The Female Supporting Character is Obsessed with Science

Chapter 52

Chapter 52 Empress world

Chapter 52-The World of Empress

The birthday of the female emperor came very soon. Although the female emperor’s message was to be held in a low-key and simple manner, in fact the scale of the birthday banquet can still be called extravagant.

That morning, as it was during the Shang Dynasty on weekdays, hundreds of civil and military officials gathered together, together with the emperor’s relatives, and the vassals who came from the territories. Looking around, the palace was dark and only the heads could be seen.

The guards were heavily guarded and vigorous, staring at every place for fear of accidents.

There are too many people, and those little officials with low official positions can only stand outside the hall, and the guards who listen to the message convey the situation inside the hall.

According to the official position, Shu Shulan should stand outside the hall.

But on the one hand, she was a celebrity next to the empress, and on the other hand, there were a series of inventions and creations. So the empress allowed her to stand in the hall and when she stood in the front row, no one had any objections.

Standing not far in front of her, Yan Xiuran seemed to be worried about her nervousness, turned her head and blinked at her with a smile, right to appease.

Shu Shulan returned a friendly smile, lowered her head but thought about the other side’s good intentions for her.

It’s not that the heroine is too sensitive, but because of her recent emergence, many people have begun to try to win her over, and Shu Shulan has made King Duanyang one of them.

If Yan Xiuran knew that all his actions were just to be seen by the blind, the other party didn’t think he was special, nor did he know what kind of mood the King of Duanyang, who has always been sought after by noble ladies in Beijing, would be like.

The birthday gifts of all parties were presented like flowing water, before the empress, and after the other party saw it, they were taken away by the palace maid and placed in the empress’ private vault.

The waiters who sang the gift list signed up one by one, and Shu Shulan was quietly listed among the hundred officials, admiring the rare treasures, famous paintings and calligraphy from her side.

When she calculated the value of these things in her heart, she couldn’t help being shocked, and thought of a verse untimely: Zhumen’s wine and meat are stinky, and the road has frozen bones.

Although it is not so exaggerated, it is not far away.

The heroine stood under the steps, without looking up, unable to see the expression of the empress above.

But she knew that the empress would not be in a good mood.

Although Shu Shulan was a traveler, she was not familiar with all things in the Yun Dynasty.

But before, she had a period of lack of silver, and she also had the experience that she had to care about everything at the beginning of the shop. Knowing the private price level, you can also see that in these birthday gifts, many officials offered treasures that exceeded them. Your salary.

Because no one thought it was wrong, they just wanted to compete with each other in gifts, hoping to be favored by the empress.

Many people seem to have forgotten the purge that took place when the female emperor took the throne three years ago, and forgot the crimes of some officials who were beheaded by ransacking their homes.

The empress did not have an episode, she calmly accepted all the gifts, and then announced the beginning of the banquet.

For the first time, Shu Shulan knew the feeling of being unable to swallow.

Because of the empress’s preference, she often took the things she made in and out of the palace. She also tasted the craftsmanship of the imperial kitchen many times, and even relied on the empress’s temper to have a lot of imperial dim sum, only this time the taste was the same as chewing wax.

Halfway through the banquet, Shu Shulan found an excuse to walk out of the hall, instead of walking around in the palace, but to breathe not far away.

The singing and dancing in the hall rose to peace, and the cool night breeze outside the hall gradually calmed her, and the suffocating air that was choking in her heart slowly spit out.

At this moment, she heard a familiar voice behind her.

“Miss Shu.”

“I have seen King Duanyang.”

Shu Shulan was surprised, but it didn’t show up on her face, she turned to salute.

“Girl Shu doesn’t need to be polite,” King Duanyang was still gentle, and seemed to be surprised at the coincidence here, “Don’t you like the atmosphere inside?”

“It’s just too much power to drink.”

She carefully avoided traps. The empress’s favor was the high glass tower. There were countless people with hammers who wanted her to fall from the heights, so she had to be cautious in her words and deeds. Such words of resentment would be heard by someone with a heart. The sharp edge of impeaching him.

Yan Xiuran also noticed her failure to say something, smiled guiltily at her, and changed the subject.

However, no matter what the words are, Shu Shulan still looks respectful and not close enough. She doesn’t think that a prince is so approachable, and she can’t understand the cues between his words. All this makes Yan Xiuran feel annoyed. After noticing that the other party was distracted again, he left wisely.

