The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 171: Businessman Mike

Guiding Fate? Seeing through destiny?

Don’t be ridiculous!

The future is ever-changing, and any choice made now can affect the future.

The future that person saw was only one of countless kinds of futures.

Mike looked at the black shadow screaming in the mind cage and shook his head.

The weaving shuttle that sealed her, in addition to maintaining her existence, had an important function, which was to grow her soul over time.

Because the founders in the League of Assassins hoped that at some point in the future they would be able to bring Black Shadow back to life on loan.

Her soul was nourished by the special material made of cloth shuttle for hundreds of years, has long been not ordinary people comparable, she met most people in the world, can be successfully reborn, but unfortunately, she was unfortunate to meet Mike.

Mike’s mind moved and directly obliterated the black shadow in the mind cage.

Since it has been dead for hundreds of years, don’t come out and scream.

After thoroughly checking with his mind power to make sure that the other party hadn’t left anything in his mind, Mike came out of the mind field and gently skimmed his mouth.

“What was that? What just happened to you?”

Cross asked as he watched Mike resume his actions and couldn’t help but ask, while his eyes were looking at the broken finger on Mike’s hand.

Only to see that in just a short time, the white broken finger had decayed and turned dry.

“You like it!”

Mike and the cross said, shoved the broken finger into the cross’s hand and said, “It’s for you.”

Cross froze and squeezed the broken finger and asked again, “What is this? Why is it in there? What is this all about?”

“Why is it in there, how do I know? What’s going on, who am I going to ask?”

Mike came up with a two-liner rhetorical question to answer the other man’s question.

Crossword: “……”

Look at the broken finger in his hand.

And then look at Mike with a helpless face.

He believed that Mike must know something, but Mike did not say, he did not have a little help.

Mike rolled his eyes, grabbed the broken finger and threw it to the ground, stomping hard.


With a muffled sound, a footprint full of cracks appeared on the ground, and the broken finger became scum.

The corners of the crossed eyes jumped.

What kind of terrifying power is this?

Suddenly, a gunshot appeared in the textile factory, followed by the sound of a large number of gunshots.

Cross’s heart was startled.

It was Wesley!

Without the slightest hesitation, he rushed out with big steps.

Mike looked at the back of the Cross and gently squeezed his chin.

Firefox and Wesley found the truth from Sloan?

Can the assassins of the League of Assassins hold off these three men?

Also, years ago, because of Raven’s matter, he seemed to owe Sloan a favour.

He didn’t like to owe others.

The power of the manifestation can still last for a while.

The mind is moved, the power of the mind surges outward, just a moment to envelop the entire textile factory, and then see the current situation.


Fire Fox and Wesley were fighting with the assassins of the textile factory, the two were now in a bit of a bad situation because they were surrounded by a large number of assassins, and at that moment, the cross joined the fight and the two sides maintained the balance for the time being.

As for Sloan, it seems that he is injured and will soon escape from the textile factory.


It seems like a good opportunity now!

With a thought to Mike, his steps disappeared, but in the next second, he appeared in front of Sloan.

Pressing his chest, Sloan, who was running wildly at a speed unbecoming of his age, looked at Mike, who had inexplicably appeared, and almost ran headlong into him.

“Why are you here?”

Sloan’s eyes snapped wide, and then he took a step backward and said, “You’re with the Cross and the others?”

Mike shook his head and said, “I’m just here to return a favour.”

“A favour?”

Sloan was stunned, his brow furrowed.

It seemed like there was such a thing.

Mike reached out and pointed at Sloan, saying, “Your blood is going to run dry.”

The corner of Sloan’s mouth twitched and he said forcefully, “It’s okay, I can still hold out for a while.”


Mike laughed and said, “You’re still the same as always.”

With that, a card appeared in his hand, the card dissipated and a green energy wrapped around Sloan’s body.

Sloan was startled and gripped the gun in his hand tightly.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that his wound had surprisingly quickly stopped bleeding, and then healed up under his watchful eyes until it disappeared.

“This is…..? Are you a mutant?”

He looked at Mike unexpectedly and let go of his hand that was pressing on the wound.

Without explaining, Mike waved his hand and said, “Now, I’m clear with you.”

Sloan laughed low, looked Mike up and down, and said, “After all these years, you haven’t changed a bit.”

Mike reached out and pointed to the temples: “You feel your conscience and say it again.”

“Conscience, in this business, have a conscience?”

Mike reached up and gave a thumbs up, saying, “I admire your frankness!”

Sloan was silent and said, “Are you and Cross and the others together?”

Mike thought for a moment and said, “It counted before, but not now.”

Sloan looked at Mike with false eyes.

What the hell kind of answer is that?

Looking at Sloan, Mike suddenly had a flash of light and said, “I have a business, can you do it?”

Sloan pointed at the textile factory behind him with gunfire: “At this hour, are you discussing business with me?”

Mike took Sloan’s shoulder, Sloan lightly exhaled, pressed his subconscious avoidance response, and was pulled aside by Mike.

First of all, not to mention that he was originally not Mike’s opponent, Mike just how to appear he did not see, and even Mike has that magical healing ability ……

He simply did not have the right to resist.

“What business?”

Sloan said indifferently.

Mike reached out to Sloan’s forehead and sent all the memories of what he had just encountered, as well as from that dark figure, to Sloan’s mind.

Sloan’s body shook, then shook again, and finally shook violently……

He looked at Mike, his gaze changed from surprise to incredulity, then to surprise, and finally couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

“Destiny? Bah! Fate is going to kill me? Haha! Bullshit!”

He danced around with excitement.

Originally, he was a believer of fate, but since his name appeared on the wanted list of fate, he didn’t understand, he didn’t believe, and then betrayed his previous faith with a hint of guilt.

But now, after he learned the truth about the so-called destiny from Mike, he realized that there is no such thing as destiny.

The so-called destiny wanted, surprisingly, was also controlled by someone.


He laughed wildly, while tears couldn’t stop flowing out of his eyes.

“Shit! It’s all shit! Damn fate!”

He suddenly had a feeling of relief.

Then he looked at Mike and said sincerely, “Mike, thank you.”

Mike waved his hand and said, “Pay up.”

Sloan readily said, “No problem.”

With that, he took out his cell phone, called the manager who managed the money for him amidst the burst of gunfire, and said to Mike, “Account.”

Mike said a series of numbers. After hearing the amount Sloan said, he raised his eyebrows and said to Sloan, “Atmosphere!”

Now, it’s time to buy three or four more manors like X Academy.

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