The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 65: The God of War (11)

That night, not only was Lin Dan not sent away, she had her own tent. Although she was a woman, no one in the military camp dared to offend her. It was not because of her stature but because of her kung fu. Lin Qing came over with a suit of armor and said embarrassedly, "Sis, I have never known that you are so skilled in fighting. If I could be as great as you, I wouldn't have watched grandfather and others killed. It's all my fault… "

Lin Dan frowned and asked, "Why are you crying? Tears are the most useless thing on the battlefield. Even if you ran out of blood, never shed a tear.

Lin Qing quickly wiped his tears away and stammered, "Okay. This will be the very last time I show my weakness. Sis, I will definitely avenge grandfather and others! You have won Xue Zhao and can be the chief commander, but why did you give up the position to Li Xian? Did you know that if it weren't for saving him, grandfather wouldn't have been trapped in the enemy lines and died tragically? 

Lin Dan put on her armor one by one and said in a very calm tone, "Isn't the reason that you're standing here alive were traded by the lives of many of soldiers? So as their family members, should they hate you? "

To protect the last son of the Lin family, many soldiers and generals risked their lives to save Lin Dan and finally get him back from the enemy lines. Thinking of those who had sacrificed their lives and those family members who were left behind alone. At that moment, Lin Qing was speechless.

"Everyone is willing to sacrifice themselves to save you, which is the same kind of love and righteousness that grandfather is willing to sacrifice himself to save Li Xian. They were similar kinds of willingness. In the military, comrade-in-arms are our family members. It's natural for them to support and help each other, so why should we hate each other?" Lin Dan looked at Lin Qing with a straight face and pointed out, "You don't hate them, but yourself. You're incapable and can't save anyone, am I right? If you're still chasing a dead end, you will be distracted on the battlefield. In the end, there will be more soldiers' lives being sacrificed to save you. Lin Qing, your family name is Lin. Is that mean your life is more precious than others? If you keep thinking about this, tomorrow you would rather just stay in the military camp and don't go anywhere. 

Lin Qing couldn't raise his head after being lectured by his sister. His heart was filled with grief and resentment. Gradually, he calmed himself and became relieved and firm.

"Sis, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have vented my anger on anyone." He sobbed.

"It's not a big deal if you can correct your mistakes. Battlefield is cruel, so you have to take care of yourself and don't get yourself distracted. I will take you and father back to the capital." Lin Dan said thoughtfully, "Don't expect me to compete with Li Xian for the throne. I'm a woman, and I don't have any experience in battle. Even if I build up some prestige, the soldiers will still hesitate to fully trust me. If I were to be the commander in chief, they would feel indefinite, and it would be difficult to boost their spirit. Li Xian is their comrade-in-arms, he fought side by side with them, risking his life, and his capability has already been acknowledged by them, so he is more suitable for that position than me. Do you understand? 

"I understand. I will listen to you." Lin Qing repeatedly nodded with respect. He didn't realize that his once alienated and disdained sister had now become his backbone.

Li Xian was standing outside the tent with a complicated expression on his face. A moment later, he quietly left and did not enter. He actually planned to have a good talk with Lin Dan to resolve their conflict, but now he felt unnecessary. He found that Lin Dan was a broad-minded person. She could understand everything and didn't need others to give her advice. Her appearance was like a piece of floating wood. Li Xian, who was on the verge of death, obtained support and felt exceptionally safe.

Ding Mujie didn't sleep well that night. He kept dreaming about Lin Qian's face. Sometimes it was her in the previous life, and sometimes it was her in this life. After a short while, the blurry scene suddenly became clear. The two of them looked at each other through a door. Outside the door was the vast sky, and inside the door was the cramped darkness. He gritted his teeth and said, "I'm protecting you. Why don't you understand? What can you do at the frontier?"

Lin Dan, who was inside the door, said firmly, "What can I do? I would rather fight to the death on and die on the battlefield, which is better than dying in your backyard."

Her stern face was broken into pieces in the darkness. Ding Mujie was shocked and hurriedly reached out to ask her to stay. He woke up from his dream. He felt his head was in severe pain. On the other hand, he felt his heart was as painful as being stabbed by a knife. It was the last time he had seen Lin Dan in his previous life. He always thought that Lin Dan's words were just spoken out in anger and couldn't be taken seriously. Until now, he found that she had never lied. She could fight on the battlefield and had the determination to die on the battlefield. On the contrary, he looked at her with paranoia and judged her with narrow thoughts, which was ridiculous and despicable!

Ding Mujie sat on the bed and lost in thought for a long time. He suddenly heard the army's horns, which reminded him that Lin Dan was going to the battlefield today. He ran out in a hurry, only to find that the military was already out. Lin Dan rode her horse and galloped to the front line. Not to mention informing him, she didn't even look back.

But he stood there and stared at her back. He only came to sense when his warm tears flowed down from his eyes.

The two armies were confronting each other on a plain. Without hearing the sound of the drum, they all stayed still.

Mo Li stood among the troops and shouted loudly, "Lin Qing is here? Come out and have a look. I've brought your father with me!" With a wave of his hand, a frame was erected next to him. A few soldiers shook the wheels and slowly hoisted a man who was covered in blood.

