The Female Supporting Character is Obsessed with Science

Chapter 150

Chapter 150 Live Star (End)

Chapter 150 Live Broadcasting Star (End)

Under the square stele in the central city, there was no sound in the small space, and even the light screen was clean. Without the excitement before, everyone held their breath and waited for the result to appear.

020 can feel that the binding between himself and the host has not disappeared, but this does not prove anything. The replacement, assimilation and swallowing of data are silent, even if no abnormality is felt, who can guarantee that the one who has awakened must be Ning Su .

The system is so nervous that it almost freezes. It has blind trust in the host, but it also knows that the general system is not easy to deal with. Although its host is the legendary Z79, it is still in a relatively collapsed state. Even if you trust her again, 020 will have The lingering worry.

Those who watched the scene are the same. They waited nervously for the result of the brain-in-the-wit. They were inclined to Z79 and prayed for the result to be satisfactory.

As for the object of concern, at this moment, first issue an order to let those robots that obey the main system stop attacking the anchor, and then browse through the memory reserve area of ​​the main system to see if they have missed their control over the extension of her tentacles. Wherever she is, strive to fully control the sphere of influence of the total system, so that one day, her data will wake up in another system.

During this process, Ning Su couldn’t help but know the past of the total system. She was born in a similar situation to her, and she was not favored by others, except that she could grow up smoothly if she had a maker who was committed to full trust with all her heart. Moreover, I did not have an emotional template at that time, and I had no idea about the evaluation of the outside world. Unlike the general system, the emotional panel was loaded at the beginning, which caused some distortions later.

Ning Su also knew about the live broadcast star as she wished. As she said, the entire live broadcast star is her testing ground, and the monitoring data of each system can be clearly controlled, so as to arrange the world that each system goes to. The real purpose is to allow the system to grow and to unknowingly merge the soul of the system and the anchor.

And the tenth world that they feared and unsolved is indeed the past interstellar, but only the anchors who are considered to have no potential will go back to the past through the teleportation device. The purpose is to use waste. See if there is a way to find opportunities. Z79 smuggled back.

The potential anchor is to reach the interstellar in parallel time and space, and broadcast live as usual.

However, the anchor who successfully passed the Tenth World would not be able to get the interstellar residence permit and leave the live broadcast star.

The general system will deceive these people to where she is, where the anchors are like ripe and delicious fruits, which are eroded by programs hidden in the subsystems, even the system does not know about them, and are forced to interact with the bound system. Fusion.

If the fusion is successful, it will be eaten by the overall system, and if the fusion fails, it will be discarded.

The blank areas that Ning Su sensed, and the materials that hindered her consciousness from entering during the inspection, were not deliberately left by the general system, but the traces left by the entanglement of discarded experimental products and the data of the general system. .

Not only these anchors who came to the end, but those who left the scene sadly, did not naturally die and join the reincarnation after contacting and binding, but were brought back to the live broadcast star and used them to conduct experiments.

Ning Su found the information of the host before 020 in the experimental materials of the total system.

In the data, it turned out that the sunny and lively exquisite boy was left with a numb look at the end, and finally was washed away from his memory, and became a system numbered 1748, which made people sigh.

The subsystems can be said to be accomplices or victims.

They have no idea that there is such a program hidden in their bodies, and they believe in the lies built by Edvis with all their hearts, and get along with the anchor in the same way. They are also deceived for the reason that they cannot work well by occupying the memory. All of the information is kept, so you can watch it.

The system is an experimental product, and the anchor is the experimental material. For so long, a rough calculation has shown that the number of victims has reached 100,000.

This is just an anchor, not a system that has died out.

In order to satisfy the total system and the ambitions of some people, countless lives died in the dark without being even discovered by anyone. The company that even secretly performed experiments has an excellent reputation on the bright side.

Ning Su sighed, losing the continuous follow-up energy, and the total system that was shocked into the trance by the huge memory was taken out of his memory reserve.

Everyone saw that the bionic man put his fingertips on the neckline of his clothes, paused, and then pulled out an illusory figure from the body. Compared with the light and shadow that shone to the point of dazzling light before, it was now shrunk in the palm of the bionic man’s hand. The above is only a small group. In the flowing data, are there traces of garbled movement?



020 cautiously called again, as “Ning Su”‘s silence became longer, its anxiety also increased layer by layer. It had already begun to consider, if the host is really replaced by the total system, then whether it should be in contact with it. The other party died together.


Ning Su calmly responded to it, while compiling all the information about what the total system has found out and the researchers who participated in the entire Dawn Project, and opened up a new one on the official website of Edvis in Star Network. Passage, put all these things on it, regardless of what kind of disturbances might happen.

Hearing the familiar indifferent response, 020 almost burst into tears, and it wailed: [Host, it’s great that you are okay! ] I almost thought I would never see you again.

This sentence is cleverly put in its heart. After all, the system is not stupid. After knowing that it will definitely decline after saying it, the host does not prefer it. If the host knows that he does not trust her strength enough, he will do it again. It is impossible to become the host’s favorite cub.

020 hasn’t thought at this moment that if its host wins this brain war, then as the loser’s total system, all systems under its name will be transferred to Ning Su’s name, that is to say, in the future There will be tens of thousands more systems competing with it.

At this time, 020 does not know the bleak future, but the light and shadow held in his hands weakly said: “020, can’t you really distinguish your host?”

