The Female Supporting Character is Obsessed with Science

Chapter 128

Chapter 128 Cultivation World

Chapter 128: The World of Immortal Cultivation

The fact that Feisheng was a huge scam did not affect Ning Su, but the two spirit treasures she contracted were a bit unhappy, and Juechen was not as active as before.

For the native monks in this world, this is no doubt as bad as Truman finds himself living in a false world, and worse, they still don’t know where the real world is.

After Hua Dan’s divine consciousness returned to his shelter, Ning Su picked up the book again. Before he even started reading, Juechen spoke; “Master, do you think his words are credible?”

It desperately needs to hear the rebuttal, but Ning Su nodded: “Half should be credible.”

“But, but…” Juechen thought hard about the words, “How is this possible?

What are the benefits of doing this? ”

“Then Huadan lied to us, what good is it?”

Ning Su turned a page, “At least what he said is the truth in his cognition, whether he believes it or not, it will be the next thing.

The goal now is to improve my strength. ”

Juechen murmured a few words and stopped speaking.

Hua Dan has left a large number of cheats in this secret realm. There are books and jade slips. The jade slips are his collection of various sect exercises. Half of the books are travel notes, and some he wrote based on his population, or he himself The exercises that came up with inspiration.

Ning Su did not choose to practice directly according to the jade slips or the exercises in the books. Instead, he first read all the materials and introduced these mysterious exercises into his own data. His mind kept running and analyzing. These things, combine them with the structure of the human body, trying to find the rules between them.

After Hua Dan, he also appeared several times. Juechen didn’t have the adoration of facing the ascendant power before. He raised his nose and raised his eyes, and said bad things about him in the sea of ​​knowledge. When Ning Su asked to be quiet, he closed aggrievedly. Mouth, still facing Hua Dan with an unfriendly attitude.

Divine consciousness still didn’t know that he had been targeted by Lingbao. After he inquired about Ning Su’s cultivation method, although he didn’t say anything, his expression was full of disapproval.

It was the first time he heard that people in the foundation-building period practiced in this way.

Half of the people with this cultivation base follow the exercises. I have never seen anyone trying to summarize the advantages and disadvantages of various exercises and create their own cultivation methods. If they have not learned to walk, they will only fall when they want to run.

However, after the vague reminder that all was left behind by the other party, Hua Dan didn’t repeat it anymore, only regretting that the good seedling he met might die out of pride.

Juechen and Nine-storied Pagoda also persuaded them euphemistically, but their owners still wouldn’t listen, so Lingbao didn’t say much anymore. After all, if Ning Su died, the disappearance of the contract would be more beneficial to them.

The secret realm was safe and peaceful, with strong spiritual energy, so Ning Su didn’t think about going out, but planned to retreat in it.

Sometimes she also observes the system in her body. 020 is sleeping. From the outside, the data of the system is still active. The blue data flow never stops, and the shadow cluster under it is gradually shrinking.

When all these transformations are over, 020’s control will be transferred from Edvis to her, becoming a subordinate system under her complete control.

As the consciousness became stronger and stronger, Ning Su dreamed about the things he had seen in the past more frequently, and his memory was slowly recovering, but the most critical place could not be revealed.

Life in the laboratory is always two perspectives, including the process of manufacturing Z79 in front of the console, and the scene she saw first when Z79 was born; the scenes of their getting along, switching between the two perspectives, made Ning Su confused. Who is he?

Can data be modified?

Can humans have the performance characteristics of the intellectual brain?

These two questions would come out from time to time. Ning Su hadn’t found the answer yet, but she had a hunch that after this world, her memory would be restored.

There was only a thin layer of thick fog covering the plates of her memory area, which seemed to be wiped away with a hand.

But now, this layer of fog has not yet dissipated.

Ning Su is improving her strength step by step at her own pace. She really doesn’t like fighting or exercising. She positions herself as a brain worker. In fact, no one will let scientific researchers and AI go to the front line. .

However, her cultivation method is also like research, except that she has no equipment and can only make theoretical inferences, and she uses herself as a research object to test her own inferences.

She also walked through the fork in the middle, and her consciousness was almost hit hard by the spiritual energy that was like a whirlpool and a sharp blade. Fortunately, she made a decisive decision and stopped the operation of the exercises without causing serious consequences.

Hua Dan’s divine consciousness rarely appeared later, even if he did, he couldn’t see Ning Su’s cultivation base, but he was very pleased to see that she hadn’t lost her spirit because of the chaos.

And Juechen and Nine-storied Pagoda in the sea of ​​knowledge can clearly perceive the contractor’s cultivation base rising, they are in a trance, and they can’t figure out how to make her strength grow so fast.

After another period of time, Nine-storied Pagoda and Juechen watched with awkwardness as Ning Su stopped tossing the exercises, and instead began tossing the talisman.

