The Female Partner Who Wears a Book Steals the Halo of the Tyrant

Chapter 109

Chapter 108: Intimacy Lianxi Intends To Satisfy Him

After winning the design title of the City Games, Lianxi started the construction of the special factory under Lanci, and hurriedly produced 30,000 sets of sportswear, which were sponsored to the organizers of the City Games one month in advance.

In the past two months, Lian Xi has been very busy, almost 10 hours out of 24 hours a day, running on both sides of Lanci and Lian’s headquarters.

Even if Huo Qi wants to meet her and have a meal, sometimes he has to wait for the things in her schedule to be completed, and often he will not see her for three or five days.

Huo Qi was very helpless, but Lian Xi had no choice but to keep an eye on her health bracelet. After observing it for a month, it remained stable, so she was reluctant to go back to work.

Until three days before the opening ceremony of the City Games, as an important enterprise in City A, Huo Qi also received an invitation letter from the VIP performance at the opening ceremony.

Originally, even Binnian had received an invitation, but he and Dong Wan had already decided to travel to Europe in February.

Taking advantage of the fact that Lian Xi started to officially take over the affairs of the headquarters, and the old people on the board of directors were tidied up obediently, Lian Binnian was simply happy to be the shopkeeper, and took Dong Wan out to play in the mountains and water.

On the opening day of the Games, a grand opening performance was held in the stadium of city A, and many celebrities and important figures of city A were invited to watch the performance.

In the huge stadium, the logo of the general title brand Lanci can be seen everywhere, and even some small gifts distributed to the audience in the infield are also printed with the brand logo of Lanci.

Lian Xi sat in the front row of the important business area of the VIP stage, sitting with Huo Qi, and the high platform area in the middle was full of dignitaries.

When Mrs. Jiang came over with Mayor Jiang, she smiled and waved back to Lian Xi.

The live broadcast screen in the middle of the stadium also switched back and forth between various important figures. As the most popular unmarried couple in City A, the pictures of Lian Xi and Huo Qi were also cut to the big screen.

The audience below the stage suddenly screamed and cheered, and there were probably many Lian Xi fans.

Seeing this, Xiao Meng, the assistant behind him, pointed to Lian Xi.

Lian Xi looked up and saw the picture of her and Huo Qi appearing on the big screen, smiled, suddenly pulled Huo Qi’s tie sideways, made him lower his head, leaned in and kissed him.

The screams in the audience became more intense, one wave surpassing another wave of madness.

The man was dragged by Lian Xi’s tie and bowed his head. His thick hair was meticulous, his profile was deep and three-dimensional, the bridge of his nose was straight, and there was a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Looking at such an abstinent and noble man, I didn’t expect to be so lustful when kissing.

The fans in the auditorium looked at the big screen in the square and were about to faint with excitement.

Many people quickly took out their mobile phones to take videos.

After Lian Xi finished kissing, Huo Qi also stretched out his fingers to help her wipe the lipstick on the corner of her mouth, then turned her head, her face did not change, she didn’t even look at the camera, only the woman around her could be in her eyes.

Lian Xi smiled at the camera, raised her eyebrows, and blew a kiss to everyone generously.

There was another shout from the audience, and some people even shouted in unison: “One more! One more!”

Lian Xi blinked, waved her hand and made a heart-to-heart gesture to everyone. The director saw that she had no next move, so he had to cut the pictures of other people.

And with Lian Xi taking the lead, all the couples who were cut on the big screen recently had to give the camera a kiss or a heart-to-heart.

Lian Xi sat in his seat, his fingers tightly held by the man beside him.

Lian Xi knew that he had been too busy for a while and left him a bit cold, thinking that he would find a chance to make up for the two-person world when the city games were over.

Feeling Lian Xi’s sight, Huo Qi also squeezed back her palm slightly, and the cool big palm tightly wrapped her hand.

A multi-person opening ceremony performance began on the field, and the scene was lively and objective.

After the performance, the athletes represented by various organizations entered the arena, and the athletes all wore uniform sportswear, which was designed by lanci company this time.

Lian Xi looked at the athletes wearing the team uniforms designed by his company, and the sense of accomplishment obtained after working for more than a month was satisfied at this moment.

“My wife did a great job.” Huo Qi whispered in her ear.

The cheers behind him were high, one wave after another, but Lian Xi suddenly heard his words clearly.

“Well, my man is also great.” Lian Xi said while watching the performance off the court with the corners of his mouth bent.

As for whether Huo Qi heard it or not, Lian Xi didn’t know, because then, a group of very popular athletes came in at the entrance, the kind that are quite famous in international competitions, causing a burst of screams on the scene.

When Jiang Quanming came to the stage to give a speech, Mrs. Jiang and another lady with a graceful back were sitting on the rostrum to watch. They didn’t know what they were talking about, and Mrs. Jiang turned back and pointed at Lian Xi.

Seeing Madam Jiang motioning to her, Lian Xi also raised a bright smile and nodded to her.

Because the business viewing platform and the political dignitaries viewing platform are separated by a certain distance, even Xibei did not rush over to greet him.

When the opening ceremony performance was about to end, a staff member came from behind and said to Lian Xi, “Miss Lian, Mrs. Jiang, please come and meet her later.”

