The Fateful Uchiha

Chapter 85 – A Surprising Invitation

The key to a successful ambush was timing. It required one to be precise and meticulous. Sneak stealthily closer to the target without alarming it, and focus on the enemy’s weak point to take them down with a single decisive attack.

Yamato hid his face in his hands after observing his students struggling to catch a cat. He had been trained by the best shinobis of their time. Danzo had taught him discipline, and Kakashi had taught him team spirit. He had learned to be efficient in the ANBU. Yet, he was having trouble handling three genins.

The cat meowed as it tried to escape the three young ninjas.

“You didn’t get it? It’s getting away.”

“Kazuma, put away those shurikens. We have to bring him back alive.”

“What about the net? Should I use it?”

“No no, remember what happened last time.”

“Kage Bunshin No Jutsu.”

“Now grab it!”

“He's escaping again.”

“Kazuma, he's coming toward you. Do something.”


“Not that!”

“Just kidding, I’ll put it under a Genjutsu.”

Yamato had remained silent during the entire exchange between his students. He was embarrassed as he slowly removed his face from his hands. The kids were covered with scratches. Naruto flicked the cat’s side to make sure it was still under Kazuma’s Genjutsu.

The Uchiha carefully took the cat in his arms, with the ease of someone accustomed to being around cats. He had already mentioned to them his family had cats, and he loved them. But after chasing this particular cat a few times a week, Kazuma was a bit tired of it.

“We can go, Yamato-sensei.” Hotaru said.

The jonin sighed deeply and walked towards the Hokage building. The only positive thing in his mind was that Naruto had easily mastered the Kage Bunshin technique. It was a suggestion from the Uchiha clan leader to Yamato, saying it’d be a shame for the boy not to take advantage of his vast reserve of chakra. Hotaru had a natural gift with the Suiton, and the jonin had taught her the Ripping Torrent technique. Kazuma was a prodigy in Katon and Taijutsu. But they were still kids and still acted in an immature way. Naruto and Hotaru were twelve years old, and Kazuma was even two years younger than them.

Instead of utilizing their techniques efficiently, like trained ninjas, as their sensei expected, they were just throwing jutsus all over the place.

They arrived at the Hokage building just as the cat was starting to wake up.

“We’ve been chasing this cat a lot. We want another mission, Yamato-sensei.”

Yamato had to admit the cat was probably fed up with them as well.

“We can take a mission to weed the garden.” He suggested.

The look on his genins’ faces said it all. They weren’t thrilled by the idea.

“Hi, guys”

Naruto and Hotaru jumped back like two frightened cats while Kazuma calmly looked back upon recognizing his older brother’s voice.


“Hey, who is he?” Naruto asked, pointing at the man.

“Naruto, don’t point fingers at people. Jun is Kazuma’s older brother and the leader of the Uchiha clan.”

Hotaru looked impressed and bowed, but Naruto only looked more suspicious.

“I just need a word with Yamato.” Jun said with a smile.

The jonin raised his eyebrows curiously.

“I recently learned about your… Kekkei Genkai.”

Yamato’s face froze. The Mokuton was supposed to be confidential. It was his best weapon. He doesn’t like it when people referred it as his Kekkei Genkai. Those who knew how he got this power were aware that it wasn’t hereditary. It was the result of Orochimaru’s experimenting with the First Hokage’s cells. The Mokuton was the Kekkei Genkai of the Shodaime, Hashirama Senju.

“No need to be alarmed. I’m part of the Division; I’m privy to some information. I’ve been assigned a long-term mission that may require your talents.”

Yamato relaxed when he heard about the Division. It was probably Shikaku Nara who had informed the clan leader. Moreover, there was something reassuring in knowing that his skills were still useful to the village. When he had been removed from the ANBU and reassigned as a sensei, it had been a shock to him. His new role had left him completely bewildered.

“Is the mission happening soon?”

“No, not for several weeks at least. I just wanted to give you a heads-up. And to offer you to train together one of these days.”

Yamato was interested. He didn’t have many people to train with now that he was out of the ANBU. Jun was known to be one of the most powerful jonins in the village despite his young age.

“I'd like that.” Yamato smiled.

“Yamato- sensei, what’s a Kekkei Genkai? And what is yours?”

The jonin knew how to handle any combat situation without batting an eye, but Naruto’s straightforwardness still caught him off guard.

“Aren’t you an Uzumaki, Naruto? You should know what a Kekkei Genkai is?” Kazuma said.

The blond boy froze, looking stunned. The Uchiha youth seemed to realize he may have said something wrong.

“Kazuma, you don’t know this, but most of what concerns the Uzumaki is confidential for a reason,” Jun said.

“Confidential?” Naruto repeated in a slightly weak voice as he mechanically put his hand to his stomach.

“Maybe not confidential, but there isn’t much information about the Uzumaki clan.” Jun corrected.

There was a moment of silence.

“If you want to talk about the Uzumaki clan, we can do it somewhere else. I’m a big fan of their work. And my student Karin is the last pure descendant of the clan. You two should talk one of these days. Now that she’s officially a Konoha kunoichi, there is no need to worry about the Hokage having her imprisoned if she gets close to you.”

Yamato was shocked by Jun’s bluntness. Naruto made a strangled noise, which Jun took for a favorable answer.

“You are all invited to have dinner at home tomorrow if you feel like it. Everyone will be there.” He continued.

“Even Sasuke’s team?” Kazuma asked with curiosity.

“No, just us.”

“You don’t have to accept. My brother can be a bit authoritative sometimes, you know.” Kazuma added.

Hotaru gave a nervous chuckle, and Naruto seemed to come out of his shock.

“We accept. We will be there. And I want to know more about the Uzumaki.”

“Perfect, I’ll see you tomorrow then,” Jun said with a smile.

The Uchiha clan leader disappeared.

“Your brother is a little weird,” Hotaru said to Kazuma.

“My siblings are all weird. Jun is super invasive. Izumi is a bit suspicious of people; Sasuke is arrogant. Neji is paranoid, and Karin is bossy. I’m the only normal one in the family.” The boy said with a sigh.

Yamato rubbed the bridge of his nose wearily. His team never ceased to give him headaches.

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