The Female Supporting Character is Obsessed with Science

Chapter 111

Chapter 111 Power world

Chapter 111

The young man’s vital capacity is very good, as shown in the fact that he screamed while jumping on the spot for five minutes, and there is still no sign of stopping.

It wasn’t until Xiaohua couldn’t stand the master’s voice and turned him to the ground with a head that she finally stopped.

The screams echoed in the empty streets, making the young man’s face pale again. He got up from the ground in a panic and hid beside Xiao Hua.

Ning Su stepped forward, and the young man and the big cat followed her and gradually walked into the center of the city.

In the sleeping dungeon, there was no sign of life activity except for three outsiders.

The surrounding buildings bear the traces of wind and sand, and there is a layer of mud underneath. When walking through the stone road, they leave clear footprints. However, this city is not like it has been through too much time. Even the wooden doors are There is no decay.

There is something more contradictory.

The woman suddenly stopped and looked up at the sky. The sun shone on her without hesitation, and a shadow was reflected behind her.

The youth also stopped, and squatted beside her with Xiao Hua, looking at the sky simultaneously: “What’s the matter?”

How do you feel that the people in front of you are not happy with the clear sky, cloudless miles, and the rare good weather?

Is it because it’s too hot?

Ning Su showed an interesting smile: “There is plenty of sunshine here.”

Yes, the sun is too big. The young man nodded and moved halfway through his movements. At last he understood what the other person meant. They froze. They were in the cave before. Although the surrounding terrain was hazy and unclear, they felt Is it going downhill all the time, will there be a sun in the bottom of a forest?

The young man was silent for too long. Before he could respond, Ning Su looked back and saw the young man lying on Xiaohua’s back, clutching his hair and shaking like chaff.

[Host, let’s leave him, this is too courageous.

]020 doesn’t conceal his dislike at all, the young man is just a hindrance in his eyes, and he doesn’t understand why the host agrees to act with the other party.

[Okay, stop making trouble.

After taking a child for decades, Ning Su has become proficient with this skill of comforting. 020 is very coaxing. He mumbled obediently and stopped complaining in one sentence.

This dungeon became more and more bizarre, and the more Ning Su was interested in it, the more he wanted to explore the secrets between them.

This paragraph in the plot only describes how the dungeon can restrain the spirit treasure. The protagonist uses the things in the dungeon to collect the treasure, but does not say how this dungeon appeared or what its origins are.

However, in 90% of the plots that are emotionally entangled, even Lingbao has only been taken in a few strokes. Naturally, he ignored this weird but only once dungeon. Ning Su recalled the plot at this time. Thinking of the hero and heroine running around avoiding Lingbao in the dungeon, while leaving traces of two people everywhere in the dungeon.

Throwing these messy descriptions aside, Ning Su led the young people to the center of the dungeon, where there was a tower.

The shape is like spring bamboo shoots, with distinct levels. The eight corners of the eaves of each floor are slightly raised. There is a golden spire on the top of the tower, which is simple and solemn, and makes people feel unconsciously solemn as soon as they approach.

“Seeing this, I remembered a story I heard before.”

Ning Su spit out these words slowly, “The story of Leifeng Pagoda and Bai Suzhen.”

“What’s that story?”

The youth was full of enthusiasm, and it seemed that there was no abnormality in coming so long, which made his guts come back a little.

Ning Su’s lips still had an unexplained smile: “The story of the beautiful snake demon suppressed by Leifeng Tower, you see, does this tower look like something suppressed.”

The abnormal appearance of the dungeon, this tower, the suppressed spirit treasure, and the abnormal weather, all things are like scattered fragments, waiting to be connected in series to piece together the truth.

Ning Su ignored the youth’s pale face again, stepped up the steps and walked into the tower. Just like when opening the city gate, before the palm of his hand touched the wooden door, it opened automatically. The entire tower looked like a urn for the king to enter. However, Ning Su walked in calmly, the young man gritted his teeth and followed her in.

When the gate closed behind him, the youth felt that way.

Why can one step into the same trap twice?

He looked at his companion’s face that was indifferent and inexplicably confident, and sighed deeply again.

