The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 146: Miracle Doctor 30

The Marchioness of Wu'an had been ill for a long time, and, having heard of Wu Xuancao’s reputation, naturally pinned her hopes on her. However, at this time, the other party had a difficult expression and was speechless for a while; she clearly had no grasp over the situation. She immediately became nervous and tentatively asked: "Xuancao, this disease of mine isn’t that serious, is it?"

Wu Xuancao immediately returned to her senses and opened her mouth with difficulty, "To answer Madam, I can't figure out your illness. I'm really sorry."

"You can't figure it out? How could that be?" The Marchioness of Wu'an had a hard time accepting reality. Her limbs had been getting more and more numb and signs of paralysis had gradually been appearing. If things continued like this, she would probably become handicapped. If one could live well, who would want to be a half-dead cripple? It was difficult for her to imagine such a scene, and the dread in her heart was even worse than the discomfort in her body.

"Please check again," she said imploringly.

Wu Xuancao could only check the pulse again, then shake her head with a solemn expression.

The rims of the Marchioness of Wu'an's eyes flushed, and tears almost fell on the spot.

In order to cover up her own embarrassment, Wu Xuancao immediately beckoned several resident physicians: "All of you, come take a look. Madam's illness is very strange. Let’s all put our heads together. Maybe we can find a solution."

Several people immediately gathered around and took turns to check the Marchioness of Wu'an's pulse. Each one’s expression was weirder than the previous. After the last one was finished, the whole room was actually completely silent. No one dared to start speaking.

No matter how slow the Marchioness of Wu'an’s reactions might be, she could see that there was a problem. She hurriedly opened her mouth, "Respected doctors, what illness do I have? Don’t be shy. Just tell me, I can accept it."

The group of people huddled together and muttered for a spell, then shook their heads and said, "Madam, it's not that we can't find out what disease you have, but that you don't have a pulse at all. This is the first time we have seen this kind of strange illness in our decades of medical practice. Without a pulse, a person should be dead, but you are still alive and well. This is truly unimaginable."

Wu Xuancao’s vision was broader than theirs, and naturally knew that not having a pulse wasn’t that odd, but she couldn't express her suspicions. If she didn’t say it, she could pretend that she couldn’t cure it and then wash her hands of the matter; if she said it and the other saw hope, wouldn’t they pester her and try to force her to treat it? She was a general surgeon, so she had no idea how to perform these types of operations. Even if she could do them, there was no way to actually implement it with the current conditions..

Thinking of this, she waved her hand regretfully: "Madam, I'm very sorry. We can't cure your illness. Please find someone more qualified. The imperial doctors in the palace are quite experienced and knowledgeable; perhaps they will have a cure."

"But the imperial doctors have already been treating me for more than a month. There has been no sign of improvement; that’s why I came to find you. If even you can't cure me, who else could I look for?" The Marchioness of Wu'an's face was full of anxiety and unease.

Wu Xuancao was left speechless, but an apprentice standing behind her murmured, "You could go across the street to Xing Lin Spring. Little Physician Lin's medical skills are very good. She may have a solution."

"Xing Lin Spring?" The Marchioness of Wu'an had been ill for quite a bit, and she hadn’t had any interest in news about the outside world. Naturally, she didn't know about Lin Dan, who had only recently gained fame.

Her maid immediately leaned close to  her ear and whispered, "To answer Madam, little Physician Lin brought a patient with intestinal ulcers back to life a few days ago and also saved a patient who was almost treated to death by Physician Zheng. For this reason, Physician Zheng has already gone far from the capital to practice outside. Little Physician Lin's medical skills should be better than Physician Zheng’s."

"Oh my. I’ve only been cooped up for two months, and such a divine person appeared in the capital? Why didn't you say so earlier!" The Marchioness of Wu'an’s hope rekindled and she immediately urged: "Hurry up and help me across the street, quickly."

The two maids promptly held onto her arms and hurried towards the opposite side, not even bothering to take another glance at Wu Xuancao.

Wu Xuancao felt extremely uncomfortable in her heart, but she still stood up and followed them over. She wanted to see how Lin Dan would treat this patient who had no pulse. Could traditional Chinese medicine really beat Western medicine? Impossible!

The apprentices and resident physicians in Xuancao Hall also followed, their faces full of anticipation.

