The Fateful Uchiha

Chapter 89 – The Dreaded C-Rank Mission

The days passed. Team Yamato was progressing fast. Quickly, they had completed their quota of D-rank missions and were eligible to get a higher-level assignment. Yamato let them one morning, exactly two months after they graduated from the Academy. Their first C-rank mission would be to hunt down a bandit gang that had settled in a nearby village. Ten trained bandits shouldn’t pose a problem for three expert ninjutsu Genins and a competent Jonin.

“A fight on our first C-rank mission, sensei? Kazuma asked hesitantly.

Yamato had just told them that, on the training ground where they had completed yet another Taijutsu match. Gai and his students were not there. They were away on a long-term mission. But Jun and his students were present. They had trained together, or rather Jun and Yamato had trained Hotaru, Naruto, Shin, and Tenten in ninjutsu, while Neji and Kazuma had gone to train a little further, where no one could see them.

The Uchiha clan leader suspected Neji of teaching Kazuma the Gentle Fist, and he certainly wasn't going to discourage him. However, it was better to remain discreet.

"You guys can handle it," Yamato said stiffly.

“The first C-rank mission tends to go wrong. It may be better to know from the get-go that you will be fighting.” Jun added cautiously.

He glanced briefly at his brother. They both remembered the conversation they had about it, a little less than two weeks ago. The first rank C mission that could turn bad, the fights, and above all… the risk of activating his Sharingan.

“Most jonin choose a simple mission,” he continued. “A mission without the risk of combat, to have peace of mind. But it often ends up turning into a confrontation. At least here you know what you're going to face from the start.”

Hotaru turned to Tenten, curious.

“How was your first C-rank mission?”

“Bad,” Tenten grimaced. “We faced ninjas from Iwa.”

“Really? Naruto said, jumping to his feet. “Tell us about it.”

Tenten hesitated. She and Shin exchanged a brief look. But in the end, it was Neji who spoke.

“The outpost we were supposed to deliver a message to was attacked. Several ninjas were killed. For a week, we didn't know if this attack would start a new war.” The Hyuga said in an icy tone.

There was a brief awkward silence. Jun shook his head. The others were unaware, except Kazuma, who looked very uncomfortable, but for Neji, being caught up in an incident that could start a war certainly reminded him of what had happened to his father. So yes, it was easy to understand why Neji was so cold while telling the story. It wasn't a pleasant memory for anyone, but for him, it was a bit personal.

“It was bad luck,” Jun declared solemnly. “But anyway, that's exactly why genin teams are led by a Jonin, so that you won't be overwhelmed if you come across a tougher opponent than expected.”

Naruto looked confident, puffing out his chest.

“Either way, we're super strong now!”

Hotaru didn't have Naruto's brash side, but she seemed a bit reassured by his words and admitted it with a smile.

“At least it will change us from D-rank missions.”

“Hey, I really like D-rank missions!” Kazuma protested.

Yamato muttered something like "collateral damage" or "arsonist”, and Jun chuckled. Kazuma was a little prodigy in Taijutsu and very good at Genjutsu, but what he loved was Katon jutsus. It was something that always made Jun's heart swell with pride. Often Kazuma reminded him of Shisui. The boy was joyful, optimistic, sensitive, intelligent, and gifted. Moreover, his panel of skills painfully reminded him of Itachi. His pure genius with shurikens, his natural grace in Taijutsu, his speed, his flexibility, and his facility with Genjutsu. But Kazuma was his little brother, too. Hazuki's son, Izumi's brother. Like the rest of his family, he liked elementary Ninjutsu and especially fire in his case.

Would their mom have been proud? Of all her children, Kazuma was the only one with a Katon affinity, the only one to be a real little Uchiha. Their mother had left the clan, she had had difficulties with them for years, but she had also loved the Uchiha clan. She was proud to be a Uchiha. Would she have been proud of her kids? Jun wanted to believe so. Regardless of his chakra affinity, Hazuki would have been proud of Kazuma.

“You can also use your Katon techniques during C-rank missions,” he pointed amusedly.

