The Female Supporting Character is Obsessed with Science

Chapter 65

Chapter 65 Supernatural world

Chapter 65

Most of the members of the investigation office felt that there was a problem with the brain that had recently spent a lot of money. In their eyes, metaphysics and science were originally unrelated things, or even two extremes, but she thought Combine the two.

Many people who have seen her listed projects but haven’t met her face to face have the image of a new member in their minds as a mad scientist.

Not to mention, in Ning Su’s laboratory, most of them are ordinary people. Except for the little Taoist priests from Qinghe who were pitted by Master, occasionally Wu Mingzhu who went to Yinghuo Village with her would be called when there was no mission. .

The progress of the experiment is probably not going well, otherwise Wu Ming and the others will not have a difficult expression every time they come out of the laboratory, and Qinghe will not appear outside every time, with complex expressions.

But this is also natural. They thought, how can metaphysics be researched with those instruments?

These people also don’t understand. The newcomer can be domineering by virtue of the golden light. Whether it is the investigation office or the Tianshi Association will treat her as a guest, why bother toss about some useless strange things. .

In the laboratory, people have no time to pay attention to any other reasons. They clearly feel that what they are studying may change the world.

The assistant in Ning Su’s laboratory was deceived at first.

After cooperating with Jinjiang University, a team was formed on the grounds of researching new projects and asked in advance whether you are afraid of ghosts, have you watched horror movies, and whether there are seemingly irrelevant questions about metaphysics, which caused these people to mutter in their hearts. It is not reliable to think that this team looks very irregular.

After a brief selection, these postgraduates, doctoral students and even professors signed a confidentiality agreement before showing them a completely different world.

The professor who was originally deceived to leave, after Wu Ming temporarily opened the yin and yang eyes to them, showed the existence of ghosts, and confirmed that it was not a virtual projection and his own hallucinations, his feet seemed to have taken root, and he couldn’t move a step.

After only persuading him, some people still couldn’t accept it. Although a sweet and harmless little girl was specially selected, it seemed to scare some people.

A timid graduate student closed his eyes, and in his mouth, the Jade Emperor Tathagata Buddha, the Supreme Lord, the Lord God Maria, read all over the Chinese and Western gods.

“How do I remember that when he filled in the information, he wrote that he liked watching ghost movies the most?”

I wish to pull out a piece of information and match the photo with the person in front of me.

“This may be the legendary Master Ye, a good dragon.”

The old cat glanced at the others and found that, except for a few very calm and even a strong desire for research in his sight, most of the others were pale and forced to be calm. The graduate student just behaved a little more prominently.

“Look more and get used to it.”

The handsome woman leaned on the door and folded her arms, and smiled ill-intentionally at the group of ordinary people in front of her, “I have signed the agreement. I know so much, how can I let you go.”

These words were so violent that the graduate student who had just stopped praying for God and worshiped the Buddha closed his eyes and meditated. Ning Su, who had just come out of the laboratory, checked the instrument and heard the old cat’s words as soon as he stepped into the room. He was dumbfounded: “We are a formal laboratory, not a bandit kidnapper.”

She turned her head to say hello to them: “Hello, I am the person in charge of this project, Ning Su.”

People from Jinjiang University also looked at the person in charge in front of her. She looked very small, at most about eighteen years old, much younger than theirs.

“Can I quit?”

A Ph.D. student with a pale face asked timidly. Ning Su glanced at her with a gentle smile: “Of course, project research is voluntary and not mandatory, but a confidentiality agreement has been signed. After you go out, don’t talk nonsense. Up.”

“Someone has to believe it when you say it.”

I don’t know who murmured, and the atmosphere became more relaxed. Ning Su touched the little girl’s head: “Thanks for your hard work. Follow the big sister over there for sweets.”


She nodded obediently and followed the old cat out.

“If you want to quit, just go to Wu Ming and leave. If you don’t quit, follow me. Let’s go directly to the laboratory.”

Unexpectedly, only one or two people finally chose to quit. The one who was asked at the beginning and the one that Mantian God and Buddha had asked for stayed. His legs were frightened and he insisted on joining the team, “I missed this time.” I will regret my whole life.” Ignoring the trembling body, the expression when I said this was firm.

There is already a person waiting in the laboratory, who seems to be the age of a college student.

