The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 26: Vampire Beastie

The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 26



Benjamin Blake - Red Hood

With the coordinates plugged into my gauntlets, it was time to leave. "Do you have a ride?" I asked Blade as I turned and typed in a few commands to Alfred. I had decided to leave behind one of my mini drones as I wanted to collect blood samples from all of the different types of vampires.

That way I could get some research done on what makes them so different. "Hmm what did you arrive in?" Blade asked me as he eyed Mystique since she was still looking at him with the M32 at the ready.

"Limo, but I doubt that it would return." I told the man with a shrug.

"Now, the vehicle is parked where?" I prompted since he was staying silent.

"Round back," replied Blade as he put his guns away.

"Are we really going to follow him." Asked Mystique as she waved in his direction.

"Yeah, we have to; otherwise we will be stuck with those new vampire types." I told her, expressing aloud my own inner thoughts as I put my own weapons away. Although I put my guns away I kept my sword out.

"Fine we will go kill this cock blocking vampire." Mystique snorted as she marched out of the room.

I was about to face palm at that when I noticed Blade looking at me with a raised brow. I put my hand back down and could only shrug at the man. He grunted at me which brought a chuckle since he reminded me so much of Logan with that move.

I stood my ground and waved a hand for Blade to leave first. As we walked back up the stairs, I left a few of the remote controlled bombs behind with one of my mini drones. This place was going to be hit with an implosion bomb once we left. Yeah, I was going to alert Fury about this but I refused to allow Hydra to get a mutated vampire sample. Granted with how long they have been around I was all but certain that they already have a sample of the V virus.

When we got up the stairs Mystique was standing at the ready with the M32 pointed down the hallway. Blade just kept on going like it was nothing but I stopped and let out a groan beside Mystique.

"Is what I think is happening happening?" I asked out loud letting my frustrations show.

"Yeah it's happening," Stated Mystique as she frowned at my comment. At our comment Blade stopped to turn and look at us.

"What?" Asked Blade as if this was all our fault.

"The bodies are missing," Mystique Stated as she pointed to the spot where Blades' kill should have been. With that prompt we all made our way forward to check and found that not only was his kill missing but the mutated vampire killed was also missing.

With my own growl I join the other two as we slowly walked back out to the club entrance. When we arrive at the broken down hole in the wall, we find a massive behemoth standing there. It stood at twenty feet tall, had four arms, and was butt fucking ugly.

All four hands had two feet claws extending from each finger, it's back had spike protrusions curving out and it's mouth was hanging open. All along the body it had de-marked lines from where it combined the body parts to make a whole being.

Blade didn't even wait for any cues or planning he just pulled out the sword and charged at the bloody thing.


"Is he always like this?" Mystique asked me as she unslung the M32 grenade launcher.

"I honestly don't know, but fuck it you go left. Get up on stage and try to get one in its mouth. I will go right and try to bring it down by removing its legs." I Stated as I launched myself towards the beast of a vampire.

I didn't need to know what her thoughts on the matter were as two shots were fired over my head. Mystique's aim was as true as ever as one took off the head and another removed the right arm.

Blade was carving up the big beastie but that man was acting like a one man army. I hopped in with a roll dodging the arm that came swinging wide. With a two handed grip I swung the sword directly at the knee cap. Unfortunately, the damn thing had reinforced its skin and bones even more.

With my swing, the sword got pinched in between the joints. The monster must have had some type of feeling because it screamed out with its fully regenerated head. The arm was still in mid regeneration when Blade loped it right off.

From her perch Mystique planted another round in the chest shredding the front. What was left behind was the rib cage but it was rapidly healing back. Without giving a fuck I did a commando roll to get out of the way because the monster came grabbing at its leg where I sliced in.

That was strange because it didn't show this type of reaction from Blades sword or from the rounds that Mystique kept dumping into its chest. It had to be the lead because silver was a vampire killer and Blade has been cutting off its arms and the thing is still regrowing them.

"Mystique explosive lead rounds," I spoke into my comms as I dodged another swing by the monster. I noticed that Blade did a slight grimace, so he had enhanced hearing it would seem.

I quickly kicked the hilt of my sword as I slid on the floor past the knee I had slashed and grabbing it I sheathed it and moved out of the way double time to make sure I wasn't caught up in the coming explosions. I moved right in time because Mystique had that mad gleam in her eyes when she heard me tell her to switch to the exploding ones.

I took a dive right over the bar as the monster took another swing at me. That just served to reinforce that it was focused on me because of the pain I had induced with my blade. Before I could say anything else, though, two rapid explosions took off its right and left arms.

Damn that women was fucking amazing. Luckily Blade was using a table as a shield so he was unharmed. Five seconds elapsed while the monster just stood there stunned but I was smiling inside my helm because neither of its arms were growing back.

Oh this son of a bitch was mine now! With a quick hop I was on top of the bar, then from there I jumped onto its back sword first.

