The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 2: Let’s Go For A Jog.

The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 2:

Let's go for a Jog.

So here I was a real new omega power leveled existence and am stuck watching some random chick flick. Now don't get me wrong I am okay with watching random movies, but when you have been volunt- I mean told you're going to sit, wrap your arms around her, and watch with no complaints; that's when it becomes a hard task to suffer through.

Man, I felt so alive, but here I was sitting and watching just because I decided to go full ultimate power. Tch! Superpowers my ass, a girlfriend still trumps you any day of the week.

It wasn't all bad, and my mind had been thrumming with power the entire time since I woke up a few hours ago on the gurney. It was like all my shackles had been removed, my entire life I had been walking and living with blocks on my feet, riding bikes with square tires, and I didn't know the difference.

Now though my mind was one smooth aerodynamic hypervelocity space ship moving with frictionless flight. My mind had no limits, and in turn, it gave my body no limits. Insights into things I thought mundane were awakening in my mind like never before. Information was being put together catalyzed and then stored away for when I needed them. Everything had a freshly painted coating. Even as far back as my previous lifetime.

So yes, while I sat through this ridiculous movie, I made plans, because one bald Professor is going to visit me real soon and one Magneto. What I needed was to get them both on my side, the Professor would be an easy sell. With me being aware of the DC universe Meta-human trope and better life treatment which also included being aware of how keeping the mutant tag is going to ruin any Meta's reputation, including mine, in any future I would build.

Plans needed to be made to make improvements in the coming future, but first I needed to figure out a suit for myself, and I was currently on my 678 suit design, crap: I also needed a hero name. And money, lots and lots of money. And while I was absentmindedly watching the movie coming up with plans within plans, it happened.


We ran out of popcorn, and I bit into my fucking hand!

"Goddammit, mutha fucker, shit sucking, devil's asshole!" screamed out of my lungs at my stupidity. In the blue blazes is a man supposed to survive with shit like this happening to him, forget taking on big bads I can't even eat without halfway mutilating my own hands! Everyone turned to look at us while Gwen just covered up her face to laugh at my expense.

Hell, I bought three bags of popcorn, one medium just for her with two large just for myself and my blazing appetite. Since I became a new baby speedster, I knew my metabolism was spiked through the roof. My body had already burned through two hundred bags of the electro-lite glucose/saline solution, just while I was knocked out unconscious communing with existence. Now I just ate through two bags of sizable extra buttered popcorn like it was running away from me.

"Gimme your hand," Gwen motioned to me while stifling her laughs. "Not funny Gwen, that hurt! How would you like it if I took a bite outta you?" I replied to her mirth filled features.

"I don't know if you could make time to take a bite out of me, you seemed pretty busy in your head a while ago," replied Gwen, leaning in to rub the top side of my hand.

Ohh that perked me up! Being the male teenager I was, I had ignored my girlfriend over the last few days. Shit, she had to have been stressed out seeing the speed force strike me, then she went from helping with my saline drip to watching me walk around like it was nothing. Now we are cuddled up in a movie, and I had given her next to no explanation.

Yeah, she trusted me a lot, and damn I was just here ignoring her with grand dreams and plans in my head. So I did what any guy would do I pulled her in and placed a lip lock on her. Damn man, she just melted into my arms, and I could feel it as her muscles relaxed. It was like her whole being came back in sync.

"Wow, is it going to be like this now whenever we kiss?" Gwen asked me while I was trying to figure out how, where, and why did that happen.

"Honestly, I don't even know. These powers are new, and I plan to explore them. If you like, I can give you a small demonstration.

"That could be fun," she replied. So, when we exited the theater we took a look around while walking down the block. And when it was all clear I picked her up princess carry style which caused her to yelp from the sudden move.

"Put me down you big oaf," squealed Gwen into my ear, but I ignored her and took off running.

That was when the speed force started to sing to me and boy was it glorious! It was just begging to be unleashed and used. My cells were soaked in the speed force, and I was tied into it in a way that no one else could ever be. So I pulled deep on my budding well of power and pushed.

The aura that was cloaking my body came alive like nothing I had ever seen before. Hell, I am sure I had never seen it before. I was confident I could do this. The Speed Force had intent linked with beliefs. So I had the intention not just to protect myself, but also Gwen. I had the utmost confidence I could stretch it to wrap her in my aura.

I wanted Gwen to witness what's about to transpire. She had to see this, and she had to see so that she could understand. Then as my aura wrapped around her body, she slowly opened her eyes to the wonders. To understand what it's like to look at the world through the speed force. She was in my arms, and my aura was protecting her, so I ran. My destination was the top of the Brooklyn Bridge.

