The Father of Superheroes

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: ?Are You Happy?

Clark dragged the hammer and looked at Logan angrily, with a white and tender face like a fleshy bun, which looked very cute.

Logan swallowed, and couldn’t help but smile after being surprised.

This kid…is a mutant!

Ordinary children would never be able to pick up this hammer.

His eyes softened involuntarily, and a smile appeared on his face.

Clark stepped back vigilantly and said, “Perverted thief! What do you want! Why are you looking at me like that? Are there any bad thoughts?”

Logan’s face stiffened and he said, “I’m not a pervert!”

Clark raised the hammer in his hand, glared at Logan, and said, “My dad said, don’t wear clothes, show hair in front of children… People with big caterpillars are perverts!”

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Logan spit out, “What did your father teach you? He’s sick!”

“Don’t speak ill of my father! You perverted thief!”

Clark held the hammer and rushed towards Logan again with his short legs.


Clark shouted, the milk is fierce.

Logan looked at Clark amusingly, turned around to dodge, looked at the big hole in the wall, and the corners of his mouth twitched wildly.


Clark spat out the ash in his mouth and shouted to Rogan, “Don’t hide if you can!”

“Ha ha!”

Logan laughed out loud at Clark’s appearance.

At this moment, Mike, who came home, heard the movement of the warehouse, pushed open the door and walked in, just to see a naked man smiling at his son.

Hold the grass! Crazy pervert!

Anger burned in Mike’s heart, and the next second his heart beat violently. When the man heard the movement and turned around quickly, a flying kick just landed on the opponent’s chest and kicked him out.

Logan fell to the ground, grinning, his hands clenched, Edman’s claws almost out of control.

Clark held the hammer and ran over with ‘eeeeeeeeeeey’. Mike strode forward, took Clark in his arms, took Clark’s hammer, and with a wave of the hammer in his hand pressed it on the chest of the man who wanted to get up. .

Rogan paused and looked at Mike with a helpless face: “Man, believe me, this is not what you think, I am not a bad person.”

Mike looked at the other party’s face, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes, and then said: “Name.”

Logan said lightly: “Logan.”

Definitely Wolverine.

Mike groaned and said, “It seems that you have encountered some bad things.”

Logan smiled bitterly: “It’s very bad.”

“Oh shit…”

Thinking of what he had experienced during this time, Logan couldn’t help but scolded in a low voice.

Mike picked up the hammer and put it aside, and said, “Get up.”

Clark whispered to Mike, “Dad, he’s not a thief?”

Mike patted Clark’s head and smiled, “It shouldn’t be a thief.”

Hearing this, Logan nodded, how could he be a thief?

“It’s a pervert at most!”

The smile on Logan’s face just now froze.

“Ha ha!”

Mike laughed happily.

Putting Clark on the ground, Mike took out a piece of change in his pocket, walked up to Logan, whistled at Logan, and put it in Logan’s hand when he was puzzled. Holding Clark’s hand, he walked outside the warehouse and said, “If you don’t mind, I have some old clothes that I can lend you to wear.”

Logan held a piece of money and stood there blankly, a little moved but also a little puzzled.

He met nice people, but why give him money?

Logan looked down at himself, and remembered Mike’s whistle, as if struck by lightning, the corners of his mouth twitched wildly, and shouted loudly, “Fake! You are the stripper!”

“Ha ha!”

Mike’s laughter came from outside.

Logan’s face was ugly, but he laughed softly, walked to the door of the warehouse, and was about to stride out, his crotch was cold, but he stepped back and shouted to Mike: “Dude, get me a note first. Pants!”

After half an hour…

Logan took a shower, changed into Mike’s clothes, and walked out of the bathroom.

“Yo, very spirited!”

Mike smiled at Logan, Clark nodded like a little adult, and then said a little tangled: “Dad, is he still a pervert with clothes on?”

Logan made a vicious look at Clark’s grin, hugged Clark, and said, “If you talk nonsense, I’ll eat you!”

Clark clenched his fists and said, “I’m not afraid!”


Logan made a vicious cry.

The wolf howls!

Clark laughed instead.

“Clark, Uncle Logan.”

Clark responded and said, “Uncle.”

Rogan grinned, kissed Clark’s little face, and said, “This is the happiest thing I’ve encountered in the past few days.”

“There will be more fun things to do in a while.”

Mike tapped on the table.

Logan’s eyes lit up, and there was some expectation in his heart…

after an hour…

Logan squatted outside Mike’s warehouse expressionlessly, holding tools to mend the hole Clark made.

After all, his expectations were wrong…

I was pitted by Mike, it must be!

With a sigh, he squinted at Clark who was squatting beside him, and said gently, “Are you going to help me? Boy?”

Still Clark is loving.

Clark shook his head and said, “My dad asked me to see the consequences of impulse.”

“Isn’t that what you knocked on?”

Logan frowned.

Clark embarrassedly tapped the ground under his feet and said, “Yeah, UU reading that’s why my father let me see the troubles caused by impulsive actions, and let me think carefully before doing things in the future.”

Logan was stunned, touched Clark’s head, and said, “You have a good father, what else did your father say?”

Clark thought for a while and said, “He said let me ask you if you are happy!”

I’m happy for his grandma’s legs!

Logan cursed in his heart, and had the urge to give Mike a few claws with his claws. He turned to Clark and said, “I take back what I just said, your father is an asshole!”

Take a deep breath…


With a low curse, Logan continued to build the wall.

In the evening, when Logan repaired the wall and returned to Mike’s house with tools, after seeing the dishes on the table, he suddenly felt that the wall was not repaired in vain this afternoon.

“It looks very tasty!”

Logan sat down while praising.

“My dad’s cooking must be delicious!”

Clark did not hesitate to praise himself, imitating the rooster on the farm, and raised his chin proudly.

Mike laughed, patted Clark’s head lightly, and said, “Eat!”

After a while, full of food and wine, Logan picked his teeth, glanced at Clark, and said, “Is your child a mutant?”

“No, he’s just a little bit stronger.”

Mike said vaguely.

Logan didn’t ask any further, but instead asked, “What about you?”

“I’m not.”



Interrupting the other party’s words, Mike smiled: “Can I ask you what trouble you are in?”

Logan was silent for a while, remembering his own experience, opened his mouth but couldn’t say it, then shrugged and said, “I understand.”

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