The Female Supporting Character is Obsessed with Science

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Campus world

Chapter 13 Campus World

He Jiao has never suffered such humiliation.

Since childhood, she has been a little princess held by her parents in the palm of her hand. Her parents are reluctant to say a word. Perhaps the biggest setback she has experienced is that one year after her mother’s death, her father will marry again.

But the biggest purpose of my father’s remarrying is to have someone to take care of her. Her stepmother is also a beautiful and weak woman who treats her as her own, not like the vicious stepmother in her brain, but loves her more. There will be no cross-cutting.

Even if she later had a half-brother, she did not lose half of the favor she received.

He Jiao will take the route of this little maiden, the reason is never lack of love, but for fun.

Skipping classes, fighting, smoking and drinking, calling friends and calling friends to walk around the school, everyone swallowed their anger to avoid their eyes, which seemed very interesting to her.

Depravity will form a habit. He Jiao never thought of changing, so she changed a little bit from arrogant and self-willed to her current domineering appearance.

Today is the biggest shame she has ever suffered.

He was pressed to the ground in embarrassment under the gaze of everyone’s eyes, his face was rubbed against the rough ground, and he couldn’t escape.

After being let go, I still felt severe pain in my wrists, and my ankles seemed to be twisted, and I couldn’t stand up at all. I tried and fell back on the ground.

There was a snicker in the teaching building behind him, and He Jiao turned his head angrily, only to see the figures scattered behind the window, she could only see the class, but could not see who it was, but the laughter in the building did not stop. I just feel that everyone is laughing at themselves.

It wasn’t until this moment that her group of little attendants finally recovered, hurriedly ran forward and helped He Jiao up, trying to pat her the dust on her clothes.

Because she was in the same class with Xiao Yao, in order to attract the attention of the other party, she deliberately chose one of her favorite clothes, but now the black gothic coat is stained with mud, and it spreads after a single shot, which instead makes the dirt area. Bigger.

He Jiao became even more angry when she saw this, and impatiently waved away a girl next to her: “Go away! Clumsy!”

The girl who was pushed away didn’t dare to resist, she just stood a little farther away, and the others started to appease He Jiao, or follow her heart to belittle and insult Ning Su.

It’s just that no one can help anymore. They just gathered around each other because of He Jiao’s power or money, and they didn’t have any sincerity at all.

He Jiao also understood this, and with a cold snort, he threw away his entourage and walked out of school.

She didn’t want to stay in school when such a shameful thing happened.

She only felt that everyone, including the people around her, was watching their own jokes, and she couldn’t help but wonder if Xiao Yao also saw her embarrassed look at that time?

Thinking like this, I hated Ning Su even more.

He Jiao didn’t think she was at fault, nor thought that she was going to hit someone first, and only attributed all this to Ning Su.

Thinking about the previous grudges again, as soon as the old and new hatred surged in, she made a decision.

After walking out of the school gate, she first called the driver and asked someone to pick her up.

Then I found the phone number left by Brother Dong in the phone book.

The opposite was quickly met, and the first to break into the eardrum was the noisy background sound of drinking and punching, followed by the man’s dangling voice: “Miss He, what’s the matter with us this time?”

“Do you remember that girl last time?”

“Why don’t you remember.”

The little girl who sent himself and a group of brothers to the police station for a month of public dinner by his own efforts was turned into ashes, and he knew it. It was the first time he had watched the ship capsized in the ditch in so many years.


“Don’t bother with her, just stare at the note.”

He is not stupid. He registered with the police. If the female student had an accident last time, he would be the first one to be suspected.

“I will give you fifty thousand.”

“Miss He,” Brother Dong made a pause gesture, and the group of people under his hand stopped talking, “It’s not a question of money.”

“Two hundred thousand, I want you to destroy her!”

“This…” Brother Dong hesitated for a while, and heard He Jiao on the phone speak again: “Make it a little cleaner. If you take a photo for me, I will give you another fifty thousand.”

“it is good.

Don’t worry, there is absolutely no problem leaving this to me. ”

People die for money and birds die for food, Dong Ge fully agreed.

He also has a good abacus, it is impossible for this kind of thing to go to battle in person.

I and the few people who have been there are very suspected, but the newly recruited younger brothers are not, especially the new students who are under 14 years old and are not afraid of accidents.

When I asked another person to make an alibi, the police couldn’t get the handle, and the remuneration received was more than one hundred thousand for his subordinates, and he could still have one hundred and fifty thousand on his own.

He Jiao doesn’t care what he plans here, she just wants the result.

Thinking of Ning Su’s miserable end in the future, the depression in her heart swept away, and she laughed incredibly happily, not even censuring the late driver.

However, this good mood only lasted until the moment before she stepped into the house.

When I usually come back, everything here is in order, and the servants perform their duties.

Her stepmother would usually be in the dining room at this time, and would greet her to serve her with rice and soup when she came back, and never asked her why she skipped class.

Today is different, the villa is noisy, the servants don’t know what they are talking about, there is no work, and there is no lunch at the dinner table.

Her stepmother walked around the house to direct the servants to tidy up things. Without the elegance and dignity of the past, her hair was scattered, and the whole person showed a sense of depression.

“what happened?”

He Jiao frowned and walked quickly two steps, “Auntie what is this doing?”

“Jiaojiao, are you back?”

Her stepmother grabbed her hand tightly, her manicured nails almost pierced into the flesh, and her eyes lit up. She seemed to have found the backbone, “What should I do, Jiaojiao, Secretary Liu told me about your father.” Something happened now!”

“Something happened?

