The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 42: Second To None (4)

Holding the giant sword, Lin Dan slowly walked towards He Chongling. He laughed arrogantly and said, "I've been training you for this day! Lin Dan, I will never forget you after your death.”

“Never forget” may sound like a sweet melody to the previous owner of this body, but Lin Dan looked at him coldly, unwavered by what he said. Feeling an intense aura coming from the sides, she could not see who the attacker was. With a tap of the toes, she flew forward so quickly that she avoided the aura, leaving only a deep hole that was as wide as a finger on the granite.

Seeing that Lin Dan was flying towards him, He Chongling quickly spread open his fingers to welcome her. He thought that she would obediently let him absorb her powers, but did not expect her to suddenly draw her giant sword and launch an attack.

He Chongling's strategy had failed. He did not avoid her attack, but gripped the blade with his fingers and wanted to crush the weapon. In the nick of time, he had no time to find out why Lin Dan was able to break free from the control of the spell worm and attacked him. He only wanted to shred this betrayer into a thousand pieces.

Lin Dan looked at He Chongling with an expressionless face. The vicious and raging qi within her had been converted into sword aura and instantly crushed He Chongling's fingers. The sword did not stop there and went straight into his arm before piercing his heart, instantly killing the host of the spell worm. 

He Chongling's look of arrogance stiffened. He slowly lowered his head and looked at the steel blade that was inserted in his chest, before slowly looking up at the woman whom he had never cared about and treated her like an ant.

"How dare you…" before he could finish, the qi within the blade exploded in his body with a thundershock. Wisps of blood mist sprinkled on Lin Dan's pale face, but she did not even blink.

The sect members stood around and did not dare to go forward. Nobody had thought that the sect leader would practice a forbidden technique that would turn everyone into a source of his inner force as if they were livestock kept to feed his powers. However, what surprised them, even more, was that the Left Guardian could kill him just when he was reaching the peak of his martial art abilities.

The sect leader of the Eastern Holy Sect was already a superior-rate master. After absorbing the power of a dozen of first-rate masters, he should have already been promoted to a Half-step Grandmaster. But when Lin Dan appeared, it only took her one move to send him to hell – just how powerful was Lin Dan?

Everyone looked at each other before backing away. They could feel shivers down their spines.

Lin Dan drew out the blood-stained blade and stared at He Chongling's body with her dark eyes while carrying an inexplicable expression. It was then she realized how far she had gone down in this path of eternal doom. Those who practice the Asura Sword Technique would have to bear the pain of being cut a thousand times, but when they fight and kill, the raging qi would fill their palms and weapons. As they crush their enemies, what remained in their bodies would be a steady stream of vitality. In that instant, the excruciating pain would be gone…

Killing had turned into a satisfying and enjoyable affair for Lin Dan. She could not wait to see a dozens of He Chongling appearing before her so that she could begin an endless massacre!

She enjoyed momentary peace when she took lives. This was the most horrifying thing about practicing the Asura Sword Technique. To relieve the pain within the body, the practitioner of the technique must immerse themselves in killing all the time. They would lose the ability to love, lose their humanity and turn into a killing machine over time. When they had completely lost their minds, they would also lose control of the qi of life and death. Once the balance was broken, the qi of death would take over, thus destroying their lives.

This meant that the practitioners of the Asura Sword Technique were doomed to die from the obsession.

Lin Dan closed her eyes and was feeling helpless. No wonder the old leader was willing to give this powerful technique to the original owner of this body. No wonder He Chongling who was power-hungry was not interested in practicing this technique. From the beginning, she was only given a path of no return. In their eyes, she was probably as good as dead.

But Lin Dan did not want to admit defeat. She clenched the steel blade in her hand and set a boundary in her heart – she would rather endure the immense pain than becoming an inhuman killing machine. Inability to love and being vicious were completely different concepts to her.

After straightening out her thoughts, she cut He Chongling's head and walked towards the mountain gate. All the other sect members did not dare to utter a single word. They did not stop her and followed her from behind while keeping a distance.

"M-Master, what just happened?" He Yufei, who was displaying a remarkable performance but had already been forgotten by the others, asked with a pale face. She had never expected that Lin Dan could behead He Chongling who had a huge increase in power. And while killing him, Lin Dan did not even frown or batted an eye. She was like the devil who came from hell and instilled fear in others.

