The Father of Superheroes

Chapter 696

Chapter 659: For This Time

The ever-increasing space-time cracks spread all over the sky, as if to shred the entire world, and the battles under the space-time cracks brought devastating damage to the city below.

Compared with the superheroes who have a lot of scruples, the hosts of the Phoenix Force have no taboos.

Their single thought and one action can bring huge casualties.

This makes the superheroes both angry and helpless, and what makes them even more powerless is the constant emergence of the Phoenix Power Host from other universes.

One, two, they could no longer resist, and the third and fourth appeared, making them feel like they were shrouded in despair, making them unable to breathe in fear.


There is still hope in their hearts.


At this time, Kent City.

A small mass of ash scattered and disappeared cleanly by the wind.

Seeing this scene, Qin heaved a sigh of relief.

Finally, with her full strength, she used the fastest speed to kill the robot-like host of the Phoenix Force.

And now…

Qin’s eyes turned to the other side, to the ‘Emma’ who was pressing the three of Eric. Without any hesitation, she flew over quickly.

As soon as the piano moved, Emma in another world felt threatened.

Her eyes flickered, thinking of the robot that had just been eliminated by Qin, and her expression changed slightly.

She didn’t expect Qin to kill someone so quickly.

The balance has been broken, she can’t deal with these four people alone!

Get out of here first!

With the thoughts in her heart falling, Emma raised her hand and released a shock wave, temporarily forcing the three of Eric back.

But when she was about to leave, a crimson beam landed on her body, leaving two large holes in her body.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

It’s not like Clark’s thermal vision.

Looking up, I saw another figure appeared from the crack in time and space.

New invaders, new hosts of the power of the phoenix.

For a time, everyone’s faces were extremely ugly.

On the other side, in Charles’ office.

Mike and the others looked at the picture on the virtual screen, and their faces were also very ugly.

“Damn it! Another one!” Charles scolded lowly and said to Mike, “Dad, what should I do now?”

It’s not just new enemies that have emerged in Kent, but new enemies have emerged elsewhere.

Mike groaned and didn’t answer, but said to Joe El: “Review the picture of Jean killing the enemy again.”

Joe Al nodded, and a virtual screen moved in front of Mike.

Mike watched the battle on the screen, and after seeing the picture of Qin killing the robot, the doubts in his eyes became more and more obvious.

That enemy’s phoenix power…wasn’t absorbed by Jean?

Aren’t the hosts of the power of the phoenix fighting for the power of the phoenix, fighting for the power of the phoenix?

but now?

What about the power of the phoenix?

He clearly remembered that in Oren’s world, after he killed the phoenix, the power of the phoenix appeared and turned around before disappearing.

Mike frowned and looked back again.

This time, he looked very carefully.

Finally, he saw it.

When the enemy dies, the power of the phoenix is fleeting, and then disappears.

This is…

left by yourself?

No, not possible!

Facing a host like Qin, the Phoenix Force had no reason not to choose Qin.

Or…absorbed by someone else?


When this idea appeared in Mike’s mind, he was curious about the person who absorbed the power of the phoenix, but also became very jealous.

There is no doubt that this person is hiding in the dark, and he must have ulterior motives and must be guarded against.

Mike groaned, and when Charles called him anxiously again, he came to his senses.


Charles said anxiously: “They are in danger! More enemies have appeared.”

Because of the fact that the battle has already occurred, the hosts of the power of the phoenix who kept appearing, just appeared, and they entered the battle because of the competition for the power of the phoenix.

Things are getting more and more complicated.


Hearing Charles’ words, Mike murmured, “As long as you kill them all, it won’t be complicated.”

However, in order to solve this problem, he had to use everything at the bottom of the box.

“Mike, can the Infinity Stones wipe out those invaders?”

Joe El, who had been silent for a while, asked.

Mike frowned: “You can try, but…”

He thought it unlikely.

Hearing this, Charles and Rui Wen, who had been cheering silently, had hope in their hearts.

And little Lamb pouted.

He felt hopeless.

To solve this trouble, unless he shot.


During this time, he has awakened a lot of abilities, some of which are so powerful that he himself can’t believe it.


Or when things are more dangerous, he will turn the tide again!


Heroes always come last!

Little Lamb thought secretly, and as long as he thought that he finally solved this crisis, everyone’s expressions were unbelievable, and he was secretly relieved.

Just when Lamb was YY alone, Mike had already shown a Hulk and let him try it with the infinite gloves.

With a snap of his fingers, the result was obvious, and the existence of the Phoenix Power Host could not be erased.

The power of the phoenix is immortal and eternal, and to a certain extent, this characteristic is given to their hosts.

“So, we can only kill these phoenix power hosts who bring chaos…”

Mike murmured.

“They are in danger!”

In the sound of Charles’ reminder, Mike disappeared.

Kent City.

At this time, the situation in Kent City is very urgent.

Although Qin broke out the power of the phoenix and killed the first invading host of the power of the phoenix, they have not waited for them to solve the Emma of another With the appearance of the crack in time and space, the new host of the power of the phoenix has not waited for them Then another invasion, and more than one.

When did such a strong enemy become so worthless?

Mike Fei was above the city of Kent, looking at the cracks in time and space, watching the battle of Eric and the others, he couldn’t help but complained, and then murmured as if he had sensed something, “Become a member of various parallel universes. Focus, not only the host of the power of the phoenix from every parallel universe is coming, but even other powerful beings are coming?”

The current situation is simply chaotic to the extreme.

At this moment, even if Mike closes the crack in time and space, it will tear space and time again because of the ubiquitous battle now.

“Can you just remove all the invaders and find a way to hide the ‘coordinates’ of the universe?”

Mike murmured, and slowly raised his palm downwards, and in the process of raising it, the cards that flashed and manifested light slipped down like flowing water.

Perhaps, he has accumulated so many cards for so many years, just for this time.

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