The Female Supporting Character Ran Off With The Bun

Chapter 85

Chi Ying fell asleep for three days and three nights.

In these three days, “Green Sun” premiered and “Assassination” killed the youth.

The whole world was full of flowers and flowers, but she was not crowned.

Chi Ying was lying on the cold bed and had a long dream.

That was her memory of the past.

Cold and unfamiliar, but for a long time.

In the early summer of the age of eight, the breeze crowed and the camphor beside the street flourished.

She was wearing a white floral dress, carrying a less heavy school bag, humming her song gently, and was on her way home from school.

Everything seemed sparse and usual until it passed a fork.

Suddenly there were several grown-ups in the alley, fierce-faced, and frankly took her away.

She’s just a cowardly little girl. Compared with them, she has great strength and has no room to resist.

Soon, they clipped her hands behind her back and stuffed her mouth with a drug-soaked towel.

She struggled whimpering, with intermittent tears in her red eyes.

At that time, he was only a sixteen-year-old boy, with a straight and straight face and thin lips.

It looks cold and cold, but the fists and legs are sharp.

The adults who kidnapped her were much stronger than him, but he rescued her unharmed and kept him tightly behind him.

The smell of the teenager was so refreshing and good that she couldn’t help crying, her worries and emotions spread in her heart.

The other day brought a sharp weapon and the teenager was injured. He managed to stop them, and frowned to let her go.

She nodded with tears, ran home in a panic, her heart beating, and she could not calm for a long time.

Later, those adults never stopped her again.

She walked that road again and again, remembering the thrilling scene that day, and the cold face of the teenager.

She was so young, where did she know what love was, but she had the girl’s initial shyness and ignorance.

The teenager lives in the same neighborhood as her and is close to her. From the yard, the corner not far ahead is his home.

The family’s anonymity of her eventually affected her psychology.

Perceiving her delicate mind, she summoned the courage to say thank you to him, and never had the courage to approach.

She had to hide behind a creeper-covered wall and watch him secretly.

Seeing him wearing a blue high school uniform next door, and a clean white shirt without any folds.

The breeze in the early morning, the sunset in the evening, the green creeper, the cool and handsome teenager, all her childhood memories.

Until two years later, the teenager took the college entrance examination.

The streets were talking about how important that exam was. She also learned from the girl in the class, folded a glass bottle of paper stars, and prepared to give him the best wishes.

But when he was in the morning light, his back appeared upright at the door of the villa, and his family also appeared.

He bent down and got into a luxurious car.

She pursed her lips and silently put the glass bottle back in her bag.

In the early morning of June, the cicadas gradually started, and the vehicle slowly drove away.

She thought it was just a bland separation, but never thought that this was the last time he appeared in this neighborhood.

The courtyard around the corner was never taken care of by the grandfather in uniform, and it was overgrown with grass.

He has since disappeared into her world without any news.

She was only ten years old that year, an age that could not even distinguish between t and p.

She only knew that he had gone to college, and she couldn’t wait to go to college.

She is smart and quiet, and works quietly. Under the strict education of Jing Zheng, the elementary school jumped two levels in succession to the best middle school in the city. Before the second day of school was over, she made another decision to take the entrance examination one year in advance.

Because he wants to walk with him, but understands the gap between them, so he takes time.

She is young and immature, her idea is not so mature, but she is truly outstanding and gradually grows.

She saw the news about him again in the C City Evening News.

He is still studying in the university, he is already a man of the city.

For the first time, she knew his name, and for the first time, he was the grandson of Lu.

No one will not know Lu Shi, no one will not know Eurotime. A mythical business empire.

His noble identity was far beyond her expectation, and she was just a girl whose family was no one willing to make public.

She may not catch up with him in her life.

They have never been a person in the world.

So hot summer, she buried herself in the sultry quilt, and kept crying.

On her transcript of the middle school entrance examination at hand, she clearly printed the proud results of going to any high school in the province.