Turning and sinking his face, such an expression flashed past, making the **** who came to follow him think he was dazzled.

Shu Shulan breathed a sigh of relief. She always felt that there was a fire in her heart. She was burning when she saw those birthday gifts. The good food and wine couldn’t make the flame extinguish, and she walked out of the hall. In the dialogue with King Duanyang, she could not suppress it.

In this icy, rigorous society, layers of shackles made her flap like a butterfly entangled in a cobweb, with her wings flapping weakly, unable to find a way to break free.

This is how ambition breeds, to be the top person, holding the highest authority in his hands like the flame trying to burn everything.

Shu Shulan gasped a few loudly, her face was flushed with drunkenness, but her eyes were as bright as stars in the sky.

“I want to see your majesty.”

She stopped the court lady on the side, and her voice was still a little unstable after she spoke. King Duanyang reminded her of a better name to vote. She must be the sharpest knife in the hands of the empress, and the power can change what she wants to change. , Even if you end up with that person as an enemy.

A pair of eyes appeared in her mind, the tails of the eyes were slightly raised, and there were indifferent, cold, eyes that seemed to see through everything at all times.

Enemy with such a person, the flame flinched, and then burned more violently, burning everything out, even if it was oneself, it could be used as nourishment.

Shu Shulan finally understands why some people are willing to give everything for their ideals, and finally understand the power of faith that once dismissed them. If it is for the ideal blueprint in her heart, she is indeed willing to do the same.

The empress was not at the banquet. Shu Shulan followed the maid into another palace not far away. The candle shadow was shaking, the scene in the room was illuminated by countless lights, and the empress was standing at the desk chatting with another person.

Shu Shulan saluted, raised her head and looked at the other person curiously, who was a very handsome man.

“This is Ye Yuqi.”

A name allowed Shu Shulan to quickly find out his information from memory. Three years ago, the new champion in the new discipline first made political achievements in agriculture and was sent to various places by the female emperor to promote it. Now he should be returning to Beijing to report on his duties.

If you are considered the new favorite of the empress, then the other party should be the confidant of the empress.

Moreover, just looking at his achievements in agriculture, Shu Shulan almost suspected that the other party was also a traverser, otherwise why some techniques are so familiar.

“You’re not at the banquet, are you looking for something to do with me?”

She told the story of King Duanyang looking for her again, positioning Yan Xiuran’s behavior as a courtesy, a feudal king approaching a minister next to the empress, which in itself easily made people wary, even if it weren’t, Shu Shulan would say it was Win over.

And she said that there is only one purpose for these, that is, the superior policy asks to cut the feudal clan.

Through the dynasties, the princes have been the confidant of the court. Shu Shulan is confident that she can use this as a nomination, gain more trust from the female emperor, increase her weight, and walk into the center of power.

“It’s a coincidence,” Shu Shulan heard the other party chuckle, “We are discussing this matter.”

She was not the only one who saw the feudal lord endangering her. The female emperor had started planning three years ago, and now it is time to do it.

The three discussed countermeasures until late at night, when the banquet there was gone, the candlelight in the side hall was still bright, and the palace people changed the candles, and the discussion ended.

Ye Yuqi took the carriage back to the house, but Shu Shulan was called to stay in the palace by the empress.

“What is your majesty thinking?”

Shu Shulan looked at the female emperor who was staring at the wolf, and asked.

The other party did not answer, but instead asked her: “What is Ai Qing thinking about?”

“I think this world is too unfair.”

She responded without thinking.

A reckless and young young man with love and dissatisfaction with everything in the world, this is the image Shu Shulan hopes to show to the empress.

Looking at such a hostess, Ning Su laughed: “This world is unfair at first, just like now you can stay overnight, but Ye Qing has to go back to the house.”

Men and women are big troubles, and you are the emperor and have to follow. If Ye Yuqi stayed in the palace, she could predict what malicious speculation and fragrant rumors would appear.

“If it were a male emperor, Ye Qing’s stay would be a good story for the emperor and ministers.”

“If it were a man, the minister would not stand here.”

Her destiny will only be the backyard of the deep house, guarding a square sky and spending her life.

This was not what she wanted, and she was glad that she met the queen.

Ning Su did not ask her to be careful, or that the empress was happy to see such remarks. Just like what Shu Shulan did, she was also using the strength of the other party to tie this person who might become the strongest helper to her boat. .