Kazuma rolled his eyes.

“But I also like D-rank missions, for real. They are… simple.”

Jun's amused smile softened.

“Sorry, Kazuma. But not everything can stay simple forever.”

“I know, I know. And I can't wait to do some C-rank missions! It's just… D-rank missions are good too, you know. They’re fun.”

Jun nodded. But Kazuma knew his brother didn’t understand him.

Kazuma liked D-rank missions partly because they were fun. You let off steam, you had fun, and you could swing Jutsu without being in real danger. But he also liked D-rank missions just because they were missions that helped people, and… Kazuma liked helping people. It was almost pathological. He wanted to fix all the problems in the universe. Not because he was a takeover fanatic like Jun, or because he was an organization freak like Neji, or angst like Izumi and Sasuke! No, he just wanted to fix things so people would be happier. He wanted to be surrounded by smiles and happy people. 

Naruto complained about D-rank missions, but it was more to complain about something and get noticed than out of real disdain. Hotaru was more reluctant. She shared with Naruto a real obsession with the idea of ​​becoming stronger. Well, they both liked to laugh and mess around, but it was obvious that they had a goal, an ambition that drove them forward. Kazuma didn't have that. Not like them. Not like Jun or Neji, either.

They were all so strong and determined, and Kazuma was just… Kazuma.

“You will miss Natsumi's wedding,” Jun sighed regretfully. “It's tomorrow night.”

Kazuma rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. He had known Natsumi since childhood since she was his big brother’s genin teammate. But it was mostly the idea of ​​attending an Akimichi feast that interested him when Jun announced that they were invited to the wedding.

“Sasuke can have my share.”

“Sasuke hates parties. He's going to run away. Leave your part to Karin, then.  She can eat for three people.

Kazuma rolled his eyes without comment, and the moment of relaxation ended when Yamato clapped his hands sharply.

“Enough chatting. Go home and pack your bags. We leave tomorrow, just before dawn. We’ll meet at the village’s gate.

And the jonin vanished, leaving behind only a handful of leaves lifted by a flurry of chakra. Kazuma grimaced. His sensei was right; it was almost dinner time. And they would have to go to bed early, to get a good night's sleep before their trip. Their first outing outside Konoha! Just thinking about it made his stomach churn.

Jun put his hand on his shoulder, a silent gesture of reassurance, and said in a loud voice:

“We're done too, Tenten, Shin, Neji. Tomorrow, go to the mission assignment office, I'll see if we can get a B-rank mission. Naruto, and Hotaru, good luck for tomorrow. Don't forget to prepare your bags well, and always have a first aid kit with you!”

Naruto seemed to silently repeat the instructions as they parted ways and each went home. He lived on his own, Kazuma reminded himself. There was no one to give him last-minute advice. At least, Hotaru had Tonbee, the old servant who took care of her. Kazuma had met him a couple of times. He was not her family, but he was a ninja. He possessed useful advice for her. Naruto lived alone since he was little. He had friends, and he was close to Iruka-sensei, but he never really had an adult living with him. It was sad when you think about it.

Kazuma had already pointed this out to Jun. He had hoped that he would take pity on Naruto and help him. Izumi had a softer heart, but she hardly dared to take initiative. Although Jun was tough sometimes, he was also the one who tended to bring lost kids home. Neji, Karin, and even Sasuke in a way. And yet, when the topic of Naruto came up, Jun shook his head regretfully and explained that no clan leader was allowed to intrude into his life, because of an S-rank secret that only Naruto himself could reveal. Kazuma hadn't insisted, because he was old enough to know that S-rank secrets were way above his pay grade. But since… He couldn't help but be curious. What could be so terrible that Naruto was forbidden to be surrounded?

It was presumably not dangerous, or at least not dangerous for Kazuma. Otherwise, Jun would have violated the S-rank secret and told him. He would have told the whole clan. But then, even if it wasn't dangerous, it was still a mystery. And Kazuma was intrigued. He kept his questions to himself, but that didn't mean he didn't have any.

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