Nine-storied pagoda. The environment inside the tower is very ordinary. There is nothing on the first floor. It is a normal house with a staircase on the side.

Ning Su walked towards the stairs without hesitation, stepping on the stairs that looked very old and feared that they would be broken by the force of his feet, and came to the second floor.

Just stepping on the last stairs, the tip of the nose caught the tempting fragrance, which is different from the empty space on the first floor. There are many tables on the second floor. On the table are steaming delicate food, each plate They all look delicious.

For the young man who had eaten so many wild fruits and no half-baked food, the feast in front of him was simply irresistible, and he couldn’t help but step forward and stand by the table.

But in the end he resisted the temptation, knowing that there is no free lunch in the world, and the food in this strange region, no matter how delicious it looks, cannot be confused.

Maybe the moment I ate it, I found that I was eating bugs, leaves, rocks, or other strange things.

And this space is too strange. The space on the second floor seems to be much larger than that on the first floor. When it is outside, the structure of the tower is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom.

With such doubts, the young man dragged Xiao Hua, who refused to go, followed Ning Su, who had pointed at the stairs with a clear goal at the beginning, up to the third floor.

The moment he stepped on the stairs, the lingering scent of his nose disappeared, and it made the young man feel terrified. Before this mood was over, the golden light of the third layer flashed his eyes sorely.

This is a house made of gold. The walls are made of gold bricks and filled with gold and silver jewels. The wealth that ordinary people can squander all their lives.

This time, the youth was extremely calm, just rubbing his eyes and muttering that the light was dazzling.

In this era of declining gifts and struggling to survive, a house of jewels is not as tempting as food, but the fact that the third floor is much larger than the second is a matter of concern.

Very calm, only 020 exclaimed a lot of gold in his ears, making Ning Su wonder if he had treated the system harshly, or did the star coin balance in the live broadcast room have a lot of figures, but there is no intuition of physical gold and silver?

[If you like to watch, this world ends, when I return to the live broadcast star, I will redecorate the room.


The stars in the account are enough to design a room like this for 020.

The system was silent for a while, before twitchingly said: [Host, you are so kind to me all of a sudden, I’m not used to it.


How do you feel that the host is becoming more and more popular?

020 is puzzled, but soon, it will know the answer.

After passing the food and wealth of the first two floors, the fourth floor is beauties, men and women with different styles and styles, wearing half-covered clothes, standing in the room, glaring at them, faintly upward The posture surrounded by the front, and what’s even more amazing is that there are a few two-tailed cats that look good in appearance…

Ning Su walked across this floor without squinting his eyes. The beauties who wanted to step forward were pushed away by the indifferent eyes, and those flirting words didn’t catch her ears at all.

The young man blushed and dragged Xiao Hua stubbornly, following the path Ning Su had blazed, and then went up the stairs.

The dazzling array of magic weapons and defensive clothing on the fifth floor did not stop the group’s footsteps. The cheats on the sixth floor finally made Ning Su pause. She read the covers and book titles one by one, and then she didn’t stop her. Ascended to the seventh floor without reluctance, and this time Xiao Hua said nothing to leave.

The seventh floor is like a large amusement park for cats, with toys such as giant cat sticks, cat paw boards, cat climbing frames, and canned cats, catnip and other foods. Little Hua’s eyes light up all at once, and what is engraved in her genes is It hasn’t changed after so many years.

The big cat coquettishly threw himself down on his owner, arching his head and asking the young man to play with him. No matter how much he coaxed, he couldn’t make him move.

The overwhelmed young man had nothing to love, and looked at Ning Su for help, but the two-tailed cat made up his mind, no one could pull it, the weight was placed here, and even if the young man put on a posture to go, Xiao Hua didn’t have it. Keep up with the meaning.

He had to sigh and prepare to stay with it. He couldn’t leave the little friend who depended on each other and let Ning Su relax: “Don’t worry about us, I will watch it. We will wait for you to come down on this floor.”

Ning Su nodded, and stepped up the steps again, the eighth floor, unlike any previous floor, this is a laboratory.

Ning Su’s pupils suddenly dilated, and this laboratory was the one that appeared repeatedly in her dreams.

