The Fateful Uchiha

Chapter 112 – Prisoners

Kakashi did his best not to think of another team that had been separated from its sensei with one member kidnapped by the enemy. It wasn't a story that ended well. Yes, they rescued Rin, but at what price?

The Jonin didn’t want to think about it, but it was the only thing on his mind. Rin, Obito, Minato-sensei. Kakashi remained motionless, staring at where Zabuza stood a moment earlier. He felt a knot in his throat. He had failed again. How many more times would he fail to protect his comrades? How many more times would he be the only one to return to Konoha? He felt like his hands were stained with the blood of his comrades. How would he deal with another guilt weighing on his conscience?

However, Kakashi didn’t let despair take over him. It wasn't over yet. Kakashi refused to let it end there. Zabuza wanted them alive. Otherwise, he would have killed them on the spot. There was still hope. The Jonin inhaled deeply, then turned to Tazuna with a cold gaze. The latter stepped back involuntarily. Kakashi painted a nightmarish picture, with his bloody wounds, his Sharingan uncovered, and his icy grin under his mask.

“Let’s talk. It seems you have a lot to tell me.” The ninja declared.

Tazuna, terrified, told him everything he wanted to know. Who Gato was, the type of men he employed, and where his base was. But even with all this information, Kakashi wasn’t very optimistic. He was wounded. He couldn't save his students by himself, and that truth weighed on him tremendously. But he could only count on himself in this situation.

He was in charge of Team 7. He led the mission and led them to this place. The fight... Their defeat was his responsibility. He couldn’t just go back to the village like that. Not when the captured hostages were three Genins.

He would save his students himself. Even if he had to face Zabuza and his accomplice, even if he had to face Itachi Uchiha in person, and even if he had to die from it. Kakashi Hatake would never abandon a comrade to death.


Kiba had never been captured before. He wasn't sure he appreciated the experience in addition to the fear seizing him, and the migraine shattering his brain.

Zabuza and Gato were debating about the usefulness of their hostages. Behind Gato, three big bodyguards were cracking their joints, probably trying to intimidate their prisoners. Kiba held back a rictus of contempt. They were massive, but these guys were civilians, without mastery of chakra. If he wasn't chained, Kiba could easily beat them to a pulp.

The only one he was worried about was the rogue ninja, Zabuza. The man was dangerous. He, and the masked and silent individual who accompanied him weren’t to be taken lightly. They defeated Kakashi-sensei. Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke… fought hard. Kiba was surprised Sasuke could fight Zabuza. He didn’t know his teammate was so strong. 

He looked around him and saw his puppy. They even captured Akamaru. The puppy was tied from muzzle to paws, and lay on the ground next to them, growling furiously.

“These three kids have value,” Zabuza said.

“Yes, yes, you already told me that.” Gato retorted. “And that's the only reason I didn't kick you out and kill those kids. I’m a reasonable man.”

Gato was a small man. He had a cane in his hand, with a handle decorated with precious stone, but Kiba only needed a glance to know that he didn't need the stick to walk. This cane was an ostentatious object of power, with good weight for occasionally serving as a baton. The weapon of a dirty brute. Kiba emitted a low rumble and struggled to free himself.

“So let us go, or I’ll…”

He didn’t finish his sentence. Without even giving him a look, Gato had struck him with the cane in the jaw. On a civilian, this blow would have probably knocked out some teeth. Kiba's head swung violently with the impact and he fell silent.

“I’m a reasonable man,” Gato continued, surveying his office long and wide. “A reasonable man in a violent world must be ruthless. But I'm not being cruel. I just do business, and the business world sometimes requires sacrifice. Everything is a matter of loss, profit, reputation, and risk. Reputation is important to me. How to trust someone otherwise? You should know that, though, Demon. How to trust an assassin, if all he brings home in the evening are living kids, and not the decapitated head that was agreed upon payment? I was very generous with our contract. I paid you at a premium, Zabuza. A bounty, for the head of that stupid old builder. And you don't even bring his head back to me! You brought kids instead. What am I to do with them? Do you think I run a daycare?”

“The bounty was to make me stay two more months in this damn place after the end of our initial contract. Don't try to distort the facts, Gato.” Zabuza replied.

Gato uttered a disgruntled grunt but didn’t deny it.