“This is Qinghe, and we are coming to the laboratory for assistance. After all, our research is different from others and requires professionals.”

Leaving the ghost and arriving at the familiar laboratory full of instruments, most of the people relaxed, watching the little Taoist say hello to them, and jokingly said: “The little Taoist usually has morning and evening classes, right?

It’s not very convenient in the laboratory. ”

Qinghe scratched his hair, looking embarrassed: “I am a disciple of the decent school, and I don’t need to live in vipassana practice. I usually chant sutras in the university dormitory in the morning.

The more troublesome thing is schoolwork.

But I’m okay, the university is relatively free, Miss Ning is about to take the college entrance examination…”

“The college entrance examination?”

He couldn’t help but raised his voice. Ning Su looked over and explained, “I took a year off from school, so I can go to the exam directly.”

They didn’t speak anymore, looking at Ning Su, there was a little indescribable meaning to a project that a high school student was in charge of, how could they suddenly feel that they had no bottom in their hearts.

Regardless of this, Ning Su began to describe to them what the research project was: “Anyone who has a certain understanding of metaphysics or has read some spiritual books should know the two words aura and yin qi.

Practitioners have determined their existence, so what exactly are they made of, and why both compasses and talisman will react to them. ”

“There is also the composition of ghosts. There is a saying that ghosts are due to the existence of magnetic fields. We cannot rule out such a possibility, but more ideas are needed.

Why does a person have a soul after death, how does the soul exist in the body when a person is alive, what supports the actions of the soul, and so on. ”

The girl paused and looked at a group of researchers who were not consciously listening carefully: “The purpose of my research is to study the supernatural weapons that ordinary people can use, so I must first understand these things.

But these are all things to do. The first problem we have to solve is Reiki and Yin.

You are all outstanding. Even though this seems to be a different field, I believe they are common and I also believe in your abilities. ”

In fact, those who can choose to enter this laboratory are interested in this kind of research, and with the help of the system that invaded Jinjiang University’s internal network, Ning Su selected a group of available personnel in advance.

For this person in charge who are younger than them, the researcher’s mood is complicated. At first, they felt that such a small child could not be so good. She could not learn some knowledge outside of class by herself. The entire laboratory was faintly like an industry leader. Professor as the center.

However, Ning Su’s existence is to tell them how talented geniuses can be. She is very solid and proficient in both theory and practice in her research, and her idea of ​​detecting aura and yin always brings new progress.

Gradually, everyone in the institute was convinced by the young person in charge. Even Professor Feng Hongbo, who is an industry leader, would ask her opinions and conduct discussions.

This place does not ask about age, as long as you have the ability, you will get the corresponding status.

“Teacher Ning, come and take a look, I have new discoveries!”

The graduate student, who was scared at first, now shouted in surprise. He found something in the sample that he hadn’t found before.

Although the capture of Yin Qi has gone through some astrays, the speed of discovery is faster than imagined.

They used Fuluo and equipment to detect the reaction with Fuluo. After a lot of boring experiments and observations, they finally determined the molecular structure of Yin Qi.

“This is incredible.”

Professor Feng looked at the model on the screen in a tone that was close to dream, “A new discovery, why no one has discovered such a composition in the air before.”

“Because no one thought about this before, they always felt that metaphysics and science are opposite, but this is not correct.”

Ning Su seemed very calm among the excited people, “This world is big, how small human beings are.

Science is endless, and exploration is endless. This is just our first step. ”

Confirming the structure of Yin Qi is exciting news, but they still have a lot to do, how to collect and capture them, how does Fu Lu react with them, why they can make such a reaction, the molecular structure of Reiki…

Today’s discovery is only a small step, and they still have a long way to go.

Qinghe, who was trapped by the master, watched this group of people trying to explain metaphysics in a scientific way, and they also achieved results. They all wrote about who I am and where I am. Is this world real?

However, with the deepening of the research, the discovery and capture of spiritual energy, and Fu Lu’s reaction, this little Taoist who only assisted with metaphysical knowledge at the beginning couldn’t help but pay attention to the progress of the experiment, adding bystanders to help the researcher.

On this day, Wu Mingzhu received a text message from Ning Su from all of them, saying that the experiment has made new progress, and asked to find an evil spirit to come to the laboratory, and they would use it for the experiment.