"Which one is little Physician Lin? Little Physician Lin, please hurry and take a look at our madam. She has been ill for more than two months. Currently, she can't even walk by herself." The two maids kept scanning the inner hall and finally found her in a corner grinding the herbs.

"Oh? Bring the patient here." Lin Dan wiped her hands clean and said in a calm voice, "The light over here is brighter, which is more convenient for diagnosis."

The two maids quickly helped the Marchioness of Wu'an over. The resident physicians in Xing Lin Spring who weren’t busy stood up and surrounded the two of them in a circle. Lin Dan had recently become obsessed with concocting traditional Chinese medicine. Unless a patient was dying, she usually wouldn’t take action, so there had been fewer learning opportunities for everyone.

Now that a critically ill patient had come to the door, how could they miss out? Naturally, they rushed over to observe. Not only did the doctors of Xing Lin Spring do this, but the doctors of Xuancao Hall did as well. It could be seen that Lin Dan's medical skills had been widely recognized in the field. Conversely, Wu Xuancao’s various deeds increasingly provoked suspicion.

Lin Dan seemed to be used to the feeling of being the center of attention, and her expression was unflustered from beginning to end. The Marchioness of Wu'an, however, was a little uncomfortable, but she didn't dare to protest.

"Put your hand here." Lin Dan took out a clean pulse pillow.

The Marchioness of Wu'an immediately placed her wrist on top.

"How long have you been ill, and what are the symptoms?" She asked while probing her pulse.

The Marchioness of Wu'an answered her questions one by one, observing her expression at the same time.

The tips of Lin Dan’s brows slightly jumped up, then quickly smoothed out again, explaining, "You have pulseless disease, which is caused by a deficiency of kidney yang as well as blocked meridians. You need to replenish blood and boost your kidney yang, dissolve the blockage and clear your meridians. I will write you a prescription of Wushe* (black serpent) Decoction for you to drink first. Come back for further diagnosis in seven days." Before she had finished her sentence, she had already written a prescription and handed it to an apprentice.

Several apprentices fought for it at once, but they were interrupted* by a few resident physicians, who snatched the prescription away and studied it while grabbing the herbs, their expressions eager. The apprentices and doctors of Xuancao Hall were very envious, but they didn't have the face to make a fuss in another’s shop, so they could only watch with their eyes wide open.

*Literally, their “beard was cut off”.

The Marchioness of Wu'an said in disbelief, "Pulseless disease? Is that what this is?" This little girl was neither surprised nor confused, as if it were as ordinary as a headache or a minor fever.

Lin Dan explained in a mild-mannered tone: "Pulseless disease, also called life numb pulse*, is an innate imbalance caused by deficiencies in both the spleen and the kidneys. Madam has a deficiency of kidney yang, which causes internal yin and cold to flourish. Blood vessels congeal when they encounter cold. A deficiency of blood leads to blood flow not being smooth and circulation being slow. Over time, the veins will become obstructed and even blocked, until the pulse is as obscure as silk or even non-existent. The treatment process for this disease is very slow and requires long-term use of medicine to recover. Madam, please be at peace and do not worry."

*Describing the pulse is also a way of naming a condition. The most famous would probably be “slippery pulse,” which signifies pregnancy.

The Marchioness of Wu'an saw that her tone was ordinary, and the panic in her heart disappeared bit by bit. She touched her numb right upper limb and said hoarsely, "Can I really recover?"

"As long as you persist in taking medicine, there will be an effect." Lin Dan's tone was very calm and unhurried. For her, this type of pulseless disease was not difficult to treat.

The Marchioness of Wu'an nodded again and again: "Okay, I will definitely persist in taking medicine. Thank you, doctor!" A disease that the bystanders couldn’t see, Lin Dan could expose with a few words. If she couldn’t be believed, who else could be? Even if there hadn’t been a healing effect yet, the Marchioness of Wu'an had already been comforted by her calm and unperturbed attitude.

After sending the patient away, Lin Dan continued to grind herbs. Meanwhile, the prescription she had drawn up had already been hand-copied by several resident physicians and taken to be studied.

Wu Xuancao stealthily withdrew to outside the doorway, her heart full of skepticism, but also feeling faintly shaken. She didn't believe that Lin Dan could really cure the Marchioness of Wu'an's illness. Without sophisticated diagnostic equipment or a pulse to go by, how could she determine the root of the illness? If she could't find the root, would the prescription she formulated really work? But she looked so calm and confident, her whole body exuding a persuasive charisma. No matter how desperate a patient was, in front of her, they could only involuntarily calm down. This was an authoritative bearing that only doctors at the apex could achieve.

