The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 119: Driver's License


Just then, Mike shouted.

As Carol looked, he smiled and pointed to the farmland not far away and said, “Don’t forget to take the trash away from there.”

Carol was stunned and laughed, “I forgot if you didn’t tell me, I’ll take care of it.”

As she said that, she walked towards the place where she just fought.

“Dad, I’m hungry.”

Eric whispered to Mike.

They originally just went to buy groceries, who knew that so much had happened behind them.

Mike smiled and said, “I’ll make you guys something delicious today.”

After today’s events, these three kids got new achievements and made his ability level grow a lot, it was time to celebrate.

“Talos, come along.”

Mike greeted.

Talos froze and said gratefully, “Thanks.”

“What about me?”

Nick Fury held Goo Goo and pointed to his nose.

Mike said, “I’ll consider doing your share if you do the dishes later.”

Nick Fury smiled heatedly and said, “That’s no problem, I’m the best at washing dishes.”

Once heard this, Mike heart filled with a secret laugh, if there is a recorder, he recorded, wait for the guy became the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., then put out……

Hey, it’s the scene of the death of the society.

A few moments later, after Carol brought Yong-Roger’s body back to the spaceship, she returned to Mike’s house and chatted with the crowd while waiting for Mike’s dinner.

Clark teases Goo Goo while Eric and Charles play with Talos’s daughter, and the two let out a gasp as they watch Talos’s daughter turn into Charles.

Watching the scene, Talos and his wife looked at each other and smiled.

Their lives seemed to be going in a good direction.

Soon, the scent bubbled up from the kitchen.

“Clark, come serve the food!”

Mike called out to Clark.

Clark quickly walked into the kitchen and a plate of colourful and flavourful dishes were brought out.

Just looking at those dishes, the crowd could not help but praise, and after the crowd had tasted, it was not stingy to send their thumbs up.

The wine was full, the people chatted, and after hearing that the Skrulls had been looking for a new home, Carol remembered the words of Mar-Will and decided to go with the Skrulls and help each other find a home.

Because, she felt that at this time, the Skrulls needed her more.

Making the decision, while Nick Fury went to wash the dishes, Carol said to Mike: “Mike, I really appreciate you this time.”

Mike smiled and said, “Just don’t bring any trouble when you come back in the future.”

Carol couldn’t help but laugh and said, “I’ll talk to Fury and we’ll be on our way.”

Mike nodded.

Carol walked into the kitchen, and after the two said something, Carol walked out of the kitchen with Nick Fury, took the Talos family and Mike and their goodbyes, and drove the spaceship away.

Looking at Mike and the others who disappeared from view, Carol said to Talos, “You guys go back to the lab first, I have some things I need to take care of.”

With her memory restored, she remembered her dear friend, and she wanted to meet with each other before she left.

Talos nodded and said, “No problem.”


Outside Mike’s house, Mike and Nick Fury stood in the doorway, Nick Fury looked at the restored calm sky with a melancholy face.

“There’s a lot happening today.”

Nick Fury sighed as he hugged Goo.

Mike nodded and said, “It’s a good thing my family is not in town.”

Today is very lucky, because of the remote relationship where his family lives, the fighting that took place has not been seen by other people.

Nick Fury heated a smile, said squarely: “Thanks for saving me today.”

Mike hummed softly, suddenly said: “So many sighs, are the dishes finished?”

Nick Fury face stiffened.

“Then why don’t you go wash it?”

“I got it ……”

“Finished washing, hurry up and drive on your crappy plane to go, it takes up too much space.”


Nick Fury responded feebly.

Mike hummed softly, turned around and walked into the room.

Looking at Mike’s back, Nick Fury smiled and shook his head.

Was Mike really a killer before?

Now it’s life that’s changed him, isn’t it? Those three kids……

He looked at the three children who were playing or listening to music and gave a smile.

What envy.


A few months passed, and the three children never stopped growing up. In a blink of an eye, Clark was sixteen years old.

Sixteen, for a child, is one of the more important turning points in life.

At least, that’s what Clark, and Charles and Eric think now.

Looking at Clark’s freshly minted driver’s license, Charles and Eric were very envious.

Although because of his age, Clark will still have a series of restrictions on driving, but it is enough to make the two excited.

“Come on, let’s take you guys around.”

Clark loaded his driver’s license and tossed the car keys he had just asked for with Mike.

Charles and Eric ‘hemmed and hawed’ and the three of them pushed and shoved their way to their car.

After starting the car, the car moved under Clark’s skilful manoeuvring, and then headed off into the distance.

Their home was some distance from the town, or he would not have dared to drive alone.

According to the regulations, his age, if he just got his driver’s license, is required to be accompanied by an adult, otherwise, if caught, is subject to punishment.

As the car hit the road, Clark drove very leisurely, but watching the scene moving slowly behind his field of vision, Clark unconsciously speeded up.

60, 70, 100, 120, 150……

Clark did not feel a bit, which is much slower than his speed.

Charles, sitting in the passenger seat, unconsciously pulled on the side handle, but with an excited face.

“Hurry! Go over there!”

Charles pointed the way excitedly.

Clark turned, the wheels made a harsh scraping sound against the ground, and the whole car tipped and flung itself toward the curb.

Too fast, he turned without slowing down at all, and if he went on like this, the car would have flipped!

But Eric’s reaction is not slow, in the next second the car will roll out, he palms a grip, the car was pulled by an invisible force to restore balance, and continue to rush forward.


The three men let out a cheer.

Listening to the violent roar of the engine, the more excited the three people, and Clark also gradually out of the original route, farther and farther from home, and the excitement of them, did not even notice the roadside parked a check speeding police car…..


The whistling car, with a gust of wind rushed past that police car, the police officer inside froze, swept the speed detector, looking at the crazy jumping numbers, angrily said: “Too arrogant!”

This is simply does not put him in the eye!

He roared in anger and drove after him.

But to his despair, the car in front of him was just too fast, and it didn’t slow down when turning, the whole car was going to fly out and would be pulled to the ground, simply making him doubt his eyes.

“Broken car!”

The policeman slapped the steering wheel indignantly.

But the next second, after he looked at the smoking car in front of him and froze, he couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

“Let you run!”

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