss Romanova?” And with that, I stood up and held my hand out to her.
“What about my wanted status?” She asked. “That can easily be taken care of.” Since I had raided Stryker's bases, they came with names and some beneficial information on a few Senators, Congressmen, and some Billionaires.  All I need now is another piece of the puzzle, and I can hit the world stage running.

“Do what you have promised and I am yours, Benjamin Blake.” And with that, she took my hand and stood at my side. “That is unnecessary Nat, that vial I gave you will help heal the natural wear and tear your body has suffered over the years. Now just to let you know, that is only half the key to the puzzle of how to solve your situation. The other half is held by a doctor whose research I have been keeping a very close eye on. She is working for a think tank currently, and they have placed her in a deep dark hole. We will locate her, and you shall have the other half of the puzzle key. Alfred, tell the driver to come to pick us up.”  With that, I gathered my belongings and walked to the front of the park for my driver.

“Who is this doctor that has the other half, and who is Alfred.?” Natasha asked me while stretching. Her stretching was doing some very nice things for my eyes to enjoy. “The doctor's name is Maya Hansen, and she is working on a little project called Extremis. One on its own is extremely volatile. It can cause the recipient to explode, but with our addition to it, we have solved the energy dissipation. Mya Hansen is unfortunately in a location we can't reach as of yet. Also, Alfred is a sentient AI, first in the world. The only thing even remotely close to him is Stark’s Jarvis AI that runs his company. That reminds me Alfred give her access to the black servers. Also, let's press on those names we retrieved from Stryker, cut a deal for Natasha. Contact Fury and let him know she is now off limits and I will deal with a few missions.” My driver came around with the car while Natasha just raised her eyebrow at me.

“You have access to the head of SHIELD,” Nat said disbelievingly. Deciding not to answer until after we got in the car was better since it had my privacy shields. “Good afternoon, Allen.” “Good afternoon yourself so did you enjoy the park. Also, why don't you introduce me to your friend? Ma’am good afternoon, you can call me Allen.” came his gruff voice from the front.

Rolling my eyes at the man, I made my introductions, and he left us to it after that. With instructions to take us to the hospital. With my work for the day now out of the way, it was time to relax. “You will find out later about the infamous Fury and our crappy connection. Just know that you will no longer get hassled by them,” and with that, she relaxed into the seat next to me. Or that was what she wanted me to believe. I could tell that she was coiled like a spring to instantly attack or defend if necessary.

We had gotten to the hospital after Peter was dropped off by one of Norman’s drivers. Norman didn't even show up. Who had shown up alongside Peter was some lawyer trying to get him to sign a waiver. That prick! Norman wanted Peter to sign away blame of injury on Oscorp’s property; and that shit sparked my anger. I wanted to pop the bomb in Osborn's chest and get rid of him instantly, but Natasha calmed down my rage before I exploded at the lawyer and made Norman go boom.

Uncle Ben signed the papers since he was the guardian of Peter, and with that, the lawyer left. I gave Aunt May a hug and Uncle Ben a handshake then I made the introductions to my new secretary and liaison.  They just ate her up, and it was amazing to see her work on people that had no clue who and what she was — choosing to ignore her and let her mingle her way into their hearts since she will be around a lot. 

It’s best for her to gain some familial connections and the Parkers were the best starting point. The doctor came in and told us it was only an allergic reaction, and it wasn’t anything lethal. Although the doctor said that, Peter didn’t look too good, but I already knew what was happening, his DNA was merging with whatever was in the spider. So with the doctor's dismissal, which am thinking Norman must have had something to do with, Peter was being pushed out without them even asking for overnight observation.  I helped him to the car while Uncle Ben and Aunt May chatted up Natasha.

With the family dropped off at their house in Queen’s, it was time to pull my next move. I had the number forty-two spider in my hands spinning while it ran around with the clear numbering on its back. “Natasha, would you like to be a Metahuman?” I asked her while looking out the window at the passing lights.

“What's a Metahuman? Elaborate please?” She was again watching me like a hawk ready to bolt. “They call people like myself Mutants, but that isn’t the correct term. I plan to protect Metahumans like myself, heal those that are broken, and kill those responsible. I also want to advance the world forward one step at a time, and when we have advanced enough, reach for the stars. My buddy Peter will wake up a Metahuman tomorrow all thanks to this.” With that, I held up the spider that would have been Miles Morales if I wasn't around to interfere with things.

