The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 141: I have money!

The awkward atmosphere lasted until the end of dinner.

Nick Fury put on his leather trench coat and left Mike’s house. The moment he opened the door, the cold wind blew and he couldn’t help but shiver.

Turning to the father and son who came to see him off, he waved his hand and said, “See you later, keep in touch.”

Charles and Eric nodded their heads.

Charles did not mean to embarrass Nick Fury, but he knew Nick Fury wanted to inquire about them, so he deliberately said that, directly ending the other party’s idea of chatting.

“Wait a minute.”

Mike called out to Nick Fury, flipped his palm, and took out a box from the subdivision pocket and said: “This is for you.”

Nick Fury took it, a smile slipped quickly from the corner of his mouth and said coldly, “What the hell is this, I’ll lose it later!”

“Whatever.” Mike said, and Charles two pushed open the door and walked back to the room.

After the three Macs disappeared from sight, Nick Fury, however, revealed a smile, hurriedly got into the car, then opened the box in his hand and took out a piece and stuffed it into his mouth.


Still a familiar taste.

Nick Fury showed a satisfied expression and drove away.

Inside the house, Charles asked curiously, “Dad, what’s that?”

“Little bear cookies.”

“What is it?” Eric said incredulously, “Bear crackers?”

Mike laughed: “That guy loves to eat this stuff, but because of his current identity as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he simply can’t pull up his face to buy them, and every time he leaves, I give him a box.”

Charles and Eric looked at each other.

Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Bear cookies?

These two things, who can associate together?

Mike smiled and walked upstairs, and said to the two men, “By the way, let’s look for the address of the building school in the next two days.”

Nick Fury……

Mike and he has known for so many years, in the eyes of Mike, a friend, still the same Nick Fury who likes to tease the cat, in order to rub dinner that he is good at washing pots and pans, love to eat bear cookies, some childish.

Perhaps, because Mike’s power is very strong, do not care about Nick Fury’s identity of the director, so he and the other side can always get along very well, to do so many years friends.

Hearing Mike’s words, the two nodded, their brains still a little confused.

A spy chief who likes to eat bear biscuits?

The two men winced.

That’s horrible.


Three days later, Staten Island, New York.

“This is it!”

Looking at the castle-like building in front of him, Mike’s eyes were filled with joy.

He really liked it because the building was very similar to the X Academy he remembered.

The world had changed, Charles’ growth trajectory had changed, but his things seemed like they would still be his.

The castle-like main building,

The gardens in the back, the main road in the front, and the woods in the distance, the small lake, and even the grounds for various sports activities…….

It’s beautiful!

The important thing is that the area is big enough.

Charles and Eric are also very satisfied, but remembering the price of the place, the two of them sighed helplessly.

Too expensive!

The money they both saved was not enough for the last few digits.

The two dragged Mike aside and Charles stammered, “That, Dad, Eric and I don’t have that much money.”

“Money? Not a problem.”

Eric’s eyes lit up and he said, “You allowed Charles to use his powers ……”

Without waiting for Mike to say anything, Charles frowned and spoke, “I won’t do it.”

Mike looked at the two men, chest up, took out his old father’s majesty, with blandly face he said: “I said, money is not a problem!”

The two looked at Mike suspiciously, and said, “Dad, do you know how much money is here?”

“Isn’t it just a little over 100 million?”

Mike said with carelessness.

The two men looked at each other, and Charles couldn’t help but say, “Dad, that’s a hundred million, not a million.”

If it was a million, he believed his dad could get it, but now it was one point three billion!

Even if his dad sold his family’s farm and the villa in New York, he wouldn’t be able to pay a fraction of this huge sum.

Mike smiled mysteriously at the two, waved to the agent lady who was leading them to see the house, and said, “Here, I’ll buy it.”

The agent lady was slightly surprised in her heart, but her good professional habits did not let her show any look that she should not have.

From the way the three were dressed, they did not look like billionaires, but she had heard that some rich people had such eccentricities, so she just smiled and spoke, “Sir, are you sure you want to buy this place?”

Mike nodded his head.

The agency lady showed a smile, but her heart was a little excited.

If this order really comes true, the money she will draw…..

Unable to resist some excitement, she spoke, “Sir, do I need to give you time to prepare the funds?”

“No need.”

Mike said blandly, took out a bank card from his pocket and handed it over.

The agency lady took it and said, “Please follow me.”

Seeing this scene, Charles and Eric couldn’t help but pull Mike.

“Dad, don’t play pranks, Eric and I know very well what’s going on in our family.”

Eric nodded and looked at Mike worriedly.

They say old kids, old kids, the older an old man gets the more he looks like a kid.

At this point, he is mentally prepared, but Mike now looks like…

Can’t be explained by “old kid” at all!

Wait, maybe…… Parkinson’s!

Eric was horrified, looking at Mike’s eyes became painful, tangled, sad……

Mike was about to explain to Charles, but was startled by Eric’s eyes, turned his head to look, the corners of his mouth twitched.

What kind of look is that?

What the hell did you think of?


The agency lady turned around and shouted.

Mike simply gave up explaining to the two men and walked over in stride.

Let the facts speak for themselves!

Half an hour later, Charles signed his name on the purchase contract with a dull face and a dazed look.

This feeling is simply more shocking than the feeling when you bring a gun to a horse, but suddenly find yourself out of your depth.

What is the situation?

How come I bought it?

Is it really my name that is signed on it?

After turning his head to look at Eric, and seeing that he was also confused and shocked, he couldn’t help but look at Mike, and then saw that the agency lady, after shoving a note to Mike, his heart tightened.

Not good, this not very pretty looking woman who looks about the same age as him wants to be his mother!

Charles coughed lightly and said, “Well, you can go now.”

“Good cooperation, sir!”

The agency lady shook hands with Mike, but threw a wink at him.

This was a rich man, and richer than she thought.

Mike waved his hand and said, “Bye.”

The agency lady squeezed Mike’s hand, snapped Mike’s palm, and turned to leave amidst the speechless expressions of both Eric and Charles.

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