With the sword plunged into its back I used my weight to slice through the bones it was using to guard its core. With the back flared open it was the perfect chance and Mystique didn't miss the opportunity. Working together like a well oiled machine, she fired and with a boom the vampire monster was blasted from the back through the front.

I was already diving under a table to be safe from the shrapnel. This woman was hot and crazy all rolled into one. My sight was drawn to the glowing blue core laying in a pile of flesh. Again, I had the chills looking at the thing and I was instantly reminded of the blue soul skull that came out of the chest.


Mystique didn't even wait for me to say anything; she blast that core to bits and pieces. My only reply to the sexy death goddess was to nod, get up, and brush myself off. This mission was turning into a real shit sandwich. Blade was also up looking; like one badass mother fucker that he was. The man was as cool as a cucumber acting like this whole ordeal was just another day for him.

Busting up bad people was one thing because a bullet could end them or myself easy but dealing with the V virus and whatever other supernatural virus was out there was a mental drain. Hell, I was more worried about my powers supercharging the damn thing more than actually attacking it.

As we made our way out of the club, using the back entrance that Blade used to make his way inside, I was dropping my drones out of my utility belt to make sure that blood samples were collected and that this whole club was also destroyed.

When we got outside there was one beauty of a car sitting right there in front of us. Fuck me sideways, I almost forgot about the 1968 Dodge charger that he drove around in. This car was rocking the B bodied style with the UV headlights to melt any vampires that crossed their path. When Blade turned on the sleek all black American muscle car, it roared to life with its 440 bottle fed magnum engine under the hood.

I had to set myself a reminder to make sure that I built my own muscle car once I get back. My gauntlet pinged with a notification from Alfred. It would seem that he already collected all the blood samples and it would be fine to get rid of the nightclub. With the evacuation of the drones; it was time to get rid of all the evidence.

Since I had my arms around her waist. Mystique was paying full attention to the moves I was making, but when the button came up to destroy the building. Mystique entwined her fingers in my hand then pressed the button herself.

Alfred fed us the video image of the building shrinking down into itself and Mystique watched with wide eyes as she realized I was using the PYM particles to shrink the entire place down to the subatomic level. Mystique spoke with bated breath.,"You can also do that to buildings?".

"Yep, it's not ready for human trials but with inanimate objects the PYM particles work just fine." I replied to her as I leaned back into the car seat. With her going silent after that, I settled myself into enjoying the ride. Although, I had to make a suggestion to Blade about stopping somewhere for more weapons.

It would be best to stop and pick up some more gear. Mystique could use more body armor and Blade's sword and weapons could also use an upgrade.

Gwen - Kickass Girlfriend / Brilliant Genius / Impatient Imp

It had been a good five days since Gwen had taken on the task to give herself powers. About two days into trying she had stolen some of Jessica Jones' hair. She felt bad about it. But when she heard Ben talking about her having the ability to fly she had to get a sample of her DNA.

Gwen couldn't help herself; she wanted the ability to fly so badly. And now she had finally found the missing piece to her puzzle. It turns out Benjamin was doing his own research into it. When she had asked Alfred for information, she was given a file on power combinations that Ben had already put together for her.

She could only sigh because that was typical Ben, doing far too many things at once. At least he solved the Vita Ray issue; Ben had it labeled as living energy under the classification of artificial chi. She had no clue what chi was but, with all the positive benefits that Ben had listed, it was enough for her to do more research on the substance.

From her and Ben's independent research, Gwen discovered the vita rays would work without any formula to support them but it only gave small heath boosts and increased a normal person's natural regeneration.

But, when you combine the Vita Rays with a Mutagenic Gene altering formula, it allows a person's body to more effectively absorb that formula. This combination, Ben noted, was the catalyst for Steve Rogers being able to absorb the super soldier formula and surviving the process.

With a few words to Alfred, Gwen had the super chamber built in one of the lower levels. Gwen was so excited as she was on the verge of getting the powers that she always wanted.

She had run thousands of tests combining the perfect ratio of spider and super soldier formulas, and now with the added enchantments from Jessica Jones' power set she had created a gene altering serum that would take her well past an Omega category Metahuman.

Gwen was certain she was ready for the next step, with none of the serum she created degrading, she knew it was stable. She couldn't stop herself from pacing in front of the chamber: she had a sample of her blood mixed with the serum sitting inside one of the smaller Vita Ray chambers.

With thirty seconds to go the microscopic camera was showing signs of success. Gwen was getting sweaty hands as she waited on the final verdict. She couldn't watch so she closed her eyes and turned around to face away from the monitors.


That sound made her heart clench in her chest. She waited for a minute, then three, and when ten minutes had passed and with her fingers crossed: Gwen turned around to find out what her fate held for her.

