The Fateful Uchiha

Chapter 93 – The Nine-Tails Unleashed?

The ominous red chakra enveloped Naruto. Samidare pulled out his sword and took several steps back. Naruto landed on the ground. He put his hands on the ground assuming the pose of a beast. He growled. More chakra surged forth from his body. The force was such that Kazuma and Hotaru were sent flying away. The experienced Kiri shinobi managed to hold his ground.

“What… What are you?” He yelled in fright.

All he received in response was another growl. The red chakra escaping from Naruto was burning the Kiri’s ninja though they were several meters apart. Naruto’s skin was peeling off leaving his entire body red. The chakra gathered around him and formed a dark red mass which created a big crater on the ground.

Yamato who wasn’t far away felt the Kyubi’s chakra from the sphere of water he was imprisoned in. The Kiri shinobi had managed to trap him inside using the Water Prison Jutsu. Samidare used a clone to form and maintain the water sphere, leaving Yamato inside while his real body went after the genins. The clone also felt the change in the air. Breathing became difficult. The red chakra had heated the air to the point that inhaling burned the throat. 

Yamato took advantage of the clone being distracted.

Mokuton: Wood clone Technique.

Yamato created a clone just outside the sphere. Before his opponent could counter, the clone launched onward and slit his throat. The water prison collapsed, and Yamato was released. 

“This is not good. What happened over there? Is the Kyubi out?” The Konoha Jonin said to himself as he sprinted toward the mass of chakra he was sensing with his clone. 

The energy around Naruto surged to the sky raising a great deal of dust. Once the dust finally settled, Samidare’s heart sank. What stood before him had nothing to do with the young genin he fought earlier. A beast… it was all he could think of. A red beast seemingly made of red chakra with four tails. The beast lifted his head and let out a loud growl. The Kiri jonin took a few steps back. The latter instantly regretted moving as the beast turned its head toward him. 

Suiton, Great Cannon Ball 

Samidare generated and expelled a huge jet of water from his mouth.

The beast swung his arm and flung the incoming water cannon away, creating a shockwave that knocked down a bunch of trees. 

“Impossible, that was my strongest jutsu.”

The Kiri shinobi no longer wanted to confront the beast. Every fiber of his being was telling him to run. However, before his brain could send the order to his legs, his foe appeared before him and headbutted his stomach. His body was sent crashing against a nearby wall. He died as soon as Naruto's beast head made contact with his stomach. The dead shinobi was missing part of his abdomen.

Yamato and his clone arrived just in time to witness Samidare’s end. 

“Four tails are already out… and he looks like a miniature Kyubi… This is bad.” He said to his Mokuton clone.

“Naruto, get ahold of yourself, calm down.” He yelled.

The miniature Kyubi suddenly turned its neck and launched one of its tails toward Yamato. The tail stretched at great speed, catching the Jonin off guard. The clone created a piece of wood from his palm and used it to push the real body out of the way of the deadly attack. The tail impaled the clone and destroyed its wooden body. Yamato rolled on the ground and swiftly got up, his hand pressed against the side of his chest. Despite his Mokuton clone's quick thinking, the attack was too fast for him to completely dodge it. The jonin’s hand became wet with his blood. 

The miniature Kyubi growled again as he stood on its legs. Several tiny chakra balls flew out from its body and destroyed whatever they crashed into. Yamato joined his hands together.

Mokuton, Wood Locking Wall

Wooden pillars came from the ground forming a dome-shape with the jonin at the center. The structure sheltered him from the impacts of the tiny energy balls. The Kyubi then came crashing down the dome. But Yamato was no longer there. He appeared several meters away, sitting down. His breathing was uneven. His injury must be worse than he thought. But the Jonin persevered. He has responsibilities as the sensei of Team 9. And one of them was to deal with this type of situation. He wasn’t chosen to be Naruto’s sensei for no reason. Still sitting, Yamato waved several hand seals.

Mokuton, Foo Dog Heads.

Several thick wooden pillars engraved with what resembled foo dog faces came from the ground. Lit candles were on top of each one of them. The miniature Kyubi dashed toward Yamato. The latter, in his sitting position, slammed his palm on the ground. The wooden statues rushed toward the incoming beast and coiled themselves around its body, immobilizing it. The Kyubi struggled to free itself as its chakra was being absorbed by the wooden statues. It growled in pain and lifted its head. It was the only thing it could move. It opened its mouth and began amassing chakra to form a black sphere the size of a melon. 

“No, you don’t!”

Yamato infused more chakra into his Jutsu, and more wooden statues appeared and wrapped themselves around the mini biju. Its dark reddish tone was slowly getting lighter as more chakra was being absorbed. The Kyubi turned his face toward Yamato with the ball of chakra. As soon as it was about to fire, a nearby wooden statue forcefully tilted its head away. The sphere of chakra flew away in the distance before exploding in the forest nearby. The Kyubi was finally forced to the ground. Little by little, his chakra was diminishing and Naruto’s skin could now be seen. The boy was now enveloped by a lighter-tone red chakra. 

The tails forming behind him slowly disappeared one by one as the wooden statues were still sapping the chakra away. Yamato suddenly coughed. He instinctively put his hand against his wound which was bleeding. No longer infusing chakra, his technique vanished leaving a Naruto surrounded by what looks like a cloak of chakra with no tail. 

“Damn, I was so close.” Yamato cursed.

He saw the boy opening his eyes and getting up.

“Yamato-sensei, what happened?” He asked as he looked around.

“Did… did I do this?”

Naruto’s first reaction was to look for the wound where he was stabbed by the Kirigakure shinobi. He was surprised to see there was no injury, no scar, nothing. It was as if he was never pierced through by a sword. He then focused more on his surroundings. He saw Sumidare’s corpse which was badly mutilated and the damage around him. His gaze fell on his injured sensei.

“No!” He yelled.

“I didn’t want this. It wasn’t me.”

“I know, Naruto. Please calm down.” Yamato said in a weak voice. 

The Kyubi’s chakra wasn’t completely gone. If Naruto didn’t get ahold of his emotions, there was a chance the Biju would take over again. And if that were to happen, Yamato was in no condition to stop it. 

Naruto kept yelling and crying.

“Please Naruto.” Yamato tried again.

But the boy didn’t listen. He turned around and fled the scene. Yamato dragged his injured body after him. He couldn’t let the Genin by himself. Naruto was currently unstable. The situation was still critical. And in his present condition, if the Nine Tails were to take over again, he had no strength to hold it back. The Jonin didn’t dare to imagine the consequences if the Biju were to break the seal and free itself.

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