“Your mood is not very good, is it because of King Duanyang, or because of me?”

Shu Shulan was silent for a moment: “Because of your majesty’s birthday gift.”

“It turned out to be this.”

She suddenly said, “Three years of clearing the prefect, one hundred thousand snowflake silver, they thought I didn’t know it.”

“What does your Majesty think.”

Shu Shulan didn’t know why, she would ask this way, but she didn’t expect the empress to answer seriously.

“This country is hard to return.

The officialdom has its own set of unspoken rules, and even if everyone is replaced, the current phenomenon cannot be avoided.

The people were anointed and exploited layer by layer, and the court issued hundreds of thousands of disaster relief funds, and less than one percent of the money that really reached the victims was what a ridiculous thing. ”

The candlelight shone on her face, and it didn’t shine brightly in the eyes, “I sometimes think, I didn’t do my best…”

“Your Majesty, you have done your best!”

Shu Shulan blurted out, the closer he walked, the more he knew how hard the empress was to change this dynasty, “It’s the problem of this country!”

After saying this sentence, Shu Shulan strengthened her heart. It was because the country was sick, not because the empress did something wrong.

Ning Su’s remarks by such a stupid fan felt stunned for a moment: “In the future, in front of others, don’t say this again.”

She shook her head and asked Shu Shulan to rest. When the hostess turned around unwillingly, she heard the emperor muttering softly: “This has been the case for the dynasties for thousands of years. No matter how many emperors have been changed, the direction will remain the same. People have the same ending, history has never changed, and there is no eternal empire.

So, maybe it is a mistake of the system. ”

The flame in Shu Shulan’s heart seemed to be poured with a spoonful of hot oil, she suddenly raised her head to look at the empress, and slammed into a pair of eyes that filled the sky with the Milky Way.

After that, even in the past few decades, she still could not forget the expression of the empress at that time.

Looking at the empress, she made up her mind.

020 looked at the back of the heroine leaving, stunned: [Host, you haven’t done anything yet, why did she turn her face with the hero?

Yan Xiuran never expected that she would be listed as the first defense object by the heroine.


“I did a lot of things.”

Excavate her, reuse her, let her see many things in this era, and then completely ignite her ambitions.

Ning Su doesn’t know much about political skills, she just knows the plot, and as a person of the same era, she can understand the other side’s weakness.

The system is still thinking about the transformation of the female protagonist, Ning Su began to consider another aspect: “After so many years, the female school from the first emperor has not achieved much. Maybe it is necessary to step up the construction of female school and use this trend to achieve the goal of emancipating the mind. .”

“The prosperity of the world is all for profit; the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit.”

The young emperor looked down. Because women can make a lot of money in textile embroidery along the coast, they have the least restraint on women’s work; because of the female emperor and the appointment of female officials, the restraint on women is also lighter in Beijing. , People will flock to it.

However, in those territories, it is always difficult to implement the decree. There are not a few vassal kings who have self-respect. The expansion of female education and the reduction of the vassal are the current direction. After that, I am looking forward to what the female lord will bring. Surprise.

A week after the birthday banquet, the three also discussed a charter. The princes left the capital and returned to the fief, but King Duanyang did not leave.

He was aroused by Shu Shulan’s cold but polite refusal many times, and tried to hold the other party in his hands, so he found an excuse and asked the empress to stay in Beijing for a few more days.

Right in the middle of her arms, the female emperor agreed, and then watched a scene where a man chased after a woman, and the woman was too annoying.

For Shu Shulan, King Duanyang was a big trouble walking, and would only interfere with her work. However, there were countless people admiring her situation, which made Shu Shulan’s aura even more low.

It wasn’t until the female emperor threw down the news of Fan Fan in the court that Shu Shulan finally got out of the inescapable encounter.

On the other hand, when the woman he was wooing was involved in receiving the feudal clash, Yan Xiuran couldn’t help but crushed the tea cup, and the young man next to him was shocked, worried that he would hurt his finger.

King Duanyang didn’t feel the pain, he was so angry that he smiled back: “Okay, very good, let’s go!”

Shu Shulan, who was with the empress, raised her eyebrows, sneered at King Duanyang’s departure, and turned to Ning Su and said, “I want to investigate the fief of King Duanyang.”

She intuitively felt that this prince, who bored her, might become her political achievement.

“it is good.”

Ning Su’s lips curled up: everything went smoothly according to plan.

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