The Female Supporting Character is Obsessed with Science

Chapter 46

Chapter 46 Empress world

Chapter 46-The World of Empress

Anyone who has lived in modern society may not be able to adapt to such boring days in ancient times. There is no mobile phone, no TV, no air conditioning, no games, no convenient transportation, and no rich and varied food.

The things within the reach of modern society were difficult for the emperor to enjoy in ancient times. 020 reads the novel through to the host, wanting the host to understand the routines in the plot, and becoming less aware of why so many people want to travel back to ancient times.

Ning Su is particularly unaccustomed. The ancient productivity talks about science and technology too early, and any research she wants to do becomes difficult at this time.

Even if she became a female emperor, as the ruler of a feudal society, she has already achieved good results in the eyes of others. She still hopes that she can go to an ordinary well-off family in modern society.

020 was also warned by the headquarters that it was limited to the highest level of science and technology in ancient society. It could not even monitor men and women actively or monitor ministers. It had to collect some traverse novels and strategy materials within the system and read them to the host.

And how to fulfill the original owner’s wish, Ning Su has a general context.

“A feudal country in which life and death are placed in the hands of one person is pathological.”

Her voice was so soft that she almost couldn’t catch 020, “Whether it is the so-called peace and prosperity of the world, the peaceful and prosperous times of the people, or the chaos of war and the turmoil of the refugees, it is only the severity of the illness.”

“To cure a disease, we must first enlighten the people, and to enlighten the people, we must first feed the people.”

Ning Su wrote down the territory of the Yun Dynasty on the white paper, and also wrote down the basic situation of these territories he learned in the memorial.

In the current Yun Dynasty, most of the crops planted are rice, wheat, millet and soybeans. The method of planting is to adapt to the four o’clock to depend on the weather. Drought and rain will affect the harvest.

In the plot, there was a flood in the sixth year of the female emperor’s reign. As the female protagonist who passed through, she also opened a warehouse to put grains to appease the refugees.

The low-level peasants work hard every day, and they may have no income, and they have to pay severe taxes and corvee.

This is the most silent majority. They bear hardships and stand hard work. As long as this year’s harvest can feed the family after paying taxes, it will be a good year. As long as they can survive, there will be no complaints.

And countless historical facts have proved that when these people are driven to desperation, it will be the day when the king above them is overthrown.

Those who win the hearts of the people win the world.

As long as the people can eat and the days can pass, the better, they don’t care whether the emperor above their heads is a man or a woman. They don’t even care about whether there is an emperor or not.

It’s just a symbol that is above it. It’s not as frightening as the crops in the ground, and it’s not as frightening as those government servants.

[Host, do you plan to increase food production?


“This is the first step of the plan.”

Ning Su thought about it, writing on the rice paper the clues to find new crops, better farming and irrigation tools and methods, which can increase yield.

[So what about the second step?

]020 asked curiously, it didn’t know how the host would complete this contradictory task. Its thinking was fettered by the past host’s method of completing the task and the novels it had read. It was obviously the highest technology of Interstellar, but it didn’t think of it. Such a simple way to complete.

Although it is said that “the princes will have a kind of Xiangning”, after the overthrow of a generation of emperors, those who have rebelled will still recommend another emperor. They can’t imagine what a society without emperors is like. This kind of thinking is in They seem to be rebellious.

However, what Ning Su wanted to do was such a difficult thing to leave fire in the hearts of the people and let the raging flames sweep this decadent empire.

A single spark can start a prairie fire. She hopes to be the one who sows the fire.

As long as she thinks about what this country will look like in the future, she will feel the blood surging in her heart.

“But it’s too early to say that, the first step of the plan has not been completed.”

Ning Su forced herself to calm down, and slowly loosened her grip on the pen holder, and her fingertips slowly returned to rosy as they were so hard. “Moreover, compared to the first step, even the stability of the court has not yet been completed.”

Her current situation is not an exaggeration to describe her internal and external troubles.

The northern barbarians stared at the Central Plains and looted small border towns every year. There were many inner vassals. In addition to the male lord Duanyang, there were six vassal vassals. Although the fief looked far away, there was not much threat, but the court did the same to them. The fiefdom has a very low binding force.

Almost each of these princes has the ambition to get involved in the throne, but the iron-blooded wrists of the first-generation female emperor and the control of the court have allowed them to rest in peace. Now that they are replaced by a new female emperor, they have become a little bit ready to move.

The important officials in the court hall also had their own thoughts.

Although the mother emperor of the original lord has been on the throne for many years, the die-hards can’t hold their heads up, and they have lost some reputation for violence.

However, after the original master came to power, the methods were much softer than those of the former female emperor, and it was annoying that those who were clamoring for Sichen Miaoji were resurrected.

Even in the Loyalists, there are some stubborn people. After all, they are loyal. They belong to the line of Emperor Yan of the Yun Dynasty, and Ning Su even follows his mother’s surname. This is enough to make them dissatisfied.

This is also the reason why King Duanyang hits the capital in the plot and can directly hit the palace so easily.

What she has to do now is to remove all the opposition from the court or the people who have the corpse in the vegetarian food, so that her decree can be implemented.

In fact, the original owner also has her own method. She put forward the plan of adding Kai Enke. Under the leadership and consent of the Tai Fu and the prime minister, even if the others objected, they were rejected one by one by the officials of this faction.

Therefore, this decree was implemented without incident.

Almost everyone knows the plan of the original owner. The throne is unstable, and fresh blood is needed to dilute the power of the important ministers, win over the world’s scholars, find talents, and train their own team.

