The Father of Superheroes

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: New Capabilities

at this time?

Mike glanced at the two brothers who were still fighting each other, and calmly walked to the side to answer the phone.

You won’t be killed in a while, don’t worry about them.

“Hey, this is Kent’s house.”

“Mr. Kent! I’m Clark’s teacher. Clark just rushed out of the classroom and locked himself in the utility room! No matter how I called him, he didn’t come out! Come to school!”

When the words fell, the teacher hung up the phone in a hurry.

A dignified look flashed in Mike’s eyes, he strode towards the two rolled into a ball, picked one up in one hand, and said with a cold face, “You two, be honest with me, I’ll ask Mary to watch you, I have to go outside. One trip.”

Mary and Bob happened to be on the farm.

The two little guys glanced at Mike and nodded cowardly.

Smart and smart, they understand very well that Mike with this expression must not be messed with.

Putting the two on the ground, Mike called for Mary, drove quickly away from the house, and rushed to the school as fast as possible.

At the door of the classroom, Mike saw the anxiously waiting teacher.

“Mr. Kent!” The teacher let out a long breath and said to Mike, “Come with me.”

Clark, the child has always been very obedient, but today’s abnormal performance made the teacher particularly worried.

Mike followed behind the teacher, and he already had a guess about Clark’s abnormal performance.

He followed the teacher to the door of the utility room and saw a group of children around him. Mike said to the teacher next to him, “Can you and this child leave here first?”

The teacher with a few freckles on his face gave Mike a deep look and left with the children.

After the others walked away, Mike knocked on the door and said, “Clark, it’s me.”

“Dad! Daddy!”

Clark’s voice was full of horror and dismay.

“it’s me.”

“Dad, it’s so noisy, so noisy in my head! My head is about to explode!”

Sure enough… it was Clark’s ability to increase and a new ability to appear.

Mike understood.

“Clark, pay attention to what I say and focus all your attention on me!”

“Dad, I…I can’t do it!”

“Come on! You can! Clark!”

“I’m trying!”

Mike breathed a sigh of relief and began to keep talking to Clark about the past.

A few minutes later, Clark finally opened the door, looked at Mike squatting at the door, and threw himself into Mike’s arms.


Seeing that his head was buried in Mike’s arms, Clark said tiredly and painfully, “What’s wrong with me? Am I sick?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, you’re healthy.”

Mike picked up Clark and said, “Let’s go home, you have a good rest.”


Mike took Clark and the teacher on leave and hurried home.

On the way, Clark was already tired and asleep.

Mike picked up Clark and opened the door, looking at the two mischievous Marys as if they had seen the savior: “Thank God, you are finally back.”

Mike looked at Eric and Charles.

The two stood together obediently, and Charles tidied up his clothes.

Eric looked at Clark who was held in his arms by Mike: “Brother!”

Mike ‘shush’ and said, “Quiet! Clark needs to rest.”

Eric pouted, and when he was about to open his mouth, Charles covered Eric’s mouth.


Eric’s eyes widened.

“Nice job, Charles!”

Mike nodded lightly.

Charles puffed out his chest.

“Mary, you’ve worked hard.”

Mary let out a long breath and said, “It’s fortunate that you came back early, otherwise I’d go crazy.”

Mike smiled apologetically at it and walked upstairs with Clark in his arms.

After Mike left, Eric took Charles’ hand and said angrily, “You sycophant!”

“Haha!” Charles sniffed, “I’m just smarter than you.”

Looking at the two of them, Mary fled from Mike’s house.

These two kids are so noisy.

Looking at Mary’s back, Eric’s smile gradually became arrogant, holding his own small fist, and said to Charles: “My dear brother, now think about it with your smart mind, what will I do next?”

Charles took a step back, turned and shouted, and ran upstairs.

“Daddy, Daddy! Eric is going to hit me!”

Eric sneered and walked up to catch up.

Hearing the noise outside, Mike pressed his throbbing temple, touched Clark’s head, and said to Clark, who opened his eyes in a daze, “Go to sleep, it’s alright.”

Clark made a soft “um” and turned around.

Mike got up, his gentle smile when he faced Clark disappeared instantly, he walked out of the room with a cold face, closed the door, turned to look at the two little guys who were fighting upstairs, his head felt big.

“You stop for me!”

Accompanied by Mike’s scolding, the two stopped in front of Mike one after the other, and their eyes were rolling.

“Dad, Eric is going to hit me!”

Charles looked pitiful.

Mike’s eyes jumped.

This kid is a showman.

Don’t look at this poor look, in fact, be careful.

Eric angrily said, “He’s a flatterer! He will flatter Dad’s ass!”

Mike stretched out his hand and flicked Eric’s head, “Don’t say that about your brother!”

Eric pouted, but Charles smiled secretly.

Mike flicked Charles again and said, “What are you laughing at? Flattery!”

Charles froze.

“Wow! Dad! How can you say that?” Eric stared at Mike.

Mike said with a sullen face: “Because I’m a father!”

Eric froze instantly.

Mike walked to the room of the two and said, “Follow me.”

The two looked at each other, swallowed, and glanced at the stairs.

“Don’t try to run.”

The two lowered their heads and followed them obediently.

Pushing away the room, Mike looked at the toys on the ground and twitched the corners of his mouth.

As expected, these two troublemakers…

When the two came in, Mike closed the door and looked at the two of them quietly.

The two pointed at each other almost at the same time and said, “He did it!”

Mike folded his arms and said, “Give you five minutes.”

The two of them didn’t say a word, and packed up quickly.

Mike looked at the two of them and laughed secretly in his heart.

These two little guys are smart, but they’re just too naughty, so he usually treats them a lot harder than Clark.

These two brothers, although they are twins, are only three-pointed in appearance.

Eric’s features are tough, he works decisively and directly, and it can even be said to be hot.

On the other hand, Charles’ facial features are relatively soft, and although he seems harmless, he is much more attentive than Eric.

However, the two little guys are cute and handsome.


Our family is still pretty good looking!

Mike pinched his chin and whispered, and when he saw that the two were about to clean up, he coughed lightly.

The two little guys stood at attention instantly and stood in front of Mike.

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