I had planned to head there after dropping her off. Now I figured I might as well take her with me and have her experience what this is like. Within the blink of an eye, we were already halfway across Manhattan. We were moving so fast everything else was all stationary. I wanted, no, I needed her to see this. Frozen cars, people, and sights. The blending of the neon signs as we zipped by them all on the path to the bridge.


The Professor called his people into action. "Ororo, Logan let's go for a drive: that signature has made a reappearance. Now I am positive that mutants live within the city."


Gwen was amazed. Ever since they were younger, she had always listened to Ben talking about powers and the beings that wielded them. She never believed her beloved, even when he said he would one day gain powers of his own. She always thought it was just his imagination. Who could believe something like that, it was just far too fanciful. Maybe that's what was wrong with her, she always thought in scientific proofs and her books. All he had was his will and crazy ideas about the universe.

And here she was in his arms while he went speeding down the streets of their city. Was he taking her home now or was he taking her back to the warehouse? She had no clue, but that was fine as she liked to be in his arms even when he was too dense to realize that fact. Then she saw the Brooklyn Bridge, and he was on a straight path directly for the bridge. That was when it happened.

Benjamin Blake

Gwen was in my arms looking around enjoying the view, the zone was here and I was in it. The speed force was singing, and boy was I going to use it, I looked over the edge of the railings of the two-lane street. I was heading straight for the bridge when I had the most delightful idea ever. The east river was on my left with about a two hundred foot drop onto the surface of the water. Taking a look at the water then taking a look at the bridge, I set my find to my path.

I was already going so fast everything was slowed down to a near stop from Gwen's and my perspective. This would mean the surface tension of the water was near concrete tough at the speeds I was moving, but that wouldn't be enough. I ran and looked till I spotted what I was waiting for.

There was a wake wash right up onto the side of the wall looking just like a ramp, and I couldn't help myself. I saw the opportunity and went for it, pulling more speed force energy from my body. I ran up the gravel side of the railing and down the backside. I ran along the side of the wall, down the wake spray of water, and directly out across the East River straight for the bridge.

"Waahhhh!" screamed Gwen as I ran out onto the water. "THIS SHOULDN'T BE HAPPENING, THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" I, her boyfriend, ran out onto water: actual water! She wanted to close her eyes. She had to close her eyes, but something kept her from doing just that.

This new door that he opened for her was just too exhilarating. She wanted to do more, discover more, hell now she wanted her powers: and he did promise her a set of abilities. Now she had to plan on how to get them out of him sooner rather than later.

Being so focused on my task, I failed to notice the side-eye Gwen was giving me. That was fine because I was about to face my first tough challenge. The side of the Brooklyn Bridge standing point had to be the next level of slippery. I had an idea, but I had no clue if it was going to work. That didn't stop my brain from going into overdrive. Using the lighting from my body, I slammed my foot into the algae-covered brick and mortar on the bridge.

If I had taken a moment to look closer, I would have noticed size ten shoe print now perfectly stamped into the bricks. With one solid push, we rushed right onto the top of the Brooklyn Bridge to stand right next to the central light pole.

I instinctively pulled back my manipulation over the speed force to pull back my aura of protection from Gwen. Man, the sight from up here was amazing. I was in a place anyone would give money to visit.

Gwen was in my arms silent as could be, "When you spoke about figuring out a way to get up here I always thought it was just one of your crazy quirks; you know, one of your moments of boredom and frustration and just wanted to dream up something stupid. Just like your idea on superpowers, yet that came true, and here we are on top of the Brooklyn Bridge of all things."

I couldn't help but to smile back at her, what could I say. For once, I had nothing to say, so I wrapped Gwen in my arms and looked out over the East River. We stayed like that for an hour just enjoying the sites. Then Gwen's phone rang. Captain Stacy was on the line, and that only meant one thing, our fun time was over.

Gwen had to get home fast, lucky for her she knew someone that could get her across town in less time than it takes to brew a cup of coffee. After dropping Gwen off at home, I decided to put some rubber to pavement and blaze a trail across the city. First, though, I had to do a quick in and out of Bodega on the corner of my block in Queens.

I got myself two family-sized packs of m&m, a large water bottle, and a family-sized snickers bar. Dropping a twenty on the counter, I then beat feet out across the lovely city of NY. The time was only ten after two p.m in the very early afternoon. And boy, oh boy, was I about to go full throttle.