What can happen to my dad? ”

He Jiao didn’t care, her stepmother was weak and gentle, and even the smallest things would worry her for a long time. Today, it might be just a little problem, and it seemed to her that the sky had fallen.

“Did you not cook today?

I am hungry. ”

“in the kitchen.”

The servant answered and ran to serve the food.

Her stepmother was still full of sadness and held He Jiao tightly: “This time something really happened. Secretary Liu has never been so serious before. He said that someone from the company came to check the tax. Your father also said that it might not have happened during this time. Time to go home.”

Check tax?

She became sober all at once.

No matter how unlearned and skillless, I have no idea about my company, and I know that what this reveals is not good news.

“What exactly is going on?”

She took her stepmother to sit down, “Auntie, tell me more specifically.”

“Is such that.”

She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, “I was about to get up at about ten in the morning. Your dad called me and told me not to come back for dinner tonight. This time may be very busy.”

“Not long before you came back, Secretary Liu called me again and said that someone came in to check the tax. It was not the city’s tax system, but a special team from Beijing.”


! ”

She was speechless and found that the matter was more serious than she thought.

He Xinhou has been developing for so many years, and he has some avenues. I haven’t heard any news this time. He is not a staff member of the city. Someone is definitely targeting him behind the scenes.

The stepmother nodded and said timidly: “Well, if I want to check the tax, I will also clear the property of the villa, and then it will be fine…”

“What does tax inspection have to do with our house, you don’t understand anything.”

He Jiao said angrily, contemptuously at the big-chested stepmother, “Let’s eat first, my dad will solve it.”

They can’t do anything in a hurry, and they can’t solve this problem.

He Jiao, who was very confident in her father, didn’t take this matter to heart. She only wondered who would harm her family in her heart. She guessed suspiciously all the time, but she didn’t expect Ning Su to be involved.

Maybe it’s the father and daughter connecting the hearts, and He Xinhou, who is sitting in the office at this time, is also thinking about this issue.

He usually makes enemies, but this time it doesn’t look like those people’s handwriting, and other people who have offended don’t have such energy.

Who will it be?

He thought of the person who came to check the tax today. The lady in the lead smiled three-pointedly without saying a word. She looked very gentle, but she acted rather powerfully, leaving no room for it.

This attitude has shown that there is no room for maneuver in this matter. Fortunately, there are no major problems with the accounts within the group, and they are not afraid of investigation.

He thought this way, but didn’t mean to relax at all. The tie was too tight, and he always felt bored. He pulled the tie to loosen it, took a few deep breaths, and then heard a knock on the door.

“Come in.”

He has a headache about knocking on the door now. The first time he heard a knock on the door today, the secretary told him that someone was coming to check the tax; the second time he heard a knock on the door, it was the manager who told him that there was an accident in the production line. This was the third time.

He Xinhou’s heart suddenly jumped violently, and an unknown premonition slowly surged in. He even had the urge to say that he didn’t need to come in.

However, the secretary had opened the door, and a group of people in uniform stood behind him.

“Mr. Ho, we suspect that a batch of expired Truvada is related to your company. We hope you can cooperate with our investigation.”

The hunch came true, He Xinhou supported the table: “I want to see my lawyer.”

“Of course you have such a right.”

The monitor in the room flashed red, capturing everything in the eyes.

The system broadcasted all the chaos on both sides to Ning Su, and she would watch the progress during the study break.

020 also divided a screen in the live broadcast room and showed it to the audience. The audience watched it with gusto and commented on it from time to time.

[You cannot live by committing sins]

[I always feel something is wrong with He Jiao’s stepmother]


I remember that there were many such female images in ancient earth writings that were popular long ago]

[This kind of weak and weak ancient earth person is really uncomfortable to look at]

[I feel He Jiao is also very strange, she was still very angry when the anchor left, and she became calm when she returned home]

[It must be suffocating, the anchor must be careful]

[There is someone protecting next to the anchor, it should be no problem]

[He Jiao’s father is different from her]

[I feel that he is not guilty when he sees the investigation team, will the anchor guess wrong?

】【I think it was he who handed over the past account to do the tricks】

[The accounts on the surface should be fine, look for flaws or dark accounts in this account]

The audience was so anxious that they were sent to help, and seeing He Xinhou being taken away was another cheering and eager discussion.

I have to say that the audience in StarCraft is a little cute.

“There is a specialization in the surgery industry. Since I hand it over to them, I can wait for the results with peace of mind.”

Ning Su feels relieved. She believes that her value is higher than that of He Xinhou’s company, and she believes that the laws of China will not spare people like him.

The system was doing live broadcast with enthusiasm and cut the screen to the interrogation room.

“020, you seem to have violated the rules.”

This sentence seemed like cold water to extinguish the enthusiasm of the system. It finally remembered the regulations in the system code that did not allow the system to use future technology to receive information, and hurriedly turned off the screen, pretending that nothing happened.

The audience laughed, saying that if it is punished, it will intercede with the headquarters.

Without deceiving himself to puncture the system, Ning Su connected to Qin You’s video call.

After the other party returned to Beijing, the first thing was to manufacture aero engines according to the drawings. He discussed with Ning Su every day. Today, he showed Ning Su that a part of the machine had already been built. In the end, I regretted that Ning Su had it earlier. come.

It is a very fulfilling thing to see her idea come true a little bit, but it is a pity that she hasn’t been able to witness the real thing yet, it seems that she has to speed up the progress.

Early the next morning, He Jiao, who was still struggling with the fact that her father was taken away, received a court summons.

She stared at the cause of the case for deliberately hurting and insulting others, and suddenly realized: “Ning Su?

! “

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