The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 45: Second To None (7)

Lin Dan felt like a death row prisoner while Bai Yan was the prison warden responsible for watching her. But she had always shown a good attitude, waving her hand, she said that she was fine. Once Bai Yan saw that she was indeed fine, he poured himself a cup of wine and started sipping it.

They returned to their rooms after the meal. Bai Yan asked for the room next to Lin Dan's so that he could watch her and detect any suspicious movement from her. Lin Dan did not mind it at all and began her meditation after taking a bath. As she was always suffering from the immense pain in her body, she could only meditate as there was no way she could sleep at all. Fortunately, for someone who was already at this level, sleeping was not necessary anymore. She would be able to regain her energy only by meditating two hours a day.

After she entered the meditation stance, Bai Yan walked to the window, seemingly looking into the distance but was actually concentrating on sensing the movement next door. Hearing that her breathing was becoming shallower and slower before completely disappearing, he knew that she had entered the Turtle's Breath, which was the highest state of meditation. This could only be achieved by an enlightened monk or someone with a particularly clear mind.

Since Lin Dan was suffering from the excruciating pain all the time, how was she able to completely ignore the pain and enter the realm of non-self? Bai Yan frowned his brows tightly and seemingly confused at Lin Dan's behavior. But in an instant, a solemn expression crept on his face as he jumped out of the window and stood outside Lin Dan's window while standing on a piece of leaf, looking all stunned.

Yet, contrary to what he had imagined, Lin Dan did not feign her meditation stance and leave the inn to kill. She was still sitting on the couch with both hands in a mundra, hovering above her knees. Her eyes were tightly shut, her expression was peaceful, and she had completely entered the non-self state. The Asura Sword was also placed on her lap and was faintly glowing in red.

There was only one knife and one woman in the room and nothing was happening.

Bai Yan stiffened for a moment before feeling slightly embarrassed. This was the first time he made a wrong move and misunderstood someone, this was… He shooked his head and laughed at himself. He sat down on the tree trunk and started to meditate together with Lin Dan just a distance apart.

But what happened earlier kept flashing in his mind that he was unable to enter a meditative state as quickly as he would have been usually. Lin Dan crushing He Chongling's heart with her sword, fighting against hundreds of enemies, and keeping to her boundaries religiously… Her resolute expression and unyielding but clear eyes were lingering in Bai Yan's mind.

He could not believe that this was the legendary Asura Sword successor. She did not lose her mind, neither did she go on a killing spree. She behaved similarly to any ordinary person. If it were Bai Yan himself, he was uncertain whether he could control himself like she did. The endless pain of a thousand slashes – the thought of it could send chills down one's spine. But killing could make himself feel better, Bai Yan thought he probably would not only kill the enemies, he probably would kill everyone on the land of the Eastern Tang.

He had already attained one of the highest levels, but even with such immense power, he could not tell for sure that he could do better than Lin Dan. Lin Dan's heart was probably firmer and tougher than he thought, but he wondered how long could she restrain herself.

At the thought of this, Bai Yan opened his eyes and looked at Lin Dan. Seeing her peaceful-looking face, he found himself giving her a look of admiration.

The next day, Lin Dan casually ate some breakfast before leaving the inn with her sword. Since she was alone and homeless, she had nowhere to go but wander around. Did it matter if she was suffering from the tormenting pain? She refused to lose her humanity and kill just to relieve herself from the pain. Would she still be the same if she had lost her humanity?

Bai Yan followed her while keeping a distance. He saw that she was merely walking and exploring around. At times, she would even pick up some interesting items and study them. She was like a little girl who had rarely left home and was unfamiliar with the world. He could not help but chuckled. Lin Dan was only 17 years old and was only one year younger than his disciple He Yufei, but she had already experienced the harsh reality of the world.

If one had not gone through the darkest despair and deepest sorrow, would they become a heartless and vicious person? Yet, Lin Dan did. She had to become that person… At the thought of this, the smile on his face slowly faded and his indifferent heart was aching slightly.

At this moment, there was a commotion at the pharmacy along the street where a young man was thrown out by two strong men. He turned around and struggled to climb up the steps before shouting mournfully, "Please, just give me one! I really could not find that guiding herb and people have moved away. The Timeless City is secluded and surrounded by wilderness…"

Lin Dan put down the tiger doll in her hand and walked towards the young man, with a solemn look on her face. If the man did not mention it, she would not notice that the Timeless City was indeed a secluded place. She did not even see any small village while she was on her way here. Typically, small towns were built around big cities because humans were social animals who tend to live close by. Even though the Timeless City covered a vast area and was a bustling city, it was like an island that had no inhabitants within a radius of thousands of miles. It was strange, indeed.

