The Female Supporting Character is Obsessed with Science

Chapter 81

Chapter 81 Stand-in world

Chapter 81

When you can’t get in touch with the outside world, you only rely on simulation to make experiments. This situation is called talking about soldiers on paper. How to make talking about soldiers on paper seem reasonable is also a science.

Underground, lighting relies on electric lights, and the only thing Ning Su can access is electricity, but this does not hinder her research.

Although she is not directly taking out an already mature energy utilization system, she can also avoid many detours through the vague knowledge in her brain.

She often forgets time when she works. The doctor is very concerned about her mental health and attributed her unwillingness to go out because of her busy schedule as post-traumatic stress disorder.

Although her performance is that after being imprisoned, she still likes to stay in a room that is not very spacious (Ning Su: that is my laboratory), but in order not to stimulate the patient’s spirit, they decided to follow her.

So Ning Su had three meals and was brought before him, often changing people to accompany her to talk, inviting her to walk around the base, at ten o’clock in the evening someone brought milk for her to finish sleeping, and found out when she woke up in the middle of the night. The adjoining room outside will definitely fall asleep with the life of a sister Bing.

She even suspected that if she was more vulnerable, these people would tell her bedtime stories and coax her to sleep.

It was just coaxing her as a cub.

Such careful maintenance is only a slight internal disturbance for me, but it has caused 020 emotions to overflow several times. Ning Su feels a little itchy, and I want to disassemble it to study how the system that he is bound to embed the emotional template. Knowing that her memory is completely blank in this regard.

However, this kind of concern also made Ning Su feel distressed. She has no psychological shadows. All she wants is to show her own value early, and then contact the core of this country as soon as possible. It is best to know how they plan to deal with Yin Chi. Wind them.

Although she is now imperviously protected, she is actually excluded from the incident. It is not that she is suspected of being a spy or something, but that she does not trust her ability enough. In the eyes of Falcon, Ning Su is an important witness who was rescued. The colored glaze that needs careful care, a little bit of force will break her into powder.

They have watched the video data in Yin Chifeng’s phone, and in order to find some flaws and handles, they also saw how the casual girl in front of him was forced to collapse step by step by the scum in the video.

Because the long-term task they received was to collect Yin Chifeng’s crimes, these people all understood how many things Yin Chifeng had committed in private, so that the imprisonment of a normal person was not the biggest of his crimes.

However, even with detailed evidence, including these videos, Yin Chifeng personally admitted to kidnapping and imprisoning.

They still have no way to subject him to sanctions. They must forbear for a while so as not to cause a counterattack from the Yin family, which will cause severe damage to the current country.

Only when everything can be solved in one blow will the country begin to take action. The current situation is a humiliation that needs to be remembered.

They had a time when their sovereignty was half-lost, so they also understand that they are dormant now just for better progress.

However, they also know that this explanation is mostly unacceptable to the victims.

The person in charge thought about telling Ning Su that these evidences might need to be sealed up and waiting to be opened in the future. He could accept whether it was crying or hysterical, and he conceived a lot of comforting words.

However, he didn’t expect it, and he didn’t use a single sentence. The woman in front of them who was treated as a Liuli doll just nodded calmly to show that she knew it.

All the words got stuck in the throat, and the person in charge smiled wryly, planning to use Plan B to praise Ning Su’s profound righteousness, and to ensure that the final result would not make her wronged.

Before his words were spoken, the other party spoke again: “Cut weeds and roots is what I want to do. It is not just a dying wind that caused a tragedy like mine.

If something hidden under water escapes because of focusing on him, isn’t it because of a small loss? ”

She showed a beautiful smile, like a sharp knife that didn’t hide her sharpness, and didn’t even intend to hide her hatred of Yin Chifeng in front of the person in charge.

Of course, after investigating what happened to the other party, this base, including everyone on the base, felt that this was a matter of course, and it was already extremely restrained not to eat meat.

However, such a girl is the calm conspiracy in the video. I don’t know where to find the chemicals. The Jedi fights back and threatens the other party to let him go.

“One more thing…” The person in charge handed her the papers hesitantly, “We suspect that the death of your parents may also be his handwriting.

We sent people to investigate the last few people your parents met before they were alive, and monitored those who worked for Yin Chifeng.

The arrest has not yet started, and I plan to wait to see if they have received any orders and arrest them at the next scene. ”

He said while carefully observing Ning Su’s situation. The doctor in the same room prepared a tranquilizer to deal with the emotional loss of control.

The other party just closed his eyes, and his voice was a little unstable: “I’ve guessed this a long time ago.”

The original owner also guessed it, that’s why she went crazy. The lover she once believed killed her parents and ruined her own life. Such a dark reality does not blame the other party for choosing to escape.

Ning Su had no intention of evaluating whether the suicide of the original owner was cowardly or something else. She only had to conform to her heart and choose to avenge the original owner.

The reason for waiting for the time is not limited to what she just said. Ning Su has to wait, and another reason is that she is waiting for Shi Lengyan’s child to be born.

She is also curious about the young genius who knows she can talk at the age of six months, and can play computer prosperously at the age of three.

“If they can, I really want them to experience what has happened to’I’ and taste the pain I have experienced.”

The woman in front of her is smiling, her smile is not at all warm, her eyes are full of murderousness.

Although it’s an old saying that it’s an old saying, but the person in charge must stop it. He dryly admonished: “Miss Ning, lynching is illegal.”

When he saw the other party raising his lips and laughing sarcastically, he couldn’t help but flushed his face. This sentence felt especially wrong to the victims of lynching.