Logan turned down the fifth street along West Ave. Today he was driving everyone in a smooth royal blue classic Bentley. If anyone asked he would never admit it, but he liked to drive this old girl. Logan had always kept up her maintenance, so it gave him a smoother ride with his metal bones. Man how he hated riding in vehicles that did not ride smoothly. Hell, he hated flying just as much. It's just unnatural to be flying in the air trapped in a metal tube.

If a man was meant to fly, he would have grown wings. So yeah, he liked driving the old girl. He checked the rearview mirror to see what the Professor was up to, and yep, eyes closed trying to locate the new mutant power source he felt a few days ago.

Charles Xavier opened his eyes as he marveled at what he had witnessed from the astral plane. The young mutant had a few locations he visited quite often. From what Charles could tell, he gained his powers over in the warehouse district. That was fresh, but the mind all that power belonged to frequently traveled to what appeared to be a high school, an apartment in the city, and what appears to be a house located just ideally between the school, warehouse, and the Manhattan apartments. So since that had the highest possibility of being the home of what now appears to be a young mutant, he decided to go there.

Charles spoke up "Logan, I believe I have found the home of the young mutant, it seems he lives right between the school and some warehouses. His powers are activated in the warehouse district, but since the warehouse is located on the edge of hell's kitchen. It might take him a while to get home.


Came the breaking of the sound barrier, everyone took a moment to look around. Car alarms began to go off, and everyone in the vehicle looked around for the cause of such disturbance. Logan pulled the vehicle over to the side, turning in his seat to Ororo.

"Do we have a situation we should be aware of Ororo?" Logan asked, worried.

"I do not believe that this is weather-related, there is a higher chance this has been a situation of an illegal flight overhead," Ororo replied with a raised eyebrow. "I would fly up there and take a look, but I think that the time has passed for checking on the situation, wouldn't you agree?"

Logan just chuckled to himself and just pulled the car back into traffic. No point in arguing with her and she was convinced she was right and questioning her was just a fast way to get a bolt in the backside. Yeah, Logan knew better, and he wasn't going to bother.


Shit, I forgot to be aware of the shock wave that came with breaking the sound barrier. Yeah, indeed, I shouldn't have jumped the gun. That thought was out of my mind as soon as it came in. I was heading to open waters, and I was going to stretch my legs for all they were worth. Currently, I didn't have to be home until three p.m. It was now two-thirty in the afternoon. So all I had to do was run out to the Atlantic. Man, oh man was I moving, I wished I had a speedometer to tell me about my speeds. Although my current thoughts laid in something else. First, I noticed the colors one second it was yellow the next it was red.

Then it was split between my chest and feet then changed to both hands. I was fascinated, so fascinated by the fact that I didn't notice that I was way past long island. I stopped looking at my arms just in time to notice the receding coastline, yeah I had the speed force and nothing was in my way.

What I was seeing were different ranges within the electromagnetic spectrum, yet that wasn't what felt strange to me. What did feel strange was that I was able to tell and see the difference between what came from the ley line under the ocean. They went along the coast and far into open waters to other nations or secret islands most likely.

What did strike me as strange was that I was able to see the ebb and flow of the earth gravimetric waves. This I didn't know the flash had, hell even the flash stated that he ran so fast once he outran gravity itself. At the time I played it off as a joke of the flash floating around, but now I knew that was complete bull. Something that the comics wanted us to believe.

Speed Vision is what I plan to call this and now this raised a question: if I can see gravity waves. I must be able to interact with them. Yeah…. Lets not, currently I'm located in open waters, and that would screw me six ways from Sunday.

Speaking of weird occurrences, I need to figure out how I am breathing going at such speed, my lungs should be mush by now yet I am perfectly fine. Do I even need oxygen anymore, the speed force itself was maintaining my body's functions?


"Sir we have confirmed reports of an unidentified shockwave coming out of the NY city area." called out a random agent with information for his boss.

"And do we have any confirmed sightings?" One Samuel Bad muthafucka Jackson, the young, the fabulous, the bald one-eyed pirate himself Nicholas James FURY stood there in his long glorious trench coat asked the same random agent.

Fury stood at a good even six feet tall, a nice slim build for a man of his age. He carried himself with a casual gait but anyone who knew him would tell you never trust that smooth walk of his. One moment it's all relaxed then, you blink, you're on the ground and a size eleven custom made baby alligator boot heading directly towards your face.

The Random Agent answered quickly with a, "No sir, but we do have confirmed reports from local police and an agent on the ground did a report on hearing the sonic boom."

