The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 77: Encounter

Coleson’s seat was adjacent to Mike.

Seemingly because he had met an old friend on this trip, Coleson looked very happy.

And Mike:  ̄へ ̄.

It wasn’t that he had a bad impression of Coleson, he just felt that unexpected things would happen when he met this guy.

There was no reason for this feeling, but it gave Mike a very unpleasant feeling.

“Wow! Clark, you’re this big?”

Coleson greeted Clark across the aisle, then couldn’t help but give a happy look when he saw Eric and Charles greeting him and calling him uncle.

Looking at the three little ones who had grown up, Coleson rubbed his forehead and sighed, “Time flies, Mike.”

Mike nodded and responded vaguely.

With an envious glance at Mike’s hair, Coleson said, “Nice day for a trip haha.”


Mike dealt with Coleson in a casual manner.

Just then, the plane began to slowly rise, Mike closed his eyes.

Not afraid, but purely do not want to talk to Coleson.

After a while, after a violent shaking, the plane finally became dull and began to fly smoothly.

Eric and Charles unbuckled their seatbelts and climbed back up to the window, looking out at the clouds and whimpering with excitement.

“Look, does that cloud look like a duck’s head?”

“Looks like oh, but I think that one looks like a face.”

“Really eh.”

Listening to the two whispering discussion, Mike showed a smile.

Clark took off his hat, looked at the two with a smile, and pointed out the window, suddenly said: “Look, does that look like a fried chicken leg? Does that look like red meat?”


Eric and Charles swallowed their mouths.

“I’m hungry because you said so.”

The two men looked at Clark sorrowfully.

Clark said leisurely, “When I went out in the morning, I ate the fried chicken leg that Dad made yesterday, it was delicious.”

Eric: (▼ヘ▼#)

Charles: (ㄒoㄒ)

Instantly, the two felt that the clouds outside didn’t look good at all anymore, and everything looked like food.

Clark pulled his hat over his face and the corners of his mouth teased slightly.

“That’s nice.”

Looking at the communication between the three, Coleson said enviously and chatted with Mike again.

Coleson is a talkative person, Mike, however, for some reason is not too eager to chat with Coleson. Seeing him, he talked endlessly, he sighed and said: “Coleson, your former girlfriend, from college Um, I remember the name Millie?”

Coleson nodded, and said sadly: “We have broken up.”

When he said this, his expression painfully tangled, and even anger, resignation and loss.

The expression was so rich that it was like a preview of a twisted story.

“Break up?”

Mike wanted to find a topic to end the chat, but looking at Coleson’s expression, he was suddenly interested in the matter.

“I went into the army, I made her wait too long, she’s already married and has children.”

Coleson said in as calm a tone as he could.

Mike looked at Coleson suspiciously and said, “That’s all?”

If that was all, why was Coleson angry?

He let out a deep breath and guessed, “Could it be, that it was your friend who married her?”

The corners of Coleson’s mouth twitched and he cocked his head.

Guess right?

Mike stifled a laugh and said reassuringly, “You’ll meet true love later.”

Coleson softly whispered ‘hmm’, and the scenes of the past flashed quickly in his mind. When he saw the family of three, sadness came to his heart again, and he seemed extremely depressed for a while, and he lost the thought of chatting.

Mike gently exhaled.

The world is clear.

But, Coleson is Coleson, strong psychological quality, only halfway quiet, his mentality recovered again, and he talked with Mike until he got off the plane.

“Bye, Mike!”

Coleson waved his hand at the back of Mike’s family of four.

Mike lifted his hand and quickened his pace.

Somehow, the longer he stayed with Coleson, the more ominous feeling in his heart, also became stronger.

Fortunately, the plane did not fall…..

Mike celebrated in his heart.

Mike’s family of four wore sunglasses, looking at the sun above their heads, and exhaled comfortably. When they came to the airport exit, they heard someone calling their name.

“Clark! Uncle Mike!”

The family of four looked over and peeled down their sunglasses to see Hope holding up a pickup sign and waving frantically there, and Hank Pym, after waving at them, pushing his sunglasses up and striding over.

“Welcome, my friend!”

Hank Pym smiled at Mike while hugging him, while Hope and the three brothers hugged.

Mike laughed, “Big Boss, picking us up after such a busy day?”

Hank Pym smiled and patted Mike, his eyes expectantly saying, “Who made us old friends?”

“Did you have dinner?”

Mike and Hank Pym said at the same time, slightly flabbergasted, and then looked at each other with a meaningful smile.

“I brought a gift.” Mike said mysteriously: “Your favourite thing.”

Hank Pym’s scalp tingled, coughed lightly and said: “Gift or something, afterwards, I have prepared for you good food, and there are surprises.”

Mike’s heart gave birth to a bad feeling.

“Let’s go! Hope!”

Hank Pym greeted, took Mike by the shoulders and came outside the airport.

The driver who had been waiting immediately got out of the car and loaded Mike’s family’s luggage onto the car, and the group left quickly in the car.

Hope happily introduced the three Clarks to the scenery outside the window, Hank Pym and Mike chatting about recent developments.

Soon, the group arrived at Hank Pym’s home.

His home in San Francisco still had a heavy, classical feel to it.

Stepping on the wooden floor, the four Mac’s family member took off their glasses and surveyed it with an odd face.

This decoration style is really similar to the villa that was given to them.

“I’ll take you guys to choose your rooms.”

Hope said enthusiastically to Mike and his group.

Hank Pym said, “I’ll go to the kitchen to see if lunch is ready.”

After a pause, he said mysteriously to Mike, “I’ll go see what surprise is prepared for you.”

The ominous feeling in Mike’s heart grew stronger.

“Don’t bother with any surprises.”

“No, you’ll like it! That’s a representation of courage and deliciousness.”

These two words are mixed together, it must not be a good thing!

When Mike and his party put down their luggage, chose a room and went downstairs, and almost finished eating a rich and delicious lunch, Hank Pym winked at Mike and said, “This is definitely a surprise! You will love it! I deliberately left it until the end.”

With that, he clapped his hands.

The next second, a chef in a chef’s uniform, slightly chubby, with a gas mask, pushing a food cart came in.

Wait, a gas mask?

Looking at the chef’s appearance, the corners of Mike’s mouth twitched up.

This is too much.

Sweep the eyes of Hank Pym, see the other party’s provocative look at their own, Mike mouth twitch up.

This old boy is uneasy and kind!

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