The Female Taoist Priestess's Childhood Sweetheart Is a Male CEO

Chapter 50: Jane Agrees to join the Secret Service.

Chapter 50

He told Jian Xi about many of the benefits of joining the official organization, but there was no confidence in his tone as he spoke. After all, she was He Qingchen's younger sister, and He Qingchen was a very important figure who currently held power in the He family. Like what Shi Fan said, their little welfare benefits probably wouldn't even be enough for the He family to buy a single bag!

But there was nothing that could be done about it. He could only tell her everything upfront, which might give him a glimmer of hope, whereas if he didn't say anything, there would be no hope at all.

But these were just his thoughts, not Jian Xi's.

As Wang Jian'an spoke, Jian Xi listened attentively without interrupting him. Only after he had finished did she speak up, "Director Wang, my brother has already given me a general overview of this matter, but my situation is a bit special. Let me ask if your department can accept it or not. If you can, I'll join. If you can't, then I'm afraid we're not fated to work together!"

When Wang Jian'an heard this, he thought there was hope! He immediately responded, "Please go ahead, Miss Jian."

"First, I still have my own things to do and can't sit in the office all day. But as long as there are 'cases,' I will definitely show up on the scene and handle things together with everyone. Second, I have an unusual destiny pattern and extremely low innate fortune. As for salary and benefits and so on, could you... set them aside for the time being until the day comes when I break this fortune pattern, then give them to me?" Jian Xi said somewhat awkwardly, then quietly awaited Wang Jian'an's response.

Wang Jian'an fell silent on the phone. Jian Xi felt a flash of disappointment, but it passed instantly. After a moment, just as she was about to speak up and say forget it if it won't work, Wang Jian'an asked, "Nothing else?"

Jian Xi was startled. "No, that's it, just those two things."

Wang Jian'an felt the pleasant surprise had come too fast. In an instant, he stood up from his chair, "No problem. Both of those things are easy to handle. As long as you agree to join, nothing else matters!"

"Alright then. Director Wang, as long as you feel those two conditions pose no problems, then I agree to join the Special Security Bureau," said Jian Xi.

"Great, great! Um, Miss Jian, I'll need to use your ID documents to process your onboarding. You'll also need to come to the office once. I'll arrange a consultant position for you which happens to align with the first condition you mentioned, and it's also an official establishment position with the same benefits and welfare and such." Wang Jian'an assured her.

Jian Xi glanced at the time on her phone. "In that case, can you give me the address? I can head over now. Otherwise I'd have to wait until tomorrow afternoon to complete my onboarding procedures, since I still have divination appointments scheduled for tomorrow morning."

She had barely finished speaking when Wang Jian'an fell briefly silent on the phone. Then, in an excited tone, he asked, "You can do divination as well? Fortune-telling or destiny reading?"

Although he had not yet witnessed Jian Xi's abilities firsthand, just the fact that she could subdue a centuries-old fierce ghost within seconds was already incredible to him! Add to that the fact that Nie Xiujin mentioned this young lady could also do Chinese medicine and acupuncture. And now she was saying she could divine as well? He felt like he had picked up an incredible treasure!

The next words out of Jian Xi's mouth made Wang Jian'an almost want to jump for joy on the spot:

She replied plainly, "I know a little bit about both fortune-telling and destiny reading."

Jian Xi wasn't bragging. In truth, she and He Qingchen had simply never encountered other metaphysicians, so she assumed what little she knew was basic knowledge to others in the field. Just like with her senior brothers Zhang Luoyu who specialized in arrays but also knew some simple talismans and seals, and Ye Ze who specialized in talismans and seals yet still grasped feng shui, destiny reading and more.

Moreover, her thinking was quite simple—Director Wang had risen to become the director of the Special Security Bureau, so he must be exceptionally capable. She shouldn't flaunt herself in front of him!

"Wonderful, wonderful! In that case Miss Jian, please feel free to head straight over if it's convenient. Onboarding in our department is much less cumbersome than in other departments. We can finish within half an hour!" He had to hurry up and bring such a talented person on board so he could rest assured. Otherwise he certainly wouldn't sleep well tonight!

Jian Xi asked, "Alright, I'll head over now then. Do you need me to provide anything?"

Wang Jian'an quickly answered, "Just your ID card, nothing else!"

"Okay then. Let me add you as a friend, Director Wang, then you can send me the location of the Special Security Bureau," said Jian Xi.

The call ended, and the Bureau's address was instantly messaged over after Jian Xi added Wang Jian'an.

A smile spread across Jian Xi's face as she bounded happily to He Qingchen's study.

She knocked a few times then immediately let herself in.

He Qingchen was looking over some contracts that required his signature. Hearing the rhythmic knocks at the door, he knew she must have gotten her wish, as she always knocked cheerfully when happy.

She had loved the police profession since she was little, so a metaphysical police department should still count as a kind of police. She must be thrilled!

As expected, no one understood Jian Xi better than He Qingchen. The moment she opened the door, she excitedly declared, "Brother, Director Wang agreed! He asked me to go over and complete my onboarding procedures. Can you give me a ride over?"

"Let's go." He Qingchen set the contracts down and stood up to head out of the study.

Jian Xi skipped along behind him, chattering about needing to schedule driving lessons soon, otherwise having the chauffeur shuttle her around all the time would be inconvenient.

"If you want lessons, tell Xu Yan tomorrow to sign you up at a driving school," said He Qingchen.

Jian Xi felt that would work. She learned quickly, so in the mornings after finishing giving divinations she could set aside a few hours every day for driving lessons. She should be able to get her license quite soon!

He Qingchen was a man of action—in the few minutes it took to get to the garage, he had already arranged the matter with Xu Yan.

Jian Xi told He Qingchen the address. He was quite surprised—he had assumed an agency like theirs would have offices in one of the government buildings. But it turned out they were based inside a little bookshop!

However, on further reflection it also seemed quite reasonable. On the government level, metaphysics was handled with a neutral position, neither actively supporting or opposing it. After all, talk of ghosts and gods if outright endorsed by the country would certainly induce panic among some of the citizenry. And it would also increase the number of scammers trying to cheat through metaphysical means!

So their department couldn't be visible to the general public. The other departments' awareness of the Special Security Bureau's existence was probably limited and fragmentary as well.

Indeed, He Qingchen was brilliant. From nothing more than an address, he had completely guessed the circumstances of the Special Security Bureau.

An hour later, He Qingchen's car stopped outside a bookshop in front of B University. The two got out and directly entered the store.

The staff member on duty today was Tang Xingyou, the only woman on their Bureau's roster—though now there would be two with Jian Xi's imminent induction.

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