After crying, she was still reconciled.

The family couldn’t pave the road, why couldn’t she make a way out of the thorn bushes herself.

She faced her strengths and demands, and finally decided to take the art test.

In order to leave her a choice, Jing Zheng did not neglect the cultivation of her art from an early age.

It’s not too late.

So she spent more than a thousand days in her life.

She cropped his photos carefully from the magazine and secretly clipped them into the book.

Moonlight falls coldly and coldly every night when she is struggling, and she never feels lonely, her eyes fixed and firm.

Every morning when the morning light was faint, she ran round and round around the playground, and the morning stars in the sky suddenly dim.

She didn’t know why she had such a stubborn character. When she was ignorant, she took him as the goal of life, and when she looked back suddenly, she had taken him as the full meaning of life.

She experienced a lonely art test, wandered through countless cities, and finally entered the nation’s best film school with the first score in both culture and art.

When she received the offer, she was only fifteen.

Not many people used Weibo that year. After she scored, she appeared in the C City Evening News as a genius girl.

She lined the two newspapers together and smiled purely brilliantly.

This is the closest she has been to him in all these years.

Later, she went to college.

She is as outstanding as ever, winning a three-year national award, and her future looks bright.

He returned to China after studying abroad and participated in the management of the family business for the first time. In just two years, he made remarkable achievements.

When she was a junior, he had become the youngest president of Eurotime Group.

He began to appear in the news media, no longer in a school uniform, but in a suit.

She found that girls all over the world were talking about him, and their tone was full of covetousness and covetousness.

The sourness was as turbulent as if to drown her.

She had no other choice but to continue to work hard so that she could appear in front of him in the best possible way and have the opportunity to stand by him.

She finally waited until that day.

On the eve of the senior year, he hosted a dinner at the school.

At that banquet, the director of Eurotime booked her as the female lead of the new drama.

She didn’t feel much joy, just looking for him in the bustling crowd.

When she saw him, she covered her eyes and burst into tears.

He was in a straight black suit with a light brow and indifferent eyes, and his whole body was full of breathless fields.

She wanted to toast with him, but her steps were so heavy that her words were stuck in her throat.

He was rumored to never say a word to a woman.

He should have forgotten her long ago. In his world, they are just one side.

What’s more, she was eight years old that year.

For the first time, she found that her feelings were so humble and ridiculous.

In her hesitant moment, he had been surrounded by elites in suits and leather shoes and left.

She couldn’t remember how many times he had watched him leave.

She hated her weakness, her tears flashed, and she followed.

That night, he went to a Chi’s hotel.

She drank alone, stunned, and pulled a whole floor of electric switches late at night.

Then, with 120,000 points of courage, he knocked on the door of his room.

The darkened rooms and walkways were dark and dim, and the moonlight did not penetrate through the thick walls.

She couldn’t see his face, but he was slender and erect, more than a head taller than her.

He is the deity in her mind.

Soon after she was an adult, she didn’t know much about that kind of thing.

Both physically and mentally, it is pure like a crystal jade.

She knew he was drunk, his eyes blurred, and a faint scent of wine.

She hooked his neck nervously and tiptoe.

The lips gently touched his throat, and his warm tongue tipped awkwardly and licked.

She was afraid he pushed her away and closed her eyes wryly.

His throat knot trembled noticeably, and his body gradually became stiff.

His big hand covered her waist and hugged horizontally.

She opened her eyes in the dark, her boneless hands clutching the placket on his chest, her heart beating like thunder.

Then she was gently placed on the bed, and he bullied him closer.

The dark eyes were as deep as the sea, and the emotions that she had never seen before were surging.

The water of excitement glowed in her shiny eyes, shaking her hands, and touching the hot, hard body under him. Thing.

Her movements were jerky and slow, but she was the most moving stir.

