The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 100: Embroiderer (22)

As soon as Lin Dan and Du Ruyan arrived at the temporary residence of the eldest prince, they smelled a strong smell of blood. The eldest prince's arms and legs were wrapped in gauze. Obviously, he was also injured. Du Rusong was lying on the couch, only wearing a robe, and an arrow was stabbed into his open chest.

Lin Dan stopped for a moment and dared not to go forward. She had never seen such a scene before, but an inexplicable sense of familiarity emerged from the bottom of her heart. It seemed that she had faced the same thing a long time ago, and the ending must be very tragic. That was why she was so resistant and timid now.

Du Ruyan was one step slower than her, but she had already seen the situation in the room. She immediately rushed over, but only knelt down by the bed and cried hysterically, not daring to touch her brother at all.

With red eyes, Du Rusong said word by word, "Yan, you have to be strong. When your brother is gone, you must listen to my aunt and Miss Lin."

Hearing her brother's last words, Du Ruyan cried even harder and said out of breath "Brother, you broke your promise! When you left the capital city, you swore to take good care of me. When you entered the military camp, you also swore that you would take me back one day and let me live a good life. You are lying! I don't want to go back to the Capital City and I don't want a good life either. I just want you to live! Brother, now life is very good. We don't worry about food and clothing. We are a family. Can't we just be together? Brother, don't leave me alone. I'm afraid… Waah… Waah… "

Du Rusong closed his eyes, his heart filled with helplessness. He had never wanted to die. He had always wanted to be with the one he loved, but God didn't allow him to do so. What could he do?

The doctor saw that Du Rusong's body was shaking more and more violently, and it was obvious that his heart was unstable because of sadness. He quickly persuaded, "Don't cry, your brother's wound is too close to the meridians, and he needs to maintain a stable mood. The arrow hasn't been pulled out, and he will be fine for the time being."

Du Ruyan immediately wiped her tears and promised, "I won't cry. I won't cry anymore. Brother, don't cry!"

Du Rusong couldn't bear to see this, so he closed his eyes and tried to adjust his breath.

It was not until Lin Dan recovered from her trance that she stepped forward and called Mr. Du in a hoarse voice.

Du Rusong immediately opened his eyes and looked at her greedily. Then he forced a weak smile and said, "Miss Lin, don't call me Mr. Du in the future. Can you just call me Rusong?"

Du Ruyan lowered her head and clenched her fists, trying not to cry. Who knew whether her brother would have a future? This might be his last wish in his life.

"Okay," nodded Lin Dan. It seemed that this was not enough, so she added, "You can call me Lin Dan."

Du Rusong smiled more happily and said word by word, "but I want to call you, Dan is that okay?"

"Okay, you can call me whatever you want. Even if you want to call me Dan, I won't object." Lin Dan agreed without hesitation. At this moment, no matter what unreasonable request Du Rusong made, she would nod.

Du Rusong put his hand on his chest and laughed happily. Although Miss Lin always looked serious and didn't have much sense of humor, every word she said could make him happy. At the first sight of her, he thought she was very cute, but after that, he was deeply obsessed with her day by day.

However, he could never talk to her about this extreme desire, because he could not take care of her. What else could he say except for bringing her trouble?

"Dan, later, ask the eldest prince to hand over the several women from japan who were locked up in the woodshed to you. They are proficient in the techniques of imperial silk and can make more beautiful cloth than the Shujin. Take them back and study hard. In the future, you can develop the business of the embroidery shop. Sooner or later, you can open the embroidery shop to the capital city, and you can also support the Lins…"

The eldest prince's heart skipped a beat. Only then did he understand why Du Rusong insisted on saving those women from japan and took them out of the prison at the risk of hiding the enemies. It turned out that he did it all for his beloved girl.

Seeing that Du Rusong's voice became lower and lower and his expression became more and more difficult. Lin Dan hurriedly stopped him, "Stop talking. Lie down and have a rest." then she turned to the old doctor and asked, "Doctor, how is his injury? Can it be cured?"

"It can be cured, but it's difficult. If we can penetrate the arrow from the side of his chest at a very fast speed and a very stable force without hurting his heart, we can cure it."

"You want to stab the arrow into my brother's body again? Can't you pull it out?" asked Du Ruyan. She didn't understand the structure of the arrow at all, so she asked a silly question.

The old doctor took out an arrow, pointed at the triangular arrowhead with a hook, and said "Look, this is the structure of the arrowhead. If you pull it out, these barbs will pierce into Mr. Du's flesh. If you pull it out, it will also be equivalent to digging a blood hole in his body. I'm afraid that there is no way to protect the heart within an inch. If you stab it inside, it won't cause more injuries. If you are lucky, you can avoid bones and blood vessels. Therefore, the most feasible treatment is to pierce the body I can cure the skin and flesh wound as well as the heart and meridian damage. Even if God comes, he can't cure it."