Besides, what's a "guiding herb"? As she wondered, she was stunned to find that the young man's black hair was quickly turning grey. In the blink of an eye, it was completely snow-white and he took his last breath while lying on the ground. With a closer look at his exposed skin, she noticed that it was full of wrinkles and spots, like an old man in his seventies or eighties.

When Lin Dan wanted to go closer and find out more, a line of officers came up and carried the man's body away. The onlookers were not at all horrified but were gloating over his death, "Look, that's the consequence for not finding the guiding herb! Let's work harder and go somewhere further to look for it. If we can't fulfill the Lord's task, we won't be able to get the medicine. ”

Lin Dan silently took note of what they said and walked away. When she returned to the inn, the friendly waiter had already prepared lunch for her and recommended her to explore the East side. He said it was the most prosperous area of the Timeless City, where taverns and restaurants were common and were a crowded and lively place to visit.

Lin Dan nodded indifferently. She rested a while after finishing her lunch and left for the East City. When she was about to step out of the inn, she saw He Yufei running towards her and shouted while panting, "Master, I finally found you!”

Lin Dan stepped aside so that she could run towards Bai Yan. The two people that the original owner of this body loved and hated the most were now beside her, but they did not matter to her. However, she noticed that people were throwing weird looks at He Yufei, as though she was something they desired. It was the same when they looked at her, but they restrained themselves because of the huge sword she carried.

Lin Dan's eyes dimmed but she hid her expression before walking towards the East City.

Since that day, He Yufei did her best to catch up with both of them she was still too slow for them. When she had finally arrived in the Timeless City, she was so exhausted that she could even hardly stand. She clung to Bai Yan and grumbled in a sweet and lovely voice, "Master, why did you leave me alone! This is so upsetting!" She whined in an adorable manner.

Bai Yan lowered his eyes to look at her and said sternly, "This is a dangerous place, you better leave now. ”

"What danger? Where is it?" He Yufei cheekily looked around with her pair of lively eyes.

"Fine, do what you want." Seeing that Lin Dan was going farther, Bai Yan had no choice but to leave He Yufei behind.

The East City was indeed a bustling place. The streets were so crowded that people were rubbing shoulders as they walked. There were also sounds of yelling, singing, and noise which created a scene of prosperity. Lin Dan walked into the crowd with a pair of cold eyes and an indifferent look. She observed the surrounding people and scene before noticing something strange. There were no elderly or children. Although there were a handful of women, most were young men walking on the streets. Most of them looked curious and were obviously non-local which looked strange to her.

Bai Yan slightly frowned as he walked slowly.

He Yufei, in comparison, was oblivious to the surroundings. She found everything around her interesting and kept pulling Bai Yan from stalls to stalls and begged him to buy her some exquisite and small items. Bai Yan had no choice but to make the purchase but his eyes had never left Lin Dan. He knew this city was strange, but it was more important to watch Lin Dan and everything else had to be put aside for now.

He caught a glimpse that Lin Dan was walking into a fabric shop and quickly pushed He Yufei into the shop as well. “Go and pick yourself some clothes,” he said.

He Yufei thought he wanted to buy her some clothes and was even more delighted. She quickly agreed and entered the shop. He Yufei was afraid when she saw Lin Dan who was also picking some clothes in the shop. But she knew that there must be a reason why her master was following her and did not think too much into it.

"Lin Dan, do you need my help?" She mustered up the courage and asked.

"No." Lin Dan took a black dress and entered the fitting room.

The shopkeeper gave Bai Yan a cup of tea and picked a few beautiful dresses for He Yufei before getting her into another fitting room. They were in the largest fabric shop in the East City that only sold fancy ladieswear and were not interested in selling menswear.

Lin Dan stared at the nice-smelling black dress and raised her brow. Meanwhile, He Yufei was happily spreading out her dress and was ready to get changed, but she fainted in the next moment. Hearing that He Yufei had collapsed, Lin Dan also began her act by passing out as well. In thirty minutes, Lin Dan sensed that He Yufei came round and opened her eyes as well. They found themselves being locked in a dungeon that was filled with a horrible stench. There were also intermittent sounds of crying that made the place feel even more terrifying.

"Where is this? Where's my master?" He Yufei rubbed her temples that were hurting badly before crying in shock, "M-My fighting skills are gone! What did you do to me? ”

"Shut up. Since you're already in Timeless City, you don't need to fight anymore, you only need to have babies with us, hahaha…" Two fighters in black attire walked to the prison gate with a torch in their hand. By the light of the torch, He Yufei finally saw the scene in the dungeon.

There were many rows of prison cells like hers and each cell was holding three or four women. Their eyes were lifeless and their limbs were soft. Some of them were weeping softly while others were groaning in pain. One of them was also pregnant and no one knew for sure whether she was dead or alive.

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