Gwen wanted to scream to high heaven; it was a perfect success! She was going to finally get her powers! With a command to Alfred, Gwen made her way to the changing room. Gwen was acting on impulse and, with only rudimentary testing to verify the serum would work on her, she decided to go for it.

There was no cellular degradation, with perfect genetic recombination, and even overall improvement in the final product! Oh she was going to be stronger than what the independent serums could produce! Oh, she was going to get powers now and not wait till later!

She could do this on her own with better results to boot. With a quick change into her cute pair of boy shorts and matching bra, Gwen injected her ultimate serum. She was going to get flight, strength, agility and so much more!

"Alfred, hit me with fifty percent then amp it up to one hundred percent and hold it there until everything is complete." Gwen spoke to the air as she stepped into the vita chamber.

"That can be arranged. Maybe I should call in some back up to ensure your safety? How about Dr. Kenny or Jean to help monitor?" Alfred responded from the installed speakers in Gwen's lab.

"I got this so don't worry Alfred, now turn it on." Gwen Stated as she closed the door to the chamber. Within a few seconds of her closing the door, it hit her. It hit her like a train slamming it's way into her body.

Gwen wanted to scream, she wanted to yell to release the pain building up in her body, but she felt it working, knew it was working. Before she realized it, the Vita Ray levels in the chamber were dropping: that could only mean that Alfred was turning down the Vita Ray intensity.

Fortunately, she already had preparations for that event though her cells screamed for relief. But she knew this would work. She only needed a little more time. So, with a flick of the switch she had built inside the chamber, she removed all outside control. Gwen turned up the intensity of the vita rays in the chamber. But with that: it felt as if her cells were on fire. She couldn't hold it in anymore.


Gwen felt the tingle race up her fingertips, the feeling was like electricity was poured into her veins. Neither Jean or Ben had told her about this feeling; Gwen felt alive in a way she couldn't describe.

Gwen felt like the perfect version of herself; that the new her had no peer level adversaries that she would face. Now that the procedure was a success, all she had to do was leave the chamber. With a twist the dial for the strength of the Vita Ray's broke off. That sent her heart to race, so Gwen reached for the door handle but that broke also. Gwen was now in full on panic mode, she didn't know that her super strength would be that strong and she seemed to have no control or finesse. She should have calculated that her strength would be able to break through advanced reinforced nano-carbon titanium.

Shit maybe she should have asked for that backup, now Gwen felt like she was going to regret it. No, she refused to panic; with her hands planted on the door, Gwen placed her feet on the back wall. Gwen took a moment to breathe deep as she ignored the Vita Rays that kept enhancing her body. With focus she pushed hard but the door was already being yanked open. And with it Gwen was already pushing her way out of the chamber.

Everything slowed down in her vision, Gwen never knew anything like it. She had heard Peter talk about how it felt when his spider senses kicked in but she never knew that time slowed down in her perception. That didn't matter to Gwen though because her body was already moving with her mind at lightning speeds. Oh shit, Jean was the one who ripped the doors off the chamber. Now Gwen knew how Ben feels when she catches him doing something without backup and she realized she had also fallen into that seductive trap.

She had to place that thought aside though because Jean had yanked the door off with too much force and both her and the door were heading right for Jean. With a twist Gwen shifted her center of gravity using that to pull the door in a slingshot maneuver getting right up under it. Ohh! the door was as light as could be! Gwen thought to herself as she held it up above her head. Jean telekinetically cut the power to the Vita Ray.

"Gwen what happened! are you alright?" she gushed, as she rushed to Gwen's side.

Gwen could only smile as she looked down at Jean with the door held above her head. She was taller now not by much but Gwen was positive that she was at least six feet to Jeans five feet six inches.

"Jean, it was a complete success! I have powers now!" Gwen replied happily as she tossed the door aside.

"Yeah, I can see that." Replied Jean as she took a step back as she looked Gwen up and down.

"Check out my ass Jean, look I can bounce a quarter off of it. I mean I had a nice ass before but check this out." Stated Gwen in excitement as she showed off her curves to Jean.

With a SMACK! Gwen gave her ass a slap so that Jean could take a better look at it.

"You can't distract me that easily Gwen." Spoke Jean with her hands on her hips. "You're picking up bad habits from Ben. I've seen the memory of what happened last time. What if I wasn't here to save you?"

"I had to get myself powers; how else am I to stand as equals to you and Ben?" Replied Gwen in exasperation while she waved her hands in the air. "This was my opportunity Jean, and I took it."

"Gwen, baby honestly I get it. Truly I do, but you just did something extremely dangerous. Hell, this is worse than what Ben did; at least he had back up." Spoke Jean as she used her telekinesis to put the Vita chamber door back next to the chamber.

"Yeah, I didn't realize I would become so strong. The safety handle I placed inside popped right off." Gwen spoke with frustration as she went over to the chamber to pick up the broken handle.

