The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 134: Time flies

Just when Mike was wrestling with the teacher of the Gayako, the three Clark brothers, who were far away in the marginal town of New York, also prepared their own plan to make money.

In fact, for their ability, it is not difficult to get money, but the key is not to break the law.

After discussion, they came up with an interesting solution.

Tomorrow during the day, they have prepared for the day, and tomorrow they will go to New York together to make money.

Because of the superpower incident that happened in their school, the whole school had to take an early summer break, but the students of other schools, however, were still in school, and their target were those high school students who were in school, to be precise, high school students of a private noble school.

All day today, it was Eric who was busy, and it was Charles who was going to be busy tomorrow, and as for Clark, in this plan, it was just a driver and bodyguard.

Early the next morning, the three of them, carrying two backpacks, drove to New York City and arrived at their destination – St. Fick’s School.

The next thing they had to do was to deliver something at the entrance of the school after school was out.

The gift is a small accessory made by Eric using some waste metal with his own ability. Although it is not expensive, it is very exquisite. It is the kind that catches the attention of girls and makes people scream “kawaii”. Metal jewellery.

Of course, if you want to get what they gave, you need to play a game with Charles, a little game called “Guess Your Love”.

With Charles’s ability, one guess is absolutely accurate.

And this is just the beginning, the next is the main event, that is, the ‘paid’ part of it.

When the mind of the person who comes to play the game is guessed, most people will pursue it out of curiosity. Next, it is Charles who uses his own deception. Uh, no, it’s time to use his rich experience.

He will make effective suggestions according to the customer’s personality, and how much to charge by one.

In addition, they also have more advanced services, that is, to help those customers who have a crush on others or want to chase them, and “guess” what the customers are pursuing.

For example, what to like and what to hate……

At this age, but the age when the mouth is easily dizzy by love, in order to catch up with the person you like, in order to please your lover, these high school students who are not short of money in aristocratic schools can be willing to spend money.

At the beginning, those who play the game is only interesting, try the attitude to buy Charles’s services, later is the demand exceeds the supply.

In just three days, the three earned enough money for the trip, and it was a huge amount of money……

After getting enough money, the three went to a restaurant that night to celebrate.

“Haha! We did it, it was so easy!”

Charles smiled triumphantly, a pair of eyebrows simply about to fly out of the five senses.

Eric said curtly, “You’re the biggest credit this time Charles!”


Charles laughed and said, “Or you make good trinkets, without them to attract people, there will be no follow-up development!”

“All thanks to you!”

“No, no, it’s your credit.”

Looking at the two people who blow each other in business, Clark was silent and knocked on the table.

The two boys were silent and raised their juice in silence and said to Clark, “It’s big brother’s credit!”

Clark nodded in satisfaction, grinned and said, “Eat, then find a hotel to stay, and leave directly from New York tomorrow!”

They had locked the house when they left this morning.

“For those who chase love!”

“For our trip!”

“To this collaboration!”


The three of them cheered and the glasses clinked gently together amidst bright smiles.


“What? You guys have already left for your trip?”

Lying on a beach chair, Mike listened to the laughter of the three boys on the phone, surprised shouted and then said with a stony face, “How did the money come?”

“Ugh!” Charles sighed and said, “It’s my fault for being too smart.”

Eric laughed heatedly and said, “We earned it through proper means.”

Mike mused and said, “Clark?”

Clark coughed lightly and said, “Yes.”

“Really?” Mike got curious and said, “How did you earn it?”

“I’ll tell you!” Eric grabbed the phone and told Mike the whole story.

After listening, Mike was silent for a few seconds and said, “You guys can feed me later.”

With those words, he sighed and hung up the phone, but the corners of his mouth lifted.

These three children, always let him out of his expectation.

But, it really wasn’t bad.

Smiling happily, Mike brought his sunglasses up to his face, took a sip of his drink, stepped on the soft sand, and walked slowly forward.

Coleson went back to S.H.I.E.L.D. the next day.

No more eyesores, Mike can finally start to show off.

Look, in front of you is the sea, which has many mermaids.


After a month and a half, Mike, who had been a fisherman for a month and spent half a month on his nets, returned home. After staying at home for two days, the three brothers also returned home.

There wasn’t much time before Clark went to college, and while this was going on, Mike wanted to give Clark lessons on fighting.

Clark is physically strong, he will face most enemies in the future, as long as the speed is fast enough and the fists are heavy enough to solve the problem, but when encountering enemies of the same level, if there is no skill, it will be suppressed.

So, Mike decided to give Clark fighting instruction.

After knowing Mike’s intention, Charles and Eric were also very interested in adding in.

But after a day, they received a blow from Clark.

Clark’s learning speed was so horrible that everything was learned in one go, and everything was mastered by watching it once.

The next day, Mike had nothing left to teach.

In this regard, Mike was also deeply hit, he really muttered Clark’s learning ability.

However, he had a new way to increase Clark’s combat experience.

The kicker.

New York is big, there are big and small dojos and martial arts schools.

If you want, you can always find a suitable ‘sparring partner’.

So, from the moment Mike made his decision, there was a fearful kicker in New York City.

Half a month later, Clark finished his studies, and after packing his bags, he finally left home for college.

Although he repeatedly stressed that he did not need Mike to send him, but Mike still sent him to school, and then returned to New York after two days of fun with Charles in Boston.

Because Eric and Charles also have to start school, the days became uneventful and regular again, except that there were fewer people at home. Charles and Eric were getting older, and the house was becoming quieter and quieter.

And as time flies, Charles and Eric two also went to college, to complete their studies, the family was left alone Mike.

Although not lonely, but Mike felt a little uncomfortable.

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