"Alright get in contact with weather and ATC, Also get me the last twenty-four hours of flights in and out of the area. One of these has to be our bogie." Fury commanded before turning back around.

"Yes sir, right away sir." replied the random agent as he dashed away to get the information for his glorious boss.

Other Side Of Queens :

"So tell me, Raven, this is the city that Tracker said he felt an omega mutant presence? The last name, Blake, goes to midtown high correct?" Magneto also known as the Magneto Mutant, Visionary Extraordinaire asked, striding forward within the concrete jungle, better known as New York City. Erik Lehnsherr was better known to the public as Magneto. Magneto stood at a crisp six feet even, thick, glorious silver hair, he wore a beautiful blue suit today.

And he was here to pick up a fresh omega level mutant to become a member of his brotherhood. Raven Darkholme, better known as Mystique, the Ageless beauty, the master spy, the Blue Femme Fatale, or Raven, was currently in her businesswomen disguise. Short brunette hair, pencil skirt to match a work blazer that adequately hugged her shoulders combined with a shirt of light teal.

Raven listened to her group leader as he strode forward without a care in the world. Raven decided to ignore most of what he was saying, putting more of her focus on the current target. Benjamin Anthony Blake. From what the Tracker was able to glance from his vision, the kid somehow was able to figure out how to activate his X-gene.

He had to have failed some crazy experiment because she did not know of anyone who would knowingly try and become a mutant. He was just another kid, yet he had to live his life in hiding what he was instead of showing the world his magnificent gifts. This was why she was here helping Eric. She wasn't here for some grand ambition. Raven was here to help shelter the young. She wanted to perform a courtesy that she wished someone had shown her when she first awoke to her gifts.



Nothing beats having fun like a sudden jolt to the system. I had just jumped off a beautiful twenty-foot high wave out in the Atlantic when my phone decided it was going to give me a mild heart attack.


I didn't want to pick it up, hell, how was I even getting service out here. Rationality aside, I knew if I didn't pick up, my Dad was next. And man oh man, I didn't want the detective grilling right now.

Ben - Hey Mom, the most exceptional person in my life, my light giver, the beauty with the bountiful heart filled with unconditional love for her great one and only son.

Mom Life-Giver - Where are you?

Ben - Out on a jog...why?

Mom Life-Giver - Well I just called Peter, and he said you were with Gwen.

So guess who I called next Gwen.

And guess what you weren't with her at all.

Now you're telling me you're out on a jog.


Ben - Wait, why didn't you call me first?

Mom Life-Giver - I did, but it seems someone didn't want to pick up, so I did the next best thing.

Ben had to move the phone from his ear to check the screen and sure enough. It showed eight missed calls. Now Ben knew how badly he messed up. And he freaked out. Shit!

He looked up, spotted the signal from his phone and high tailed it back in the direction of NYC. Cause he knew this was not going to end here.

Ben - I can't believe I lost sight of the time mom, promise you am on my way home now.

Mom Life-Giver - You have ten minutes or you're going to be late, and I hope you at least picked up some more snacks for the cookout.

Ben - Mom you know you don't even have to ask. My stomach is a black hole and I would have sacrificed a baby if we didn't have enough food.

Mom Life-Giver - Why did you have to get your dad's sense of humor? Sigh! Bye.

Text MSG End:

I looked up and eased my beating heart. The city was rapidly approaching within my vision. I was aware that this wasn't time to slack off, I needed food and lots of it.

Since I am heading home, I might as well do it in style. Focusing my might on the speed force, I pulled in the lightning and focused my will into forming a construct. There was no time to think about the placement and logistics of summoning full speed armor, hell, I am not even sure how Berry created those, but I had clues and pieces to a puzzle.

Today all I was aiming for was just a lightning bolt. For a brief moment, Mortal Kombat flashed through my mind, one character to be more specific. Raiden the god of thunder and for that split second, I felt my lighting react to my thoughts. It quickly went away to form a lightning bolt upon my chest. I planned on going home in style. And this time I wasn't going to mess up the sound barrier.

I made it home just in time, I had two whole chickens, three slabs of beef ribeye, and last but not least, five pounds of ground beef for burgers. My house was located on one of the weirdest streets around. The block of houses was precisely one block over from the main roads on both ends. Then the location of the six homes that make up the light neighborhood was located in a semi-circle on the other side of such a half circle was a six-story apartment home. A strange location indeed yet this was new york strange is a part of daily life.