"Yeah, well let's go get you cleaned up. We can leave this mess for later. We honestly don't want any of the employee's to get their hands on any of this stuff." Stated Jean as she picked up the tossed aside robe that Gwen was using before she went into the chamber.

Gwen was already ignoring most of Jean's rambling because she was checking her changes out in the mirror. From the preliminary scans, Gwen was now six feet even, she had a lean athletic build, and her ass was divine; Ohh! She even got bustier. Crap, now she needs new brassieres. Hell, she was going to need a new everything Gwen thought to herself. Oh no, how was she going to explain this sudden change to her mom and dad.

But enough of that for now Gwen thought to herself as she eyed Jean.

"Why are you looking at me like that Gwen?" Jean asked as she took a step back from the taller girl.

"Oh nothing much, I just seem to recall that the last time during or little tet on tet. You and Ben teamed up on me." Stated Gwen as she took a predatory step towards Jean with a smile spreading across her lips. Before Jean could say anything Gwen was already closing the distance, "Oh, I have more than enough stamina to keep up with you and Ben now." Purred Gwen into Jean's ear as she picked up the red head.

"As much as I like the sound of that. Let's get cleaned up and retire to Ben's room since he has the largest bed. Maybe we should send him a steamy foreplay session with our well wishes." Replied Jean in a husky tone as she levitated them both out of the lab towards the showers.

"Oh that's diabolical," Purred Gwen as she pulled Jean into a kiss.

Benjamin Blake - Red Hood

It had taken us more than a few days to walk our way through the old country side of Russia. I was a city man through and through and I was not happy with this shit at all. The only saving grace was my powers giving me superhuman balance and agility because I was stepping over terrain that I was positive would have had me busting my ass if I was a regular, normal human. The fifth night in though I had a smile on my face while also being frustrated to no end because Jean and Gwen sent me a steamy video. I was half upset and half a horn dog when I watched it.

They thought sending me such a steamy video would have me ignore the fact that Gwen had enhanced herself or that she did it without any backup at all. I couldn't really be too angry because I would have done the same thing if I was certain I could do it on my own.

Honestly, I was more happy about the fact that she didn't accidentally kill herself. I mean, who adds a back up handle on the inside of the chamber and then breaks it off? Then there was also the temptation of all the sensual come ons coming from Mystique that I was trying hard to ignore. Mystique was hanging close and the sexual tension between us was getting so thick you could cut it with a knife. I was desperate to ignore that and focusing on the work or the hiking to the bloody cave inside the mountain that was housing a Vampoire Castle getaway, because that's just how all these fucking things are located.

Alfred had informed me that the Baxter Building had finally been blown up by Reed Richards and I was going to capitalize on it to separate him and Susan Storm since they were not dating yet. I made plans to stick Johnny boy with Peter and since Ben was an aerospace engineer I placed him at the head of my new automotive department. It was so easy to solve those issues with the profiles that Natasha created for me.

The only issue was Reed fucking Richards. I knew Victor was going to come for his ass. So I would have to have him in an open space away from all the good toys I was making, but I couldn't have him by the dimensional portal machine. I didn't want to eat the constant destruction of my labs but I had to do something that kept the man busy with Victor freakin Von Doom's focus settled on him.

It was nearing August and that would mean Tony was going to leave his cave soon. I would need to fork over a few billion with his upcoming dumping of Stark Industries from weapons manufacturing. I could easily step in and save jobs while getting more industries under my belt. I would also have to make a play at more stock. I couldn't let Obedia and Stark have it all once so many shareholders started to bail on his ass. Things like that I would have to worry about later though because we had found the cave entrance. It was flanked by a moon shaped tree which in my book was just a tree bent over to the side to look like the letter C from the alphabet. The ground before the cave's entrance had no disturbance to it but once we entered you couldn't mistake the tracks. With us finding the right entrance we double checked our weapons. Blade was now using a sword like my own while Mystique went for more versatile ammo in her sling. I almost felt sorry for any of the vampires down here: well almost.

Even though she was doing more and more with her shape shifting, Mystique went for more armor like Blade and I were wearing. She was decided on a full body, bio weave suit dipped in the unbreakable formula Natasha and I had recovered from Georgia awhile back. It had been rather difficult to keep my eyes of that shapely ass of hers but, with the chance of imminent death, it was an easy task now that we were entering the cave. As luck would have it, we rounded the first corner in the cave and we were met with a roaming patrol. I turned to look at Blade with a raised eyebrow because this asshole said it would be easy to walk into a vampire den in the middle of the day.

Some bullshit about how their internal clocks would have them sleeping during the day and that has never changed in all his hunts for the Vamps. Fortunately for us, my safe house had all the appropriate suppressors for our weapons. Which meant we were prepared for bullshit like this happening. All three of us raised our weapons, firing down the three Vamps that had the unfortunate opportunity to walk right in front of us this fine day. We mowed them down with the sheer power of rounds we were packing.

