The Female Supporting Character is Obsessed with Science

Chapter 34

Chapter 34 Rich world

Chapter 34

Ning Chengrui, who was planning secretly, followed Ning Su back to the villa. Luo Yuanan was afraid that his friend would be stupid again. After Ning Su entered the door, he took him to the house and told him for a long time. Ning Chengrui seemed to be well-deserved and walked in. The house is going to find fault.

He turned his eyes around in the living room, from the color of the wooden floor to the overhead light on his head. Before he could say anything, Ning Su spoke first: “There will be workers coming to decorate later. Your job is to watch. With them, I will help you if you have anything, and I will relieve you of 100 debts a day.”

He pointed to the tip of his nose in disbelief: “I am the heir of a dignified group, you let me be a contractor?

The price is still so low? ”

“Your positioning seems to be wrong,” the woman in the wheelchair did not give him a look, picked up the computer and put it on her lap. “The heir of the group is now Ning Qiaoqiao, and your current identity is just a handyman.

If you don’t want to do such a thing, you can leave.”

Her tone was bored: “In fact, I don’t really want to see you in this space.”

These few words made Ning Chengrui’s seven orifices smoke. He deliberately slammed the door and left, but he was just as cold as the cold rain of reality. Now, no matter how stupid he is, he understands that he walks out of this door. No one will help him. He would not even have a place to stay.

It is possible that Luo Yuanan will take him in for a period of time, but it is impossible for him to cheekily eat and drink in front of the whole family of Luo family every day, and ask others to help him pay off his debts. Ning Chengruila, who has not been forced into desperation. No less than this face.

The young master of the Ning family, who used to be indulgent, never imagined that one day he would be stumped by a mere 70,000 yuan.

He swallowed his head and nodded in agreement, but in his heart he wondered how to hinder the workers while they were working.

The construction team came very quickly, with various construction tools all over the floor, and more things in the yard.

Ning Su plans to build an outdoor elevator, with the upper and lower floors facing the end of the corridor on the first floor and the second floor to facilitate her getting on and off.

The workers discussed with her for a while, and then began to take measurements. Ning Chengrui deliberately went over to talk, but the other party was as dull as a saw-mouthed gourd, and only asked him to go and play.

Even if he leaned forward, he really couldn’t understand the drawings. He wanted to interrupt the construction process with his fingers and feet, but the other party didn’t answer the conversation, and treated him like air.

Rejected by these workers, Ning Chengrui, who was tempered by the young master, simply ignored them and walked to the side to sit and play with her mobile phone.

When the workers left work at six o’clock in the afternoon, he swaggered over to sit down at the dinner table and waited for the meal.

The dishes were quickly put on the table. Two or three home-cooked side dishes, served on a plate, looked very delicate and very small. The sweet and sour pork ribs were only seven or eight yuan, which was not enough for him to eat alone. Only took one person.

Ning Chengrui’s rusty brain finally turned, and slapped it on the table, frightened Huang Guihua who was still scooping soup for his employer, and almost spilled the soup.

“Ning Su, what do you mean!”

“It’s what you see.

It does not include food or housing, and the people I hire will not serve you. You have to remember to pay me a thousand yuan rent every month. ”

The woman walked over with the wheelchair, thanked Huang Guihua, picked up the soup bowl and blew it lightly, and then took out a ten-yuan note and handed it over to him: “This is your reward today.”

“Didn’t it mean one hundred yuan!”

The sister across from him finally raised her eyes to look directly at him. This was the first time she was looking at herself after returning to the villa. He put on a stance of reasoning, but only listened to the other party’s sneer: “If you hire someone to work , But he just immersed himself in playing mobile phones, the boss’s choice would only be to fire on the spot.

Your value is not even worth ten dollars. ”

Stabbed in embarrassment by the increasingly harsh words, and perhaps unwilling to face the self who cares about a hundred dollars, Ning Chengrui was so angry that he didn’t eat dinner and threw the door directly into the room.

Huang Guihua was a little nervous, but Ning Su was motionless like a mountain. With the discomfort of constant sourness in the body, she finished the meal.

At night, Ning Chengrui clutched his growling belly, tossing and turning on the bed.

Something went wrong when I ate halfway through noon, and I didn’t eat at all at night. Now I am hungry and heartbroken.

He rolled around on the bed, thinking about what happened during the day, and was so depressed that he bit the pillow and beat the bed with his fists.

He couldn’t understand why everyone changed overnight. His father, who loved him and loved him, drove him out. Sister Qiaoqiao, who was kind and gentle to him, ignored him, and was always around him. Friends have also alienated him, and his relatives have become more cruel and harsh. The only thing that has not changed is probably Luo Yuanan, a close friend man.

Ning Chengrui wanted to complain to him, and the words he typed were deleted a little bit. He lay on the bed with his eyes open, thinking again about why he became so miserable now.

No way!

The bear kid sat up suddenly: I can’t sit and wait like this anymore, I must get rid of the current situation, at least get rid of those debts.

He came up with a brilliant idea and went to Ning Su’s room to steal the IOU.

Even, he can go to the room to take it openly. Can a patient with paralyzed legs be able to stop him?

He thought smugly, and the more he thought about it, the more he found it feasible. If he had come up with this idea earlier, he wouldn’t have to suffer that idleness.

On this, Ning Chengrui showed extremely high execution ability, turned over and got out of bed, and came to the door of Ning Su’s room. He took a deep breath and put his hand on the door lock.



