The Fell Star’s Return

Chapter 2: From Knight to Mercenary

The skies are parted open as heavy rain along with thunder and lightning descends nonstop into the world below. It's a storm that has been raging for several days now and seems like it will continue for another few yet. Down on the surface, a certain monastery is in partial chaos as a raging inferno consumes large swaths of buildings in its ferocity.

Light illuminating their back, a cloaked figure dashes about in the shadows of buildings, trying to stay out of sight. Boots splashing against the ground, they move with equal parts haste and cautiousness while making for the stables.

Coming to an abrupt stop the individual presses themselves to a building as a group of knights quickly run past them on the main road. Watching them disappear around a corner, the cloaked figure continues on their way, blending into the crowds of worried onlookers.

Moving on, they eventually arrive at their destination and immediately go towards a large dark brown stallion before tying on a saddle and some bags. Preparing the horse, they suddenly tense and put a hand on their weapon as they notice the sound of slowly approaching footsteps.

“Halt, step away from the animal and lower your hood. No funny business now.”

After a moment of silence, the cloaked individual audibly sighs while turning to face the guard and revealing their face.

Visibly relaxing as he stows away his weapon, the knight lets out a boisterous laugh, “Oh it’s just you Captain, and here I thought that I caught the rat that started the fire." 

He then sighs while raising his hands in defeat, "I was really hoping for some extra spending money too… Anyway, what are you doing here, and dressed like that?"

The captain, Jeralt, stumbles for an answer, “Ah well, Lady Rhea asked me to ride out and search for the culprit, make sure they haven’t gotten away. You know how she is right now, but those are my orders.”

Not doubting him for a second, the knight, Alois, merely nods his head. “I see, yes, it is a bit odd sending you out all alone, but as you said she seems to be out of sorts right now. I heard that someone close to her died in the fire, but I haven’t the faintest idea who it could be. Well, enough idle chat, good luck on your search captain.”

“Yeah, see you around Alois.” As Alois walks away, Jeralt stares at his back for a while before turning around and continuing his preparations.

Before long he's riding out of the massive fortress-like monastery, the remnants of a large fire still blazing behind him. Galloping through the muddy roads, Jeralt looks down to a small child sleeping in his arms. His face scrunches in pain as he recalls what happened over the last few days.


After waiting for what seemed like hours in the medical wing, Lady Rhea finally came out to see me while carrying a small infant.

Just remembering her words and later seeing my wife’s lifeless body was more than enough to make my chest ache even now.

Needless to say, I was lost and didn’t know what to do. The only thing I had was the baby in my arms, but with every look at them all I would see was Sitri's pale face devoid of life and the pain would simply rise up again.

At first, I only buried my head in a bottle, not talking to anyone and not caring for the child my wife sacrificed her life for. 

My relationship with Sitri wasn’t exactly well known and so even if I can’t blame them, many of the knights that came to drink would get on my nerves with their happy and lackadaisical attitudes. 

One night especially, I ended up lunging at someone that made a comment about me finding a girlfriend, but rather than showing them how I felt about that statement, I ended up lying on the ground dizzy from the excessive drinking. 

Alois was forced to drag me out of the tavern and bring me home, I only hope that I didn’t hurt the young man too much with the foul words spewing from my lips the entire way.

The pain overflowing in my chest just wouldn’t go away. It didn’t make any sense, how could this have happened?

I was angry - angry at myself, at Rhea, at the goddess, even at my own wife and child. How could she have done that? How could she leave me all alone and dump a new life into my arms? How could this child rip away the one woman that I had grown to love?

After a few days of this, I managed to snap out of it with the help of Lady Rhea. She had been coming by every single day to see the child while also whispering soothing words in my ear all the while. With her help I realized that I had to carry on and be strong, to care for the product of the love Sitri and I had for each other.

Finally beginning to break through the overwhelming grief, that was just when more shocks kept hitting me.

The baby, whom hadn’t even received a name yet, was said to be unnatural according to the women I left caring for him. Apparently, he never cries, never makes a sound, never shows emotion.

Many of the young mothers caring for him told me they didn’t want to be near him, that he was too strange. So much for the love and acceptance of those with faith.