Some of the shots fired did sing unfortunately as they ricocheted down the cave. Oh well, we were here to kill the big bad boss and blow the mountain top anyway. I turned to look at Blade and he gave me a shrug. When I turned to look at Mystique she just frowned but nodded. Well damn, I guess it was a do or die and not come back another day type of thing. "Since we already fucked our entry, how about silver nitrate explosive rounds?" I asked the two bad asses at my side. They didn't even reply. Mystique was back to my Steyr Tmp submachine guns and Blade was already swapping out his own ammo mags.

With confirmations all around, we took off at a sprint through the cave. With one of the comm nodes built into my helmet Alfred was running an echolocation scan of our surroundings. The HUD was showing a large cavern roughly forty feet directly below us and he was showing we were fifteen feet and to the left of a drop into what appears to be a water shoot. That was where we were going to go to gain access to the lower level since so many vampires were bound to converge on our location.

We raced down the corridors at each other's shoulder, Mystique had my right while Blade had my left. Any Vamps that got in our way were gunned down with one explosive round to their cranium. Yeah, nothing was going to stop us from getting to our destination. When we flew down the last set of stairs and rounded the corner there was another one of those massive mutated vampires waiting on us. Unfortunately for him though, Mystique couldn't wait to try out her new toys. He took one of my own inventions to the chest before he could register that Mystique had swapped out to the M32 rotary grenade launcher.

What she shot into the Vamp was a silver nitrate explosive round, but I added in a small twist for the big guys like them. The round started to spin, drilling its way inside the big Vamp like there was a million dollars hidden in its chest. Within a split second after the round was inside, though the skin healed over. Well shit that's new! Still, too bad for him because he was then blown to bits from the borrowing round.

Ugh kibbles and bits were everywhere! But we had no time to register it all. There were roughly one hundred vamps chasing us down a long narrow corridor and our only entrance to the lower levels was now free of obstructions. I didn't want to, but with a toss over my shoulder I dropped a grenade for the helpful vampires and dove in first.

With my perception and reaction time it was an easy decision because whatever we were about to fall into would need at least one of us fully focused. Blade was right after me and then Mystique pulled up the rear. I heard the grenade launcher fire a few times so I was certain she picked the last spot because she wanted to explode more Vamps. We fell for what felt like eternity, I would have to create a solution to my perception of time soon because this was one of those rare moments when it fucking sucked. It was a year, then another, but when I was rounding on five years falling. I was finally able to wrestle my perception and brain back under control but nothing was the same again.

That has been the single longest time, I was struck with speed psychosis and I was now in a very pissy mood. I was ready to kick the ever loving shit out of this fucking Vampire Lord. What we did fall into was not some water reservoir but the bath house. I could tell that it was a bathhouse because of the naked person lounging back and relaxing was just a little pissed at our intrusion.


We both growled at each other but I already had my guns up blasting away at whoever and whatever this fucker was.


Well fuck knuckles! This was the fucking boss man himself! I stared at golden bone claws coming out of the mans hands as he proceeded to slash apart the rounds I was firing at him. Since my bullets were doing shit I holstered my pistols as I pulled out my sword. I slashed at him as my companions fell into the bath right behind me, but I was in for the surprise of my life. His fucking golden claws stopped my sword dead, but that wasn't all. This mother fucker blew me a kiss with a wink all while doing this with the face of Logan!

I couldn't help myself, I shivered right there on the spot and received a kick planted in my chest for my efforts. I did a swift roll back over to my companions, but we had to move quickly because of the sound coming from overhead. Blade and Mystique were as fearless as ever firing right into the coming tide of vampires but I was searching for an angle for us to escape this mess.

Whoever was in Logan's cloned body was eccentric; so if we could get him to talk, we could attack and get him while he monologues or at least get this down into a one versus one situation. It didn't look like we were going to be in much luck because his lackeys brought his armor around for him to get dressed.

Vampires were still falling through the hole we came through and from the far end of the chamber, but with the upgraded weapons I gave to the both of them, the Vampires were dropping by the dozen. So I left them at my back and broke rank to kill this fucker.

He had to die and die as fast as I could make it happen without the use of my speed force. I sliced down through his surrounding entourage but as I came within striking range of the man. His leg whipped out like a viper going for my temples, you would think with Logan's short legs they wouldn't be able to reach that far.

I was already twisting when I noticed the leg was coming up for my temples. With a swift slash I removed the fake leg at the hip and followed with a kick square in the jewels.

"Easy on the pudenda you barbarian, for they shall be pounding into your sweet backside later this evening." He yelled out at me. That drew me up for a second. A second which I should have been using to lay down more damage because the fucking leg instantly grew back from where I removed the last one.

"What?" I asked confused because I have never in my life heard the term pudenda associated with the family jewels.

