The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 164: For Yourself


Fire Venom hesitated, but nodded under the Black Queen’s gaze.

“Well then, it’s decided that it’s him, and when the next operation takes place, a crystal belongs to him and he is responsible for filling it up.”

“I know.”

Fire Poison nodded.

Having a crystal, it means Magneto will be the new captain.

The Black Queen waved her hand and said, “Go down and rest.”

The words fell, the space around the Black Queen distorted, and the petite figure disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the Fire Poison trio breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s too scary.”

The mutant named Colossus wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

He was strong and sturdy, two meters tall, but he was scared to death when facing the Black Queen, who was not even one meter six meters tall.

Fire Venom nodded and said maniacally, “Damn it! Magneto ……”

“I obviously didn’t want him to get mixed up in this, it’s not a good job.”


A woman with short brown hair and a nose ring named Sound-wave looked at Fire Venom in surprise and said, “Since when did you start thinking about others.”

Fire Poison hummed softly and said, “He saved me.”

The giant stone statue scratched its head and said, “So that’s how it is.”

Sound-wave suddenly whispered, “You guys, what is that crystal collection? Every time I see that thing, I always get chills all over my body.”

“I don’t know.”

The giant stone statue shook its head nervously.

Fire Venom gave the two a blank look and said, “Every operation requires us to bring people to kill, and the more people we kill, the faster the crystal will blacken, you guys really can’t guess?”

The two men fell silent.

Fire Venom shrugged and said, “Let’s go, at least we are safe until the next mission.”

Saying that, his face suddenly changed and he cursed out.

“Damn it, what am I going to tell Magneto.”

“Hey, that’s your business.”

Sound-wave laughed and got up, and the two of them left quickly with the monolithic statue.



The Black Queen purred contentedly and set aside a crystal that had become transparent again, then picked up another black crystal.

“Heh, this is much easier than trying to collect them myself.”

She smiled, licking her lips.

Life force, or perhaps it could be called soul.

That’s what was stored in the three crystals.

She was a mutant, but she was also a witch.

The combination of mutant ability and magic makes her terrifyingly powerful.

The crystals are magical instruments that she created with her magic.

Her ability is life force absorption and she can use the absorbed life force to enhance herself, heal herself, and even extend her life span.

In addition to that, her ability to work with her magic can do much more.

For example, the flickering ability just shown, hypnosis, and immunity to damage.

In addition to these demonstrated abilities, she can even manipulate life force, project it into non-living bodies for manipulation, and even create a psychic shield with life force.

And this is the reason why she was able to resist her opponent’s control and drive him out of Hellfire when she fought the White Queen.

In addition, she can also use magic to convert herself into shadow form.

Her abilities are not only strong, but also comprehensive, which is the main reason why she can control Hellfire for so many years.

Collecting life force, this is the main reason why she has to make things happen every once in a while after taking control of Hellfire.

When the initial cooperation with the Black Emperor consumed all the life force she had absorbed for many years, she ended up not even getting a single fart.

She had no choice but to start from scratch and collect life force again.

Only, recently, it seems that all the actions of Hellfire did not go well, S.H.I.E.L.D. with a mutant has been obstructing their actions.

Perhaps, she needed to find a chance to take out the other side……

After a thought flashed through the Black Queen’s mind, she began to absorb the life force in the crystal again.


In the corner of a bar.


Eric looked at Fire Poison in surprise, showing some surprise at the right time and said, “I became one of the captains?”

Looking at Eric’s expression, Fire Venom opened his mouth and couldn’t help but say, “Magneto, this is not a good job!”

Eric froze and said, “What do you mean?”

Fire Venom pressed his brow and said, “This is something I wasn’t supposed to tell you right now, but you saved my life, so ……”

He took a sharp gulp of wine and said, “Damn, I’ll tell you!”

Eric poured the other man’s wine and looked like he was listening carefully.

“Become a captain, the Black Queen will give us a crystal, and the task of our captain is to lead the people of Hellfire and fill the crystal!”

“Fill it up?” Eric was puzzled, “Fill it with what?”

Fire Venom lowered his voice and said, “With lives! The more you kill, the faster the crystal will fill up.”

Eric’s heart was shocked, then Fire Venom said with a fretful face, “If it is not filled in a period of time, the Black Queen will step in to punish the crystal owner.”

“And that’s how you got your current captain position.”

“Caption Position?” Eric’s face was grim as he said, “What does that mean.”

“She will personally take action, absorb the captain’s life force and turn him into ash!”

Fire Poison poured himself a sip of wine, fear flashed in his eyes, and sighed: “Two hours ago, Piercing turned into ash right before our eyes.”

Seeing Eric did not respond to himself, he froze, but found that Eric’s face was gloomy, and the whole metal of the bar began to tremble, causing the people in the bar to begin to wonder, and some even shouted ‘it’s going to be an earthquake’, and ran out.

Fire Venom was startled in his heart and said, “Magneto! Calm down!”

Eric took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart.

Instantly, the anomaly in the bar disappeared.

“What is she collecting those things for?”

“She said it was for the mutants.”

“Do you guys …… believe that?”

“We have to believe it!”


Eric clenched his fist and hammered the table, saying, “She sacrificed so many people for herself, and even killed her own people!”


Fire Poison gave Eric a wink.

Eric took a deep breath, lowered his voice and said, “Such a person, why do you guys still listen to her?”

Fire Venom pursed his lips, smiled bitterly and said, “What can we do? She can always find the betrayers and put them……”

A thought flashed through Eric’s mind and said, “When is the next action, when is it?”

“This is uncertain, the Black Queen is always on short notice every time.”

Fire Venom said, then looked at Eric’s gloomy expression, his heart tightened and said, “I warn you, don’t take any chances!”

“Also, leave me out of it!”

Eric nodded and said, “I know.”

He wouldn’t take any chances, he would handle the other side without fail!

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