I brought it to the attention of Lady Rhea one day, but she merely said not to worry about it. Grateful for her help in dealing with my pain as well as caring for my son everyday, I did just that and pushed it to the back of my mind.

Ultimately though, I decided to check with a doctor when the complaints wouldn't stop coming in and that’s truly when I got the worst news yet. 

The baby didn’t have a heartbeat. 

According to the doctor, it was the strangest thing. He was perfectly healthy and had a pulse, but not a heartbeat.

When I heard that news, well I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about it all.

How Sitri died, how Rhea was the only one that was there, the child’s strange behavior, and now his physical unnaturalness. This, combined with what I already knew about the archbishop, made me very scared. What had she done to him, to my wife?

After the doctor’s visit and a few realizations, I started paying very close attention to everything around me, completely refusing to go near even a single bottle. What I noticed only deepened my worries and suspicions.

The knights were watching me.

Wherever I went I was followed, and there were also people spying on our home.

The night I realized that I planned to confront Lady Rhea about it, to demand answers no matter what I had to do. 

When I got home though, I couldn’t bear to do it. 

Walking over to the balcony I saw her tenderly cradling the boy in her embrace, humming a strangely familiar tune as she smiled down at his sleepy eyes and placed a loving kiss on his forehead. 

The torrential rain only added to the peacefulness of the scene and as much as I tried to be wary and loathe her in that moment, I simply couldn’t, nor could I bear to intrude on them.

Ultimately, I decided to run.

It was just too much, there were too many bad memories there, too many things going on that I simply couldn’t deal with it all. 

Confronting Lady Rhea was also not an option, as much as I both feared and suspected her I also had a lot of respect and love for everything she had done not only for me, but Sitri as well. So running it was. The only problem was the eyes on me, watching my every move.

A couple of days passed after making the decision to run and slowly but surely, I was making progress. I moved rations and supplies around and also charted a path to escape.

My patience was rewarded today with the fire.

I don’t know how it happened, but I knew that I would use it. Taking advantage of the chaos, I pretended to be injured by the flames and did my utmost to deceive.

When Lady Rhea arrived with several knights to fight the fire, I told her the baby perished in the blaze, putting on my best sad act, which wasn’t hard with the events recently. Hearing the news, she broke down, I never saw her act like that before. I truly felt bad watching her sob and fall to pieces, but was consumed by too many worries and suspicions to stay there now.

So, I took the child and fled during the confusion. He was thought dead, and I would disappear along with him.

That all leads us to where we are now, riding down the road putting as much distance between ourselves and the Church of Seiros as possible.

After countless hours of hard riding, I decide to stop and make camp. We had a ways to go yet but the horse was tiring and I could use the rest.

Hopping down carefully with the child, I set him to the side while getting everything ready.

Later, I can't help but think on everything while staring up at the stars, the rain finally having stopped some time ago. Where were we going to go and what should we do?

Well, the only thing I know how to do competently is fight so I guess that limits my options.

Getting tied down somewhere isn’t on the table either, we should always be on the move to not leave a trace and avoid the church. Leaving Fódlan could be an option but I’m more inclined to stay in the area I know best, besides… I could always be wrong about Rhea and the church.

Well, for now, let’s just continue towards the village and see if anyone is hiring. Damn, from Captain of the Knights of Seiros to a regular old mercenary, what a shitshow.

As I’m about to drift to sleep with those thoughts, I quickly snap my eyes open, remembering something. I forgot to feed the kid.

He hasn’t eaten all day, but the brat still doesn’t make a damn sound. Pulling out some goat’s milk that I barely remembered to bring, I start feeding him. Looking down at him as he slowly suckles on the bottle, a deep sigh escapes my lips, 'I can’t do this on my own. Sitri… I wish you were still here, please… guide us.’

Two days pass like that on the road and on the third I begin to wake as the sun starts cresting the horizon.

Packing up and feeding the kid, we continue on our way at a quick pace. The ride is uneventful, with no travelers yet, but the roads aren’t exactly ready for travel either with all of the rain lately.

When the sun was a bit past the mid-point in the sky, we reached Remire Village.

