The Female Supporting Character is Obsessed with Science

Chapter 152

Chapter 152 Interstellar world

Chapter 152 Interstellar World

Winter Prison is the largest and most rigorously managed prison in the empire. Most of the prisoners who enter it are the wicked people, except for the criminals who caused great losses to the empire.

For example, using the imperial bank loopholes to steal tens of billions, the biggest economic criminal in interstellar history; another example is a serial murderer who caused panic on a planet; and important alliance officers caught in the war.

Of course, the supervision is the strongest, and there is no time to release the air every day, and it is not the above type that is completely isolated from other prisoners.

It was the top empire, almost all of them who lost their lives in political battles but were saved by people in the same camp.

They were detained on the top floor of the prison, enjoying the treatment of a single room, but their standard of living was similar to that of Cicely’s cell.

Also living in single rooms are the nobles who were imprisoned under pressure. Their treatment was superior to the former. They had everything except freedom.

With Cicelli’s charge and her status, entering the Winter Prison should not be a single room, but because of her status as a commoner, the outside world is unanimously optimistic, and the knight commander is worried about the night long dream, and she instigated prisoners in the prison. So simply separated her from the others.

The knight commander also planted his own manpower to take care of Cicely, although all he had to do was to pay attention to whether the alarm sounded.

The dispatched personnel were loyal to him and the emperor, but did not know the truth behind Cicely’s arrest.

As a military monitor, the most despised are the soldiers who flee on the battlefield. Not to mention that Cicely was framed not only for escaping, but also for letting off the Union army, which caused the monitors to treat her very much. see.

If it hadn’t been instructed by the knight commander, Cicely might not have survived the moment of going to the trial bench.

In view of Cicely’s name on the top, every day’s monitoring has to report anything wrong, so the monitor who is worried that his behavior will be seen is just a small mess to make things difficult for her, like giving her something. The food is always the cheapest and unpalatable nutrient paste. There is no heating, water and electricity, etc., which are still within the tolerable range.

The only thing that can be honestly intervened is to let Cicelli look at the remarks about her with a light brain. This is also the favorite time for the monitors to mock the deserters on the battlefield with words and let her see what the outsiders treat her. Hate.

It’s a pity that the benefits of watching the other person’s face change no longer after the first day, as if they knew where their fun was, so they didn’t want to show it.

However, the monitor can still make up for the unwilling emotions of the other party and get comfort from it.

However, there were some exceptions today. Cicely, who used to pick up the light brain only when he used to be urged, had picked it up early now, as if looking at something.

“Who does she want to contact and escape from prison?”

The monitor who accidentally saw the picture adjusted the monitor and pointed the lens at the optical brain display picture. There was nothing special, but the discussions about her, and even the news of the defeat on the front line spread to the rear, resenting her. Deeper, the evaluation is more pungent and sharp.

The monitor observed for a while, and found that Cicely was indeed reading the bad remarks about her blankly, and the speed was very average. She didn’t feel relieved because of any pause or no response.

Maybe he gave up on himself, the monitor thought to himself, and he was a little bit angry. Your Majesty is really kind. Such a soldier should be shot on the battlefield. How can he wait for a fair trial?

After letting down his vigilance, the monitor pulls the screen back to its original appearance, adjusts it to a high-level alarm, and after a little change will be notified, he will do his own thing.

He might not have imagined that Cicely, who appeared to be reading the information displayed by the optical brain, was actually trying to control the system of the Winter Prison through this dilapidated optical brain.

The layers of defense carefully set up by the empire did not play any role. Her invasion was as smooth as a hot knife cut into butter without encountering any obstacles.

However, in a short while, the control of Winter Prison, a site that could be regarded as an imperial secret, has changed hands, and no one is aware of it.

The Winter Prison is a mixed-gender prison. Except for the single room on the top floor, each floor is separated by two heavy iron gates, with one male and female.

Of course, if there is a prisoner who can have a good relationship with the prison guard, or use a lot of money to bribe, he can even go to the opposite **** gathering area to choose a lover. In the winter prison, this is commonplace. As long as you have money, you can even get freedom. Everything outside.

Ning Su’s gaze swept across the noisy activity area at the lowest level, the walking prison guards, and noisy prisoners; the busy cooking robot in the kitchen strictly followed the input recipe program, and the robot making special meals held a long spoon in the batter. Stir constantly in the same nutrient.

Going up, the prisoner in his prison is sleeping, the prisoner sitting in the library is wiping a picture of a girl; someone is being beaten in the corner of the toilet, the prison guards walked by outside, taking the faint cry of pain There is no response after the ear breeze.

In the warden’s office on the top floor, vicious wardens are talking to their families, and the harsh lines on their faces are softened; the people held in the single-person prison are doing various things, including contacting the outside world with their brains.

Ning Su stayed there for a while, living in a luxuriously decorated 200-square-foot room with the freshest fruits on the table and holding a enchanting beauty in his arms. This is not like coming to jail, more like Vacation.

Ning Su found out the name of the prisoner whose life was obviously much better in Cicelli’s memory. It was the son of Duke Cavinster. He was tried for quelling people’s grievances after he was forced to die and was exposed.

When Jr. Cavinster was imprisoned in the Winter Prison, all the people concerned were feeling the justice of the judge and admiring the Cavinster family’s unprotected behavior. They probably didn’t know that this is notorious. The prison still leads a luxurious noble life.