Ning Su tapped his fingers on the keyboard and listened to the screams and the sound of heavy objects falling from outside the door.

“The anti-theft electric shock door lock works pretty well.”

020 is looking at the host’s self-made mechanism. It has no doubt about the power of the door lock, but it is happy to see it, and chooses to show flowers on the page of the live broadcast room to celebrate.

If anyone in this room is unhappy about this matter, there is probably only the original owner.

Ning Su noticed the familiar discomfort coming from her body. The smile on her face deepened. The tossing in the afternoon and not letting her brother eat at night, coupled with the current electric shock, really made the original owner unable to restrain.

Since the opponent’s protest can affect the body, he followed this context to search for the trail of the original owner, so Ning Su did those things deliberately.

She planned this way. After all, she currently wants to try to create artificial intelligence and try to unlock more memory blocks. She does not intend to give up this body, and she does not like to share a body with others, so the original owner must be completely suppressed. Isolate the original owner from the body’s reaction and eliminate its impact on the body.

Leaving Ning Chengrui also had this purpose.

The original owner can’t let go of her younger brother. If you just leave it alone, I’m not sure if the original owner will choose to die together, or if there is no trace after the temporary protest is over; and keeping this source of stimulus by your side can create incidents that will reveal more to her. The flaws.

Ning Su closed her eyes slightly and tried to enter the previous state. This time, she reached that state sooner than noon.

How consciousness exists in the body, how to control the body’s movements, scanning, checking, following instinctive action, self-searching for the disharmony of existence, just like a computer killing a virus, but to be honest, maybe she is the virus .

Such thoughts flashed past, then converged, and began to focus on searching.

Starting from the heart that was most affected, to the place where the original master consciousness touched today, there will always be traces of a person’s existence, not to mention her unscrupulous use of her body to repel outsiders like Ning Su.

Half an hour later, Ning Su opened his eyes and rubbed his eyebrows with exhaustion. It wasn’t that he had achieved nothing, but he didn’t make much progress.

Grabbing the tentacles, the other party slipped away from her hands like a fish, lacking experience, there was something in her body that was interfering with her judgment, and the mental fatigue was not enough to support a longer movement, which led to failure.

But this matter is not in a hurry, Ning Chengrui will not want to leave here, he has nowhere to go.

The days are still long. According to the original owner’s importance to his younger brother, coupled with the original owner’s brother’s habit of committing death, there will still be many opportunities like this today.

After finding a solution to the original owner and suppressing the original owner, you can… [Host, were you uncomfortable just now?

]020 interrupted her thoughts, the system was extremely worried. I have done so many live broadcasts, and not once was this situation. Sharing the same body with the original owner, the other party can also jump out from time to time to brush up on the sense of existence. It wants to persuade the host to directly Give up and leave this world, [Or I will urge the headquarters to find a way?


“It’s just a little uncomfortable, it’s not a big deal.”

Ning Su replied, “Moreover, the pain is getting lighter and lighter. It may be that the other party has consumed energy and can no longer control the body. After a while.”

[This is a good thing! ]020 breathed a sigh of relief, it was full of things that were improving, and it didn’t notice the abnormality, and changed the topic, [Does the host want to continue to do artificial intelligence?


The woman hummed and looked at the computer screen again: “I’m thinking, do you want to make it a body.”

“AI can be carried by a computer, but if you want to take care of me, it is more convenient to have a robot body, maybe you can do a few more…” In her mouth, artificial intelligence can be easily selected like Chinese cabbage, 020 is also Followed to get excited: [I think it is more convenient to make three, and you can also divide the labor. For example, it is very helpful to make a medical care robot.


Looking at the live broadcast room again, those viewers have already begun to name the artificial intelligence manufactured by Ning Su, completely ignoring the status quo that artificial intelligence is still not a single word.

Ning Su didn’t worry at all. She always felt that compared with previous aerospace and holographic technologies, artificial intelligence was the thing she was most familiar with.

It seems to have been in contact every day, and it seems that I have also tapped a little bit at the screen and keyboard, watching the miracle complete under my own hands.

The discussion on the light screen continues.

[It’s better to call it NS-001, continue the serial number of the previous spacecraft]

[I want to press the letters, I think of the Z series]

[Ah, the first-generation complete artificial intelligence of the alliance, Z series, think of them when you talk about artificial intelligence]

[Especially the original Alliance Brain, I have to mention it]

[Z79, so far has not been able to create a second artificial intelligence]

[The original Interstellar Alliance relied on it to operate, and it can also command battles, and has developed wisdom]

[Wait, maybe it can develop an artificial intelligence race]

[Unfortunately, Z79 was destroyed in the final battlefield of the alliance and the empire, and fell into the black hole to find it.]

[Isn’t it also trying to create an intellectual brain like Z79, now the interstellar intellectual brain is not up to its level]

[That’s why there is a group of people clamoring that today is not as good as before]

[It’s really not as good as it used to be]

[Who can compare Z79? It’s not that I haven’t thought about copying. It’s useless to call the surviving researchers of the Empire and the Alliance. The core maker has already died. The follow-up is all its independent learning and upgrading. The researcher is basically a nanny. What is the role? Can’t send it]

[Now I need to have an intellectual brain like Z79, it’s actually quite terrifying to think about it, if it’s not happy, StarNet will die with it]

[Interstellar population drops sharply to 20%]

[Z79 has no emotional system, it should be no problem]

[Maybe now]

Z79 is always inexplicably familiar.

She typed a line of characters and deleted them all.

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