The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 118: Miracle Doctor (2)

Lin Dan is not the original owner. She is neither arrogant nor paranoid. If she leaves Xue's house to live outside alone, she doesn't have to worry about being noticed and causing a lot of trouble. She still has a sum of money in her hand, which is enough for her to live a stable life. In addition, she has craftsmanship and can fully support herself.

Although she has lost her memory, when she thinks about how to make a living, many choices will naturally appear in her mind, such as being a cook, such as joining the army, such as embroidery. These skills seem to have penetrated into her soul, and no matter how many times she changes her identity, it will not disappear.

However, when she reached the back corner door, she stopped. Xue Boyong was paralyzed to save her. If she left, what would he do? Will he be able to stand up for the rest of his life? Can he still realize his revenge and dreams?

Lin Dan is a person with clear grievances and love and righteousness. The original owner could leave without worry, and leave everything behind to live a new life, but she couldn't. Even if she leaves here, she still lives in the mansion that the Xue family bought for her, and she still spends the money that the Xue family prepared for her. How can she feel at ease? Now, the original owner is her, she is the original owner, she has to repay the kindness owed by the original owner, and she has to pay for the sins the original owner has done. This is a responsibility she cannot shirk.

"I'm not leaving." She turned around and walked towards the main courtyard.

"What did you say? Come back to me!" The maid in charge of sending her off was stunned.

Lin Dan walked very fast. Due to the prestige of the original owner, the servants he met on the way were puzzled, but they didn't dare to stop him. When she passed through the hanging flower gate and was about to arrive at the main courtyard, she heard cries coming from inside, and a woman said helplessly: "Mrs. Wen, I don't want to do this either, but my Qingfang is only fifteen years old. How could I have the heart to send her over to be a widow? What would you do if your daughter encountered such a thing?"

Mrs. Xue didn't speak for a long time, but the old lady sighed and said weakly: "That's all, there are unforeseen circumstances, people have disasters and blessings, and my Boyong is this fate, no one can be blamed. We will return the Gengtie and the marriage certificate to us. You, you go back."

Before the woman could be happy, Madam Xue Wenshi said harshly: "Why can't you blame anyone? Boyong will be like this, the most blamed is that bitch of the Lin family, the second is the master, and the third is you. If you listened to my advice earlier and sent her out, Boyong would never be where she is today. My poor son, you lost your legs, your official position, and even your daughter-in-law, what would you do with the rest of your life? Been…"

Sorrowful cries were constantly heard from the room, the old lady kept silent, as if reflecting on her, that the woman who came to break off the engagement repeatedly comforted her and was very embarrassed.

Hearing this, Lin Dan didn't hesitate anymore, pushed the door and walked in, knelt down and said, "Old lady, I'm not leaving, please let me stay."

"You still have the face!? Zhou Da's family, kick her out!" Mrs. Xue immediately forgot to cry.

The woman standing beside her looked at Lin Dan with both curious and contemptuous eyes, and obviously also knew about this aunt's bad behavior.

The old lady closed her eyes and sighed: "What if you don't leave? Our family has already done everything for you. Your father saved my son's life, and my grandson lost a pair of legs to save you, and we don't owe anyone. Who, let it be like this. You can save the five hundred taels of silver, or use it to buy fields and hoard land, and you won't have to worry about it for the rest of your life."

Lin Dan silently kowtowed three times and said slowly, "The Xue family did not treat me in any way, but you are wrong to say that we have both settled. If the general hadn't brought me back to raise me, I would have already died. At the border, this is the first life you gave me, which is offset by the kindness of my father. Big brother helped me block the horse's hooves. This is the second life you gave me. I haven't paid it off yet. How can I leave? What? After all, I owe the Xue family more."

When the words fell, Lin Dan kowtowed three more times and continued: "My father and my mother are both descendants of a medical family, I will definitely find a way to cure the eldest brother. If it is not cured, I will be responsible for taking care of the eldest brother for the rest of his life, no one will be there. If you are willing to marry him, I will marry him! I beg the old lady to do it!"

The old lady finally opened her turbid eyes, looked straight at her, and said in a trembling voice, "If you've always been as sensible as you are now, why would you be so troubled now! It's too late, it's too late!"

Lin Dan kowtowed again and said firmly: "It's a matter of human beings. As long as you have the will, no matter when you start to change, it will never be too late. Old lady, please let me stay. If I step out of this threshold today, I will leave the eldest brother alone. Next, I'll be stuck in it for the rest of my life. My brother gave me this life, and I'll just give it back to him!"

Seeing her determined expression, the old lady was stunned, and it was difficult to make a decision for a while.

Madam Xue jumped up to beat her and scolded: "You mourning star, you want to stay in our family in the name of Boyong, don't you? You are reluctant to be rich and rich here, and you are reluctant to be the daughter of the general's mansion. I'm even more reluctant to Jiming, right? I won't let you do what you want, get out of here!"