"Ohh, do not fear me sweet child, for I, Lord Varkis. Have chosen you to warm my bed tonight. Then, I believe. I shall try out the tightness of both your companions for desert." Stated Varkis as he licked his lips at me. Ok, that sent a shiver down my spine alright, because that look in his eye told me he was as serious as could be. Ohh boy: that put a pucker clench my sphincter. With my own growl at the man, I tossed grenades around my surroundings aiming for the vampires he was commanding to slowly surround me and keep me pinned down.

With some breathing room I was on him again, but I had to dive out of the way because the fucking guy had jumped to catch a grenade. Then he threw the damn thing back at me like we were playing catch and it was my turn.


When I heard that sound I dove clear out of the way. The round Mystique had shot caught Varkis clean in the throat. Damn, she had some scary aim when she was serious. I turned to give her a thumbs up when I noticed Blade was almost pinned down with his own vampire problems.


With that sweet sound in my ears I went to help Blade clean out the vampires with whom he was dealing. With the amount of ammo we came in with, there was no way we were running out anytime soon.

I launched myself into the mix from the left side while Mystique lobbed rounds at the right side. With a sword in hand and my pistol in the other we made short work of the sixty two vamps converging on Blades location.




When we heard the loud golf clapps I couldn't help but to let out a groan because I knew that with that sound this fucker Varkis wasn't dead yet. And sure as shit, when we turned around he was standing there with the top part to his guard missing.

Everything was still intact! Butt fuck me! This idiot had somehow figured out a way to supercharge Logan's healing factor.

"Blade we are going to stuff one of these white phosphorus grenades down his throat. Mystique prepare some of the napalm to light his ass on fire, please and thanks." I stated to my team as I took off running around to the right side as Blade went for the left.

Okay: so I took a leg off and he grew it back, his top half was blasted but he grew that back also. Well, we were about to kill his ass with fire, this fucker shouldn't be able to grow back from that.

Blade set into Varkis hard, but with each slash and exchange I could tell the skill difference. Hell, I knew Blade was already way ahead of me in combat experience but this guy was making short work of him. I slid in to swap out with Blade as he received a three claw track mark across his side for his troubles. Lucky for him he was covered in the armor built by my company. The claws did slice straight through the leather trench coat though. Blade followed the slash as he jumped out of the way.

I came in swinging with my own move from below slashing upwards across Varkis's chest, but he was already one step ahead of me. With smooth grace, Varkis was already leaning back and out of the way of my move. Jokes on him as I am a no good dirty cheater. I let go of my sword as I followed through with the motion.

With a smile of triumph I watched as the tip of my sword closed in closer and closer to his chest, but that was short lived as he grabbed the sword by its tip and tossed it back towards me. I ducked and rolled out of the way as my sword went crashing into the far wall. With a flick of my wrist I called it back to me with the electromagnets installed in my gauntlets.

Okay, that didn't work, but this fight had to go on. Once I returned to the fight Blade was launched backwards by a kick but I was already there, grabbing his outstretched arm. With a tug and a twist I brought Blade back into the fight.

I flashed him the grenade in my hand as we both launched ourselves at him one more time. With Varkis distracted with me, Blade came in from the side. Yet, everything we did was useless as we could not get past this man's guard. Each punch, each kick, each slash was guarded or parried. That was until Blade went for his own low blow and threw the gravel from one of his tumbles on the ground into Varkis eyes.


Varkis screamed out in rage, eyes wild as he went lunging towards Blade, but I was already waiting for something like this. I shoved the grenade into Varkis' opened mouth while he was in mid roar.

I had to bite this bullet because I can heal. With my gauntlet stuffing Varkis mouth shut, I felt the burn. We both burned at upwards of two thousand six hundred celsius, I was greeted with the smell of burning flesh as Varkis burned down to nothing within my arms.

Being this close to such high intensity heat was pure destruction, my nerves fried and healed as they kept burning up again and again , but I could only grit my teeth because we had to kill this fucker. When I finally released him, Varkis was a half charred half blood corpse. When I took a few steps back, It was revealed I wearing half charred armor and fuck was I sweating underneath it all. Although I was feeling awesome for the win, it was all kicked out the side when the charred Varkis corpse twitched.

I instantly flipped out of the way and so did Blade as we both dodged the swipe that Varkis did towards us. That would have been fine, but this asshole was sucking in all the other vampire corpses that were laying around us.

I took multiple steps back toward where Mystique was just relaxing with her M32 launcher. I did not run, I walked very rapidly to her location. Blade was now next to us and we just watched as Varkis got larger and larger.

With Varkis turning himself into an extra large vampire badass, it was time to break out the last resort tools. Out of my utility belt I brought out a Thirty millimeter round for Mystique's grenade launcher, this ammo type had a purple tip to mark its difference from the others.

This ammo type was a weaponized version of the PYM formula. These were bad and only to be used for the most extreme of extreme situations. Hell, this was primed to go subatomic and explode once it completes its functions. There was even a miniaturized JDAM missile shrunk and housed within the center of this ammo. Because it cost so much to build and keep secret, only eleven had been made so far.