Her eyes locked onto the spider with laser focus, and I thought I heard her breath catch, but that could have easily been my imagination. “This is a project of Norman’s that he scrapped, but I have been keeping a very close eye on its development. Norman wanted to prove he could produce genetically altered life-forms, but they are far more valuable than something so trivial.” Now it was time to drop some comic knowledge on it and how she bites. “This one in particular grants the recipient bioelectric shocks, wall crawling like any spider, super strength and enhanced durability and senses.” Natasha’s eyes didn't leave the small jar as I was twirling it around in my hands. “This will be yours all you have to do is ask. I have plans for the rest, but I will allow this one to be yours. This little beauty also comes with minor healing.”

Allen had pulled up to a hotel overlooking freedom plaza where the Baxter building was located. “Allen, take these back to the company. Keep them away from Gwen for now, although I am sure Gwen will be notified of their arrival.  Give it to one of Alfred’s tachikoma bodies and have him put them away.”

“Don’t trust her with the spider’s?” Natasha asked as we went for the elevators heading to one of the penthouse suites.

“I promised her powers, but none of these have the ability of flight. I don't want to tempt her until after we can reproduce everything.” I spoke while pressing the button for my suite floor. “So you are going to give me powers but not your girlfriend?” She asked, raising an amused eyebrow at me. “You will be far more effective with these powers at your disposal. Remember, I am taking a leap of faith.”

With my key, we had no issues getting into the suite. With a message to my family I let them know I wasn't going to come home tonight. The jar was sitting on the table with Natasha sitting regally in her chair like royalty. Paying Natasha no mind I went out onto the balcony to pear out into the city, and not too far away was the Baxter Building. With all the money I took from Stryker, I owned a controlling stake on the board of directors. All that was needed was the big dimensional explosion for me to get the rest of the shares and fold them into Star Industries. 

While I was in my musings of things to come and things to be aware of, Natasha spoke up from behind me. “I will do it. You say this thing will give me powers. I will take that leap of faith you're going on about.” And with that, she removed the top and pushed her hands inside. The spider instantly reacted to her hand's presence within the jar, and immediately bit her. I had my sight active to watch the change take effect, and man, it was almost instant. I watched the spiders bite from her hand spread and wrap around her nervous system. Then as it went to work changing the rest of her, I caught Natasha before she could fall over.

The spider bolted for escape, but I was far ready for him, and he went back into the jar. After making sure, the spider was secure, I brought Natasha to the bedroom and placed her under the covers. She laughed at that, “I thought you said I wasn't going to end up in your bed.” That raised a chuckle out of me though, “Just relax and go to sleep; we have a lot to do once you recover.”

With her taken care of, I went back to the living room to relax on the couch and finish up the touches to her suit. My Russian Redhead was going to need a lot more toys. “Sir, Tony Stark's convoy has suffered an ambush. He is currently presumed dead.” Came Alfred voice from my tablet. That put a smile on my face. “When the news breaks, everyone is going to short Stark Industries stock. Buy as much as we can so that we have controlling interest in Stark Industries. Make sure you get to it before Obadiah Stane, shut down his systems if you have to, but I want a controlling part of that company.”

It felt nice throwing around so much money, but I almost forgot something important. Closing my eyes, I follow the tether between myself and the kinetic bomb I placed within Norman. It was time to wrap up loose ends. Norman Osborn was on the same floor Peter had gotten his spider bite yelling at some scientist, probability over the missing spiders that I now had in my possession. I focused on the kinetic energy shell and fed it power.


Sheesh, I felt the explosion even from here. So much for the Green Goblin situation.

“Alfred, make sure to purchase all of Dr. Otto Octavius’s research into creating a miniature artificial solar nuclear fusion. Also, let's make him a job offer since his last employer seems to have exploded.” “Would you like me to send condolences to Harry Osborn, sir?” ‘Sure let's be civilized about it; why not.” With that, I just tossed my tablet aside; it was time to relax. With Tony gone Stane will become reckless, allowing me to grab a large chunk of the company for myself. And with Norman gone, the primary threat left in the city was the Hand and the Kingpin.

Now I have to wait for the Fantastic Four to show up. I love it when a plan comes togeather. What an A-Team day!

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