The Father of Superheroes

Chapter 115

Chapter 114: This World……

Latest website: Mike pushed open the door and paused.

“What’s wrong?”

Nick Fury, who was following behind him, asked, curiously looking into the room over Mike’s shoulder, and then his eyes widened.

I saw a strong humanoid creature with green skin, standing in the living room of Mike’s house.


Mike strode into the room, and the others followed in Mike’s footsteps and walked in.

The three of Clark looked at the Skrull curiously, and their eyes were full of curiosity.

And Carol stood in front of everyone and said, “What do you want to do?”

“I want to talk to you about…”

The Skrull said lightly, swept his eyes, but saw Clark, his eyes were condensed, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he said: “You are…”

Mike’s eyes narrowed, and he was the first to speak out, and said coldly, “Who are you?”

The first time he saw this Skrull, he recognized the identity of the other, Taros, the leader of the Skrull.

In the original plot, this Talos saw through the orange cat Gugu at a glance that it was a primordial beast.

And the expression on the other side just now…recognized Clark’s identity?

Mike was taken aback.

If so, this is very important news for him.

The Skrull was stunned, looking at Mike’s murderous eyes, feeling a terrible sense of threat, a cold sweat appeared on his forehead: “I have no malice, I am a Skrull, I’m sorry to break into Mr.’s house, my The goal is to be like the woman beside me, I have something to ask her for help, you can call me Taros!”

The Skrulls have the ability to transform. They observe the target, then transform into the target, and even have the short-term memory of the transformed target. Therefore, their family is very sensitive to danger, and he is the best among them.

Because of their ability to shapeshift, they have also changed into various races. The first time he saw Clark, he recognized each other’s identity.

Hearing the opponent’s words, two cards appeared in Mike’s hand, and his body flashed to the opponent’s side. While pinching the opponent’s neck, the cards turned into light spots and dissipated.

The next moment, the two disappeared in front of everyone.

How is this going?

Seeing this scene, everyone looked at each other in dismay.

In the blink of an eye, Mike had appeared in a strange place with Talos.

Mike let go of the other party, Talos took two steps back? Looking at the river not far away? He was secretly surprised at the ability shown by Mike, his face was a little ugly, and he said, “What do you mean?”

Mike looked at each other and smiled slightly and said, “Relax? I want to kill you, I don’t need to bring you here at all.”

Talos breathed a sigh of relief? But he still did not let his guard down.

At this moment, Mike said: “You recognize Clark… as the black-haired? The oldest child, right.”

Not a question, but a certainty.

Talos thought for a moment and nodded.

Mike groaned and said, “There are some things I want to ask you.”

“Please say.”

“Who is he?”

“You mean… his race?”

Talos asked cautiously.

Mike nodded.

Talos said: “Kryptonian.”

Hearing this, Mike sighed in his heart.

Because of the system? Originally, he was still guessing whether Clark arranged it systematically. Will there be only one Kryptonian in this world? Now…

He was finally sure.

There is Krypton in this universe.

What puzzled him is that there is no city like Gotham City or Metropolis on Earth? And after years of investigation, there are no superheroes like Batman and Wonder Woman.

In this regard, he is not sure whether these people have not appeared yet? Or the world does not exist at all.

Personally, he prefers the second possibility.

Because if they do live in this world, it is impossible not to leave a trace.

Now that Krypton has appeared, that means… a very small part of that universe merged into this universe?

How much does that incorporate?

This point, Mike can’t be sure yet.

Talos watched Mike’s face keep changing, and he was also guessing the relationship between Mike and Krypton.

At this moment, Mike continued to ask, “Where is Krypton?”

“Krypton is outside the Milky Way, and it has been destroyed.” Talos sighed: “They are rarely active in the Milky Way. If I were not wandering in the universe, looking for a home for us, I would not know the existence of Krypton. After the destruction of Krypton, there are no traces of Kryptonians, so I was so surprised when I saw your son.”

Mike nodded, breathed a sigh of relief, pondered, and continued: “The last question, how did you recognize Clark?”

To know that Clark and the Earth are exactly the same.

Talos smiled and said: “This is the talent of our Skrulls, uh, how do you say it…”

Talos thought for a while and said vaguely: “In our perception, each race will give us different feelings, and we can record the feeling of the race that has changed.”

A sense of talent?

Mike was relieved and said, “Thank you for your answer.”

When the words fell, a card appeared between his fingers, saying, “Let’s go back. Please keep the things I asked you and Clark’s secret.”

“Wait!” Taros shouted hurriedly, looked at Mike nervously, and said, “Can you help me and say something nice to that woman later, I was a little unhappy with her before.”

Mike smiled and said, “I can only promise not to let her do it in my house.”

Talos breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Thank you.”

As long as the fight didn’t happen as soon as they met, he had the confidence to convince the other party and help the other party recall the past.

Mike held Taros’ shoulders and used teleport again to return home.

When they got home, Carol was sitting on the sofa drinking juice, Eric and Charles were watching TV, and Clark and Nick Fury were talking.

Mike and the two appeared quietly, and the room fell silent.

“Dad? Just now?”

Clark asked suspiciously.

Mike said: “I asked Talos about something, and also, stay away from Fury.”

Nick Fury looked innocent and complained: “Ask something? You just said that it’s more like killing him.”

Mike glanced at Nick Fury and said, “Can you shut up?”

Nick Fury spread his hands.

At this time, Carol put down the empty cup in his hand, looked at Talos, and said, “It just so happens that I also have something to talk to you about.”

Talos was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, “That’s really good.”

Things went better than he thought.

So, he said, “With the help of my transformation ability, I found a recording of you and some information about you.”

“Wow, those materials still exist? Where did you find them? Why didn’t I know?”

Nick Fury was a little surprised.

Taros nodded: “You are only a third-level agent, the level is too low.”

Nick Fury twitched the corner of his Talos’ transformation target was his boss, and his level was indeed much higher than him.

Mike looked at Nick Fury with disgust: “Why are you still a third-level agent.”

In an instant, Nick Fury was even more depressed.

Talos looked at Carroll and said, “Perhaps, those things will remind you of something.”

Carol got up: “I have regained my memory, I have remembered what happened back then.”

She clenched her fists gloomily, her eyes full of anger: “The Cree deceived me.”


Talos was stunned.

Things went a little better than he had imagined.

Nick Fury rubbed his hands together: “Can you two talk about it, I don’t know what’s going on yet?”

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