I decided to go west along the Oghma mountains and into Empire territory since it seemed to be the region with the most free land to roam. The fact that it was the nation where the church had the least sway lately was also an added bonus.

The Alliance was too enclosed to hide very well at first, and due to my past in the Kingdom, well I thought it might be too obvious to go there, among other things. So, here we are.

Remire is a fairly small village and not all that wealthy, so it might be tough finding a paying customer but I’m sure we’ll manage.

Going past the low makeshift walls surrounding the place, we enter to see a bunch of people going about their day. A few look over at us curiously, surprised to see a traveler despite the horrible weather lately, but soon lose interest as they see only a single man.

Having been with the knights for as long as I have, I’ve been pretty much everywhere in Fódlan at least once, but the towns near the monastery, I know like the back of my hand.

Heading right for an inn, I get the horse settled before moving towards the tavern. The drinking scene won’t be too hot this time of day but it’s still a good place to find work.

Walking in I scout the room, but only see a few people eating that get all quiet when they notice me. I might not be in my knight's armor, but I’m aware of the effect my build and presence can have on others. Shifting the kid in my arms they all go back to their business, my intimidation factor lessening with an infant cradled in my arms.

Going to an empty table, a young lass with large brown eyes and a messy white apron comes scurrying up to take my order. “Why hello sir, can I getcha anything today?” she asks while blinking her eyes at me and flashing a smile.

“The cheapest meal and a mug of ale for me, and I guess if you got any milk for the kid, I’ll take that too.”

The girl’s eyes shift to the baby for the first time, widening for a moment before going back to normal. “Certainly sir, we have some fresh milk just squeezed this mornin’ that’ll do nicely.”

Saying so she bows lowly, her cleavage threatening to spill out of her simple brown dress, before giving me a lingering look and walking back to the kitchen. Shaking my head, I look more in-depth at the people I saw around the room.

Most appear to be locals, but there are two at a table that seem to be more well off than you’d expect from someone living around here. 

Cleaner and more vibrant robes as well as small glimmers of jewelry in the candlelight, they were most definitely not locals. 

Going over to them, I proceed to introduce myself, “Hello there, gentlemen. Sorry to interrupt but I couldn’t help but notice that you seem to be from out of town and was wondering if you were looking to hire any hands to help you out.”

The two stop their conversation and take a long look at me, examining me. After a moment, the older of the two opens his mouth. “We have no need for someone that can’t fight and you,” motioning to the infant, “seem like you would have some trouble in that regard.”

Shifting my weight at their response, they seem a bit intimidated at what I might do. “I understand your concerns, but I assure you that he won’t be a hindrance. I can even spar one of yours if you would let me.”

Mulling it over and finding it fair, while also not wanting to anger the impressively built man before them, they agree to testing me in a little while. Satisfied, I thank them and head back to my table just as the lass delivers the food.

It’s a simple affair, just some potatoes in a creamy broth, but more than enough for my starving self.

Quickly finishing the meal, I relax for a while, occasionally dealing with the pestering of the young girl serving me.

It wasn’t exactly a new occurrence to me. Even with the knights, simple village girls would often find themselves attached to us passing through. 

Perhaps we represented the allure of excitement and strangeness in the wider world that they lacked, or maybe it’s simply eagerness to make it out of their small villages no matter what they have to do. 

It shouldn’t be surprising then that many of the knights that marry do so with one or other village girl they come across, falling under their extreme dedication or other such advances.

Eventually the two individuals I talked to signal me to go. Calling the girl over, I prepare to pay and follow them.

“Thank you kindly for your patronage sir, but you know…” she gets very close and lowers her voice into a seductive drawl, “there’s more you can request here if you’d like. I bet the little one could also use a woman in their life too.”

Standing while lightly pushing her away to her surprise, I turn to leave and respond in a cold voice, “Not interested.”

My mood having been soured by the stark reminder, I follow the two travelers to a secluded area, not much having the patience to entertain them anymore.

“Where’s the guy you want me to fight?” I ask in a more aggressive voice than initially intended.

Slightly taken aback, they only point over to another man that already has his weapon out. Holding the baby in one arm, I unsheathe my sword with the other and slowly walk to the mercenary.

“Whoa look guys, daddy here thinks he can fight.” 