The resources in the secret realm are limited. Except for a room of books and jade slips, there is nothing else. The room where the magic weapon and the spiritual herb medicine was originally planned to be placed, because Hua Dan walked suddenly, and has not been arranged yet.

So she was about to leave, Juechen raised her hands in agreement, Hua Dan didn’t say anything after learning about it, but calmly bid farewell to Ning Su.

On the day he appeared, he knew that those who came to the secret realm would not stay for too long, and Ning Su had stayed for many days, which had exceeded his expectations.

Hua Dan’s divine sense could not leave the room too far, so he only reached the door and stopped. Ning Su walked towards the exit and glanced sideways as he turned. The monk in the wide-sleeved robe still looked in her direction. Seeing her looking over, she waved her hand.

Ning Su also waved his hand and stood on the teleportation formation outside the city, attracting aura to activate the magic formation.

She appeared at the door of the secret realm again, the secret realm door behind it was closed, and the divine consciousness that Hua Dan remained in it would continue to sleep, waiting for the arrival of the next person until it disappeared.

Ning Su finally stared at the place where this secret realm existed, and stepped out of the forest.

People come and go in Wufu Mountain, here is the site of Tianjimen, and most of the people who open stores and communicate with are monks.

Tianjimen is also a legendary sect. Although the people are not prosperous, it was also a large sect that people did not want to offend in ancient times.

The selection of Tianjimen is very strict. What they are best at is calculating secrets. This is not something that can be done with hard work. It requires extremely high talent.

Tianjimen has also had many glories, and there are many people who have ascended, but perhaps because too many secrets have been leaked, Tianjimen was wiped out overnight, and the world of immortality has not known who the murderer is until now.

This way of extinction also casts more mystery on the Tianjimen. When I came to the Tianjimen for investigation or the aftermath, the Zongmen took away everything from the Tianjimen. However, it is said that they did not leave too many things at the Tianjimen. , The most important exercises and treasures are placed in the martial secret room, no one can find.

Such rumors made Wufu Mountain very lively, and many monks wanted to come here to try their luck and see if they could find the secret room and get the inheritance and wealth of the heavenly secret gate.

The teahouse at the foot of the mountain is also very lively. The storyteller is telling the story of Tianjimen, and the monk who eats tea is also talking about things everywhere.

Sitting in the corner of the tea house was a woman in white, holding a cup of tea and sipping slowly. It was quiet around her, as if there was an invisible wall separating the surrounding hustle and bustle.

And those people also subconsciously ignored this place. Every table was full of people. Some people who couldn’t find a seat chose to leave, as if they didn’t realize that there were three empty seats.

This quietly drinking tea and listening to the various voices in the teahouse is Ning Su. After she came out of the secret realm, she went to pick up some reward quests, used the spiritual stones she obtained to buy things related to magical artifacts, and left without knowing it. Arrived here in Wufu Mountain.

And Tianjimen reminded her of Huadan’s story. The jade pendant he got that could measure birth and death was likely to come from Tianjimen. This made Ning Su interested in this place and planned to go to Wufu Mountain to take a look. Before that, she first found a teahouse to collect information.

“Can we sit here?”

An ethereal female voice suddenly sounded at Ning Su’s side, making her a little surprised.

She used the secret method mentioned in the jade slip of the secret realm. It stands to reason that when she did not take the initiative to expose it, even people at a level higher than her would not be able to see her.

However, now someone saw through the disguise and accurately found her location. Ning Su looked up and looked at the monk in front of him. It was a pale girl who looked a little sick.

The age of a monk can’t be judged by appearance, and he doesn’t know how old the other party’s cultivation is, but the other party should have some methods of their own.

To the left of the girl was a black-clothed boy with a knife on his back, expressionless, as if an ice cube was constantly exuding cold air, but when Ning Su turned his gaze to him, the other party nodded politely.

“You are free.”

Although Ning Su didn’t want to be disturbed, he was even more curious about how the other party saw him, so he nodded in agreement.

Sure enough, shortly after the other party sat down, he gave a generous explanation: “I came to you specially.”

“What’s the matter with me?”

Ning Su became even more curious. She believed that she was low-key and hadn’t done anything out of the ordinary. It shouldn’t have attracted the attention of many people, but there were people who followed her to this place.

Ning Su earnestly observed the girl sitting opposite and the teenager next to him, and made sure that he had not seen them before.

“I saw you a hundred years ago.”

The girl gave an answer that made Ning Su feel weird. She took out a mirror with complicated patterns on the back, and nothing reflected on the front mirror.

She pierced her finger and wiped the blood on the mirror. The red blood was absorbed by the mirror, slowly showing a picture.

Ning Su recognized that it was herself at a glance, but she hadn’t experienced the scene in the mirror. She had no impression of the scene of floating in the air and confronting a large group of monks in luxurious costumes.

However, before she could see more details, the mirror returned to an empty state.

“This is a magic weapon passed to me by my master, and I can see the future.”

The girl stared at Ning Su and smiled, “I finally waited for you, the destined one.”

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