“If I had had more shinobi, I wouldn’t have been forced to extend your contract… Especially at a price that is more extortion than negotiation! Cursed nukenins... Why did they all choose this moment to return to Kiri? I hope they all get tricked, that's what they deserve… Anyway… You're telling me these kids have value? They don't look like they amount to much.”

“They are from Konoha. In their peaceful village, the youngsters are highly valued. You could see them as ransoms to be paid.”

Gato contemplated the idea for a moment. Greed shone in his eyes.

“Ransoms of how many?

Zabuza gave a disdainful sniff and there was a metallic sound, as he put his sword on the ground to lean on it. Next to him, his accomplice in the white and red mask remained silent.

“Hang on, let's talk about my cut first.”

“Your cut, Demon?” Gato repeated incredulously.

“Watch your tone. I'm the one who fought and captured them. Without me, could you even handle these three little ones? So I want my share. You're lucky; I'll let you have two of them. I just want him.”

Zabuza kicked Sasuke, who nearly crashed to the ground. He narrowly caught himself, trying to turn around in his chains with a flicker of rage, while at his side Kiba and Sakura burst out in outraged protest. 

Gato gave Sasuke a piercing look.

“This kid?”

“Yeah,” Zabuza replied with a malicious smile behind his bandages. “I already know who to ask his ransom from.”

“Oh? Who?”

Zabuza gave a raucous and chilling laugh.

“A colleague. Itachi Uchiha killed his entire clan in one night. He'll probably be delighted to have a survivor in front of him… So he could finish the job.”

Kiba opened his eyes. What?! Sasuke clan had been what?! Of course, everyone knew that the Uchiha clan had disappeared, that they were dead, that Sasuke was an orphan and all that, but It was the first time that Kiba had heard the truth so bluntly. The Uchiha clan was massacred by one of their own?!

Sasuke had frozen in place, livid. Kiba had never seen Sasuke terrified before. The fear was trying to hide behind a mask of anger, but the nose of an Inuzuka could smell the difference. Sasuke was terrified. More than anything else, it convinced Kiba that the situation was bad.

“Hmm, And this... Itachi Uchiha, would he pay more than Konoha?”

Zabuza shrugged his shoulders.

“I’m not sure… Probably. Why are you asking? The ransom of this one is mine, take care of the other two.”

Gato tapped the end of his cigar on his ashtray, looking pensive.

“And for these two, who would pay more than Konoha?”

Zabuza glanced at his prisoners. Kiba showed his teeth.

“How would I know? They are too young. They haven’t made a name for themselves. And I don’t think they are from important clans.”

An ugly expression passed over Gato's face.

“Not like this kid, I imagine. What did you say his name was? Uchiha?”

Zabuza narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

“What are you up to, Gato?”

“Oh don't worry. You will have your piece of the cake. And your buyer Itachi Uchiha or whatever his name is… will have an opportunity to make an offer. We won’t exclude him. But It remains to be seen whether he will make the most attractive bid.”

“Bid?” Zabuza repeated in a low tone.

Gato spread his arms triumphantly as if announcing a revolutionary idea.

“It's very simple, demon. I've heard the name Uchiha before. I'm going to spread the word to my contacts, and... Maybe someone will make me a better offer. After all, to find the best price, you have to advertise what you have. And of course, the difference between Itachi's offer and that of my contacts will come back to me.”

There was an incredulous silence.

“You sure of yourself?”

“What, you have a moral objection maybe? Isn’t it fine as long as we make money?”

For a moment, the nukenin and the gangster stood still, each gauging the other with contempt and disdain, each weighing the other according to the rules and measures of his own criminal world.

“I don’t have a problem with making money,” Zabuza replied. “But if one of these contacts goes sing to Konoha that you have a Uchiha, and you’re putting him up for auction… Don't come and say I didn't warn you.”

Gato looked up at the ceiling, then snapped his fingers to get the attention of his three bodyguards. With a gesture of his cane, he disdainfully pointed out the three Genins.

“Throw them in a cell. Tie their hands well. Half rations, dry bread, and water, nothing else. They are only kids, but it’s better not to take risks. They’re still ninjas.”

Akamaru growled, and Gato glanced at him almost surprised, as if he was noticing the dog for the first time.

“And get rid of that thing.”

No, no, you can’t do that. Kiba was terrified upon hearing the words.

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