That earns a few chuckles from some of the men gathered as they scoff at the image of me carrying my son. 

Perhaps feeling emboldened by the response, the disheveled yet muscled mercenary flashes a twisted smirk.

“Carryin’ ‘round a babe like that ya might as well spread ya legs too cuz it’s obvious ya not much of a man. Is that why ya girl ditched ya, the parts too small down there? Or maybe the kid’s ma was a whor…” 

My short temper finally evaporating, I roar in a fit of rage at his words, quickly dashing over in a burst of speed while bringing my sword down over his head.

The mercenary’s face turns white as he shuts his mouth and barely manages to raise his sword to block my own before getting thrown back. Not giving him a moment to breathe, I jump at him with full intent to kill, no longer wanting to just show my superiority to the client.

Quickly striking him again when he’s off-balance his sword arm gets thrown to the side, leaving him fully open and vulnerable. Bringing down my blade once more, I ruthlessly separate that same sword arm from his body at the shoulder.

Collapsing to the ground, blood begins to pour out as he screams in pain and strings along curses. Slowly walking to him, he locks eyes with me and tries to back away.

“Ahhh… no, please… spare me….”

Putting a heavy foot on his chest, I just stare at him as all of the frustration and pain of the last few days reaches a peak, before stomping his head in with my immense strength, splattering blood over myself and the ground in conjunction with a sickening crunch.

Breathing in and out I try to calm myself before glancing at the baby in my arm. He’s uninjured but he’s covered in blood the same as me. He simply stares up at me, almost as if he’s upset for getting him dirty, but then yawns and closes his eyes.

Annoyance and anger once again claim me for having recklessly put him in danger and covering him in that filth’s blood. Looking up, I see that everyone present looks pale as a ghost as they gape at me like frightened animals.

In a cold and menacing voice, I speak to all the gathered mercenaries. “Not another word about the child or his mother. Am. I. Clear.”

Each and every one of them nod their heads as I direct my attention to the two travelers and walk towards them. They slowly try to back away from my approach, one even falling to the ground as they look up at me in fear. Peering down at their frightened expressions, I sigh and sheath my sword before reaching up to awkwardly scratch my head.

“So… do I get the job?”


Back at the Monastery, during the fire.

Shadows covering them like a cloak, two figures stand on a rooftop, their features nigh impossible to decipher. Sitting down leisurely, one of the figures begins to chuckle in a seductive feminine tone.

“Haha, that’s quite the blaze you started there. Look at them all, running around like chickens with their heads cut off, it’s rather entertaining.”

The other figure merely stands still and replies with a deep and serious voice. “Yes, it is amusing, but don’t forget the purpose of this outing girl. Did you secure the documents, or were you too busy indulging your twisted fantasies?”

“What did you say you limp old geezer, maybe you want to see what this girl can do?” she says as her hands begin to glow with a dangerous dark light.

“We’re not here to play games, now did you get what we came here for or not you harlot!” the older man’s aura begins to fluctuate as the girl suddenly feels a heavy pressure bearing down on her.

Gasping out for breath she manages to let out a positive reply. The aura completely disappearing, he nods his head. “Good, then there’s no need to stay here a moment longer, this place reeks of those accursed beasts.”

After saying his piece, he disappears in a small flash of light, leaving the other person all alone.

Gritting her teeth, the other individual mutters under her breath, “Jackass, thinks he’s hot shit just because he’s so much older. Heh, he can’t even get it up anymore and thinks he can act like that with me.”

Muttering in annoyance she turns to leave but manages to spot a lone knight running through the alley right below her. Licking her lips and flaring up her magic again, she wastes no time in jumping down towards him. “Just what I need, I could use a toy to relieve all this stress.”

Hey folks! This was a hard chapter for me to write. Being a beginner author I'm not always sure what the best way to portray something is despite knowing what I want in my head. This ultimately took the form of the first person shift to Jeralt during this chapter. It was my first time trying to write in first person and I'm not sure how I feel about it, but I know I tried my best. 

Just a heads up, school started back up for me so I'll be pretty busy with that and updates will be a little slow.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one! In the next chapter we will be meeting a new character so be excited for that

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