Only then did Du Ruyan understand her brother's situation. The cold sweat on her back soaked through her spring clothes.

"Then pull out the arrow as soon as possible. It's not good to leave the arrow in the wound.".Lin Dan said.

The eldest prince had expected this, so he said immediately, "I've sent someone to look for the soldiers with great strength, steady hands, and good mentality in the army. Once we find them, we'll start to pull out the arrows."

He and Du Rusong were best friends, and he was saved by him. It was difficult for him to calm down and pull out an arrow for him. The old doctor was too old to do it, so he could only ask for help from an outsider.

"You can go out first. Don't worry." Du Rusong looked at Lin Dan and pleaded, "Dan, take Ruoyan out first. Don't be afraid. People will die sooner or later, which is inevitable. You are strong, but Ruoyan isn't. Can you take care of her for me?"

With the help of Lin Dan, He didn't need to worry about his sister's collapse at all. She was strong, rational, warm, and reliable. She would definitely help his sister out of the haze of death.

Ruyan was too weak to stand up. She wanted to cry but dared not. She could only hold her brother's hand tightly as if she could not bear it.

"I'll pull out the arrows. Let's start now," Lin Dan said firmly

"What did you say?"Du Rusong was stunned.

"I said I'll pull out the arrows for you. We're starting now." Lin Dan slowly rolled up her sleeves.

Du Rusong gritted his teeth and said, "Dan, don't make fun of me. Get out now!" He would never let his beloved pull out the arrow. If he died, what kind of shadow would the person who killed him leave? Would he be trapped in the mud that killed him and would never be able to get out?

He hoped that Lin Dan could live a peaceful and happy life for the rest of her life, even if she completely forgot him. Everyone could do it, except her. Thinking of this, he looked at the eldest prince and pleaded, "Your Highness, please take them out."

Just as the eldest prince was about to say yes, Lin Dab had crushed a teacup and said slowly, "Is that okay?" as long as she pulled out this arrow, she could save a person. There was a voice in her heart telling her to do so. What she wanted to pull out seemed not only this arrow but also a thorn. She didn't know where it came from, but it made her particularly sad.

No matter what, she wanted to save the man in front of her and pull out the arrow in front of her, no one could stop her.

Seeing the eldest prince staring at her blankly, she took out a silver ingot from her arms and kneaded it into various shapes. She asked calmly, "How about this?"

"Okay!" before the eldest prince could speak, the old doctor had already clapped the board. "Let this girl pull out the arrow. I think she can do it!"

The eldest prince came to his senses and shouted, "Guards, catch Mr. Du. Don't let him move."

Poor Du Rusong was caught by several tall and strong guards before he could react. After climbing to the bed, she pressed the arrow tail with one hand and fumbled carefully on the back of the injured with the other hand. She thought about where to pull the arrow out so that it wouldn't hit the bone. If the arrow was stuck in the bone crack, she would be doomed.

Fortunately, she seemed to be very clear about the structure of the human body and knew more about how to deal with this kind of arrow injury. After exploring for a while, she had already had a constitution. She said slowly, "Rusong, I will count three numbers later and pull out the arrow. Bear it."

Du Rusong gritted his teeth and shook his head, "You shouldn't get involved in this matter. It has nothing to do with you whether I'm alive or dead."

"I won't get involved in some things, but I have to get involved in some things." she said decisively, "I'm counting, one…"

As soon as she finished speaking, she pressed her palm hard. The arrow passed through Du Rusong's chest with a fast speed and came out from his back. It was firmly grasped in her hand and pulled out neatly. The whole process was completed in the blink of an eye, which shocked everyone present.

The eldest prince was speechless.

Even Du Rusong himself was a little stunned. He felt a sharp pain suddenly rise and then ended in an instant so that he didn't even have time to groan.

The old doctor was the first to come to his senses. He craned his neck to look at the back of the injured person and said happily, "Okay, okay, okay. This arrow was pulled out too quickly. There is only a small hole in the back, which did not cause a great loss of blood. Hurry up and bring the hemostatic and cloth. I'll bind up the wound for the patient. If Mr. Du doesn't have a fever tonight, this barrier will be gone."

Du Ruyan collapsed on the ground and struggled to get up after a while. She hugged Lin Dan, crying and laughing. She said she loved her so much.

Du Rusong looked up at Lin Dan with a complicated expression. He didn't know whether he should cry or laugh. Lin Dan looked down at him with a brilliant smile. She pulled out this arrow and saved a person. The scar in her heart seemed to be slowly healing…

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