From my point of view, no one was outside. I did notice a very lovely blue old school styled Bentley. Which made me wonder whose wealthy relatives were visiting today. I definitely would have remembered a blue Bentley if I had seen one before. Bleeding off some speed back into the speed force there was way too much wind. Anyone could figure out I came in with a blast of wind.

The backyard of the Blakes :

"I can smell him, Charles, he just came out of nowhere I can also smell the saltwater. Sniff….sniff… I can also smell popcorn, butter, and a lot of meat." Logan spoke up as he looked around.

"What do you mean by saltwater?" Ororo asked perking up at her seat.

"I would believe, he would be able to answer your questions if you only ask," stated the Professor from his location at one of the large picnic tables. I came running around the fence with all the extra meat for the BBQ already in motion.

"Just in time, you slowpoke. What happened? Get lost on your way home? I heard Gwen kicked you out a while ago." Yelled my father Adrian Blake from across the back patio.

With a sigh at my old man's loudness over the music of the party. I could only grumble under my breath, then I had to offload all the food I brought with me to the party. That was when I noticed the arm that was helping me. When I looked up, there he was: James bloody Howlett, better known as Logan, the badass, savage, muthafucking, Wolverine was here in my backyard helping my Dad with the grill.

And damn! the man was ripped! Hell, I don't think there is a muscle on his body that hasn't been worked out. Logan was a short five feet even with ham chops for hands. Shit, it was hard to keep myself from geeking out right then and there. My head snapped up quickly looking around cause if Logan was here that means the X-men were here.

I looked up, down, left and right then he spotted the two sitting over on the side while Storm watched the kids play. Ororo Munroe stood up and looked back at me. Storm was breathtakingly beautiful, clean caramel mocha skin, flowing locks, with deep blue eyes that thrummed with the power of Mother Nature.

This is the lady to one-day ascends to godhood, one of the few individuals to have direct relations to actual divinity. Shit, she likes gardening. I have to make sure to remember that. Zen and gardening that's my in, just gotta wait, I have four months till I'm seventeen.

I had to take my eyes off her to look at the man seated in his iconic silver chair. Professor Charles Xavier in the flesh. Damn, I was nervous! These are heroes made flesh standing right in front of me, the only thing saving me right now was that I had to finish with my Dad before he forced me to go talk to the Professor. So I decided to turn back around and finish putting away all the food. Yet, that was the chance Logan chose to speak up.

"So kid tell me did you hear that sonic boom today?" Logan asked with a smug look on his features.

"No, I don't think I did, guess I was in my head Mr?" I asked, almost choked on my spit while looking at Wolverine.

"Oh yeah, sorry, forgot to introduce you guys. This is Logan, he came with that professor over there from a school upstate." my father's voice appearing at the worst time possible.

Before I had a chance to reply to my Dad, the universe decided to hit me in the face with a curveball. In walked Magneto and Raven being led by my mother. I was positive that I was about to have a massive coronary hemorrhage. There was no way that I was born with such terrible luck.


And then I heard that I heard the music that sang to the ears of any nerd who knows that sound. I couldn't help myself; I had to see it. So within a nanosecond, I turned around and took a look at them. The Wolverines blades, the weapons of unbreakable might. Holyshit did I want to geek out right now, but like all things, reality had to set in. I realized my ass was in a family neighborhood cookout.

A fight cannot and should not happen here. With that, my mind was made up. Taking four rapid steps, I stood in front of Logan. I clenched my buttcheeks as I dropped my speed. To anyone at the party looking in the front gate direction, new people were entering, but for those closer in the know, they had knowing smiles.

Logan looked at me as I suddenly appeared in front of him. He released a grunt as we watched Magneto enter through the gates, yeah maybe here wasn't the place for a fight. Magneto came walking up next to my mother.

"Adrian turn around, let me introduce you. This is Dr. Erik Lehnsherr. He is also here to talk to Benjamin about a position at his school," my mother said as she did a quick introduction. "Ohh and this is his assistant Raven Darkholme. Since this is going to turn into a big school talk, why don't you have a seat over there with the other teachers."

"Yes, That would be nice as it has been a while since we last had a chat" was all Erik said as he walked in the direction of Charles Xavier.

Logan followed them with his eyes and just grunted. Yeah, the kid knew about them alright, was all that was on Logan's mind as he went back to grilling.

Man's gotta eat even if he's gonna gut a few people after.

Since am starting something fresh.

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Let's Keep Hope Alive.

Send comments I will read them all.

Since this whole writing thing is new please bare with me.


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