The Father of Superheroes

Chapter 147

Chapter 145: Headlines

Eric flew high in the sky, watching the people coming and going below, with complicated eyes, sighed softly, and quickly fell to the bank below.

It’s not the first time he’s done something like this, but he’s still not used to it.

The people of the Black Queen have disappeared recently, and Eric can’t find each other, but he has a stupid but simple way.

Do something and let the other party come to you.

The Black Queen’s Hellfire Club has been absorbing mutants. As long as he shows strong combat power, and even appropriately shows his hatred for humans and his approval of the Black Queen’s behavior, he believes that Hellfire will not let him go. Such a strong hitter.

Eric fell from the sky in full view, causing exclamations.

He didn’t care, just strode to the bank.

And the bank security guard who saw him fall from the sky, bit his head and said, “Sir, do you want to…”

Eric tilted his head, and an invisible force pulled the security guard and flew backwards, directly hitting the wall and fainting.

Seeing this scene, other security guards in the bank immediately took out the money, and the citizens who came to the bank also began to be confused.

Eric raised his hand, pointed his gun, twisted into a twist, and flew out with their master.

The alarm bell rang, Eric didn’t care, just walked to the counter calmly.

Seeing this, people screamed and ran out.

Eric made a move, and a security guard who was thrown flying flew over with the metal on his body. He looked at the other party, smiled lightly, and said, “Where is the vault?”

The security guard looked at Eric in horror, trembling all over, and stammered: “Here, over there!”

He stretched his finger in a direction, Eric put down the other party, straightened the other party’s hat, and said, “Thank you.”

When the words fell, he strode towards the direction of the vault.

At this moment, there was a piercing siren sound outside, Eric paused, turned to look at the door of the bank, saw the police file in and pointed their weapons at him, sneered, and shook his fingers gently, saying. : “Don’t point a gun at me, I’ll be nervous.”

As he said that, he stretched out his hand and raised it. Under the terrified eyes of the police, the weapons in their hands broke free and pointed the muzzle at their original owner.

Eric smiled lightly and said, “Look, doing this, you are also quite nervous.”

“What do you want to do?”

The captain summoned the courage to ask Eric.

“Heh!” Eric turned to the vault and said, “I just want to learn from the Black Queen and do something good.”

When the words fell, he waved his hand, those weapons slammed into their masters, and flew them out of the bank, and then Eric shook his hand behind him, the police cars parked at the door were directly crushed, and then flew to the bank gate, Banks are closed.

Eric slowly walked towards the direction of the vault, but he was thinking about what to do in a while so that today’s events could make tomorrow’s headlines and how to attract attention.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

There is.

He stretched out his hand to feel the treasury, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Steel plate and concrete, this structure of the vault, he likes the most.

The area of this vault is not large, only about 200 square meters.

He aimed his hand at the vault and squeezed it hard.

Boom, boom!

As the ground trembled, the entire vault was like a drawer that had been pulled out at random. With the panicked expression of the bank clerk, the entire vault was pulled out of him.

The next second, Eric slowly floated up, flew towards the bank door, stretched out a bunch of hands, tore a hole in the bank door blocked by the police car, and flew out.

The moment he flew out, the sniper rifles ambush in the surrounding shot out bullets.

But these things have no effect on him. When flying towards him, they have deviated from the trajectory and flew around.

Eric floated above everyone’s heads, with an arrogant smile on his face, and said, “Are you ready to party?”

When the words fell, he made a pulling gesture with his palm backwards. The vault in the bank that he had pulled out trembled in place. Amid the screams of terror, he smashed the door of the bank and appeared on the street. In his eyes, he rose into the air and appeared at Eric’s feet.

“What does he want to do?”

A policeman watched this scene in horror, threw away the gun in his hand, and planned to resign.

What’s the joke, let them deal with such monsters, just use these little broken guns?

Are those special departments going to eat shit?

He couldn’t help thinking, and after seeing the treasury and Eric getting higher and higher, he whispered: “Let’s go like this, let’s go quickly!”

“You said, will he smash your stuff down?”

At this time, a colleague next to him suddenly said something.

He felt as if his forehead was pinched, and his heart was instantly shrouded in shadows.

But in fact, Eric had no such plans.

He just wants to make some big scenes to attract attention, and he is not a murderer.

His real purpose is…


A wall of the vault was torn apart by him, and with a slight wave of his hand, the safes containing the money flew out.

He grinned, and money rained from the sky.


In the wild laughter, money rained down, people looked up at the sky, their eyes were full of shock, and then… they went crazy.

The picture seems to freeze at this moment, only endless madness occupies the whole world.

NYPD headquarters.


The newspaper was thrown on the table by the police chief, the headline was dominated by Eric, and under the headline, there were several photos.

Money rain, crazy crowd, and Eric flying in the sky.

Full of sarcasm.

The police chief gasped violently. He looked at everyone angrily and said, “Look, what are these things? What are you eating? Who is this person? What is he going to do? Who can tell me!”

The others in the office looked around carefully, bowing their heads in silence.

They know shit…

“It’s crazy, this mutant is crazy!”

Even with his years of experience dealing with, he has never seen such an arrogant criminal.

But looking at the picture, the arrogant gesture of the other party flying in mid-air with the vault, in addition to being annoyed, he was shocked.

How can he be such a terrifying mutant criminal, how can these police officers live?

There was silence in the office.

The police chief took a deep breath and said, “All cheer me up. When that mutant appears, arrest him as soon as possible!”

“Director, don’t we ask S.H.I.E.L.D. for help?”

“Do you have **** in your head?”

The police chief pulled the other party’s collar and scolded: “Do you think our police station is not incompetent enough now?”

The man smiled contemptuously.

The director let go of the other party’s collar and angrily said to everyone, “Get out!”

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