His breathing began to be disturbed, and a hot breath sprayed her neck, and she sank in the crispness of numbness.

She looked up and kissed his lips. She has no experience, she just wants some water. It was the tip of his tongue that first plunged into her little mouth, tangling.

In the lingering kiss, he slowly took off her clothes, and her movements were no more familiar than hers, but extremely gentle.

With a big hand, she touched every inch of sensitive skin on her body. With the hot temperature, the shivering pleasure was beyond words.

She was a girl, but realized what conquest was.

He was calm and restrained, but lost control because of her.

He was quiet and groaning because of her gasping.

She touched under his suit shirt, fatal and **** texture.

He arrived at her sensitive place and asked nervously and dumbly. She nodded hesitantly and hugged him tightly.

For the first time, she was so painful that she lost her consciousness, hugged him tightly, bit her lip and wept softly.

Continuous tears fell down her face, but there was only one thought in her mind.

I like you.

I become myself today.

It’s all because of you.

Waking up in the morning, like another generation.

She leaned slightly to the side, and the pain and discomfort in her lower body prevented her from neglecting it.

His sleeping face was beautiful, and she had no time to admire. Chi Yu called and told her that her mother was critically ill.

She wanted to wait until he woke up, she had a lot of things to tell him, but she couldn’t help it.

In the end, she left contact information with the hotel’s pen and paper.

She wanted him to come to her.

But she looked eager to wear, and did not wait for his call.

Her heart became colder and heavier.

Jing Zheng recovered and returned home, at the same time, two bars appeared in the pregnancy test stick, she burst into tears.

Either she is captive or crazy, he is her spiritual support and all her beliefs.

She was so happy to conceive his child.

She quit school irrevocably and gave up all opportunities.

Renovating the villa that had lived in childhood, concealing everyone outside Chiyu, living and living in another city.

Pregnant in October, the endless pregnancy response, she forced to pass.

On the day of childbirth, she rushed to grab the sheets, lonely and painful.

When she watched a brand new little life sleep in the cradle, she suddenly realized.

All her self-movement was a mistake.

Although she is excellent, but she has no ability to raise him, she does not even sign a brokerage company.

In a family of Lu’s size, she left his child without authorization, and she felt panicked.

Then came the cold shoulders of grandpa and father.

She became depressed, like a crumbling flower.

She was eventually diagnosed with postpartum depression and completely lost the courage to face the world.

Since then, her life track has started to develop in a bad direction.

She worked hard to be a qualified mother and gave Chi Cheng all the love and tenderness, but did not return to school or work.

Chi’s family business lost for years, until Chi Cheng was bankrupt at the age of seven, with numerous liabilities.

The family was in chaos, the creditors hired the underworld to break through the threshold, and they could not even find a place to sacrifice.

Chiyu looked astonished, and his chin was filled with blue stubble.

Chi Cheng also lost weight at a rate visible to the naked eye.

She knew she shouldn’t go to him, but she couldn’t afford Chi Cheng’s asylum.

She didn’t expect to know each other, she just hoped that he would raise Chi Cheng to grow up.

Eurotime headquarters.

Same office, same floor-to-ceiling windows.

Obviously it is not winter, but the sun is so cold, showing the deep coldness.

The girl sat on the president’s chair and smiled happily.

She waved the bright ring on her slender fingers and told her that she was engaged to him.

In that world, her name was Shu Bai, and that year was already a star in the entertainment industry.

She couldn’t describe the mood at that moment, her hands and feet were cold, and the sky turned.

As if tens of thousands of daggers were pierced into the heart, shattering her dreams of dreams that have been big since childhood.

She couldn’t stay any longer, turned and left, tears rushing out of her eyes.

In the hazy sight, she saw his proud and upright back.

She called his name, and her voice was dry and hoarse, soft and pleasant.

He didn’t stop, and soon disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Her heart was cold and broken, and when she swallowed tears, her remaining reason made her doubtful.