They happened to be together on a mission and they carried the newly caught evil spirits into the laboratory and opened the sky to a group of people. The researcher who had seen a normal little girl shivering with fear in their souls, now looked at the talisman paper. In the cage, the evil spirit with blue-faced fangs did not react at all. No, there was still a reaction, but what was the matter with the look that seemed to dissect him?

Zhu Cong asked Qinghe with his eyes, and gave him a helpless smile: “After they discovered the Yin Qi structure, this was the reaction.”

“Can the instrument really detect Yin Qi?”

Zhu Cong whispered in surprise.

Nodding cleanly: “Of course you can, you have to believe in science.”

He didn’t feel how strange it was for a Taoist priest to say this. He began to promote the beauty of science to Zhu Cong: “I never knew the reason why different talismans have different effects, but now we find that they are different. The patterns of the Talisman in the Aura are different in the state of aura, and the reason why the Talisman is able to attract the Aura is because…”

“Stop, stop, I don’t understand what you said.”

Zhu Cong interrupted his long talk, as if he had seen Qinghe return to his master. In Taoist temples and believers, they said not to be superstitious. We must believe in science. The weird phenomenon you encountered actually has a scientific explanation. I will tell you something. Scenes.

When it was over, the Taoist might not have thought that his decision to place an apprentice not only didn’t make Ning Su incline to the Association of Heavenly Masters, on the contrary, he also lost his apprentice.

“To put it simply, we now have aura and yin-qi capture technology, and we have also developed some methods to deal with ghosts. We need an evil ghost to test those instruments.”

Qinghe explained that it is better not to explain, at least Zhucong seems more confused.

“Is this a demon?”

On the other side, Professor Feng asked a little worriedly, “Don’t just look a little bit fierce. When I supplemented the information, I saw a ghost movie. The ghost protagonist in it was disgusting and kind.”

“You can rest assured.”

Wu Ming stopped refilling lipstick, “We are all professional.”

He looked at the ghost with disgust: “This man, he was not a good person before he was alive. When he was a teenager, he was imprisoned for forcing his classmates. He attacked the single female passenger. The female passenger who was turned into a ghost didn’t have a long memory after claiming her life. She dared to continue to kill the living when driving a ghost car, and then she was arrested.

You said there was a need, we sent him over. ”

Seeing his expression, Ning Su suddenly had a guess: “Did you bait during the capture?”

Wu Ming’s face darkened: “Yes, I am the only one who is the most suitable.

This thing wanted to do something to me at the time. ”

He kicked the cage, and the evil spirit seemed to be afraid of him and shrank into a ball and didn’t dare to move.

Someone behind him couldn’t help but laughed, and was molested with the lady’s gangster, not knowing whose psychological shadow was heavier.

After they arrived, Ning Su and the others said there was a way to make the ghost appear. They thought it was a talisman, and they left without asking much.

Seeing that there was no investigation office, the evil spirit was supervising nearby, and became arrogant again, rampaging in the cage, threatening them from time to time.

Although he didn’t look terrified anymore, he was still a little embarrassed to touch him. Ning Su picked up the cage and put him into a small closed room.

The evil spirit originally wanted to rush out, but only to touch the wall, he drew back abruptly.

“The protection is successful.”

The doctoral student standing in front of the computer was full of excitement, “Really effective.”

“In the next step of the experiment, we wiped the tears of the bull’s eyes from their eyes, cleaned them up, helped them eliminate the sky-eye state, and experimented with the visualization equipment.”

Ning Su can’t actually see the clue, her yin and yang eyes can’t be closed, so sometimes it is not convenient.

Professor Feng’s hands trembled a little, he calmed his mind and pressed the button.

Several rays began to scan in the room, and the image of the evil spirit was fed back to the computer.

“Preliminary imaging is complete, proceed to the second step of visualization.”

Professor Feng pressed another button.

“Failure—Failure—parameter error—” The harsh warning sounded, and a distorted figure appeared in the room like a TV with unstable current. After a while, ordinary people in the entire laboratory could see it. The look of the evil spirit in the room.


The researchers who held their breaths cheered, and a smile appeared on Ning Su’s face.

“Next, you can start thinking about more things.”

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