“I know, of course I know.”

Ning Su understood very well, “The brave who killed the dragon had better not become the dragon.

Can we talk about another topic now? ”

I just came to inquire about the psychological status of the rescued important witnesses. I didn’t expect to be witnessed to a document of no less than 20 pages. The person in charge bowed his head blankly. The first line of characters is “On the improvement and promotion of solar energy technology.” ,What is this?

The person in charge forced himself to read the first part of the introduction of solar energy, which he could still understand, and when it came to technical issues later, his eyes were smeared.

After reading the entire paper in silence, he felt that he still wanted to choose a five-kilometer trail running. The full pages of the text were recognized separately, and they didn’t know what they meant together.

“Miss Ning, this…” The person in charge stopped talking.

“I hope you can hand in this information,” the delicate-looking woman lowered her eyes, showing three points of fragility for no reason. “When I was imprisoned, I could only see the sun. Some information on this aspect, so interested.

After escaping, these days, I have sorted out what I wanted, hoping to have a professional who can take the time to take a look. ”

She stopped, and the person in charge had fully understood that this was the spiritual pillar of her dark days. Now she just wanted to verify her thoughts during that period. The doctor behind her was also staring at him desperately. He couldn’t help but nodded again and again: “No problem, Miss Ning, I’ll pass it up for you.”

This information, even if it is completely fanciful, he is willing to apply to help the other party send it to the professor of Imperial Capital University.

They can’t even dream of it. This is just the strategy of the woman in front of them. Appropriate showing of weakness can achieve the goal, without the need to invade other people’s computers through the system.

She didn’t need to do much, and the rhetoric could be imperfect. The books that the original owner read could not be clearly seen in the surveillance, and it was impossible to sneak into the villa just to see what books Yin Chifeng bought for the original owner.

Moreover, after learning about the things the original owner had experienced, the group of people wore a ten-meter-thick filter in their eyes. Ning Su fully understood that he was being filled into a pitiful situation by his brain. As long as he bowed his head and did not look at them, he would be caught Imagine hurting yourself.

Ignoring the news that the interstellar audience boasted that her acting skills had improved compared to the first world, Ning Su returned to the laboratory refreshedly.

As long as the paper can pass through the hands of the person in charge and reach the hands of any professional, she believes that no one will miss such a project. As long as it is put in the hands of knowledgeable people, they will understand this information and their own. The value of the author.

Such thoughts only lingered in his mind for a while, and after Ning Su had a few conversations with the system, he plunged into the use of wind energy.

Treating the dialogue with the system as if Ning Su was talking to himself, and maybe even imagined a person to accompany him because of imprisonment, the doctor worriedly wrote it down on the observation notebook. It seems that applying for a psychiatrist’s place is urgent.

As expected by Ning Su, her paper was indeed delivered to professionals. Although it may be just a layman’s fantasy, considering her experience, the recipients are willing to help such a trivial young man. busy.

The entrusted professor is an expert in the field of new energy. He originally put the paper together with the papers of the students he led because of favors. He did not think about what kind of high-level theory he could see. The person who sent it said implicitly. You only need to read it once and pick out a few mistakes. It sounds unreliable.

I hope that the whole article is not faulty.

The professor put on his glasses and thought.

He set aside a morning to deal with the thesis. After reading the student’s paper, he rubbed his temple tiredly and sent all the questions to the student. Then he took a sip of tea, calmed down, and opened the information.

Unexpectedly, he didn’t see the paper that was full of errors and omissions. On the contrary, he saw a rigorous, theoretically supported, and perhaps feasible report.

The professor’s expression became serious. He no longer regarded this paper as a task to be done hastily. He read it carefully from beginning to end.

That’s right, this is indeed an extremely valuable document. If the information in this document is truly feasible, the use of solar energy can take a big step forward.

How could the person who sent such information didn’t know the importance at all, and almost caused him to misunderstand it?

The professor’s hand trembled slightly, wishing to call back now and scold the other side regardless of friendship.

Waiting for the tutor to finish watching the students who were mentoring him, I saw the professor’s excitement, worried about what the other party was getting angry, and was almost ready to get the medicine, I saw my always serious tutor can’t wait to call, his voice was full of anger, as if What author do you want to see.

He heard his tutor’s voice soften again, gentle and drizzle, an attitude he had never seen before.

“Did you really write this article by yourself?

I don’t mean anything else, just want to make sure…you are thinking about it alone…are you coming to the Imperial Capital University?

…Hey, there is still a wind energy paper I guess I haven’t finished writing…Where are you, can I come over?


The graduate student watched his tutor hang up the phone with a smile on his face, turned his head to look at him, and instantly changed back to his original expression, really, unabashedly disgusted.

He held his paper and wept silently.

Ning Su’s mood also improved a lot, and her treatment at the base instantly reached a new level, and she often felt that they treated themselves like a national treasure.

Thinking of the black-and-white dumplings, she smiled again: In fact, there is nothing wrong with becoming a national treasure again.

This was the first good news for today, and then she got the second good news. Miao Bing sent a text message saying that before the night rest, just looking for it at random, the searcher reacted to a certain place. .

She also said that she had found the stone-like thing through the explorer, and when the mission was over, she would bring it back to Ning Su and let Ning Su wait for her to return.

Ning Su replied with a text message that asked her not to worry, and she didn’t know if the other party saw it.

Her good mood lasted for two full days, and then she received a bad news.

The woman’s face was as deep as water, she looked at the photo Yin Chifeng posted on her blog, and smiled angrily: “Okay! He is so good!”

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