The girl’s exquisite makeup is similar to her seven points.

If there weren’t that many coincidences in this world, she might have a blood relationship with her.

She asked her family, but they shook their heads.

She lowered her eyes, bitter in her heart.

The woman he fell in love with was like her.

Jealousy and pain were going to tear her clean, but it didn’t help.

She is no longer the best of hers. She has sharpened herself once.

But there was still a secretive expectation in her heart.

After all, they look so much.

Is it possible that he still remembers the sinking night, and that emotionally hot her.

He is going to celebrate his birthday.

On this day of the year, she is alone.

She made the last bet in her life and took Chi Cheng to find him.

It was a dark rainy night, the heavy rain was unbridled and drowned the hustle and bustle of the whole city.

Before she saw him, she was hit by a speeding car.

Chi Cheng was strongly protected in his arms.

The rain smashed the windows, and the pain drowned the consciousness.

But she faintly looked at the girl’s face, with a hatred and fierceness on her pretty face.

In the dream, she remembered how painful the body was repeatedly crushed, but it was far less than the coldness of her heart.

Maybe she had long lost her hope for life, but there was still Chi Cheng under her.

He is only seven years old.

This year his eyebrows widened, handsome and beautiful, but very quiet and quiet.

He grew into the look of his father and the victim of her paranoid love.

Rain is over. Weaving tears, smashing heavily on the cement board.

The whole world came to an end in the blood.

Later, she went to another world.

She didn’t know if she had passed by when she was dying, or if she had passed some time, it was a completely blank memory.

In that life, her family was very poor. She ate and drank, but she did not need to conceal her life. Her name was always associated with her grandmother.

Grandma treats her well and teaches her from a young age. As a girl, she must be confident and self-loving, but also strong and independent.

She became another she.

She was still clever and savvy in that life.

Her grandmother worked hard to bring her up and let her learn art.

She did not disappoint. She was scavenged by a scout at a very young age and became a close child of an old artist.

In that life, her looks were pure and beautiful, but they were not stunning. Although beautiful, they were not enough to make people remember.

She has appeared in large and small film and television dramas, and has always been popular.

This process is like a practice, her acting skills are sublimated in silence.

Gradually shocked four people, people can’t help but look away.

In that life, her emotional world was frozen.

She has a peaceful personality and is kind to others. There are many people who like her, but she can no longer like anyone.

She has met countless outstanding people, except for admiring admiration, there is no extra emotion.

Her heart was like a pool of standing water without waves.

At that time, she didn’t care because she had relatives and ideals.

But she didn’t understand why she could be an excellent actor like this.

Haven’t experienced your own sadness and joy, why can you interpret the drama life of others.

In that lifetime, she went to a deep and mysterious ancient locust forest when filming.

From the moment she stepped into the forest, her grandmother’s words sounded repeatedly in her ears.

The locust tree is yin and wood ghost, ominous.

She doesn’t believe in ghosts and goddesses, and the crew’s location is in Shenlin, so she can’t evade.

Then she met a fortune teller.

He was very old, but his bones were tough, and he sat cross-legged in the cold mountains.

There are few tourists here and he can’t make much money.

In the dream, she found that she could no longer see the appearance of the old gentleman, and only remembered that he had vicissitudes but squinting eyes.

I don’t know how many times I have seen the change of the Spring and Autumn Period, the world reincarnate.

She was crying a total of three times outside the show.

Master, grandma, and when she left.

She cried quietly, her crystal tears covering her face silently.

There were still many regrets when she left.

She didn’t have time to repay her gratitude or to realize her life ideals.

Too late to love someone.

When the electrocardiogram was beating weakly and gradually straightened, the scene began to mottle.

Her consciousness gradually became clear, but she could not open her eyes and could not wake up.

She explained the laws of everything and the law of reincarnation.

But she knew that her previous life had really come back.

That book may record her past world from another angle.

