The Fateful Uchiha

Chapter 108 – Convincing Tsunade

Fighting wasn’t just about violence; it could also be about moving towards something different. Since the appearance of chakra in the world, people have only known conflicts and wars. But it could have been different. They could do things differently, they could try to understand each other, and Jun desperately wanted to show it to Tsunade. If he could make her see his point... If he could make her understand where he was coming from… To revive the hope she seemed to have lost…

“You think it's so simple?” The Sannin said in a bitter tone.

Jun shook his head.

“I know it’s not simple. It's hard, it's complicated, it's scary. We must speak, listen, understand, sympathize. But we can do it. Just because it's easier to fight each other doesn't mean it should be the answer to everything!”

If Danzo and others had understood this, would the massacre have taken place?! It was the kind of question that haunted him. From birth, people were formatted with mistrust and violence, but it wasn't right. It wasn't normal, it wasn't good, things could be so different… But nobody was trying to change, because nobody knew how or nobody thought about it. But all it would take is for at least one person to lead the way… 

Tsunade sneered.

“And you think you can be that person? You think you can achieve that?”

“At least I want to try! The Uchiha retorted. “There will never be peace, a better world if no one takes the first step in that direction.”

The conversation had completely shifted. But maybe it was better that way. There was no need to play games or beat around the bush now. Talking about Yamato to lure Tsunade to Konoha hadn't made Jun comfortable. At least now, he was speaking with his heart. He was being honest about his views.

“Trying does not mean succeeding,” Tsunade said.

Jun clenched his teeth. He thought of the Uchiha clan, of the way he had turned his back on them, of the death of his mother, of the massacre, and the haunted look of Sasuke when Jun spoke to him afterward. He clenched his fists on the table.

“I may fail if I try. But if I don't even try, then failure is a certainty.”

Tsunade looked down, and her shoulders sagged. She grabbed the sake bottle, but there were only a few drops left. She sighed and put the bottle to the side and looked at it with a vague look.

“So you want me to fix the village?” She asked in a hoarse voice.

Jun wasn’t sure how to answer her. He remained silent for a few seconds, pondering on his response.

“I want you to help me do it.” He replied with determination.

“World peace…” Tsunade mumbled still looking at the bottle. “With this kind of nonsense, you should go find Jiraiya, not me.”

Jun grimaced.

“Jiraiya-sensei also wants to change things and is already doing something about it in his own way. It may seem like he’s fooling around, but he has a purpose. He will not give up. On the other hand, you're just running away.”

“Not far enough apparently,” Tsunade retorted.

Jun shrugged his shoulders.

“Lady Tsunade, running away is useless if you have nowhere to go.”

The Sannin gave a nervous laugh. She slowly pushed the bottle away from her. Her anger seemed to have disappeared. She looked at Jun with a strange gaze.

“What if they all die?” she asked abruptly.


“Your loved ones, all those people you want to protect. And those you want to talk to, listen to, sympathize with. What if they all die? What would you do?”

The question pierced him like a dagger in the heart. Izumi, Kazuma, Neji, Karin, Sasuke, Tenten, Shin.. Iruka, Kanna, Miyamoto, Shiba-sensei, Anko, Natsumi, Susumu, Yugao, Gai, Genma, Kotetsu, Izumo, Yamato… Jun tried to imagine them, all dead. He tried to imagine living on his own… but it wasn’t possible. Jun couldn’t imagine losing all of them… He couldn’t imagine being all alone.

He knew they could die. He was also aware that he might end up burning the entire world in his grief if that happened. However, he knew that he would never truly be alone. He had the village. Even if his loved ones were taken away from him, He would carry on… for their sake. If Neji and Kazuma were killed, Jun would still try to destroy the Hyuga Main Family. Even if Izumi died, there would still be people like her with compassion and kindness, such as Ume and Hana. So… if the people he loved died, the young Uchiha wouldn’t stop fighting.

Jun wasn’t as kindhearted as Kazuma, who loved so easily. Nor did he have the patience of Izumi, who sympathized so easily. But he was their brother. The Uchiha blood flowed in his veins, and he was no stranger to love or passion. Jun loved fiercely, passionately, and selfishly, but he loved anyway. This village, with its crimes and its faults, was his village, the only place he could call home. He would defend it and all its inhabitants. He would protect them all. And if he failed… He didn’t dare to think about it.

The Uchiha clan leader replied as honestly as he could.

“If all of them die, there would be no more village for me.”

Tsunade looked briefly shocked and placed her hand on her neck. She touched the necklace she wore… a green crystal pendant surrounded by two tiny silver balls. Jun recognized the necklace. She inherited from her grandfather, Hashirama Senju, the first Hokage. It could help suppress the chakra of the tailed beasts. In the original story, Tsunade had given it to Naruto after the latter won his bet and mastered the Rasengan in a week.

Jun had no idea what she would do with the necklace now. Jiraiya and Naruto weren’t the ones who came to find her. Tsunade felt the jewelry with the tip of her fingers for a few seconds before removing her hand. A sad expression appeared on her face.

“You have a big heart, Uchiha. It will be your downfall.”

Jun shrugged.

“It's not a bad way to go, Senju.”

There was silence. The bar was completely deserted now. Jun didn’t know if Shizune acting as a bodyguard was the cause of it. There was no longer a single customer in the room. Even the owner was nowhere to be seen. Jun looked at the windows. Night had completely fallen; it was dark outside.

“What's your name?” The Sannin asked.

Jun blinked, caught off guard.

“Jun... Jun Uchiha.”

The Senju looked at him for a moment, then a burst of realization passed in her gaze, and she emitted a strangled laugh.

“I’ve heard about you. You’re the current head of the Uchiha clan ... Ah! I see the irony now… Senju and Uchiha… All right, Jun Uchiha, I'm coming with you.”

Jun's jaw dropped.


“Oh, you seemed surprised. That’s what you came for, no? Well if you don’t want to, you can go back to Konoha alone.”

“No, no, I’m just happy you’re coming back to the village.” 

The Sannin got up without giving him a look. She didn't even wobble after all the Sake she drank. When she stared at Jun, her gaze was bright and clear.

“Then don't make me repeat myself. I want to see this new village you're talking about. Prove to me that you’re not only all talk.”

She leaned forward.

“Prove to me that you can change the way of the world. I’m willing to bet on you.”

Jun didn't like betting, but he accepted this one without hesitation. 

“I will.” He said letting out a sigh of relief.

His main objective was accomplished. He had succeeded in persuading Tsunade to come back to the village. Now he had to go for it. The crazy idea that had been germinating in his mind for a while now. It was a long shot, but Jun couldn’t back down. He had nothing to lose. He would ask her. At worst, he will get rejected… but he had to try!

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