When I pulled out the purple tipped rounds Mystique's face went deathly white.

Mystique gave me the M32 and I began to load it with the new ammo as she started to undo the quick release on the armor that she was wearing. She flashed me a grin and a wink as she shifted into her combat attire. Mystique had been interested in some of the artworks I was playing around with for her transformations. The one she had the most fun with was turning her skin armor into the molecular structure of diamonds. So when she grew to the size of the twenty foot Varkis, Mystique had on diamond tipped combat gloves and combat boots. Her legs and ass were wrapped in blue and gray combat pants that were doing deadly things to my imagination. She had the same matching shirt doing the same for her chest and with the skin hugging long sleeves, she left nothing for Varkis to grab onto. Blade made clear his intention to stay out of the way of this type of brawl, but I couldn't fault him for it though. I had not anticipated this to turn into a Power Rangers/Zord fight scene but I could slack off since I was holding onto the grenade launcher.

"You think you can just take what you want?" Mystique stated in anger as she slugged the Logan clone.

Varkis returned with a swipe of his claws in a back hand maneuver. Mystique was ready for that move though because an extra arm grew out of her chest to grab Varkis's hand then she followed up with an uppercut right into his open face. The way she was fighting you would think she was used to fighting as a twenty foot Zord but I knew better. This was some type of expansion of her skill set. Mystique held Varkis' arms as she planted a kick right into his jewels, I had to hold back my laughter at that. He was going to get no ass this night all right. But, as Mystique leaped out of the way of his roar and slash at her, Varkis left himself wide open and I wasn't going to let that opportunity go. I planted two shots with rapid succession right into his chest and crotch. I wanted to chuckle at the obvious joke, but I had to clear the way because it would suck to be included within the stabilized stasis field created within the regulator that managed the whole shrinking process.

Mystique was already heading in my direction as I was diving into the water and out of the way. Alfred was providing the video feed from a few of the drones around the bath chamber. So I was watching that as I hid beneath the waves.

Varkis was ripped apart as his body began to shrink down to the subatomic level. Oh thank sweet baby Stan Lee, I was not looking forward to fighting this guy any more. He was kicking both Blade's and my asses like it was nothing and with his instant healing, he was not a fair opponent. My thoughts were pushed aside as Mystique pressed the quick release on the side of my helm. Mystique had a breathless smile on her face as she pulled me up from the bath and all I wanted to do was pull her to me and fiercely kiss her.

"So, you can get big now? I asked as I lift her up stepping out of the bath we were in.

"Yeah, I figured it out awhile ago," Mystique replied with a shrug from within my arms with a smile of her own.

"Okay now that the big boss is gone, let's get out of here; Hey Blade do we need anything else because if not we have to get back to civilization." I told Mystique while also turning to yell across towards Blade who was inspecting the spot where Varkis had disappeared. Blade only grunted at us and I just returned that with a shrug of my own.

While we were doing our male macho display of communications Mystique had grown extra arms to pick up and pull in the armor parts that she dropped before her giantess debut.

It took us all of one hour to make our way back to the entrance of the cave. Unfortunately for us the Creed branch of vampires didn't keep any of their gold in this location or any computers that would allow Alfred to hack and milk their accounts. I hit the big red button to detonate the explosive packs I had trailed behind us as we exited the mountain. Well, I was a bit premature as the mouth of the cave covered our asses in ash while the whole place suffered a minor earthquake. Mystique laughed at my ash covered face while Blade just tisked.

From there it took us another three days to make it back to Moscow and our hotel. I left one of my communication cards with Blade, it was a simple three inch by five inch card that had a state of the art communications array installed. With that card he could reach me anywhere in the world and it would also allow Alfred to keep track of him since I gave him limited access to a few safe houses and custom weapons made to order.

With him out of my mind I was waiting in the elevator with Raven by my side. The looks we were sharing had so much sexual tension you could cut it with a knife. We had waited far too many days to get this moment alone with each other. We had been fighting for our lives for what seemed like months now as the vampires just wouldn't give us any rest. But, as the days passed, she became so much more beautiful to me. Before all this began I wanted to keep her at arm's reach.

Yes,I was helping her daughter adjust to her abilities but that was all this relationship should have been based upon. But now though, with time, and just the two of us, she would be mine. Mystique was on me as soon as the door to the hotel was closed. Her kiss was hot and full of raw passion, our tongues intertwined as we dueled for dominance. There will be no losers today only winners as I pinned her tongue down and claimed her mouth as mine as hers extended to wrap its way around my own. This made me smile at her little display of shape shifting, I could already imagine. The things she could do once I was fitted nice and snug inside her as I wrote my name into her walls.

Mystique's lacy panties were ripped down off of her sinfully curvy posterior to dangle around her ankles as I lifted her to my face. Positioning myself under her dress, I was treated with her womanhood dripping with her sweet nectar.

