The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 25: Teacher, do you have a boyfriend (2/2)

After a warm dinner, father and son sat down to watch some TV and wash up for bed.

Time slips away quickly…..

It has been a week since Mike came home.

This week, he has been quite busy.

Not only did he redecorate his home, but he also took care of the kindergarten for Clark.

The kindergarten was right in town, about ten minutes away from his house, so it was still very convenient.

“Clark!” Mike squeezed Clark’s shoulder and said seriously, “Don’t fight with the other kids! Got it?”

Clark nodded seriously and said with some hesitation, “But what if they hit me?”

Mike had a bit of a headache.

His own family’s children were beaten, of course he was heartbroken, but Clark if he fought back and accidentally did not control his strength……

Mike’s mind instantly appeared some bloody images.

Mike stroked Clark’s head and said, “Why would you worry that they were going to hit you?”

Clark lowered his head, worried, and said, “I don’t know.”

Perhaps it was because he knew he was different from the others that he had these worries.

Mike looked at the little guy with distress and said forcefully, “Don’t worry! If they beat you up, I’ll beat up their parents!”

“Giggle!” Clark laughed happily and nodded his head.

Mike smiled at Clark and said, “Go to bed, and tomorrow Daddy will wake you up.”

Clark nodded and happily jumped and ran back to his room.


Mike sighed, hoping that Clark’s first day of school would go well.


The next day, in front of the kindergarten.

“Bye, Daddy.”

Clark waved to Mike very understandingly and followed the teacher into the classroom.

Mike smiled and sighed a little worriedly after Clark disappeared from view.

Clark was worrying him too much for his first school day.

Mike turned to leave, but did not see Clark had been quietly standing in the doorway watching Mike’s back, until Mike disappeared, his little face shrugged off.

Seeing the little guy upset, the female teacher holding Clark’s hand smiled, a situation she always saw when it wasn’t this time of year.

“Clark is it?”

The female teacher, who had a few freckles on her face and looked very sunny, stroked Clark’s black hair and squatted down to look into those sky blue eyes.

What beautiful eyes.

The female teacher praised in her heart and said, “Don’t be afraid, there are teachers here, there will be many children, you will be happy.”

Clark nodded and suddenly said to the teacher: “You’re so gentle, teacher.”

The female teacher happily pinched Clark’s little face and said, “You’re so good at talking.”

“Teacher, do you have a boyfriend?”

“No!” Looking at Clark with a good smile, she said, “What? Are you going to be Teacher’s little boyfriend?”

This kid, so cute.

“How could I!” Clark took a step back and said, “You’re too old for me!”

Love is so…

The female teacher had one corner of her eye and ate back the exclamation in her heart.

Clark said seriously, “I’m doing it for my dad! I want to find a girlfriend for him!”

Before the female teacher was moved, I heard…

“It’s too bad that I’ve only seen him once every time he brings those pretty sisters back.”

The corner of the female teacher’s mouth twitched: “You really know how to behave.”

In the heart silently added a sentence – scum man.

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