She and Shen Jin have always been confused, why would Lu Jingyan dream of something he had never experienced before.

His post-traumatic stress disorder seemed to be missing, and now she knew it.

He may have witnessed the car accident and saw her most embarrassed and unbearable.

Seeing her as a failed mother, she was weak and incapable of protecting even a child.

She didn’t know if she was crying or not, a huge sadness enveloped her chest.

She would rather it was just a nightmare she had ever had.

Even if people die, they can be resurrected.

Even the mistakes you make can be repeated.

Even if her life is happy and peaceful.

Even seeing is not necessarily true.

Even if there are many misunderstandings.

Those memories are things that have actually been experienced.

She brought Chi Cheng to the world selfishly, but did not try to make him grow up safely.

He was still so small, and disappeared in this world in such a cruel way.

The deep sin oppressed her nerves, making her brain buzz and nausea.

She also told Geng Shiji that day that people should love themselves.

It turned out that she also had such a past, and also had such a bad self.

She was so emotional, she turned out to have just been hurt to protect herself.

She also seemed to understand what she was resisting every time she went to the last step with him.

For him, she became the best she and the worst she.

And the present Shu Bai is not the heroine, just as she had the intuition when she first met her. Shu Bai was weak and inferior, and his appearance was not amazing.

She had long wondered, but forgot a simple truth, there are so many people in the world with the same name and surname.

Who is the fortune teller and who is that girl? Has Lu Jingyan ever loved her? Will she fall in love with her in the future?

She had a headache, and the problems were so complicated that she didn’t want to think about anything.

She allowed her consciousness to be torn apart by pain, and fell asleep again.

On the hospital bed, Chi Ying slowly opened her eyes, her eyes were blank and empty.

The long black hair was scattered on the white pillows, and the delicate face was as pale as ice and snow, like a delicate and delicate glass.

The sun shone coldly, and the transparent liquid flowed silently in the infusion.

Lu Jingyan stayed beside the bed, lowering her eyes and holding her hand with pale blood vessels tightly.

Feeling the slightest movement, he raised his eyes, and his deep voice was full of miserable joy: “Are you awake? I’ll call the doctor.”

Woke up?

This world seems like an unreal dream.

Zhuang Zhoumeng Butterfly. Is she in the book or is this worldly. Is it in previous lives or in this life?

Her mind was chaotic, like a thin piece of loose sand, unable to gather.

Only the beating of her heart reminded her that she was still alive.

Chi Ying slowly tilted her head.

Lu Jingyan seemed to have not rested for a long time, his figure was cleared a few points, and his eyes were black and blue.

He seemed so embarrassed because of her.

It is a pity that at this time, he is not only the forbearance and restraint, paranoid to pay for her, to resist all the malicious men in the world.

It was the one she was desperate for when the moth flew on the fire.

Those emotions may be strange and distant, but actually appeared in her left chest.

Chi Ying closed her eyes in pain, and her mind flashed the illusions of previous life.

There was a dull pain in the heart.

She didn’t look at him, her voice very soft and weak: “I want to stay for a while.”

She had no temperature, and her voice was cold, as if she had lost all emotions.

Lu Jingyan straightened his back stiffly and whispered, “You need to take care.”

He didn’t know what happened, but her changes scared him.

Chi Ying’s eyelashes fluttered very lightly, repeating numbly and mechanically: “I want to stay for a while.”

His throat knot slipped slightly, with confusion and pain hidden in his eyes: “OK.”

The ward fell into suffocating silence again.

The drop of medicine drops slowly in the hanging bottle.

Lu Jingyan said in a dumb voice: “I haven’t done anything to regret you during the time you left.”

She didn’t seem to hear it, silently looking at the branches outside the window, her eyes empty and scattered.

“When you need me, you ring the bell.”

Lu Jingyan’s eyes were low, and he got up and left.

The door closed slightly, making a clicking noise.

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