In the plot, the original owner succeeded this time, and he also discovered the resourceful and resourceful Confucian Ye Yuqi who is dedicated to serving the country. The other party has indeed helped the original owner to do a lot of things, and as a confidant, he has soared all the way.

However, with the actions of the various kings, the original owner became more and more suspicious.

In the later stage, he still renounced with his powerful ministers, and the suspected Ye Yuqi was still loyal, but was wronged and imprisoned.

Shu Shulan and Yan Xiuran sighed for his talent, and the robbery rescued him, but Ye Yuqi refused to serve them, not serving the second master, and even chose a cup of poisoned wine to commit suicide.

After Yan Xiuran became the throne, when he was divided among the ministers, they were all in a pity for this amazingly talented person.

“Ye Xiangruo is here, it’s rare in the country.”

Ning Su didn’t plan to change the imperial examination matters. In addition to Ye Yuqi, she also hopes to get more talents.

“And if the Imperial Guard is credible…” The way to solve the problem can also be simpler and rude, “I remember, the mother emperor left a secret guard.”

She found out the contact information of the dark guard from her memory, and then she discovered that the original owner was dizzy by the many matters of the first ascension, and now she has not dealt with the dark guard’s affairs, so she put a sharp knife on her life. rust.

She called for the commander of the dark guard, and it didn’t take long before she was startled by the two men who suddenly appeared and kneeled in front of the temple, and appeared silently. Before that, 020 hadn’t noticed their arrival.

This also caused some slack systems to quickly start environmental scanning, just to eliminate the danger around the host.

Ning Su calmed down and asked them to follow the old system, leaving two to protect themselves, and then sending everyone else out to investigate what she wanted to know.

She sent someone to summon the leader of the Imperial Guard. While waiting, she sorted out her plan again. Although she didn’t know if there were any omissions, it was the best solution she could think of.

The commander of the Imperial Guard in memory is Ning Hedian, the nephew of the Ning family, and the second son of the mother’s elder brother. If he is an ordinary family, he should be called a cousin in terms of blood.

He didn’t meet many times with the original owner, and he was a taciturn, but very reliable figure.

Before long, the servant led a tall and burly man in the armor of the Imperial Guard into the temple.

Before Ning Su could see the other party’s face clearly, he knelt down and saluted, calling “Your Majesty” respectfully.

“No ceremony, please lead Ning.”

Ning Su concealed her uncomfortableness, and almost a day later, she was still not used to the etiquette of kneeling when meeting in ancient society.

But she also understands that apart from herself, it is estimated that only the original heroine who is also a transgressive woman will have the same mood in this world. The rest of the people seem to be as natural as eating, drinking, and breathing. They can’t understand what it is. Everyone is equal.

She couldn’t show her discomfort either, because the original owner wouldn’t think there was anything wrong with it.

After being called up, Ning Hedian still lowered his head, watching his nose and nose, not daring to look directly at Tianyan.

Although when he was a child, he also entered the palace to call the aunt of the queen, and he was also commensurate with the original princess as a cousin.

But now that the former emperor has proclaimed the emperor, then he must fulfill his duties and cannot exceed half a point.

The reason why the Ning family was fully trusted after the first female emperor came to power is that it does not deceive others and defends itself.

Ning Hedian didn’t know why he was summoned by the empress. He could feel the other person’s eyes staying on his head for a long time without speaking, which was different from his previous attitude.

He had no choice but to ponder in his heart whether he had done something wrong, or something went wrong, and he would be beaten by his majesty.

Ning Su didn’t know what he was thinking about, she was just looking at the talents available to the original owner.

Her black hair is neatly tied into a bun, and her wheat-colored skin can be seen to have been exposed to the sun and rain. You can’t see clearly when you lower your head. You can only see that the bridge of your nose is tall. It seems that it has changed because of your sight. It’s a little cramped.

Looks like a straightforward, pure military commander, without much scheming.

She smiled: “Ning Commander does not need to be so nervous. Regarding the relationship, I will call Commander a cousin.”

“Don’t dare, thank your majesty for showing love.”

Ning Hedian’s expression collapsed even more tightly, and he began to desperately think about where the problem occurred before he was beaten by the empress to pay attention to his identity.

Could it be that the soldiers under his command took the relationship between himself and the empress to say that the matter was heard by your majesty, or did the mansion claim to be a relative outsider?

No matter how unexpectedly, it was a change of person, so Ning Hedian, who was going to come again, was forced to sweat by his own imagination.

Ning Su saw the other party’s uneasiness, and after two more words of reassurance, she told him to withdraw. She was only checking candidates for her future plans. Unexpectedly, Ning Hedian had already determined that she was reminding him to be more restrained when she returned. Clan servants.

Some people who followed the Ning family noticed this incident and analyzed whether the empress would act from this signal, so they followed the restraint inside the mansion and walked around to inquire about the situation.

This makes it easy for the dark guards to find the factions of officials in the DPRK, but it becomes difficult to collect criminal evidence.

Ning Su didn’t know all of this. After she confirmed that Ning Hedian was basically credible, she was still thinking about how the Prime Minister and Tai Fu would woo them to complete the plan.

She did not pin all her hopes on these important ministers in the DPRK. She had to cultivate her own team, and a team that could accept deviant thoughts or was willing to promote these thoughts for her own benefit.

After all, the current court, if they knew Ning Su’s real plan, it would only cause your Majesty to be possessed by evildoers and fiercely resist.

Not only the court, but her true claim may be to be an enemy of the world.

But what’s the problem?

The female emperor raised the corners of her lips and sketched a killing character on the rice paper.

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