How long had Lin Dan been studying medicine? Were her medical skills really that superb? Wu Xuancao shook her head and said in her heart that she would wait to see the results in seven days.

Seven days later, the Marchioness of Wu'an came, as appointed, but she stepped into the threshold of Xing Lin Spring on her own, without needing a maid to support her, with a bright smile on her face. Seeing her so lively and full of energy, the doctors and apprentices in the shop were all stupefied, and the doctors and apprentices from Xuancao Hall also squeezed onto this side of the street, watching with burning eyes.

A disease that others couldn't cure for more than a month, in Lin Dan's hands, it only took seven days to see a miraculous effect. Divine, truly divine!

"Little Physician Lin, my right upper limb has recovered sensation now. It’s just that my body is still a little exhausted, so I can't stand or sit for a long time. Please quickly help me take a look. Do I have a pulse this time?" She stretched out her hand with a grin.

Lin Dan casually took the pulse, nodded, and said, "Although the pulse is weak, it has already greatly improved. There is no need to change the prescription. Continue to drink Wushe Decoction, three doses a day. I hope you will not find it too troublesome."

"It's not troublesome, not troublesome at all." The Marchioness of Wu'an waved her hands again and again with a respectful expression. For a disease that couldn't even be treated by the imperial hospital, little Physician Lin could create an improvement with just one prescription. How would she dare to ignore her instructions? If it had been a normal day, she would certainly find it unbearable to have someone show a cold face in front of her, speaking deeply and rhythmically. But when this person was replaced by little Physician Lin, she would instead feel an unending stream of security. The colder and more indifferent she was, the more she showed that the patient's illness was not a big deal. This attitude was extremely reassuring.

"Little Physician Lin, this is the consultation fee. Please accept it." She personally handed over a purse with several golden leaves tucked inside.

Lin Dan put the purse directly into the drawer and didn't even bother to look at it. If there was less money, she would not be disdainful, and if there was more, she would not be afraid, as if everything was right and proper.

This ordinary attitude of hers made the Marchioness of Wu'an feel more and more at ease, and the favorability she felt for her rose in a straight line. The group thanked her repeatedly and sent many gift boxes before leaving.

Wu Xuancao stared at the carriage going into the distance, her face alternating between red and white, extremely spectacular to behold. The Marchioness of Wu'an's condition had greatly improved, which meant that Lin Dan's diagnosis was correct. She actually cured an illness that even surgery might not necessarily be able to treat. Was traditional Chinese medicine really that magical? Or was it that the inheritance of the Lin family had its own profound mysteries?

At this moment, the desires that Wu Xuancao had stifled in her heart surged up again, but she didn't notice that the doctors and apprentices in the shop had completely changed how they looked at her. They used to have a lot of admiration for her, but now a deep suspicion had arisen in its place. Ever since Physician Zheng left, she seemed to have never treated anyone again. Did she have no time, or no ability?

Just as they were wondering about this, Xue Jiming hurried in with a comatose infant in his arms and yelled, "Xuancao, come and help!" Read the most updated version of this novel and other amazing translated novels from the original source at Novel Multiverse – “NovelMultiverse dot com”

Translator’s Notes: In this chapter, Lin Dan repeatedly treats drinking medicine as a chore or a difficult thing to endure – which, for many people, it is. However, living a healthy lifestyle on a daily basis is similarly difficult for almost everyone. This is a principle of health that is less prevalent in Western medicine. Yes, a doctor may recommend exercise and cutting back on junk food. But in traditional Chinese medicine, you’ll see more specific and even (by our standards) more intrusive “suggestions.” Some examples include: wake up at this particular time and do this specific exercise, do not get angry at your family, avoid all frozen foods and drinks, and do not walk around barefoot. (Every single example I just listed, I have personally heard a TCM physician recommend in a legitimate clinic during diagnosis.) So, in a lot of ways, we are responsible for our own illness (unless it’s congenital, infectious, or an accidental injury – such as the Marchioness of Wu’an’s illness, the plague in the second arc, or Xue Boyong’s paraplegia) – and even then, we are responsible for our own recovery. 

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