After recognizing the man's face clearly, Lin Dan called his father sadly. He was about to bash up with his horse but was stopped by Lin Dan in time. She stepped out of the crowd and called upon Mo Li, trying to goad him to fight with her alone so that she could capture him alive in exchange for Lin Tie.

However, Mo Li was not fooled. He glanced at Xue Zhao and sneered, "My lady, don't play such a trick in front of me. I never underestimate women, especially women who can stand out in the army of the Wei Kingdom. The Wei Kingdom was unlike us, who never restrict women. Hu's women could be a shepherd or fight in a battle. They were all skilled. But the women of Wei can only stay at home to take care of their husbands and educate their children. They are weak and incompetent. In such a situation, a woman would appear in your army and took the position of general. How could I not be vigilant? If you're unskilled, a valiant man like Xue Zhao won't be willing to be under you. I didn't accept the challenge not because I was timid but because I'm cautious. If you want to capture me alive, I advise you not to waste your time."

After saying that, he stroked his beard and burst into laughter. His soldiers also praised him for his thoughtfulness, and he was not fooled by Lin Dan.

Although Lin Dan didn't show on her face, she secretly tightened the rein. The other generals of the Wei Kingdom also gritted their teeth and warned themselves not to show any abnormality. They had no choice. Mo Li was such a brave and resourceful man, and it was not easy to deceive him.

After laughing, Mo Li ordered someone to pour a bucket of ice water on the head of Lin Tie. When he awoke, he pointed at Lin Qing and Lin Dan and said, "My old friend, Lin Tie, look. Your son and daughter are all here. Today I will let your family reunion." As soon as he finished talking, several soldiers turned the wheels and hoisted the dead bodies of the Lin family one after another on the rack.

In the war the other day, the dead bodies of the Lin family's men were trapped in the enemy line and could not be saved back. Lin Qing thought that no matter how vicious Mo Li was, he would burn the corpse and scatter the ashes. He didn't expect that he would bring them to the front of the battlefield and hoist them on the rack to humiliate the Lin clan, which was more devastating to everyone's morale. Although the senior commander Lin had been dead for many days, his eyes were wide open, as if he died with regret. The other men of the Lin clan were also covered in blood and were miserable to look at.

The soldiers of the Wei Kingdom looked up at these corpses, their eyes red and their minds in a mess. Some shouted for the chief commander; some called out for their comrade-in-arms; some choked with sobs.

That was precisely Mo Li's intention. He jumped onto the rack and gave a punch on Lin Tie's face. He smashed all his teeth and laughed, "I've told you before that all the soldiers of the Wei clan are toothless tigers, which not a threat!"

Lin Tie was fully awake and shouted hysterically, "What are you doing, Lin Qing? Just shoot me to death! 

He had already been tortured to an inhuman state. Every bone in his body had been broken, and the tendons on his limbs had been torn. He was already a useless person. Even if he was saved, his life would be more miserable than death. He knew what Mo Li was doing. He wanted to humiliate the Lin clan with the corpses of the Lin family, tempted to break their backbone, deject their fighting spirit, and forge his reputation with hundreds of thousands of blood of the comrade-in-arms.

This tactic was made up by Mo Li alone, but it was very effective. Lin Tie known it as psychological warfare. If he and other dead bodies of Lin clan's men hoisted on the rack today, the Lin clam's army would not have the fighting spirit. Those corpses were like the calling of death, making them terrified and absent-minded. Unless they could burn the bodies with their own hands and vent their anger and cruelty that had been suppressed within them, or else they would definitely lose the war.

At the thought of this, Lin Tie shouted even more pitifully, "Do you hear me, Lin Qing? Quickly kill me! I would rather die than be humiliated by the Huns!" If his death could arouse the fighting spirit of millions of troops, then why should he be afraid?

Lin Qing shook his head, and his eyes turned red. How could he kill his father? He couldn't do it at all!

Lin Tie couldn't help but call Li Xian. Li Xian aimed his arrow and then put them down. After a short while, he aimed at him again, and he put down again. After repeating it a few times, he was on the verge of a breakdown and was about to fall from the horse. Lin Tie was not someone else but his mentor. How could he kill him?

Lin Tie's intention was to arouse the cruelty and anger of the Lin clan's army and use his own death to unleash the weight they were shouldering, but he did not expect that his shout would make them fall deeper into despair. The already dispirited soldiers felt even more despair, and the battle had been defeated before it began. Some of the central army led by Xue Zhao was in a panic. The unit was scattered, and the soldiers retreated, which seemed to want to escape.

Lin Tie was so angry that he vomited blood, while Mo Li laughed and said, "Hahaha, I know you Wei people are just a group of cowards! Men, today we will kill the Lin clan and use their blood to forge for Da Hu's greatness!"

"Da Hu will definitely win, and the Wei Kingdom will be destroyed!" Da Hu will definitely win, and the Wei Kingdom will be destroyed!"  Hundreds of thousands of Huns' men shouted at the same time. Their voice was so thunderous, which forced the Wei * * clan to retreat for several dozen feet.

Ding Mujie, who was standing on the high hill and watching the battle, his face paled. He knew that this time, he was still unable to change the outcome. However, the woman who should have died from depression was now on the battlefield. He wanted to stop her, and he wanted her to live on. But, if her wish was to fight and die on the battlefield, he would not go against her will even if he felt heartbroken.

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