Taking my time I held her up against the wall with her legs spread wide for me to treat myself to a meal of her sensual expressions. With deft movements, I worked my tongue inward to my prize. Her legs shuddered as I licked up and down back and forth across her folds teasing her clit. I began outlining the alphabet in all caps, making her moan.

I made sure to caress her G spot with two fingers that glided deeply inside her as I worked my way around her clitoris. And after my tongued Z, I enclosed my lips around her clit. Mystique fired off an orgasm as her legs jerked involuntarily and enclosed my head in a vice like grip. She was left breathless but I wanted far more:, it would not be over till I had her screaming my name in every language that she knew.

My pants had there use but they were in the way, so with deft movements the buckle was loosened and they were down. With Mystique still in her post orgasmic high I lowered her down above my shaft. With slow, gentle strokes from my hog leg along her lips, I brought her back to her peak. Mystique wrapped her legs around me as she slowly moved her hips back and forth in an attempt to capture the tip and get me fitted inside her, but I had my own goals today.

It had been nothing but teasing back and forth till I had her in my arms and I was going to make sure her body sang to my tune before I sunk in and enjoyed this meal.

Mystique was so hot and inviting my self control almost slipped. I felt the shifting of heat from her sex and the cool air of the room and I slowly worked my way in and out between her lips. The slow, sensual grip on the top of my tool as her muscles worked to engulf me whole.

Enduring a wave of pleasure, I work her nipples between my lips and tongue savoring and exploring the taste of her. With a gentle forward thrust, her clit was pinned against my shaft causing her to cum from the friction. I was nearing my limits already from her moist heat. My next impulse was to bury myself inside and release all of my pent up desires by planting my first round deep inside her womb, but that wouldn't do and it seemed Mystique had the same idea.

She had me lower her down and she walked herself to the bed and laid on her back, spreading open her mouth beckoning me forward. This was a chance I wouldn't give up for the world, as I approach her tongue rolled out and with me standing above her face Mystique licked me from root to tip. She then swirled her tongue licking away our sensual fluids and with a small pull I was directed to sink myself deep down into her throat.

The feeling with which I was presented was beyond description. The fit was snug but I was treated with wiggle room. Her throat was warm, moist and silky. I just wanted to push my way deeper, but I held firm. Yet, with gentle tugs I was guided deeper in as her tongue slowly crept its way down my tool. When my head slowly pushed into her throat I had a hitch in my breath as Mystique swallowed me whole and her tongue wrapped around my balls. Mystique was showing off all of her skills today and I held on trying not to give her an extra large helping of dinner so soon.

Mystique then used slow push and pulls guiding my thrusts in and out of her throat as her tongue slowly caressed me back and forth. Following Mystique's lead, I easily slid past her tonsils time and time again as she swallowed me whole. I then slowly pulled back until just my tip was held by her lips and, just as slowly, I went back in.

The mounds on her chest were just too inviting to be left alone as my hips kept pace with the motions of her arms. As I tweaked a nipple, Mystique moaned sending a shiver up my spine and I the vibration was too much. I let loose, rewarding her with dinner. Mystique wasn't ready to give in and neither was my body because I kept going as she swallowed more and more, slowly inflating her stomach.

My knee buckled as I came again and again, Mystique just pulled me in close with her chin pressing against my stomach swallowing every last drop of cum I produced. I finally finished and pulled out of her throat with wet squelching sounds, I looked down as I felt a small tongue to see Mystique had her tongue out two feet from her face still wrapped around me. I could only smile at the sight of that. Mystique unraveled her tongue and licked me clean then slowly turned around on the bed.

I could only smile at the sight of her, Mystique was filled to bursting and from the way her stomach was going down she would be in need of another meal very soon. Reluctantly, I pulled her panties back up, this was not the time to indulge myself.

"That was spectacular but let's talk to the girls first to make sure we all agree before we go beyond this." I told Mystique with a truly satisfied smile on my face. Mystique didn't even answer me, She reached out as a tongue grew out of her palm licking me as she stroked me up and down.

"That's too bad I wanted to test out some ideas that this big boy might like." Mystique whispered with a seductive tone of voice. I tried hard but I couldn't resist pulling her in and kissed her deeply. I held her hand with the open mouth as I came inside her palm as she swallowed it all up. I felt her shudder again in my hands, cumming from the sensual intensity of the moment. We had things to solve once we got home but for now we could enjoy this moment before my next big adventure. Since I was in Russia I might as well pick up another icon and his sister I thought to myself as I relaxed back into the bed.

The world hasn't made any move against Meta's yet but it was inevitable and I should shore up a true home away from home with proper defenses while keeping Salem City as the front.

I had to place those thoughts aside and just enjoy the moment. And while it was true no one but I was aware of the terrifying future ahead of us; as long as I was proactive I should be able to solve the truly horrible situations.

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