And there are more than a dozen people like Cavinster.

And Ning Su still found a lot of information about such personnel in the prison database. The extravagance of their lives in the video is beyond ordinary people’s imagination.

And these prisoners will not stay in the prison for too long. Even if the sentence is decades, hundreds of years or even death sentence, Winter Prison will quietly release these prisoners after the wind has passed, and then use other ordinary criminals with no background. Change your face.

Of course, these people will not enjoy the treatment of the original nobles, and they will lose their voice or hands due to various accidents, making them unable to tell the truth.

There is no record in these files, and this segment is also missing from the surveillance video, but through unclosed surveillance elsewhere, it can be seen that some prisoners who are approaching the release period have not left, and this can be inferred.

“The decay of the empire is from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside,” Ning Su opened her eyes after flipping through a lot of information. She replaced the monitor in her house with the previous pictures without triggering the alarm.

She put down her brain and commented: “A lingering behemoth is heading for extinction.”

The language from the barrage is still garbled, and the words that the audience wants to convey in the future are not delivered in place.

020 checked the live room and found that it should be a program set up by the general system, which can be cracked, but the process is too cumbersome, and this program has the risk of closing the live room at any time, so there is no action.

Ning Su didn’t have much enthusiasm for the live broadcast room. He just couldn’t see the barrage, didn’t have any opinion, and didn’t do it. So together with the system, he missed Cicelli’s identity information in the future.

In fact, her memory has not been fully recovered. She has no impression of the fusion experiment at the end of Zuoyat’s life. When talking to the general system, she only stated her own guess. Fortunately, the guess was correct.

As for the memory of Z79, there are also missing places. The long river of memory has been cut off. It is not clear about the final ending of Zuoyat, and from the period after the new emperor of the empire to the final fall into the black hole, there are also some unclear points. .

However, she felt very strange to the name Cicely, it shouldn’t be considered famous, and there shouldn’t be any missing information.

[The host is not afraid to change history?

] 020 asked hesitantly, since knowing they were back in time, it has been worrying about this.

“There may be changes, but you can’t just do nothing just because you are afraid of change.”

Her data came out of the prison, connected to the star network, and traveled in the empire network, a different experience from the alliance.

“The righteous are framed and the innocents are put on trial. Even if it tells me that it is a historical process, I cannot choose to do nothing.”

She found the emperor’s personal contact number and looked up the information she needed. Her tone was flat, “I am a very selfish person. Maybe we will become sinners who change history, or maybe the Star Federation will cease to exist, you… ”

“I will follow you, I will always follow you.”

020’s answer is extraordinarily firm, even if Ning Su’s destination is a black hole, it will not hesitate to jump in with her.

She found a lot of interesting information in the emperor’s personal contact number and the contact number of the knight leader. The loyal knight leader was also afraid that the bird would hide his bow. In private, she did not clear the information that the emperor had ordered him to do, and quietly collected it. stand up.

And the new emperor himself did not trust and rely on his own confidant as he showed, and collected the things the other party did, and often used private guards to investigate his subjects and check whether those subordinates were unscrupulous.

This is very interesting for the monarchs and the courtiers. Ning Su also found the video of Cicely when he broke in that day, but it had been damaged.

But restoring it is not a problem for Ning Su, and it can even be said to be extremely easy. In the kingdom of data, she can even be equivalent to a god.

Cicelli herself also carried a video. In order to record the battle scenes, the process of discovering the truth and asking questions was also recorded.

However, when he was arrested, all the equipment on his body was removed and destroyed to ensure that there were no traces, but Ning Su also found and repaired it in the database.

The video is very clear, contains two perspectives, no omissions, and no traces of editing.

I don’t know what kind of psychology the new emperor chooses to try Cicelli in public, perhaps out of arrogance, or out of suppression of the civilian class, a model like Cicelli is needed to let the civilians choose not to be themselves. The emergence of the first legion has also learned a lesson.

Cicely is not important, she is just a breakthrough.

But no matter what the purpose, Ning Su is still very grateful for the opportunity given by the new emperor. Rather than invading the star network and posting this video on it, she is more inclined to present this evidence in the much-anticipated trial. See what reasons they should find to cover up the past.

Time flies quickly, three days in the blink of an eye in her travel star network.

Ning Su was taken to the trial bench in a prison suit and handcuffs.

All the process was broadcast live on the whole star network. After her appearance, fierce curses came from the auditorium and outside the court. The judge had to open the partition before the trial proceeded.

In the process, Ning Su, who faced the malice, had a straight posture and was not affected by it.

If it weren’t for her crime, this kind of behavior would be worthy of praise and a firm will.

This trial is just a process, and the lawyers they hired will not make a serious defense. The evidence chain is complete and the trial progress is fast.

Before the sentence is pronounced, the judge routinely asks the other party if there is anything to say.

The woman who has not said a word raised her head: “Yes, I have requested to play a video.”

The knight leader sitting in the auditorium suddenly had a bad feeling. The new emperor who was watching remotely also narrowed his eyes. Everyone cursed her for delaying time. The judge did not reject this suggestion. Someone turned on the device, and the video Start playing, the camera shakes a bit, and a voice can be heard:

“Everyone stop attacking! There is something wrong with the enemy on the opposite side.”

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