Lin Dan didn't avoid or resist, just stared straight at the hall. Her current expression was very similar to that of General Xue, who was brave and fearless and died in battle and instantly brought back many memories of the old lady. The old lady didn't dare to look again, didn't dare to think any more, closed her eyes and thought for a long time, finally unable to wave her hand: "Well, if you want to stay, then stay, but don't forget what you said today. , if something goes wrong again, I will have someone send you away immediately!"

In the end, it was the child that he raised with his own hands, and the old lady was willing to give him another chance. She didn't hold out hope that her grandson could be cured. After all, Lin Dan only started studying medicine now, and it was a bit late after all.

"Thank you, old lady!" Lin Dan leaned over to give thanks, then pushed Mrs. Xue away and stood up, leaving without looking back.

Mrs. Xue's eyes were red with anger, and she asked: "Mother, why did you let this bitch stay? Do you think Boyong and Jiming have not been harmed enough by her? She is a spoiler and a white-eyed wolf, how can you support the capital? Unfamiliar!"

"Enough, give me some rest! Boyong is like this now, which girl is willing to marry him? After we leave, do you still expect his brothers, sister-in-law, and sister-in-law to take care of him? There is no one who knows the cold and the hot, how long can he last?"

"But, but that can't let Lin Dan shake his eyes! Lin Dan is the culprit who made him such a culprit!" Mrs. Xue's expression loosened slightly.

"If he can't accept it and comes to me to protest, I will naturally send Lin Dan away."

Since being paralyzed, grandson has not spoken for three consecutive months, and rarely eats or drinks. If General Xue hadn't always encouraged him or even scolded him for his incompetence, he would have killed himself long ago. He has completely isolated himself from the outside world, and Lin Dan is the main culprit that caused him to become like this. If he can react to her approach, even if it is anger and rejection, it will be a good thing.

It was with this in mind that the old lady agreed to Lin Dan's request. The old lady can't count on taking care of her grandson and treating her grandson.

Mrs. Xue seemed to have thought of this, and after a long hesitation, she waved her hand and said, "Okay, then let her try it out."

In order to heal her son's legs, Mrs. Xue had tried everything she could and even changed the imperial doctor several times, but she was still unable to recover. Up to now, she has no hope for this matter but is even more afraid that her son will not be able to pass the hurdle in her heart and hurt herself. He ate one less meal and one glass of water less every day. Madam Xue couldn't sleep because of worry, not to mention that he refused to speak for three consecutive months.

If it goes on like this, she is really afraid that if she makes the wrong eye, her son will leave forever. His eyes that were as bright as stars are now completely gone, and they are full of death. It would be a good idea to use Lin Dan to stimulate him and make him react like a living person.

Thinking of this, Madam Xue completely dismissed the idea of ​​sending Lin Dan away.

Lin Dan returned to the original owner's small courtyard, walked into a dusty miscellaneous room, looked at the mountains of medical books, and couldn't help sighing. She didn't even know how to describe the original owner. Such a stupid girl is rare in the world. When she left, she didn't take away the most precious wealth left by her parents. Instead, she only packed a few brocade clothes and jewelry. What exactly do you think?

With empty property and no craftsmanship, sooner or later, she will be impoverished and starved to death on the street…

The more Lin Dan thought about it, the more helpless he became. While sighing, he wiped the medical book clean, put it in the box, and instructed, "Help me move everything to the eldest brother's yard. I will live with the eldest brother from now on."

"Ah?" Chasing Lin Dan all the way, but the servant girl who couldn't send her away was stunned.

"I said, move all my things to my eldest brother's yard, and I want to live with him." Lin Dan repeated tirelessly.

Xue Boyong is an extremely good person. When his family's brothers surround Lin Dan and try to please him, he practiced martial arts in the martial arts field. When the brothers grew up and began to know the benefits of eating, drinking, and having fun, he had already set foot on the battlefield and made an immortal feat. He is capable of both literary and martial arts, wisdom and courage, and is the most promising young man in the Qin state, with a bright future. The current King of Qin is a hard-working and ambitious emperor, trying to conquer all sides and unify the Central Plains, and Xue Boyong is the sharpest knife in his hand.

The original owner was spoiled for being lawless and domineering, but he never dared to be presumptuous in front of him and even hid far away when he saw him. But now, she said that she would move to live with Xue Boyong, why was it not surprising? The maid was stunned for a long time before confirming: "You mean, you want to move to Xiaofeng Pavilion?"

"That's right." Lin Dan buried his head in packing.

"Okay then, I'll call a few more people to help." The maid walked out in a hurry, and after a while, she brought a group of servants in and moved all the medical books piled up to the eldest son's courtyard.

Lin Dan watched as they finished moving the medical books, making sure that nothing was missed, so he just packed up a few plain clothes and a set of the four treasures of the study, and walked to Xiaofeng Pavilion unhurriedly. From today onwards, Xue Boyong is the responsibility that she cannot shirk. If he is good, she will leave. If he is not good, she will take care of him for the rest of his life.

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