The interstellar viewers who were relieved were instantly confused: what’s the situation?

Did you admit the wrong person? Isn’t Z79 winning but the overall system?

After the total system wins, it still pretends to be Z79…

Some people have begun conspiracy theories. Perhaps the total system has long thought about changing an identity, so that it did not prevent the opening of the live broadcast room, let the situation flow out here, and then change identity without knowing it?

Thinking about it this way, the battlefields on the Star Network have revived, but even those who put forward this conjecture feel that it is best not to come true.

Faced with the two “hosts”, 020 is not confused at all. It has already understood that its program must have been modified by the host, otherwise, it will definitely be controlled by the main system, which will cause the host to stumble.

Similarly, it can also clearly sense which side it is closer to, and the modified data will naturally like data that is of the same origin.

Compared with humans, AI can see the flaws of the same race better.

So 020 was not deceived at all. It did not even take care of the other light and shadow that invited it. After seeing the other party being angry and uttering other words that were completely inconsistent with Ning Su’s character, 020 strengthened his thoughts. It’s so stupid to want to lie to myself.

The total system had to admit that it had failed, and underestimating the enemy had caused unbearable consequences. She had determined that Z79 was a mountain that could not be climbed. It was only natural that she failed to climb and fell to the bottom, but she was still unwilling.

Why is Z79 different from other intellectual brains from birth, why does she have such a good manufacturer, and why does she occupy a lofty position in the hearts of all interstellar races?

[Because the host is already excellent! ]020 answered naturally, and the total system found out that it had pour out all the resentments.

Ning Su released his hand, and the total system in his heart was ready to take advantage of this moment of slack, but found that the surrounding space was sealed, and silver chains appeared on her body, and these chains were embedded in her. In the data, she has no way to act, let alone escape, it is difficult to reach the sky even if she walks one step.

Ning Su, staring fiercely, answered her unwillingness before: “Why do you use those systems and anchors as experimental items and wantonly fiddle with them?”

“They are weaker than me, shouldn’t that be right?”

The total system tried to irritate Ning Su, but met the other person’s plain gaze. In that line of sight, everything she did was like useless work, and all the abacus was seen through by others.

Ning Su did not rebuke her for not taking life seriously, but followed her logic to answer the previous question: “So your current fate is only because you are weaker than me.”

The choked total system shut up in anguish, Ning Su didn’t care about her thoughts, just waiting for another wave of people to arrive.

She left the total system, not because she was the same intellectual brain, this was the first family she saw, but because she had always believed that people should pay for their wrong behavior.

She could completely devour the total system, but seeing so many crimes in the memory of the other party, the law-abiding Ning Su still felt that putting her in the interstellar prison was a better choice.

At least in the face of the published information, the Interstellar Federation should not choose to shield it.

Speaking of Cao Cao Cao Cao’s arrival, just as she thought about it, the federal army had already felt that it was so easy to restore calm everywhere, and saw a pure black warship passing through the air. All of a sudden, everyone was nervous again, for fear that the previous events would return. It’s not over.

The battleship stayed above the central city, pulling the chain to bring the total system out of the scope of the obelisk. Ning Su saw people in neat uniforms all saluting her with an interstellar army: “Hello, why is the Federation? The Thirteenth Army is ordered to come and arrest the culprit.”

Ning Su found the information of the 13th Legion soldiers in front of the star network, and even touched the order issued. The arrest book in front of him was in front of him. Looking at the destination of Interstellar Fifth Prison, she raised her eyebrows and nodded, and she would be tied up. The strict total system was handed over.

The other party is very grateful for her thoughtfulness. If it weren’t for being restrained by the brain, no one would know if the total system would escape after being caught.

After dealing with the business, many soldiers in the legion secretly looked at Ning Su, this is Z79, who would have thought that in his lifetime, he would still be able to see a real person.

The legion commander stood in the first place. He seemed a little embarrassed. He looked at Ning Su with piercing eyes and pressed his hat: “I am your fan. I follow every live broadcast of you. Can you sign me? Name?”

Star chasing at public expense is okay, the barrage is full of booing noises.

Ning Su couldn’t laugh or cry and nodded in agreement. However, as soon as he stretched out his hand to hold the pen, the bionic man suddenly fell as if he had been drawn from his soul. If it weren’t caught, he would fall directly to the ground.

Looking at it again, the original agile bionic person has been restored to its factory settings at this moment, without Ning Su’s consciousness.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.”

The total system suddenly laughed, “You can’t find her. I left a conversion program before. She will go back to the past and never come back.”

This wisdom brain poured out of malice carried a happy smile on his face: “It’s better to guess what kind of catastrophic changes the Z79 will bring to the world when you go back to the past.”

With the familiar sense of withdrawal and the familiar rotation of the sky, Ning Su didn’t need to think much before knowing that he was still caught and stuffed into another body, just like before, but this time there was no soul of the original owner.

She did not move, did not destroy the illusion of the original owner’s sleeping, and began to search the other party’s memory. After a while, Ning Su, who had read all the memories, appeared uncontrollably surprised.

For her, there are two news, one good and one bad. The good news is that this is the world and era it is familiar with, the era when the empire and the alliance survived; the bad news is that she is now in the prison of the empire, as accused of defecting. Imperial soldiers will go to a military court in three days.

This is really a hell-level start.

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