The Female Taoist Priestess's Childhood Sweetheart Is a Male CEO

Chapter 78: Second Brother Ye Ze

Chapter 78

The two chatted for a while, and soon people started arriving one after another. He Xiaoning came quite early, and Tang Xingyou and Jian Xi had secured seats for them, so six of the eight front row seats were occupied by B City and J City.

Besides He Xiaoning and Yang Tian, J City also had another man named Gong Da, whom Tang Xingyou and Jian Xi introduced as the deputy squad leader of J City's Special Security Bureau.

The remaining two seats were taken by two female Metaphysics Masters. Jian Xi glanced back and saw that basically all the female Metaphysics Masters were gathered in the front rows, as there weren't many of them.

The exchange session was about to begin, and the seats were filled. Those attending the exchange session from twenty cities, sixty people in total, were all present and seated, waiting for the judges to enter.

The side door of the venue opened, and five people in formal attire walked in. Their ages varied, with one of them having white hair. Jian Xi looked over and saw that the one walking at the back was her Second Senior Brother whom she hadn't seen for several months.

However, this was the first time she had seen her Second Senior Brother dressed so formally, and he did look quite handsome!

Suddenly, there was an outburst of shrill cries around her, "God Ye! God Ye!"

This gave Jian Xi quite a fright, as Tang Xingyou had also shouted out loud.

The venue was quite large, and the words "God Ye" echoed for a long time. Jian Xi thought she had mistakenly entered some fan event!

Looking at her Second Senior Brother, his expression was calm, as if he was used to this.

Realizing this possibility, Jian Xi suppressed a laugh, her shoulders shaking.

Her Second Senior Brother usually had a poker face, rarely showing any excessive expressions, but his inner world was quite rich. He must have been drumming in his heart every time he encountered such a scene!

Indeed, her Second Senior Brother had a mild case of social anxiety disorder. You read that right - the current Chairman of the Metaphysics Association, a Level-7 Metaphysics Master, outwardly calm and composed, was actually just pretending to be indifferent, using an expressionless facade to conceal his inner nervousness.

The five judges took their seats, and Ye Ze was organizing his speech notes, head lowered without looking down or responding to the cries of "God Ye."

It wasn't until someone beside him reminded him that it was time for his speech that he lifted his gaze and scanned the audience below.

Suddenly, his gaze froze, and his pupils dilated, an expression of delighted surprise on his face. He subconsciously started to stand up, but Jian Xi lightly shook her head.

Come on, this was a formal occasion, not the time for a "reunion."

Receiving Jian Xi's signal, Ye Ze sat back down after raising himself slightly, his lips unconsciously curling into a smile.

Little did he know that this smile of his made the girls below gasp in surprise.

God Ye smiled?!

Tang Xingyou excitedly grabbed Jian Xi's arm, saying in an excited tone, "Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi, am I seeing things, or did God Ye smile?"

Jian Xi found it amusing. "Yes, he smiled."

"Oh my god, is the sun rising from the west now? I haven't seen God Ye smile since I met him. This is a treat today!"

Jian Xi patted the hand gripping her tightly. "Calm down, calm down." Looking at Tang Xingyou's flushed face, she was afraid she might faint from the excitement!

Ye Ze's voice rang out, the official opening speech as formulaic as ever, but his pace was much faster than in previous years, as if he wanted to finish the two-page speech in one breath.

Ten minutes later, Ye Ze concluded his speech, saying, "Next, please get ready everyone, we will begin this year's evaluation."

He went down, and the next task was for others to handle.

Everyone stood up, and the staff in the venue cleared the area where Jian Xi and the others had been sitting, then brought in many tables. The first Taoist Boxing Techniques evaluation would begin in half an hour.

During this time, many of the participants began stretching their muscles. Jian Xi had registered for all events, so she would also be participating.

There were ten people in total participating in this event, all men except for Jian Xi, the only woman. Opponents were randomly assigned by the computer, so no one knew who they would be facing until it was time to take the stage.

Ye Ze said something to the people beside him on the judges' panel and then came down from the stage, heading straight towards Jian Xi.

Jian Xi was stretching, as she hadn't practiced her martial arts since disciplining Yan Sen after coming down the mountain.

She didn't notice Ye Ze approaching, but Tang Xingyou behind her did. "Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi, God Ye is coming over, it seems he's walking towards us."

The noisy chatter around them quieted down a bit.

Jian Xi turned around, her large eyes curving into a smile as she called out, "Second Senior Brother!"

Ye Ze came over and ruffled Jian Xi's hair. "Jian Xiaoxi, you're quite something, coming to the exchange session without even telling me in advance? You said in the group yesterday that you were waiting for me to return and see you, but you were already here then, weren't you?"

Jian Xi swatted away Ye Ze's hand from her head. "Why does everyone like ruffling my hair! I just wanted to surprise you. How was the effect?"

"Heh, I indeed didn't expect it." Ye Ze smiled and said. By Jian Xi's side, he exuded a relaxed demeanor. "By the way, have you joined the Special Security Bureau now?"

Jian Xi shrugged. "Isn't it obvious? An advisor for B City's Special Security Bureau."

Ye Ze pursed his lips. "He Qingchen really spoils you. Why don't you come to the Metaphysics Association instead? I'll give you the position of Chairman, how about that?"

Snapping out of her daze, Tang Xingyou instinctively shielded Jian Xi, giving Ye Ze a hostile look. "God Ye, you can't poach her!"

Seeing her cute reaction, Jian Xi burst out laughing. It was only then that Tang Xingyou realized her behavior might have been inappropriate, her face turning red with embarrassment as she shrank back.

Ye Ze was taken aback by Tang Xingyou's sudden outburst, glancing at the retreating figure. He didn't say anything further, thinking to himself that this woman seemed a bit... silly?

"Second Senior Brother, you can stay as the Chairman. I won't take it. I came this time to bring glory to our Bureau!" Jian Xi said with a smile.

Ye Ze's lips twitched. "Then take it easy, at least leave a couple of first prizes for the other cities."

"But I've registered for every event. Can I still change it now? Or should I just forfeit two events?" Jian Xi asked seriously.

Ye Ze: "......"

He flicked her head and said helplessly, "Never mind, just do whatever makes you happy."

Jian Xi glared at him while rubbing her head. Why did everyone have a problem with her head?!

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