The fifth personality, the nightmare starts with a dual identity

Chapter 29 Mirror World

Xu Feng was stunned for a moment and looked around before realizing there was a camera nearby.

The camera projected a screen of light, but Xu Feng had never seen the image on the screen.

Xu Feng frowned slightly, remembering the photos he saw at the manor before.

The supervisor's skills are indeed related to the camera, but the specific effect is not yet known.

Yu Huaxiong's voice sounded on the channel, "What happened with the sound just now? How are you? Is anyone injured?"

Lu Weidao said, "No, the supervisor's voice has disappeared. I don't know if he is gone."

After hearing what Lu Wei said, Xu Feng hurriedly opened the map.

But after reading all the content, I found that there were only a few survivors on the map, and the supervisors had disappeared inexplicably.

Yu Huaxiong's voice sounded at the right time and said, "Xu Feng, right? Didn't you just say that you drove to the map? Look at the location of the supervisor."

Xu Feng's voice was a little helpless as he said, "There's nothing on the map..."

Yu Huaxiong paused and said angrily, "How could it be possible? Do you think I haven't opened the map in the official venue?"

Xu Feng was a little helpless, but considering the loss of the map, he did not open the map again to confirm.

Because the supervisor's location has indeed not been seen before, which means that either the supervisor has a way to avoid the map record, or else, he is not in the current plane.

Xu Feng subconsciously looked at the light curtain projected by the camera. Such props should be found everywhere.

After hesitating for a moment, Xu Feng walked over and tentatively penetrated the light screen with his palm. Sure enough, his entire hand disappeared.

Xu Feng understood in his heart that it was exactly what he had guessed.

Suo Xing's whole body passed through the light curtain. Since the supervisor is not in the real plane, he is almost certainly in this space behind the light curtain, let's call it the mirror space.

What I originally wanted was to enter the mirror world and then open the map to determine the location of the regulator.

But as soon as the exchange was completed, a huge heartbeat sounded, and the regulator was suddenly nearby.

Xu Feng's back felt cold, and he left his current location as if running away. There was a wooden house next to him. Without thinking, he took a photo of the door panel.

Fortunately, the effect of the mirror world was the same as reality. Xu Feng's heart almost jumped out of his chest when he looked at the supervisor close at hand through the baffle.

The supervisor in front of him was equally noble, but compared to Jack, he was completely different.

Jack was aloof, but the supervisor in front of him was more like a noble.

She has long snow-white fluffy hair, sapphire-like eyes, and a wicked smile hanging on the corner of her mouth.

With the exquisite noble clothes and the noble sword in his hand, he doesn't look like a bad guy.

But while Xu Feng was stunned, the supervisor had already struck the board blocking the road with his sword.

Only then did Xu Feng think of running away. The appearance of the supervisor was too deceptive. If he encountered him in a novice game, Xu Feng would probably run to the supervisor to seek shelter.

Somewhat lucky and a little scared, Xu Feng finally distanced himself some distance.

The supervisor followed closely behind, but Xu Feng had the skill effect of climbing acceleration and directly pulled out enough distance.

Before the regulator caught up, Xu Feng had already found another light curtain leaving the mirror world.

The figure disappeared instantly, and by the time the supervisor caught up and passed through the light curtain, Xu Feng had disappeared.

The supervisor frowned slightly, but didn't pay attention.

He retreated into the mirror world again and walked towards the place where he met Xu Feng before.

On the other side, Xu Feng was sure that he had escaped from the regulator and hid behind an obstacle.

So far, no new generators have completed the restoration.

Xu Feng hurriedly reminded, "Be careful of the light curtain around you. The back leads to a mirror world, and the supervisor is inside. The light curtain is the passage, and you can travel between the two worlds."

There was silence in the channel for a moment, and Yu Huaxiong's voice rang out, "I feel something is wrong. Get rid of the supervisor quickly. It's still early. If you are caught by the supervisor, I am not in the mood to save you."

Xu Feng didn't pay attention and had already been mentally prepared.

What's more, since the supervisor is not behind you, you don't have to worry about any problems.

Just when he was about to remind Lu Wei a few words on the channel, he suddenly felt heart palpitations.

The real world and the mirror world overlapped, and Xu Feng found that he was still repairing the generator.

The feeling of heart palpitations came from the supervisor's stab at himself in the mirror world. No blood flew out, but Xu Feng could clearly feel that he was missing something.

Then came the second blow, and Xu Feng in the mirror world fell to the ground instantly.

Just when Xu Feng was shocked by this change, a new sound of taking pictures sounded, and various complex feelings piled up. Xu Feng suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood out of thin air, as if he had received a blow from the regulator.

You can feel that your body is getting weaker. If you encounter the supervisor again next time, you will definitely be knocked to the ground.

It is probably the supervisor's skills that are at work.

Preliminary estimates suggest that half of the damage from the mirror world will appear on the main body.

It took some time to gain some inner peace.

Before Xu Feng could speak, someone else's voice sounded on the channel, "What's going on? My generator has regressed by half of its progress. It's almost repaired."

Yu Huaxiong's voice was a little angry.

The voices of the other two people sounded in turn, "Mine too..."

Xu Feng made a calculation in his mind and said, "Half of the damage from the mirror world will be reflected on the body, and the repair progress in the real world will also be taken away by the mirror world. The supervisor's skills probably have this effect."

The atmosphere became silent for a while, and Yu Huaxiong was a little unconvinced, "Why do you say that..."

Although he was obviously an experienced player, Xu Feng detected the effect of the supervisor's skills.

This made Yu Huaxiong feel inexplicably jealous.

But before Xu Feng could explain, Mu Yining's voice suddenly sounded on the channel.

"The supervisor appeared suddenly here..."

His voice was a little nervous, and he sounded like he was running.

Yu Huaxiong's attention was instantly attracted and he said, "Be careful and delay for some time. I will come to rescue you later..."

He ignored Xu Feng and focused on repairing the generator.

Xu Feng didn't have the time or mood to please Yu Huaxiong. He suffered damage from an attack. He originally wanted to ask Mu Yining for help in treating him, but now Mu Yining is being chased by the supervisor.

Neither Lu Wei nor Yu Huaxiong seemed to have healing skills. Xu Feng determined the location of the supervisor and Mu Yining on the map. They seemed to be on a large ship at the border of the map.

It's far enough away and safe enough.

Xu Feng temporarily put aside his concerns and focused on repairing the generator.

Soon, the first generator was lit, and you didn't need to guess to know that it was Yu Huaxiong's arrangement.

But at the same time, an electronic synthesis sound sounded, and the survivor Mu Yining was knocked down. Please judge the progress of the game by yourself and consider whether to rescue.

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