Bai Yan frown slightly and muttered so softly that none could hear, "Asura… has descended…"

Lin Dan came to the gate and threw out He Chongling's sect members. She said, "This is what you asked for. I will draw a line here, keep your promise and leave now, or I will kill anyone that crosses this line! ”

Using the raging qi within her, she drew a line at her feet with her sword and created a deep ditch on the hard ground. The ferocious qi scattered near the ditch and would crush anyone who came near into dust.

One of the direct disciples who was standing in front hurriedly stepped back. He could only look at the ground after the sword aura had weakened but was horrified to see that his clothes and shoes were cut by the remnants of the qi. As blood oozed through the fabric, he realized that he was already suffering from minor injuries even without noticing.

Such silent dominance immediately instilled fear in all of the other major sects.

"A Half-step Grandmaster?" The four elders of Lianyun City asked in disbelief.

Lin Dan lowered her head after giving him a glance. With one hand behind and the other holding the steel blade, she said, "It's time for you to leave." Her feet had never crossed the line she had drawn as well. For her, it was also the boundary she had set for herself. If these people retreat immediately, she would not attack them. Otherwise, she would have no choice but to kill them.

Although the old leader and He Chongling treated the original owner of the body like a dog, the old grandmother living at the mountain gate raised her, several maids had been serving her since childhood and were loyal to her, and there were also many adopted children who were training in the back mountain. They had not accomplished anything, neither have they done anything wrong and did not deserve to die.

Not having the ability to love did not mean that Lin Dan had lost all human values. She knew the importance of repaying kindness as well as the need to take revenge. She could disregard some of the Eastern Holy Sect members but there were people whom she could not leave alone.

He Chongling was dead, but a stronger and more vicious leader had emerged from the Demonic Sect. This was why the four elders had no intention of letting Lin Dan off, as they believe a bloodshed was inevitable once she recovered her strength. The words that were said were just lies to delude others. They were not afraid of the Demonic Sect, but if they could create internal strife within the sect, it would reduce casualties and trouble for the orthodox sects. They believed it was worth doing so.

"Kill her!" The four elders raised their hands and commanded indifferently. But in the next moment, their eyes widened, as if they had seen a strange creature.

Bai Yan who was hiding in the crowd nodded his head without anyone noticing. The four elders who were hesitating immediately ordered firmly, "Kill her and no mercy! ”

The Eastern Holy Sect members who thought they could escape from death suddenly gasped. Some of them chided the members of the orthodox sects and called them hypocrites, some fled in panic, while others drew their swords and put up a tough fight. Lin Dan had not stepped out of the line and had also been guarding the boundary she had set for herself. She was not mad at these people who did not keep their promise, neither was she afraid of being surrounded by the hundreds of martial experts.

She longed to kill but she was also suppressing that killing desire. She never took the initiative to fight but as long as someone had crossed the line, she would raise the sword and slash them into half. Her moves were simple and nothing fancy. She would either cut or chop them up but her sword aura was filled with immense energy. A small cut could explode and create a bloody wound on the body.

Countless Superior-rate Masters attacked her but they were all turned into bloodied bodies by her raging qi. However, if they had retreated and stayed behind the line, she would let them off. She guarded that line and had never crossed it.

Gradually, these masters from the orthodox sects were getting fearful. They stayed away from the line that was drawn across the mountain gate and dared not cross the boundary.

Lin Dan could finally shake off the blood on the blade and released a foul aura. She stood firmly against the line and had never moved an inch even after a fierce battle. What did this say? It meant that she still had energy to spare while dealing with these top masters, and her level may be far beyond everyone's imagination.

Lin Dan had a satisfying killing spree. The excruciating pain in her heart and bones had already gone, there was pure madness and joy that was filling her mind. Even so, she had never wavered. Anyone who had crossed the line would die and anyone who did not would live. She knew what she was doing. She was already deep in the abyss but she would escape using her bare hands to see light at the end of the tunnel.

During the killing spree, she discovered yet another terrible secret – the more her blade drew blood, the more powerful she got. She only needed to kill a few people to achieve a level that would take decades for the others to achieve. This Asura Sword Technique was undoubtedly a powerful technique, but it was also a dark technique that could harm others and the practitioners themselves. Lin Dan had no other way – not learning the technique or destroying her skills would kill her either way. She had no choice but to continue on this path.

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