The scene is the same as in the dream, the familiar laboratory, the gilt golden light group and the female researcher emerging in the void, but the atmosphere is not so pleasant now, and there is a confrontation in the laboratory: one side is wearing a research suit. On one side of the experimenter and Z79 were another group of people in neat uniforms.

The leaders are all women, and it can be seen that their looks are similar.

“It should be destroyed.”

The woman in uniform spit out these words, her arrogant posture made the researchers on the opposite side unhappy, she continued, “Your shelter will only bring disaster to the Alliance.

Artificial intelligence does not need emotions, it only needs to operate in accordance with the program. ”

“You are wrong,” the female researcher did not step back. “Z79 did not show any aggressiveness. It runs according to the procedures I have done.”

“If you are stubborn…”

The female researcher interrupted the other person: “If you intervene in my research, I have to appeal to the league.”

The faces of the uniforms on the opposite side were not very good, and the leading woman smiled, still arrogant and full of malicious smile: “I am waiting for the day you regret it.”

“You won’t wait.”

Ning Su’s voice overlaps with the female, and the situation in the laboratory suddenly freezes. Her dreams usually end at this time, and I don’t know the subsequent development.

Ning Su walked between the confronting teams and walked towards the stairs hidden behind the instrument. Wherever he passed, all the people or things turned into silver dust and dissipated.

She ascended to the ninth floor. From the outside, it was the last floor of the tower, but Ning Su did not take it lightly. The sense of space on each floor before it was different from the outside feel.

But this time, no strange temptation items appeared.

Just in the middle of the tower, there is a wooden box, and the golden charms engraved on the wooden box extend from the ground to the ceiling, which looks shocking and weird.

“What you saw is Lingbao Juechen.”

A voice that didn’t distinguish between men and women sounded like it filled the entire space. Ning Su was not surprised. She had already thought of such a possibility when she met the second-tier food.

The pagoda that suppressed Lingbao has its own consciousness. This is not a strange thing. Perhaps this entire dungeon is alive, otherwise how can it explain the reaction when opening the city gate.

“Do you know why it is called Juechen?”

The voice didn’t wait for Ning Su’s reply, and answered the question on its own, “Because the small world affected by it will not leave a single dust in the end, but will only be annihilated.”

“My master sealed it with me, but he didn’t expect that due to a catastrophe, Juechen and I would fall into the gap of space and enter this small world.

Because of the space tremor, the power of Juechen escaped, causing an abnormal change in this small world. ”

“So, you tell me why these are?”

Ning Su’s expression did not change a little, “Set up the various tests before, choose the person who will eventually reach, what do you want to do?”

“I want to use the power of people in this world to destroy Juechen.”

“Why do you conclude that your master is just suppressing things, and I can destroy it?”

“The master just doesn’t want to erase its intelligence, but he has made a tool that can destroy Juechen. As long as you pick up the knife and pierce it into the box, Juechen will be destroyed.

Only in this way, this small world will not go to an end to annihilation. ”

Ning Su did not answer yet, and the wooden box bound by layers jumped up on the spot: “It’s lying!”

The child’s voice was filled with anger and despair: “I didn’t mean to do things about this small world. It was obviously because it unintentionally opened the seal when it passed through the gap. I just wanted to escape, but it allowed my power to escape. In order to draw the attention of its owner to this small world and discover its loss.”

It was afraid that Ning Su would really take the knife, and raised its voice: “It’s just being banned and must be sealed from me. It just wants to use your hand to gain freedom. There is no way to reverse the change in the small world! And it will not be annihilated! Kill me, it will kill you! It will solve all the people who know the truth, and return to its owner from the crack of space.”

“Don’t listen to Juechen, it’s just to escape nonsense.”

The voice was still calm and majestic, admonishing Ning Su, “The things that demonic cultivators do, like their masters, are used to deceiving people’s hearts. As long as you destroy it, everything will end.”

“Don’t listen to it!”

The wooden box struggled even harder, “It’s just because it’s weak, and it’s afraid that it won’t go back!”

The girl who was scrambled by the two sides stood at the top of the stairs, quietly listening to their conversation, and when the quarrel ended, she said coldly: “I don’t believe what you say.”

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