Lian Xi nodded: “Then please tell Mrs. Jiang, I will wait for her in the lounge after leaving the venue later.”

After the opening ceremony performance, Lian Xi asked Huo Qi to wait for her in the car first. She went to meet Mrs. Jiang and said hello and came down soon.

Huo Qi didn’t say anything, but refused to let her walk around in a crowded place with so many people. She wanted to go to the backstage with her. Lian Xi went to see Mrs. Jiang, and he waited for her outside, so that he could rest assured.

Lian Xi couldn’t beat him, so he had to go with him.

Lian Xi entered the VIP room at the backstage, and Mrs. Jiang came over after a while. When she entered the door, she saw Huo Qi at the door, and smiled at him and said, “You are Xiao Xi’s fiance, I heard about you, Nice guy, be nice to Xiaoxi.”

Huo Qi was a little surprised by Madam Jiang’s warm attitude, but she nodded gently and calmly: “Yes, Madam Jiang.”

“Well, I have something to tell Lian Xi, so please wait a while.” Mrs. Jiang was still very satisfied with the young man she saw.

After she finished speaking, she entered the VIP room with a smile.

Lian Xi thought that Mrs. Jiang asked her to meet to thank her for the sponsorship of the sports uniforms for the city games. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Jiang brought her another amazing news.

“There is a lady who watched your special show and is very interested in your national style design. I hope you can invite you to design a diplomatic dress for her.” Mrs. Jiang smiled and said the news that surprised Lian Xi in a calm tone. .

“Diplomatic dress? Is that lady…?” Lian Xi couldn’t help but guess the identity of the other party.

Madam Jiang nodded in appreciation: “You guessed right.”

“However, Madam has very high requirements for the dedicated design team. You can only submit the information and profile introduction first. Whether you will be selected as the designer in the end still needs to pass the relevant review.”

Although Mrs. Jiang was very obscure, Lian Xi already understood it.

It means that as long as she can pass the relevant review and has no background mistakes, she has a high chance of becoming one of the lady’s dedicated designers.

Enter the candidate, then you will be able to stand out with true ability.

That’s why Mrs. Jiang had to specifically ask her to talk about it.

“It depends on whether you have confidence in yourself.” Madam Jiang said.

Lian Xi thought that she had completed the role reversal task required by the system, and her intimacy with the heroine Yao Qianqian had already surpassed that of Murong Chen, but in terms of wealth and prestige, she was still the last point. It might be Murong Chen’s hero halo. Too ingrained.

If Lian Xi can become the first lady’s special diplomatic dress designer in one fell swoop, lanlady can also become a national brand that truly represents Chinese style. By then, the prestige and value will not be comparable to Murong Chen.

Thinking of this, Lian Xi decided to seize this opportunity.

“Thank you, Mrs. Jiang, I will definitely try my best to fight for it.” Lian Xi said.

“Well, someone should take the initiative to contact you in two days. Just wait for the news.”

After Lian Xi and Madam Jiang thanked them, they left the VIP room, and Huo Qi was still waiting for her outside.

Seeing Lian Xi coming out, Huo Qi stepped forward and held her hand, feeling that her hand was a little cold, he put her hand in front of him and took a breath, then rubbed her hard and put it in his pocket to hold: ” Come on, go home.”

Lian Xi seemed very emotional, she walked a few steps, walked side by side with him, and said slowly after a while: “After this period of work is over, I can slow down, and then I will spend more time with you. ”

Huo Qi responded in a low voice: “Well.”

“Mrs. Jiang told me just now that the first lady likes our designs very much after watching my special show, and wants to invite me to be her special designer.”

Lian Xi explained what happened just now, and then said, “If it goes well, I may go to Beijing in a few days.”

Huo Qi paused slightly, “Go to Beijing?”

“Yeah.” Lian Xi nodded.

Mrs. Jiang’s family originally belonged to Beijing, and her husband was Jiang Quanming. As the leader of one of the best cities outside Beijing, it was not surprising that she had a relationship with the first lady.

Looking back now, Lian Xi thought that the lady with a graceful and elegant back was the one she glanced at just now, but the official did not announce her identity, she probably came in a low-key manner and left before the end of the opening performance.

Regardless of coincidence or chance, this pair of Lian Xi leading the Lian Shi behind her to rush to the world, and her replacing Murong Chen’s halo of world **** in this book are the most important steps.

But this time, it will take at least half a month to go to the world. Originally, Lian Xi and Huo Qi were too busy to meet in the world for more than a month.

Huo Qi’s mood seemed absent-minded, but he still said, “Go, I’ll wait for you to come back.”

In the evening, the two ate at the restaurant outside, and returned to Huo Qi after dinner.

Maybe she knew that Lian Xi was going to go on a business trip again in a few days. Tonight, Huo Qi seemed a bit arrogant and didn’t talk too much, but he kept pestering her.

Lian Xi also intends to satisfy him, and the degree of cooperation is very high.

There was a dark fragrance in the room, and Lian Xi was lying on the head of the bed, sweat dripping from her body, and her hair was soaked.

After a long time, the man behind him got up.

Lian Xi was panting softly, and suddenly he reached over with both hands, and poured a few sips of warm water into her mouth with his lips.

Like a crow feeding, intimacy.

After Lian Xi finished drinking the water, the man pressed down again in this posture…

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