The Father of Superheroes

Chapter 139

Chapter 137: Choose

Do something for mutants.

This idea, this idea, has been in their minds for a long time.

When they see mutants in circuses being used as animal shows, when mutants are driven away, when mutants are criminals, used by some careerists, and even used as experiments It was planted deep in their minds.

Especially today, when they saw that the mutant children in the news were actually used by the Black Queen to touch crimes that they should not have been exposed to at this age, they had accumulated thoughts for many years and could no longer hold back. , instantly occupied their minds.

With this ability, always do something.

Two pairs of bright eyes kept staring at Mike, Mike was silent, smiled at the two of them, and said, “If that’s the case, then let’s do it.”

Hearing this, their eyes were full of excitement and gratitude.

Their growth trajectories were completely different from the original, but they still made almost the same choices, maybe… they were born to be heroes, mutants, humans, and even heroes of this planet.

With a sigh in his heart, Mike couldn’t help but said, “What are your thoughts? What do you want to do? How do you start?”

Charles said: “I have thought about it, the group of mutants is relatively poor in the impression of most people.”

Not bad, but bad.

Criminals, monsters…

Many times, when people think of mutants, this idea comes to their minds for the first time.

And the group of mutants is not good enough. After many people awaken their abilities, the first thing they think about is to use their abilities to do bad things and take revenge on those who hurt them before, and these people will become new criminals. A new monster in people’s eyes.

It’s simply a vicious circle.

And those kids who are just awakening to their abilities.

When they wake up, some people will hurt others unconsciously because they can’t control their abilities.

And that’s one of the reasons they’re considered monsters.

Thinking of this, McHugh looked at Charles.

Poor, what you said is really euphemistic.

Seeing Mike’s eyes, Charles looked depressed, but Eric couldn’t help but smile and said, “Okay, it’s bad.”

Mike nodded.

Charles looked helpless and continued: “This impression must be reversed, so that when people see mutants, they will not only think of bad things, but also think of good things, and will initially improve the living environment of this group of mutants. .”

“So, what are you going to do?”

Mike stared at Charles with some anticipation in his heart.

Eric said: “Dad, do you remember the team you formed to stop the Black Emperor before?”

Mike raised his eyebrows and nodded.

Charles grinned and said, “That’s my idea. We want to form a team to solve this kind of incident, so that everyone can understand that although there are mutants who use their abilities to commit crimes, they can also use their abilities to be a hero!”

“good idea.”

With Mike’s approval, the two became more excited and continued to express their thoughts.

Not only to change people’s impression of mutants, but also to restrain the mutant group and change their self-positioning.

If you want to be seen by others, you must want to see yourself.

If a mutant awakens his ability, he uses his ability to do bad things and commit crimes, no matter how hard Charles and the others try, they can’t change the world’s impression of mutants.

Therefore, it must be changed from the source. When the mutants awaken their abilities, they should establish correct values for them and let them self-discipline their abilities.

The awakening of mutants often begins when they are teenagers, so after consultation, the two of them decided to build a school.

A school for mutant children.

In this school, these children can not only learn knowledge, but also learn to control their own abilities, and even after training, they may become heroes.

Speaking of this, Charles said excitedly: “Eric and I think this is a very good idea.”

Eric nodded, but there were some doubts and worries in his heart.

After Mike noticed it, he said to Eric: “Do you have anything to add, or a different idea?”

Charles also looked at Eric.

“There are two more problems we have to solve,” Eric said.

His eyes narrowed and he said, “The first is the establishment of the school, which is not easy.”

Although there is no law against building schools for mutants, you don’t have to think about the difficulties and obstacles that such a school will face if it is to be established, and they must be supported.

Charles pondered and nodded, this is indeed something to consider.

“The second point is the more difficult one.” Eric’s eyes sank, and he said, “The school needs a reason to exist for a long time.”

A school that produces a large number of mutants would be a formidable force.

If it is only used to restrain mutants, educate mutant children, and cultivate heroes, it is simply not enough to survive for a long time.

Those greedy eyes, vigilance and fear of mutants, will eventually ruin this school.

“If, one of the purposes of establishing a school is to cultivate heroes…” Charles murmured.

Eric added without hesitation: “We need a long-term enemy to reflect the value of heroes, to reflect the meaning of the school’s existence, and to make those people vigilant, even malicious people, temporarily. Press the malice against this school.”


Mike nodded.

Immediately father and son fell silent.

“I’ll go.”

Eric suddenly spoke up.

“What?” Charles was stunned for a moment, then his expression changed, and he said, “What nonsense are you talking about?”

Eric smiled and said, “I said, I will be the enemy of the school.”

When he is this enemy, when the two sides strike, they will be very measured, and they can “oppose” for a long time, but they can also unite at a critical moment.

This is a very good and currently the most appropriate way.

Hearing this, Mike sighed.

Good guy, still went the old way, but the difference is that they no longer parted ways because of different ideas.

“I’ll do it!” Charles said without hesitation, “I can do it too!”

“Don’t be stupid.” Eric said with a smile: “Your ability does not allow you to do this, and your character is too kind, you are not suitable.”

If Charles is the enemy, almost as soon as his abilities are exposed, he will become the enemy of the whole world, and everyone will turn against him.

But if he is his own, the situation will be reversed, and it will become a big killer on the human side, a hole card that must be protected.


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